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Online:Northern Elsweyr Furnishings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Furnishings by Zone
ON-prerelease-Elsweyr 03.jpg

Northern Elsweyr is a tropical province in southern Tamriel. The zone features savannas in the north, the Scar desert in the center, and the jungles of Tenmar in the south.
The region itself is also known as Anequina, though eastern Reaper's March is also technically part of Anequina. It sometimes referred to as simply Elsweyr, despite not including the island of Khenarthi's Roost and zone of Southern Elsweyr.

See also:

Player Houses:

The plans for some of these furnishings can be obtained from the following Furnisher Documents:

Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
ON-furnishing-Desert Grass, Patch.jpg Desert Grass, Patch (page) 00000150150 Gold
0001515 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Desert Grass, Tall.jpg Desert Grass, Tall (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Door, Akatosh Chancel.jpg Door, Akatosh Chancel (page) 00100000100,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Sunspire Completed Make an entrance! (Truly, make an entrance with this door!) This gorgeous metal door features a mirrored depiction of Akatosh. Doubly impressive!
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Gateway, Stone Arch.jpg Elsweyr Gateway, Stone Arch (page) 000045004,500 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Gazebo, Ancient Stone.jpg Elsweyr Gazebo, Ancient Stone (page) 00100000100,000 Gold This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken.jpg Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken (page) 00260260 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Pillar, Rough Wooden.jpg Elsweyr Pillar, Rough Wooden (page) 00000100100 Gold
0003030 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Rack, Poles.jpg Elsweyr Rack, Poles (page) 00000350350 Gold
0003535 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large (page) 00280280 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Large This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel (page) Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Multilevel This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small (page) 00150150 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Small This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Stone.jpg Elsweyr Shrine, Ancient Stone (page) 00300300 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Tower, Ancient Huge.jpg Elsweyr Tower, Ancient Huge (page) 00190190 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Tower, Ancient Huge This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Wagon Wheel, Ironshod.jpg Elsweyr Wagon Wheel, Ironshod (page) 00000250250 Gold
0003535 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Flower Patch, Prairie-Fire.jpg Flower Patch, Prairie-Fire (page) 00000350350 Gold
0002020 Crowns
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Flowers, Daedra Thorn.jpg Flowers, Daedra Thorn (page) 00000250250 Gold
0002020 Crowns
This is a tiny house item.
ON-furnishing-Flowers, Desert Sunrise.jpg Flowers, Desert Sunrise (page) 00000250250 Gold
0002020 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Banner, Blue.jpg Hakoshae Banner, Blue (page) 00240240 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Banner, Blue This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Banner, Square.jpg Hakoshae Banner, Square (page) 00240240 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Banner, Square This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Banner, Triple Insignia.jpg Hakoshae Banner, Triple Insignia (page) 00240240 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Banner, Triple Insignia This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Banners, Festival.jpg Hakoshae Banners, Festival (page) 00180180 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Hook, Block.jpg Hakoshae Hook, Block (page) 0008080 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Hakoshae Hook, Block This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Lantern, Blue.jpg Hakoshae Lantern, Blue (page) 00280280 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Lantern, Blue This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Lantern, Crimson.jpg Hakoshae Lantern, Crimson (page) 00280280 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Lantern, Crimson This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Lantern, Linked Rings.jpg Hakoshae Lantern, Linked Rings (page) 00260260 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Hakoshae Lantern, Linked Rings This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Lanterns, Festival.jpg Hakoshae Lanterns, Festival (page) 00340340 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked.jpg Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Burial Mound.jpg Khajiit Burial Mound (page) 00000500500 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Rimmen Necropolis Conqueror Khajiit of Anequina often build cairns of local stone to mark their dead. Perhaps you need such structures for your own land?
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Lion Crest.jpg Khajiit Lion Crest (page) 0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Assassination Cessation This fierce fellow can make any bit of wall look more imposing. An excellent touch for those seeking a sense of dominance over others. As a bonus feature, you can activate him to become a wall torch!
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Sigil, Moon Cycle.jpg Khajiit Sigil, Moon Cycle (page) Crafting: Praxis: Khajiit Sigil, Moon Cycle This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Wagon, Merchant.jpg Khajiit Wagon, Merchant (page) 000010001,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Anequina Dragon Stalker Due to an unfortunate mishap, it cannot be used to move goods, but it certainly sets the tone for the area.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Wagon, Ruined.jpg Khajiit Wagon, Ruined (page) 00000500500 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Anequina Dragon Killer Are you a fan of fake ruins? Do you want to lend a lived-in look to your garden? This Khajiit wagon is a match for both of these décor choices.
ON-furnishing-Map of Elsweyr, Hanging.jpg Map of Elsweyr, Hanging (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Northern Elsweyr Master Explorer This map of Elsweyr, when hung on the wall, can help you plan your next adventure. (Plus you can point to it if someone asks you if you're lost in your own home.)
ON-furnishing-Moon Gate.jpg Moon Gate (page) 00100000100,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Moonwalker Add a miniature version of a Moon Gate to your home. It's the perfect size for your favorite housecat! (Just don't try to use it. It's there to make an impression, not actually work!)
