The Shardborn are a Dremora clan that recently reemerged upon the remembrance of their lost Prince Ithelia. Their realm is known as Mirrormoor. Among the Shardborn forces are several Daedra that originally came from the lost realm, such as the Shattered Shards.
Related QuestsEdit
- Caught in a Trap : Please add a description for this quest
- Fate of the Forgotten Prince: Face Prince Ithelia and decide her fate.
- Hold the Line : Help drive invading Daedra out of Feldagard Keep.
- Ithelia's Fury: Seal tears in reality caused by the instability of Ithelia's power.
- King Nantharion's Gambit : Confront the leader of the Recollection to save West Weald from being overtaken by jungle.
- Prisoner of Fate: Stop Torvesard from freeing Prince Ithelia!
- The Many Paths : Look into the tangled threads of fates at the Outcast Inn and help Ithelia.
- The Missing Cohort : Investigate the fate of the missing cohort and servants at Rustwall Estate.
- Mirrormoor Incursions : Disrupt a Mirrormoor Incursion.
- Seeds of Suspicion : Investigate the links between the wildburn seed and the Recollection.
- The Untraveled Road : Enter Mirrormoor and prevent Ithelia from rewriting history.
- Broken Path Cave — A small cave system in northern West Weald. (map)
- Colovia Mirrormoor Mosaic — A Mirrormoor Mosaic located south of Valente Vineyards Wayshrine and north of North Hook Wayshrine. (map)
- Feldagard Keep (map)
- Loom of the Untraveled Road (map)
- Leftwheal Trading Post — A public dungeon found north of the Centurion's Watch Wayshrine. (map)
- The Mythos — The deepest and oldest part of Hermaeus Mora's realm. (map)
- Nonungalo — An Ayleid Ruin located east of Three Points Wayshrine, in central West Weald. (map)
- Ostumir Mirrormoor Mosaic — A Mirrormoor Mosaic located east of Ostumir and south of Meridia's Shrine. (map)
- Rustwall Catacombs (map)
- Silorn Mirrormoor Mosaic — A Mirrormoor Mosaic located north of Silorn and east of the Trader's Luck Wayshrine. (map)
- Sutch Mirrormoor Mosaic — A Mirrormoor Mosaic located to the east of Sutch. (map)
- All Bow to Mirrormoor!
- Crafting Motif 126: Shardborn Style by Master Glass-smith Irenia of the Tempered Sands — A guide to crafting armor and weapons in the Shardborn style
- Journal of Shardmarshal Vargas by Shardmarshal Vargas
- Torvesard's Journal by Torvesard — The journal of a Clanless Daedra