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Online:Treasures/High Isle

< Elder Scrolls Online: Treasures

The following are contraband items that originated in the High Isle zone of the High Isle Chapter.

Icon Item Description Value Type
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Acorn Collection (page) A visually pleasing array of twelve acorns--perfect in shape and varying in size. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Albatross Kerchief (page) This fine linen kerchief likely came from the sleeve of a fabulous Knight of the Albatross. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Chest.png All Flags Calligraphy Set (page) A beautiful set of parchments, inks, and quills from the offices on All Flags Isle. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Stein.png All Flags Stein (page) This stein is covered in the ship's colors that sailed in the All Flags Navy. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-quest-Fire Rocks.png Amenos Geode (page) Holding this colorful geode up to the sun casts a sparkling array of light onto any surface. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Oghma Infinium Page.png Ammonite Ensorceling Guide (page) This complex diagram depicts how one might draw arcane energy from an Eltheric ammonite. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Ancient Anchor Bottle Stopper (page) The cork is etched with the symbol of Gonfalon Bay's beloved inn. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Schematics.png Animal Illustrations (page) Smiths take inspiration from these drawings to replicate the animal's shapes in metal. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Ascendant Order Codebook (page) At first glance, a populist tract. Sigils at the back allow loyalists to decode its true message. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Writings
ON-icon-misc-Welkynd Stone.png Atmoran Chillstone (page) This rune-etched stone emits bitter cold--perfect for chilling produce for long voyages. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Badge of the Systres Guard (page) A tarnished brass badge from a member of the Systres Guard. It must have been discarded by someone. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Hilt.png Baroness Chatillon's Sword Hilt (page) Supposedly part of Baroness Belene Chatillon's favored weapon before she lost her arm to Sload rot. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Relic
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Bejeweled Sugar Pipe Stem (page) This intricately decorated stem must have once belonged to a pipe used to smoke skooma. It's still intact. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Betty Netch Ambergris Pomade (page) That famous brand with the Netch right on the label! A strong grease intended for hair styling. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Paper With Drawing.png Blank Tribute Card (page) Made with heavy stock, a member of the Roister's club has yet to mark this card as part of a deck. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Abacus.png Blessed Abacus (page) It is said that when a priest of Julianos uses this abacus, the sums always align. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Flacon.png Blood Smelling Salts (page) For vampires who abstain from feeding for too long, this small vial is said to help curb cravings. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-fragment-Alessian Sacramental Oil.png Bottled Druid Eye (page) The label on this bottle indicates it contains a druid's eye. It's probably too late to return it. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Uncle Leo's Spectacles.png Broken Balancing Glasses (page) These glasses once held a liquid inside the rim, meant to simulate the horizon to minimize sea sickness. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Broken Windup Galleon (page) Before it was dropped, you could wind up this small mechanical boat and let it scoot along the ground. 00000100100 Gold Devices, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Hairbrush.png Captain's Hairbrush (page) Made with horsehair and carved with a large squid running up the handle. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Carcass Spice Container (page) A tin of strong spices etched with the symbol of Online:Hircine. Used by werewolves to accentuate their meals. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Sieve.png Carved Pipe Water Jar (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
The bowl for a water pipe used for smoking skooma. Depictions of Jone and Jode are rather intricately carved around all sides. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Tray.png Cleaning Board (page) A sun-bleached wooden plank used as a flat surface for gutting fish while at sea. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies, Tools
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Clockwork Card Shuffler (page) An elaborate mechanism used to shuffle Tribute decks during official tournaments. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Attunement Sphere.png The Closed Eye of Arkay (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A stone eye--shut in eternal rest. This small talisman is often given to mourning families. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Drum.png Compact Ship's Drum (page) When the wind dies down at sea, this drum is used to help rowers keep the beat. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Conch Shell Horn (page) In the hands of a drunken mariner, this beautiful shell can produce some truly dreadful sounds. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Copper Plate Desalinator (page) A portable kit with copper plates and cloths, can be used by stranded mariners to draw fresh water from salt water. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Coral Mudcrap Trap (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
The bars of this polyp studded cage were fashioned with the express purpose of becoming encrusted with coral. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Death Hound Whistle (page) This whistle was made for a specific Death Hound, likely used by the vampire it answered to once upon a time. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Devices
ON-icon-misc-Fur Rug.png Deer Skin Rug (page) This simple buckskin pelt is a popular floor covering in commoners' houses across the Systres. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods, Furnishings
