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Online:Shadow Mage

< Elder Scrolls Online: Classes
A Shadow Mage

Shadow Mages are a class of hostile humanoid NPCs that attack using shadow magic abilities. They usually wear light armor and wield a staff. The class was introduced with Dark Brotherhood.

Types of Shadow MagesEdit

Location Name Race Gender Health
Varies Skaafin Masquer Skaafin Varies 39,959
Ashurnibibi Malacath Voidbringer Orc Varies 29,870
Blight Bog Sump Veeskhleel Shadowshaper Argonian Varies 29,870
Cradle of Shadows Silken Ring Shadowcaller Dunmer Varies  49,116 136,704

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Fright Force
A basic ranged magical attack.
Pool of Shadow
The enemy slams their staff into the ground, creating a pool of dark energy all around them, indicated by a circular AoE, which lingers for a time and deals constant damage when inside.
The enemy casts a spell that shoots out pools of corrupted magic along the ground, indicated by red circles, each dealing moderate magical damage. This can be interrupted to set them off-balance.
Shadowy Duplicate
The enemy teleports a short distance away, leaving a Shadow in their place. The shadow will cast Fright Force dealing minor magic damage until it is killed. When killed, it explodes and leaves a Pool of Shadow in its place.