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Dwemer Ruin:
Stone Garden
(view on map)
ON-mapicon-Great Lift.png
Group Dungeon
Discoverable Yes
Completion Objective
Dungeon Yes
# of Zones 5
Greymoor CavernBlackreach: Greymoor Caverns
West of the Vampire Feeding Grounds
Instanced Dungeon
Min Level 45
Group Size 4
Bosses 3
Mini-Bosses 0
Veteran Speed Run Target 25 mins
Loading Screen
Loading screen
"Dwarven pipes can transport more than just steam. Water, oil, air, even molten rock in some cases. That's the beauty of Dwemer designs. Their versatility means they can be repurposed for any use. It doesn't take a genius to see that, but it helps." —Raynor Vanos
Stone Garden

Stone Garden is a group dungeon found in the Greymoor Cavern section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.

It is part of the Stonethorn dungeon pack DLC, along with Castle Thorn. The mad alchemist Arkasis operates from this location, now with increased security offered by his newly-acquired patronage from the Gray Host.

Various passive critters can be found in numbers inside, such as Shroom Beetles, Spiders, Rats, and Winter Moths.

Stone Garden

Backstory DescriptionEdit

Update 27 Patch Notes

Deep within the caverns of Blackreach lies a secret laboratory where all manner of unspeakable research is performed. Arkasis, the mad alchemist in charge, tests new concoctions and experiments on both willing and unwilling subjects. What horrors lie within his Stone Garden and what does it mean for the Dark Heart of Skyrim?

Stone Garden Dungeon Preview

Hidden within the twisting caves of Blackreach lies the secret laboratory know as Stone Garden. There, inside this age-old Dwarven complex, the mad alchemist Arkasis toils unceasingly to perfect his latest abominations … You and your team must discover the entrance to this hidden laboratory, face the mad alchemist's terrible designs, and put a stop to his vile experiments. Worry not, for you won't have to do it alone, as Gwendis of House Ravenwatch (from the ESO base game and Castle Thorn dungeon) joins you in your investigation of this ancient complex and its newest master. Indeed, you'll need all the help you can get if you are to face Arkasis's latest creations … Whatever the mad alchemist Arkasis is cooking up in his dark laboratory, it's sure to spell doom for the people of Western Skyrim. Get ready to enter the Stone Garden, battle your way through the mad alchemist's empowered minions, and put a stop to his dread experiments before it's too late!

Stonethorn Bundle Details

Deep within the halls of Blackreach, a mad alchemist feverishly perfects his devious creations. Enter the Stone Garden, uncover the dark laboratory's secrets, and put a stop to the heinous experiments at its heart.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Stone Garden Objective: Investigate Stone Garden. / You defeated Arkasis and put a stop to his experiments.
    •  Method and Madness: Disrupt the vile lycanthropic experiments being conducted deep beneath Skyrim.
  •    Pledge: Stone Garden: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Stone Garden.


Stone Garden


Dungeon MechanicsEdit

Werewolf BehemothEdit

Werewolf Behemoth transformation

This dungeon involves a mechanic whereby players can transform into Werewolf Behemoths. This effect lasts for several seconds and causes your character to become much more powerful. Your usual skill bars are locked while transformed and replaced by a unique set of skills: Vicious Bite, Rampage, Bonecrusher, Thunderous Stomp, Bestial Frenzy, and Lead The Pack.

For more information, see this page.

Alchemy BuffsEdit

Alchemy Table when usable

Throughout the dungeon, you may discover three locked side rooms containing Alchemy Equipment guarded by a Bloodknight. You can enhance your Behemoth form for the duration of the dungeon by performing alchemical experiments at these tables, using the Gloomspore Agaric mushrooms that can be harvested throughout Stone Garden. A player with the Laboratory Use passive can improve on the mixtures and unlock more powerful buffs.

For information on the three alchemical experiment tables, see this page.

Exarch KraglenEdit

  • Slaughter: Exarch Kraglen winds up and eviscerates you with his claws. Deals major physical damage and hits twice. Needs to be blocked or dodged. Will one-shot most non-tanks.
  • Blood Rage: The most crucial mechanic to pay attention to. Kraglen will roar at you, knocking you down if you're too close to him. This drains and reduces your resources if you fail to interrupt it. Players fighting from a distance can use Crushing Shock to interrupt this ability to help out the tank.
  • Charge: Kraglen glows red and charges at a player, dealing major physical damage. This ability needs to be blocked, and is similar to Xal-Nur the Slaver's charge in the Ruins of Mazzatun in that regard.
  • Fault Line: Kraglen stomps. On veteran, if you're in range when he stomps, you may be killed in one hit. Fissures crack open the ground in a winding line towards a player. Deals moderate damage. If you stand in the AoEs, you will be stunned.



Set Name Bonuses Location(s) Set Type
Elemental Catalyst‎

2 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
3 items: Adds 15-657 Critical Chance
4 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
5 items: Whenever you deal Flame, Shock, or Frost Damage, you apply a stack of Flame, Shock, or Frost Weakness to the enemy for 3 seconds. Each stack of an Elemental Weakness increases their Critical Damage taken by 5%. An enemy can only have one stack of each Elemental Weakness at a time.