ON-icon-stolen-Divination Claws.png Divination Claws (page) Cast in meditation or to ask Akatosh for guidance directly, these claws are inscribed with sacred words and symbols. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-misc-Animal Teeth.png Dried Sea Elf Fingers (page) Cut from the hand of a Sea Elf corsair, these digits are conversation pieces to be sure. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Druid Picture Book (page) A child's primer, it features colorful pictures showing young practitioners of the True Way. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Flute.png Druid's Whispering Willow Flute (page) A reeded flute instrument. Some say the druids learned how to make it from High Isle's fauns. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Devices
ON-icon-misc-Compass.png Druidic Compass (page) While clearly broken, this compass used to hold a small pool of water and still has the lodestone attached to the center. 00000100100 Gold Tools, Devices
ON-icon-quest-Torn Scarf.png Druidic Elder Scarf (page) A scarf worn by the elders of the Stonelore Circle druids to symbolize their wisdom and age. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Cape.png Druidic Grass Rain Shawl (page) A shawl made from tightly woven fibers. It's strangely resistant to water, much like a duck's wing. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Facepaint.png Druidic Healing Paste (page) Systrean druids muddle rare sea grasses to create a odiferous paste that is perfect for burns. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-memento-Throwing Bones.png Druidic Knucklebones (page) Deer knuckles, popular among druidic fortunetellers. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Obsidian Pieces.png Druidic Stone Puzzle (page) A puzzle comprised of stones of various sizes and shapes. It's immediately clear how the pieces fit together. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys
ON-icon-furnishing-Heiruna Doll.png Ebony Mermaid Figurine (page) This tiny stone mermaid curls her tail seductively. A common fertility idol for High Isle commoners. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-item-misc-Summerset Dress.png Elea Dress-Up Doll (page) This exquisite porcelain doll resembles Duchess Elea Dufort down to the shade of her makeup. 00000250250 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Embossed Scarlet Dice (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
These dice have an unsettling crimson sheen to them. When they roll, a small amount of liquid inside seems to move. 00000250250 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Enchanted Chicken Xylophone (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A wooden xylophone enchanted to play a pleasing melody when chickens peck at the bars. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Pitcher.png Enchanted Hand Pail (page) A supposedly enchanted pail that promises to draw milk from cows without needing physical intervention. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-quest-Eshraf's Journal.png "Erotica for Werewolves" (page) A ragged, hand-written tract detailing very specific acts for a very specific readership. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Ever-Inked Plume (page) A writing implement that never goes dry! Very popular among travelling scholars. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Coronation Decanter.png Faun Feast Decanter (page) Small figurines of fauns dance around the bottom of this decanter, the top is stopped tightly and cannot be opened. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Empty Bag.png Faun Hoof (page) This dried hoof almost certainly came from the leg of a faun. Good luck or just gross? Who can say? 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Rootmender's Staff.png Felt "Cheese" Scepter (page) A stout piece of oak topped with yellow felt in the shape of a block of cheese. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-quest-Bone Knife.png Fetish Knife (page) Cruel barbs ensure this knife doesn't just cut, it hurts. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth.png Fine Linen Hammock (page) A luxury item for wealthier seamen--likely to be ripped or stolen by the end of a long voyage. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Furnishings
ON-icon-stolen-Flacon.png Firesong Soaking Salts (page) Harvested from one of the Systres' many hot springs, these therapeutic salts put both mind and body at ease. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Bronze Lamp.png Flat Bottom Ship Kettle (page) This kettle is flat all the way around the bottom in order to keep it from tipping when on rough seas. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-furnishing-Fishing Rod.png Flowers of Love Fishing Rod (page) Practicing druids carve petals and flowers into the twisted wood of their fishing rods to pay homage to Y'ffre. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Dozzen Talharpa.png Frog Metal Soles (page) These laced plates of bouyant [sic] metal allow the wearer to walk on water … as long as the wearer weighs less than a toddler. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Galley Soup Bowl (page) A fancy soup bowl with a weighted bottom, used for fine dining aboard larger ships. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Glass Display Fishbowl (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A fancy soup bowl with a weighted bottom, used for fine dining aboard larger ships. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Gold Gonfalon Colossus Figurine (page) A miniature, gold-painted version of the famous Gonfalon Colossus. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Drinking Bowl 02.png Golden Blood Siphon (page) Well-polished font used to collect a small amount of blood from willing participants. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Sunder Haft.png Golden Crustacean Cracker (page) An extravagant tool used to crack the shells of the crustaceans in order to eat them. A small crab is engraved on the handle. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Sundial.png Golden Sun Talisman of Magnus (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A shining piece of metal that reflects even the dimmest rays of light to brighten a room. