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Online:Vampire Lord Thisa

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Vampire Lord Thisa
Location Dragonstar Arena, Round 9: Crypts of the Lost
Race Breton Gender Female
Health Normal1,435,597Veteran6,960,775 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile Class Eviscerator
Other Information
Condition Vampire
Vampire Lord Thisa

Vampire Lord Thisa is a Breton vampire who can be found at Round 9: Crypts of the Lost of the Dragonstar Arena.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
A physical attack that snares the target.
Dragonknight Standard
This will be cast at the start of the fight if the target is not already standing within an already cast one. The attack is identic to a Dragonknight Standard, so it is an area that deals flame damage over time and applies Major Defile, reducing the healing received and damage shield strength by 12%.
Blink Strike
Vampire Lord Thisa will teleport towards their target and land hard on top of them, causing physical damage. Blink Strike knocks the target down if it lands and you have to block it.
Dark Talons
Vampire Lord Thisa roots all targets within range with claws that deal minor physical damage over time. Roll dodge or break free to get out of it.
Drain Essence
Vampire Lord Thisa channels a Vampiric Drain-like ability, which is a red beam linked at the player and does moderate physical damage over time.
Devouring Swarm
Vampire Lord Thisa casts a bat swarm around her that deals damage over time to anyone standing in the area and heals her.
Poison Mist
Vampire Lord Thisa becomes invisible and casts a small area around her that deals damage over time to anyone standing inside.