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Online:Shroom Beetle

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Shroom Beetle
(lore page)
Location Forgotten Wastes, Vvardenfell
Blackreach: Mzark Cavern
Forsaken Citadel, Moonlit CoveDragonhold
Bleakridge Barrow, Chillwind Depths, Greymoor CavernsGreymoor
Arkthzand Cavern, Bthar-Zel, Gloomreach, Reachwind DepthsMarkarth
Telvanni PeninsulaNecrom
Species Shroom Beetle
Health 1
Reaction Passive
Crawlers, Decorative Wax
Blue Entoloma, Emetic Russula, Imp Stool, Luminous Russula, Namira's Rot, Stinkhorn, Violet Coprinus, White Cap
A shroom beetle

Shroom Beetles are six-legged mushroom-covered beetles found on the island of Vvardenfell, Telvanni Peninsula, Murkmire and Blackreach.

In addition to crawlers, they may also occasionally drop one of the mushrooms used in alchemy. Vvardenfell Shroom Beetles have an extremely low chance to drop Mushroom-themed Vvardenfell-exclusive furnishings such as Mushroom, Polyp Stinkhorn.

Unique Shroom BeetlesEdit
