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Online:Dwemer Ruins

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places

This is a list of all the Dwemer Ruins in Elder Scrolls Online. These are ancient structures built by the Dwarves, a vanished race of elves known for their technological advancement. The correlating lore article can be found here.

Daggerfall CovenantEdit

Alik'r DesertEdit

  •   Aldunz — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Alik'r Desert, east of Bergama containing Dwemer constructs. (map)
  •   Rkulftzel — A Dwemer ruin in the northern Alik'r Desert, south of Tava's Blessing. (map)
  •   Santaki — A Dwemer ruin in the western Alik'r Desert, south of Sentinel containing bandits and Dwemer constructs. (map)
  •   Volenfell — A group dungeon found in Alik'r Desert. (map)
  •   Yldzuun — A Dwemer ruin in the southeastern Alik'r Desert, southeast of Kozanset containing Imperial soldiers and Dwemer constructs. (map)


Stros M'KaiEdit

Ebonheart PactEdit



The RiftEdit

  •   Avanchnzel — A Dwemer ruin in the southern Rift, south of Honrich Tower, containing dwarven automatons. (map)





  •   Mtharnaz — A Dwemer ruin in southwestern Craglorn, near the Bangkorai Gate, inhabited by dwarven automatons and spiders. (map)
  •   Rkhardahrk — A Dwemer ruin found in central Craglorn, northeast of the Seeker's Archive. It is inhabited by dreugh and the Dusteater Tribe. (map)
  •   Rkundzelft — A Dwemer ruin in eastern Craglorn, just south of the Lake of Teeth, inhabited by dwarven automatons. (map)

Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern Edit

Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Edit

High Isle Edit

  •   Graven Deep  — A region located off the southwest coast of High Isle, accessed by ship from Amenos Station. (map)

Telvanni Peninsula Edit

  •   Kemel-Ze  — A partially underwater Dwemer ruin situated along the northwestern coast of the Fungal Lowlands. (map)

The Reach Edit

Vvardenfell Edit

  • Ald Carac — A dilapidated and overgrown Dwemer ruin turned battleground. (map)
  •   Aleft  — An inaccessible Dwemer ruin found in the Bitter Coast region of Vvardenfell, northwest of Balmora. (map)
  • Arkngthunch-Sturdumz  — A Dwemer ruin found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  • Galom Daeus  — A Dwemer ruin found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Suran. (map)
  • Gnisis Egg Mine  — A kwama egg mine found within Gnisis, in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  • Mzanchend  — A Dwemer ruin found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  •   Nchuleft  — A Dwemer ruin found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell, southwest of Vos, containing Ash Exiles and dwarven automatons. (map)
  •   Nchuleftingth  — A Dwemer ruin and public dungeon found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Suran. (map)

Western Skyrim Edit

  •   Eastern Great Lift  — An entrance to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns on the eastern edge of Western Skyrim, just northeast of the Hailstone Valley Ritual Site. (map)
  •   Hjaalmarch Great Lift  — A dwemer ruin in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Morthal. (map)
  •   Karthald Great Lift  — An entrance to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns on the western edge of Western Skyrim, just southwest of the Mor Khazgur Giant Camp. (map)

Wrothgar Edit


  • Mzeneldt — A Dwemer ruin most likely in the southeastern Dragontail Mountains of Hammerfell.
  •   Ragnthar — A Dwemer ruin that exists outside the physical reality of Nirn. (map)
  • The Earth Forge — A secret Dwemer ruin in the Druadach Mountains which is maintained by the Fighters Guild.