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Quick Summary: written by Coolerdogs, not checked
Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked |
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Speak with Iraya
- Speak with Rajhin's Shadow
- Steal the The Singing Crystal
- Return the The Singing Crystal
- Complete the quest
Speak with IrayaEdit
The name of the mural, Rithana-di-Renada, means Song of the Kingdoms in Ta'agra, the language of the Khajiit. The mural was created to represent the sixten kingdoms of Elsweyr, and returning the sixteen pieces of the mural should reunite all of Elsweyr. Upon completion of the mural, however, Iraya is concerned that the melody did not resume, but doesn't know why.
- The Rithana-di-Renada is finally complete! Oh, I can't believe you were able to complete such a task, five-claw. My brother and I will be forever in your debt.
Though, I am a little disappointed there is no music.- Music?
- The mural is called the Song of the Kingdoms, yes? Legends say this is because it plays a most beautiful song, representing the harmony of our people.
After all, it is traditional for Khajiit to express themselves through music.- But it's a stone mural. How can it play music?
- I'll admit, I've never been sure of how it plays the song. Perhaps through an enchantment?
I can't help but feel that we're missing something here. Something that wouldn't be clear until the mural was restored once more.
Speak with Rajhin's ShadowEdit
Seeking some indication of where to find the final piece of the mural, you approach the mural to inspect it and suddenly an apparition appears before you. He is one of the seven shadows of the trickster god Rajhin, this particular one being his charm. You must confront this shadow and demand that he reveal the secret to the Song of Kingdoms and how to restore it to the mural.
- The feisty Khajiit is right, you know. The Rithana-diRenada does have a song to sing.
An awful shame that the jewel is still missing, yes? The Singing Crystal it was called. Rajhin remembers how beautifully it glowed the night he stole it.- No more games. If you stole the crystal, give it back.
- Do not get your tail in a knot. Rajhin stole it long ago, when still he walked the sands.
The jewel now rests deep within a smuggler's den, the prized posession of Sallum the Sugar Slinger. A Khajiit of both great fortune and ill repute.
Steal The Singing CrystalEdit
Sallum the Sugar-Slinger is a smuggler for the Khajiit bandits known as the Ruddy Fangs. Over time, The Singing Crystal ended up in his possession, but it's lackluster appearance concealed its importance to the Khajiiti mural. Sallum is known to have a hideout in Northern Elsweyr, where you must travel to retrieve the crystal. Rajhin tells you the only way to reach the den is via a Khajiit named Qa'jahd. When you find Qa'jahd at his campsite, he has apparently overindulged during the previous evening's festival. After some pursuasion, Qa'jahd finally agrees to take you to the den where you retrieve the crystal.
Reveal the Song of KingdomsEdit
Returning to the House of Histories with The Singing Crystal, you find a group of Khajiit dignitaries gathered around the Rithana-di-Renada. You present the crystal to Iraya, and she says you should be the one to restore the mural. When you place the crystal in the middle of the mural it begins to glow and a beautiful melody emmits from the mural. Iraya announces to the dignitaries that the Rithana-di-Renada has been completely restored to its original form and leads the group in singing the Song of Kingdoms.
The Song of KingdomsEdit
- Swift paws of Ne-Quin-Al
- Rimmen gold rains down
- Green Riverhold has farms
- Blessed-moons of Dune
- Clever-Smile Orcrest in Dessert [sic]
- Verkarth Strong-Warrior stand
- Must-smile drinks for Meirvale
- Helkarn has wary eyes
- Wise words Alabaster praise
- River people of Bruk'ra
- Pray Pa'alatiin of reverence
- Corinthe carving wood
- Green forests of Tenmar
- Torval renowns the Mane
- Sweet Khenarthia has fish
- Senchal ocean traders
Complete the QuestEdit
Having completed the restoration of the Rithana-di-Renada, you now want an explanation for why Rajhin stole the mural in the first place. He says he wanted to see how dedicated you are to Elsweyr and its reunification. Pressing him for more information, he responds:
- This one's homeland bleeds like an open wound. Dragons cloud the skies, war fills the streets, and Rajhin's people suffer.
And it seems you are at the heart of it all. One lone rhook against the odds.- And how does collecting mural pieces help with all that?
- If you could not restore mere stone, how could you restore an entire kingdom?
Now, more than ever, Elsweyr needs to be as one. A task which requires many to accomplish, yes. But you? You most of all. Though spirits above, do not ask me why.
- This one's homeland bleeds like an open wound. Dragons cloud the skies, war fills the streets, and Rajhin's people suffer.
If you had prevously met Rahjin's Grahtwood Shadow, you can get more information about his other ghosts.
- I met you before, at the Falinesti Winter Site in Grahtwood. / Didn't I already prove myself at the Falinesti Winter Site? I certainly bested you then.
- You speak of a Shadow of Rajhin, not this Shadow of Rajhin.
There are seven of us, each a different aspect of the great thief who once walked the sands of Elsweyr. Each with a different purpose.- Different aspects? What do you mean?
- "Let us take the shadow you met in Grahtwood, for example.
He represented Rajhin's desire; the desperate greed for that which he wished to obtain. An important trait for any great thief to have."- That desire trapped a High Elf woman in a frozen crypt for centuries.
- Ah, yes. Rajhin always did love his sweetmeats.
Desire unchecked rarely comes to good. When alive, Rajhin was kept in balance by all of his aspects. Separated? Well, this one suspects that the pretty High Elf isn't the only one who suffered.- So what aspect of Rajhin are you?
- Why, this one is his charm, of course! Or perhaps his dashing good looks?
But you are clever enough to restore the Rithana-di-Renada, no? This one is sure you can figure out what virtue he carries. Or perhaps what vice.