Stone Garden  Light Armor
Kraglen's Howl

2 items: Adds 15-657 Critical Chance
3 items: Adds 3-129 Stamina Recovery
4 items: Adds 3-129 Weapon and Spell Damage
5 items: After an enemy you've recently damaged dies, you let out a howl, granting three allies within 15 meters the Heed the Call synergy. Activating the synergy gives you and the activator 12 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 20 seconds.

Stone Garden  Medium Armor
Arkasis's Genius

2 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health
3 items: Adds 34-1487 Armor
4 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health
5 items: Whenever you drink a potion while in combat, you and 3 group members gain 1-44 Ultimate. This effect can occur once every 30 seconds.

Stone Garden  Heavy Armor
Stone Husk

1 item: Adds 15-657 Critical Chance
2 items: Your Heavy Attacks tether you to enemies for 5 seconds, as long as you remain within 10 meters of them. Enemies touching the tether take 212 Physical damage every 1 second and you gain a stack of Husk Drain, up to 15 stacks. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage. When the tether ends, you consume the stacks and gain 0-30 Weapon and Spell Damage per stack for 5 seconds.

Stone Garden  Monster Helm Sets


There are 21 achievements associated with this dungeon:

Achievement Points Description Reward
   Stonethorn Explorer 5 Enter either Stone Garden or Castle Thorn for the first time. Non-combat Pet: Energetic Dwarven Shock-Spider
    Hazardous Alchemy Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Hazardous Alchemy style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing the Stone Garden Dungeon.
Needed for Stone Garden Challenger
   Stone Garden Challenger 50 Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Stone Garden.
   Stone Garden Conqueror 10 Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden. Memento: Mostly Stable Juggling Potions
Bust: Stone Husk (page)
   Triple Checked 50 Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden after placing the challenge banner for each of them. Title: Pinnacle of Evolution
   Safety First! 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden without suffering a group member death. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required.
   Expeditious Experimenter 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist within 25 minutes of entering Veteran Stone Garden. Your timer starts on engaging the first group of Stone Garden's defenders. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required.
   Stonethorn Scout 10 Complete both Castle Thorn and Stone Garden in Normal.
   Stone Garden Vanquisher 10 Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Stone Garden. Trophy: Stone Husk (page)
Stone Garden Tank, Rootbound (page) 0007500075,000  
   Big Bad Wolf 10 Deal 100,000,000 damage as a Werewolf Behemoth in Stone Garden.
   Dig Deep 10 Dislodge 50 Shock Emitters before they explode while fighting Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Stone Garden.
   Methodical Mixologist 10 Use Arkasis's alchemy equipment to gain the benefits of Alchemized Super Strength, Alchemized Super Vigor, and Alchemized Super Resilience and have all three active at the same time in Stone Garden.
   True Genius 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after raising the challenge banner for each in Veteran Stone Garden within 25 minutes without suffering a group member death. Accessing the Vitalizer Control Rooms is not required. Title: True Genius
   Restrained the Hounds 50 Defeat Exarch Kraglen after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Stone Garden.
   Still Needs Work 50 Defeat the Stone Behemoth after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Stone Garden.
   Stone Husk Slayer 10 Defeat 50 Stone Husks in Veteran Stone Garden.
   Sycophant Slayer 10 Defeat 200 of Arkasis's humanoid followers in Veteran Stone Garden. This includes any Stone Garden Orderly, Lookout, Protector, Apprentice, Alchemist or Curator.
   Spore Stomper 10 Defeat Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after preventing the Stone Husks from releasing any Volatile Gloomspores in Veteran Stone Garden.
   Old Fashioned 50 Defeat Arkasis the Mad Alchemist after raising the challenge banner without deactivating the vitalizer flow controls or gaining the benefits of using Arkasis's alchemy equipment throughout the entire run of Veteran Stone Garden.
   Fulgurite Forger 10 Strike the Stone Behemoth with Arkasis's Lightning Generator 30 times in Veteran Stone Garden.
   Maximum Tantrum 10 Defeat Exarch Kraglen after acquiring three or more stacks of Blood Rage and Fracture in Veteran Stone Garden.


  • The entrance to Stone Garden has been present since Update 26.


Exarch Kraglen
Refinement Wing
A map of the Blackreach Cavern
Blackreach Cavern
Testing Chamber
Regarding Our Guests
Scribbled Notes, Stone Garden
The Vitalizer Fluid Must Flow
Stone Husk Dissection Log
A map of the Refinement Wing
Refinement Wing
Stone Behemoth
Research Wing
A map of the Testing Chamber
Testing Chamber
Arkasis's Laboratory
Specimen Enhancement Log Four
Confused Correspondence from Fjurig
Stone Garden Dissection Notes
A map of the Research Wing
Arkasis the Mad Alchemist
Research Wing
A map of Arkasis's Laboratory