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Gonfalon Bay Collector's Spoon (page) A little image of the Gonfalon Colossus is etched into this pewter spoon. 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Parasol.png Gonfalon Bay Parasol (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A lovely parasol embroidered with care. Used by the nobles of Gonfalon Bay to keep the sun out of their eyes. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Gonfalon Colossus Paperweight (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A heavy, flat-bottomed wood carving of the Gonfalon Colossus statue with several holes for holding quills. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Gonfalon Lobster Bib (page) A linen bib featuring an embroidered lobster saying something pithy. Delightful! 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Treethane Nirel Book.png Guide for Systres Guards' Exam (page) This small booklet seems to be full of things for prospective Systres Guards to study before enlisting. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png A Guide to Skooma (page) A small pouch with a note attached that describes how to make the most of your skooma experience. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Skeletal Hand.png Hadolid Claw (page) A length of rope loops through the claw, making it a macabre keychain. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Fang.png Hadolid Claw Letter Opener (page) A letter opener made from a small preserved Hadolid claw. Still smells faintly gamey. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Nail.png Hadolid Meat Skewer (page) A large pointy-tipped rod about the size of a child, intended for use in charring Hadolids over an open flame. 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Forgemasters Medallion.png Harbormaster's Badge (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A rounded metal disc with a pin on the back to secure it to a jacket. There's a picture of the docks engraved into the metal. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Blade Shard.png Harpoon Head (page) This barbed steel harpoon-tip is weathered from years at sea. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Homemade Tribute Patron (page) Someone carved a Tribute Patron token to resemble someone. Given the crudeness of the design, it's hard to guess who. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Seal.png House Mornard Seal Stamp (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
An official wax seal used to stamp missives from an august noble family of the Systres Archipelago. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Obsidian Pieces.png Igneous Coprolite (page) Vulk'esh excriment often hardens into slag-like chunks. Heavy? No doubt. Useful? Maybe? 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Illiterate Chef's Guide to Seafood (page) An illustrated primer with crossed out pictures of poisonous sea creatures on each page. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Razor.png Iron Fang Shaper (page) A specialized sharpener made for the fangs of vampires. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Jade Tribute Dice (page) Nestled in a laquered case, these beautiful dice are intended to be used to count your prestige during a game of Tribute. 00000250250 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box 002.png Julianos's Mystery Box (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A lesson in creative and rigorous thinking, the lid of this box has never been opened. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Kelp Skin Cream (page) Merchants spread this green tinted gel over their skin to soften it before meeting important buyers. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Kelpweave Tourniquet (page) The weave on this tourniquet cinches tight without much effort. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Knight of the Albatross Figurine (page) A pocket-sized figure dressed like a Knight of the Albatross. It has a little sword. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Knightly Armor Polish (page) A half-empty jar with the symbol of the Order of the Iron Knot on the cork. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Knotwood Cutlery Set (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Made by the Druids of High Isle, no carving tool was used to shape the wood for this knife, fork, and spoon set. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Pearls.png Larimar False Eye (page) A smoothly polished blue stone, intended for ocular socketing. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Measures.png Lead Weights (page) Small metal weights used to measure out raw materials before they are forged. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment, Tools
ON-icon-misc-Triangle Bottle.png Letter in a Bottle (page) The bottle is stopped tight with a swollen cork. Whatever letter is inside, it's well protected against the waves. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Lineage of House Dufort (page) The Dufort's extensive family tree. It spans past the family's arrival on High Isle. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Wall Décor
ON-icon-food-Ale.png Mariner Beard Oil (page) Five out of six Gonfalon Bay sailors swear by it. Keeps your facial hair lustrous. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-quest-Vial of Blessed Liquid.png Matys' Marvelous Tidepool Tincture (page) The label suspended from the vial's cork promises that the contents will turn blue hair green. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Midyear Star Chart (page) A guide to the night's sky during Midyear that Navigators use aboard ships to plan their routes at night. 00000100100 Gold Writings, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Miniature Lighthouse.png Miniature All Flags Monument (page) This tiny obelisk is hewn from creamy white marble. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Ampoule.png Mondrar's Mold Mooring Paste (page) A thick sludge like paste used to temporarily seal any cracks in a mold. Guaranteed to last until another mold can be made. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Monkey's Fist Knot (page) A difficult but useful knot for sailors, climbers, and other working folk. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Mornard Poppet (page) This stuffed doll resembles a squire of House Mornard with bizarre dimensions and exaggerated features. 00000100100 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Mounted Knight Marionette (page) This delightful marionette features a gangly knight astride his clumsy wooden horse. Very popular in children's theater. 00000100100 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Sextant.png Multi-purpose Sextant (page) Somewhat impractical, this device attempts to combine a sextant, compass, knife, corkscrew, and jeweler's loop. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Devices