ON-furnishing-Moon Temple Pad.jpg Moon Temple Pad (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Betrayer Breaker That floor that seems so empty? Add some color with this Moon Temple Pad. The rich blue adds serenity to any space.
ON-furnishing-Moongrave Fane Ritual Block.jpg Moongrave Fane Ritual Block (page) 0005000050,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant Cluster, Keet Fern.jpg Plant Cluster, Keet Fern (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant Cluster, Palmetto.jpg Plant Cluster, Palmetto (page) 00000150150 Gold
0003030 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant Cluster, Tenmar Dija.jpg Plant Cluster, Tenmar Dija (page) 00000300300 Gold
0003030 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant Cluster, Zahmia.jpg Plant Cluster, Zahmia (page) 00000150150 Gold
0003030 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Flowering Thorned Succulent.jpg Plant, Flowering Thorned Succulent (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Plant, Tropical Bush.jpg Plant, Tropical Bush (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Projection Stone, Moons.jpg Projection Stone, Moons (page) 0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Betrayer Breaker Both shiny and colorful, this projection stone shows the phases of the moons. Perfect for your midnight garden or bedroom!
ON-furnishing-Replica Dragon Horn, Large.jpg Replica Dragon Horn, Large (page) 0003500035,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Assassination Cessation This replica of the Dragon Horn found in Anequina can lend a certain air of majesty to your home or landscape. You might find cats or even Alfiq making use of it as a comfy sleeping spot.
ON-furnishing-Replica Dragon Horn, Small.jpg Replica Dragon Horn, Small (page) 0001200012,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Assassination Cessation Have an alcove that needs a touch of ancient charm? This small Dragon Horn replica is perfection itself for just such a space!
ON-furnishing-Riverhold Defense Spikes, Piled.jpg Riverhold Defense Spikes, Piled (page) 00000500500 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Riverhold Defender Everyone needs these "go away, and I mean it" spikes. Everyone. (Especially those in Riverhold.)
ON-furnishing-Riverhold Defense Spikes, Roof-Mounted.jpg Riverhold Defense Spikes, Roof-Mounted (page) 000010001,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Riverhold Defender These roof-mounted spikes signal to those who see them that you are definitely planning to hold your home fast against any nuisances, including Dragons.
ON-furnishing-Riverhold Defense Spikes, Tripod.jpg Riverhold Defense Spikes, Tripod (page) 000010001,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Riverhold Defender Are your neighbors jumping over the wall of your yard and into your garden, disturbing your hard-won natural aesthetic? Just place this tripod where they normally land, and watch the result!
ON-furnishing-Rock Field, Ancient Stone.jpg Rock Field, Ancient Stone (page) 00000100100 Gold
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Rubble Pile, Ancient Stone.jpg Rubble Pile, Ancient Stone (page) 00000100100 Gold
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Sapling, Desert Acacia.jpg Sapling, Desert Acacia (page) 00000350350 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Shrub, Yellow Necklacepod.jpg Shrub, Yellow Necklacepod (page) 00000250250 Gold
0003030 Crowns
This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Stained Glass of Lunar Phases.jpg Stained Glass of Lunar Phases (page) 0007500075,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
The Khajiit describe the changing of the Two Moons as a graceful dance, and this stained glass window somehow captures their elegance, especially under the moonlight.
ON-furnishing-Statue, Lokkestiiz.jpg Statue, Lokkestiiz (page) 0003500035,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Stormchaser Perched on an hourglass, the silver statue form of Lokkestiiz can impress those who visit your home.
ON-furnishing-Statue, Yolnahkriin.jpg Statue, Yolnahkriin (page) 0005000050,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Stoking the Fire With spread wings, the golden statue form of Yolnahkriin can preside over your home or garden, lending it the majestic presence of a Dragon.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Anequine Acacia Arching.jpg Tree, Anequine Acacia Arching (page) 00000400400 Gold
0002020 Crowns
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Anequine Acacia Forking.jpg Tree, Anequine Acacia Forking (page) 00000300300 Gold
0002020 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Branched Succulent.jpg Tree, Branched Succulent (page) 00000400400 Gold
0007070 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Desert Acacia.jpg Tree, Desert Acacia (page) 00000550550 Gold
0009090 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Engulfing Termite Mound.jpg Tree, Engulfing Termite Mound (page) 00000350350 Gold
0009090 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Fan Palm.jpg Tree, Fan Palm (page) 00000100100 Gold
0001010 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Tree, Tall Iroko.jpg Tree, Tall Iroko (page) 00000400400 Gold
0007070 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Trees, Fan Palm Cluster.jpg Trees, Fan Palm Cluster (page) 00000250250 Gold
0007070 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Trees, Shade Palm Cluster.jpg Trees, Shade Palm Cluster (page) 00000400400 Gold
0007070 Crowns
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Trees, Towering Palm Cluster.jpg Trees, Towering Palm Cluster (page) 00000400400 Gold
0007070 Crowns
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Climber.jpg Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Climber (page) 00000300300 Gold
0002525 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Swath.jpg Vines, Dragonfire Ivy Swath (page) 00000450450 Gold
0002525 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Vines, Verdant Ivy Climber.jpg Vines, Verdant Ivy Climber (page) 00000750750 Gold
0002525 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Vines, Verdant Ivy Swath.jpg Vines, Verdant Ivy Swath (page) 000012501,250 Gold
0002525 Crowns
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Wrathstone, Replica.jpg Wrathstone, Replica (page) 0005000050,000 Gold
Vendor: Lathahim in Rimmen
Reward for: Tharn Collaborator Rest assured, you won't be releasing Dragons into Tamriel by possessing this replica of the ill-used Wrathstone. (Just don't let Abnur Tharn see it—unless you like pouring salt into wounds.)


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.