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Online:Spiderling (Maelstrom Arena)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Location Maelstrom Arena, Spiral Shadows
Bedlam Veil, Skyvault FoyerScions of Ithelia
Species Spider
Health Normal35,827Veteran(?) (Maelstrom Arena)
Normal(?)Veteran(?) (Bedlam Veil)Scions of Ithelia
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile

Spiderlings are glowing giant spiders encountered in swarms during Stage 6: Spiral Shadows, in the Maelstrom Arena.

Each attack from any member of the swarm increases the damage done. They can be driven away by drawing them near a glowing obelisk, granted they haven't been covered up in webs by Webspinners.

They are encountered once more, summoned by the Champion of Atrocity during the Darkshard boss fight in Bedlam Veil.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Infectious Bite
Applies a stacking debuff called Infection.