ON-icon-quest-Knock Out Powder.png Nereid Blue Blush (page) Skilled artists and performers use this powder to create the illusion of fish scales on their cheeks. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Chest.png Nereid Tacklebox (page) This tacklebox is adorned in shells, kelp fronds, coral, and other materials scavenged from tidepools. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-quest-Elsweyr Red Scarf.png Noble's Silken Shoulder Wrap (page) Only for those with expensive tastes, this shoulder wrap is used by nobles in Gonfalon Bay to display their wealth. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Carved Wooden Leg.png Oakenvald Pegleg (page) This heavy false leg could easily double as a club in the right hands. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Factotum Staff.png Obsidian Claw Scepter (page) A piece of obsidian stone carved into a rod with a panther's claw shaped tip. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Decanter.png Octopus Mug (page) A clever potter transformed this sculpted octopus' tentacle into the mug's handle. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Old Ship's Manifests (page) A roll of manifests. Many of the ships have been marked as lost at sea or decommissioned. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-quest-Monster Teeth.png Ornaug Molars (page) Hunters often fashion trinkets and buttons from Ornaug teeth. These would make an exceptional set of dice. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pottery.png Passion Flower Vase (page) The passion flowers painted on the face of this vase are so detailed, one might imagine a butterfly rustling through the petals. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Pennanular Brooch of Duchess Guimard (page) This diamond-studded brooch bears the seal of House Guimard. It may have belonged to Duchess Martinne Guimard herself. 000015001500 Gold Relic, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-quest-Ballista Bolts.png Petrified Branch Pins (page) Made from petrified pieces of bark, sturdy enough not to fall out of your hair but probably not enough to pick a lock. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Wheat Cat Doll.png Plush Faun (page) Even in plush form, this faun is somewhat unsettling to look at. 00000250250 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-quest-Eshraf's Journal.png Popular Work Shanty Sheet Music (page) Lyrics and basic notation to the song 'Sailing's Rough Down Amenos Way.' 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth.png Prototype Flame-Resistant Robes (page) A long garment embroidered with runes; it's covered in burns and scorch marks that render it unwearable. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Pyandonean Suture-Kit (page) The curved needle of this suture kit resembles a serpent's fang. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Ra Gada Helm Ornament (page) A beautiful orichalc bird with wide wings that once crowned a Yokudan Hel Shira's helmet. It is clearly Tava resplendent. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Sunna'rah.png Raven-feather Scepter (page) A thin piece of willow with a tightly bound bunch of raven feathers at the end. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Pen Knife.png Roister's Club Carving Knife (page) An ornamental carving knife used at Roister's Club banquets during the New Life festival. 00000100100 Gold Utensils, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Goblet.png Roister's Club Cup (page) A slightly chipped cup from the Gonfalon Bay Roister's Club. 00000100100 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Roister's Club Tapestry (page) A slightly faded tapestry advertising the Mournhold Roister's Club. 00000250250 Gold Games, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Sail-Canvas Tablecloth (page) This tablecloth was once a ship's jib sail--just the thing for semi-formal events in seaside taverns. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods, Furnishings
ON-icon-quest-Blood Vial.png Sailor's Kohl (page) A dark liquid layered artfully under the eyes to keep sailors from going blind while at sea. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Sapphire Tourney Hourglass (page) Used in some of the more time-sensitive trials at the knightly tourney held at Castle Navire. 00000100100 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Scarlet Lip Balm (page) This smooth paste reportedly maintains its vibrant red color throughout an entire feast. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Scrimshaw Kynareth (page) A small bird wearing a crown--a common Systrean depiction of the godess [sic] of the winds. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Sea's Waste Polish (page) Consisting of sand and finely crushed shells, this polish removes rust and other impurities caused by exposure to sea spray. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Blood Vial.png Seaglass Wine Decanter (page) This decanter is studded with rounded pieces of blue, green, and white glass that wash ashore. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Hairbrush 02.png Seaman's Scouring Brush (page) A well-made flat horsehair brush used by mariners to quickly and roughly clean themselves at sea. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Fire Rocks.png Seamless Stone Ocarina (page) Hollowed by magic, this rock has been lovingly sanded smooth and produces a sound not unlike blowing over an empty bottle. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Devices
