Zone | ||||
Eastmarch | ||||
Location | ||||
Southeastern Eastmarch |
The Icewind Peaks is the southeastern region of Eastmarch. It includes the towns of Wittestadr and Cragwallow on its northern border, but the south is too mountainous to be very populated. The ancient ruin of Skuldafn sits on a mountaintop to the east. The Icewind Peaks Dolmen lies roughly in the center of the region, in the hills southeast of the towns. It borders The Rift to the south. The Giant's Run region lies to the north, while Frostwater Tundra borders on the west.
- Cragwallow — A small town in eastern Eastmarch, south-southeast of Windhelm. (map)
- Jorunn's Stand — A camp in eastern Eastmarch, north of the Rift gate. (map)
- Thulvald's Logging Camp — A camp in eastern Eastmarch, east of Wittestadr. (map)
Caves, Ruins and MinesEdit
- Mzulft — A Dwemer ruin in eastern Eastmarch, east of Cragwallow. (map)
- Skuldafn — An ancient Nordic ruin on a high mountain east of Eastmarch. (map)
- The Bastard's Tomb — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, north-northeast of the Rift gate containing draugr and Stormfist soldiers. (map)
- Direfrost Keep — A group dungeon found in Eastmarch. (map)
- Stormcrag Crypt — An ancient Nordic tomb in southeastern Eastmarch, south of Jorunn's Stand containing draugr. (map)
Group BossesEdit
- Ammabani's Pride — An animal lair in Eastmarch. (map)
- Swiftblade's Camp — A camp in Eastmarch. (map)
- Icewind Peaks Dolmen — A Dark Anchor spawn point northwest of The Rift gate in southeastern Eastmarch. (map)
Mundus StonesEdit
- The Ritual — A Mundus Stone found in Malabal Tor, Alik'r Desert, Eastmarch, and Cyrodiil. (map)
Points of InterestEdit
- Bitterblade's Camp — A Stormfist Clan camp located southeast of Mzulft in eastern Eastmarch. (map)
- Cragwallow Cave — A cave located east of Cragwallow in eastern Eastmarch. (map)
- Hammerhome — A ruin in southeastern Eastmarch, northeast of the Rift gate. (map)
- Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine — Located south of Jorunn's Stand. (map)
- Logging Camp Wayshrine — Located south of Thulvald's Logging Camp. (map)
- Skuldafn Wayshrine — Located northwest of Skuldafn. (map)
Unmarked LocationsEdit
- Hfirorg Farm — A farm in southern Eastmarch, southwest of the Icewind Peaks Dolmen. (map)
Adventurer QuestsEdit
These side quests count towards the Eastmarch Adventurer achievement. For Pact storyline quests which also contribute to this achievement, please see Eastmarch Quests.
- A Dying Wish: Recover a dying man's stolen weapons.
- In Search of Kireth Vanos: Help the Vanos siblings explore Mzulft.
- Kireth's Amazing Plan: Help the Vanos siblings acquire some lost lore to present to the Mages Guild.
- Land Dispute: Find out why the forest spirits are attacking a logging camp.
- Merriment and Mystery: Join in a celebration with the Eastmarch royal workers.
- Relative Matters: Rescue a captive Nord from the Stormfists.
- Security Details: Help the sentry captain ensure the walls of Jorunn's Stand are secure.
- Torn Asunder: Recover the earthly remains of a spirit's three daughters.
There is one achievement associated with this region:
Achievement | Points | Description | |
| Skald-King's Arrow | 5 | Defeat Fildgor Orcthane at Skuldafn and earn the title of Arrow of Jorunn the Skald-King. |