Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Fennorian in the Blue Palace.
- Use Gray Host Map and talk to Lyris Titanborn.
- Investigate the three Gray Host camps.
- Find Fennorian.
- Read the epitaphs at the graveyard.
- Discuss findings with Fennorian.
- Find Lyris Titanborn.
- Search crates for Refined Netherroot Brew.
- Slay Sable-Eye and take Brew.
- Find Svana in Dark Moon Grotto.
- Spy on Gray Host talks.
- Search Camp for documents.
- Return to the Blue Palace and talk to Fennorian.
- Obtain Arkay's Sacred Oil and create the Elixir prototype.
- Go to the Midnight Barrow and find the Undergrove.
- Confront the Gray Host forces and protect Svana.
- Return to the Blue Palace and talk to High King Svargrim.
- Talk to Lyris.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Svana needs to meet with you in the Blue Palace. Her father still refuses to take substantial action against the Gray Host. Instead of seeking them out and stopping their plans, he chooses to stock up Castle Dour and prepare Solitude for a siege. This will not stop a harrowstorm from destroying the city. Svana wants you to speak with Fennorian and see how he can assist. The notes you found in Tzinghalis's Tower prove Fennorian's theory that netherroot is the key component in the harrowstorm ritual. He deduces that the Gray Host is siphoning life energy from mortals, speculating that it may have something to do with the stone husks. He recalls how Exarch Ulfra emerged from one of them. Fennorian surmises that the concentrated netherroot brew you found in the laboratory is what the Host is going to use to make their harrowstorms stronger.
At this point, Lyris tells you to lay out the map you found in the tower on a nearby table. She talks about the points marked on the map, and tells you that it appears the Host has three camps across Western Skyrim. You should investigate each of the camps. You can investigate the three camps in any order.
Coastal CampEdit
Talk to Fennorian south of the coastal camp, which lies north of the Giant's Coast Wayshrine. The camp is crawling with members of the Icereach Coven, who are definitely creating medallions like the one that saved Magister Fridelja from the harrowstorm at this location.
The witches are guarding something in the center of the camp. Furthermore, Fennorian overheard some of the witches complaining about having to create more medallions. No doubt their task is due to the large harrowstorm the Gray Host has planned. One thing of note at the camp is the graveyard in front of the house. Some graves have been exhumed. Investigate the headstones and determine what's so important about the corpses that have been dug out. Examine the headstones of Brokel, Uthbet, Harlock the Bastard, Lekka the Corpulent and Unknown. The one thing they all share in common is that they died old. Fennorian notes that some necromantic rituals require elderly corpses. One theory states that the older a living thing becomes, the more necrotic energy it naturally acquires. Necrotic energy is a byproduct of a mortal's body deteriorating.
Midland CampEdit
Talk to Lyris west of the midland camp, which lies between the Hunter's House and Hjaalmarch Great Lift. To reach the location, you can head south then east from Dragon Bridge or west from Morthal. Lyris tells you that the Host is loading some of that netherroot brew into carts. You should search the Gray Host Supply Carts for Refined Netherroot Brew.
After searching your third cart, a werewolf named Sable-Eye will call out to his packmates to stop you. He has the netherroot brew. Climb up the mountain to the southeast, kill Sable-Eye and loot the refined netherroot brew from the crate on the back of the nearby cart. After you retrieve the brew, speak with Lyris off to the south and get started on your next objective.
Blackreach CampEdit
Talk to Svana in the western tunnels of Dark Moon Grotto. She's frustrated with a group of three Harrowed, and laments the harrowstorm's effects on her people. Svana tells you that the vampires below have been digging and herding the Harrowed like cattle. She also tells you that they utter Rada al-Saran's name in reverence. You and Svana should investigate the camps and try to find out what the Host is planning.
In the southern portion of the camp, you'll overhear Courier Ograh and Pentarch Slasif talking about harvesting more netherroot from some place called the "Undergrove". At the northern part of the camp, you'll overhear Matron Denfira and Pentarch Bervard, who are near a large group of Miners. They're talking about a planned attack on Solitude.
Once you're finished eavesdropping, check around the camp for any loose documents. Pentarch Slasif mentioned that she had orders in her tent. Head northeast from her and Courier Ograh's location and enter the tent on the east side of the shallow river. Gray Host Orders lie on a table between two bunk beds. Speak with Svana in the tent after you collect the document.
The ElixirEdit
Once you've finished checking all three camps, return to Svana's Chambers in the Blue Palace and talk to Fennorian. Fenn and Old Mjolen have formulated a concoction that will protect people from the harrowstorms. Maugh is tasked with getting most of the ingredients they need to make more of the elixir, but there's one ingredient Fenn needs that you'll have to retrieve: Arkay's sacred oil. You'll find the oil in the Hall of the Dead. Speak with High Priest Ingurt. He regretfully informs you that Swordthane Uthlet came by earlier to say that High King Svargrim has ordered all of the sacred oil to be taken to Castle Dour. You should talk to Swordthane Uthlet in the Courtyard Marketplace, in front of the Temple of the Divines. He is convinced when you tell him about the elixir that protects against harrowstorms, and looks the other way while you take a flask from the nearby crates.
After you take Arkay's Sacred Oil, High King Svargrim walks up, proclaiming that part of his orders was to keep Svana away from the temple. You have the option of speaking with Svana after this encounter, who tells you that this crisis seems to have made her father even more distant. Head back to Svana's Chambers and pour the oil into Fennorian's cauldron. The mixture begins to glow in a warm, golden hue. Speak with Fennorian. He tells you that the elixir needs to be tested, but he doesn't want to wait for the next harrowstorm to come to do it. While you and Svana were in Blackreach, you learned that Exarch Ulfra is testing harrowstorm rituals in some place called the Undergrove. Fennorian suspects that the Undergrove may be in a set of ruins called Midnight Barrow. Lyris will be testing the elixir, and he asks you and Svana to watch from a safe distance while she walks into the storm. The ruined barrow is in the Lightless Hollow, in eastern Blackreach.
When you arrive in Midnight Barrow, Lyris tells Fenn and Svana to stay at the entrance until the way to the Undergrove is clear. The Undergrove is located in the center of the delve. Head north from the entrance, then head east, then head north through two rooms and take the northwestern hallway in the large rectangular chamber. Head north in that hallway. There's a door leading to the Undergrove in this room.
The UndergroveEdit
Enter the Undergrove. Exarch Ulfra and Rada al-Saran are here. Lyris unsheathes her axe. Fennorian suggests postponing the test, but Svana shoots him down. With two Gray Host leaders in one place, maybe you'll have a chance to take one of them down. Enter the Undergrove Nursery. Rada al-Saran recognizes you and Lyris as the ones who killed Exarch Tzinghalis. Lyris charges at him, and he strikes her with a bolt of red lightning, knocking her back. Before he can do anything else, Exarch Ulfra offers to kill them for him. Rada al-Saran exits in a swarm of bats as Exarch Ulfra raises her paws skyward, inciting the harrowstorm. Svana drinks the elixir and steps into the storm as Fennorian tends to Lyris's wounds.
Two Gray Host Chillrenders are protecting the Witch Pike in the center of the room. After you destroy the witch pike and kill the mages, Exarch Ulfra jumps down from her ledge and attacks. Kill the exarch and speak with Svana. The elixir worked! Svana proclaims that the elixir should be reproduced and distributed throughout the holds. She also wants to find out who in Solitude is aiding Rada al-Saran.
Meet Svana back at the Blue Palace. She and the others have gathered by the throne, trying to convince the High King to act. Speak with Svargrim and say your piece. He refuses to listen to you. Svana shows him a bottle of Fennorian's elixir, and pleads with him to listen. He smashes it on the ground, and is revealed to be a vampire. He says that with the Gray Host's assistance, his kingdom will persist for eternity, then vanishes in a cloud of bats. Speak with Lyris to end the quest.
- During dialogue between heading down, Fennorian implies that the Gray Host built and have a presence at the Coastal Camp, when none are found there at all, and both of those statements are attributed to the Icereach Coven instead.
- When speaking with Fennorian right after starting the quest, upon selecting the last dialogue choice, Fennorian simply loops back to the start of his dialogue, and the objective updates with a delay. At this point, clicking the dialogue choice shown also does nothing. ?
- While speaking with Fennorian at the Coastal Camp, he performs the medallion holding and tapping animation (similar to the one Magister Fridelja used in a previous quest) but the medallion model is missing from his hand. ?
- While Fennorian is your follower, during combat, while he wields his staff in a combat stance, he never actually attacks. ?
- Objective marker won't appear on the zone map (but will on the compass) during objectives at the Blackreach Camp. ?
- Speaking to Lyris while she is a follower in the Midnight Barrow results in the dialogue options that appear when speaking to her after finishing the Midland Camp objective to reappear, where at the end she says to meet back at the Blue Palace. ?
- In the Undergrove, Lyris' pathing may break, causing her to stop halfway along the way to the boss arena. ?
Quest StagesEdit
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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