ON-icon-fragment-Alessian Sacramental Oil.png Seasalt Spray (page) Nobility use the saltwater in this bottle when they style their hair in the elaborate up-dos currently in fashion on High Isle. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Seashell Weighted Net (page) Popular because it's easy to maintain, this net is laden with seashell weights. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Topaz.png Shimmering Ammonite (page) This ammonite emits a faint glow on account of its untapped arcane energies. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Fork.png "Sinistral" Fork (page) A tourist gewgaw sold to gullible tamsfolk. Salespeople claim it's part of an ancient set left behind by Lefthanded Elves. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Staff.png Spriggan's Veil (page) A branch sometimes shed by spriggans, said to have symbolic meaning in Druidic practices. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Statue of Mara's Rose (page) A golden flower dedicated to the Divine Mother. It shines even in low light and is made of excellent materials. 000015001500 Gold Relic, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Steadfast Woundwash (page) The composition of this sweet-smelling salve isn't immediately clear, but healers at Steadfast Manor swear by it. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Stonelore Circle Gathering Bowl (page) This woven bowl is made from thick, waxy branches and is used by the Stonelore Circle druids to collect herbs for medicine. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-misc-Bowl 01.png Stonelore Circle Raincatcher (page) This wide clay bowl has petals carved into the surface to create rivulets that pool into the center once rain is collected. 00000100100 Gold Tools, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Spittoon.png Stonelore Circle Spirit Conduit (page) A strange container fashioned out of tree bark, supposedly used to allow druids to commune with nature spirits. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Stonelore Dancing Wrist Chimes (page) A bracelet of bells wrapped around dancer's wrists and shaken rhythmically while the dancers twirl around a bonfire. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Ball Blue.png Stuffed Whale (page) A plush purple whale stuffed with sheep's wool. 00000100100 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Swan Down Pillow (page) Imported from Summerset, pillows like this are quite popular among High Isle's aristrocracy. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Furnishings
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Syrabane Statuette (page) This tiny depiction of the Elven sorcerer deity holds a staff and brandishes his magic ring. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Sack.png Systres Guard Manacles (page) A pair of restraints stamped with the symbol of the Systres Guard. They are broken. 00000100100 Gold Tools, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Systres Guard Whistle (page) A standard issue whistle given to each member of the Systres Guard for them to keep on their person. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Systres Salt Bath (page) A packet of hand-gathered sea salts from the Systres Archipelago, intended for use in a hot bath. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items, Dry Goods
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Tales of Forest and Song (page) A book filled with stories attributed to Y'ffre. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Writings
ON-icon-fish-Octopus.png Taxidermied Octopus (page) Someone went to great pains to make this dead cephalopod appear life-like. One can only guess why. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Tiny Model Ship (page) A detailed miniature ship modeled after a real Dufort ship. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-quest-Report 01.png Torn-up Tribute Deck (page) This used to be a beautiful, custom deck of Tribute cards. Apparently its former owner lost one too many games. 00000100100 Gold Games, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Tourney Aspirant's Mess Kit (page) Set in a leather case embossed with symbols of the three Sapphire Orders, this kit was given to every aspirant at the Tourney. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Devotion Shovel.png Tree Bark Trowl (page) A hand trowl [sic] used for farming, fashioned from the bark of a tree and various branches. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Una the Green Elk Figurine (page) A small carved figurine of one of the lesser revered spirits in druid culture. 00000100100 Gold Children's Toys, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Unnerving Noble Portrait (page) An artist's depiction of the Mad Duke Dufort stares disquietingly out at the viewer. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Ampoule.png Vial of Numbing Salve (page) A small vial of a numbing balm said to help ease the symptoms of skooma withdrawal. It's half empty. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-food-Ale.png Vintage Birchwine Canteen (page) This canteen is empty, but it smells faintly like spices and some sweet alcohol. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Teddy Bear.png Vulk'esh Bean-Bag (page) Filled with dried beans, this toy fissure fiend appears saggy and listless. 00000250250 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Werebeast Cologne (page) A pungent musk intended for the werewolf-about-town. Smells of blood, rotting deer carcass, and urine. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Echalette Skull.png Wereclan Territory Marker (page) A werewolf skull, painted with symbols outside and with a candle set inside. Used to mark the edges of a pack's territory. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Empty Bag.png Werewolf Cub Doll Set (page) Little werewolf shaped people fashioned from cloth for young werechildren to chew and play with. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Children's Toys
ON-icon-quest-Rod.png Wood Training Staff (page) This seems to be fashioned after a magic staff but small enough that a child could hold it. It has no magical properties. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Wooden Draoife (page) This small collection of druid-shaped figures probably depicts the druid's ruling body, the Draoife. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Seal.png Wooden Mark Stamps (page) The wood is charred, but somehow the mark of the Faunfire Forge is clean and distinct. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Y'ffre Worrystone (page) Leafy motifs cover this smooth river stone, perfect for rubbing during times of stress. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments