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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/TEM Eye of the Abecean

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Places: Ships(Redirected from Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Brocchus Baltius)
TEM Eye of the Abecean
Added by Province: Cyrodiil
# of Zones 2
Console Location Code(s)
"TEM Eye of the Abecean: Cabin"; "TEM Eye of the Abecean: Hold"
Anvil, [-123,-55]
TEM Eye of the Abecean

The TEM Eye of the Abecean is the flagship of the West Navy's Home Fleet.

This galleon is docked in Anvil outside of Fort Telodrach. The ship's captain is Aminata Isequal, aided by her ensign, Cinelle Aurimonde and the commanding officer, Svirakir the Apparitor.

A plaque in the galleon's cabin reveals the ship's date of construction, reading:
TEM Eye of the Abecean
Sarialos Fleet Yards, Cyrodiil | 3E 349 Empire of Tamriel
'All Things Within My Gaze'


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aminata Isequal   Keptu-Quey Crusader West Navy Captain(Captain) 23 189 106 100 30 Cabin
Brocchus Baltius   Imperial Sailor West Navy Mariner(Mariner) 8 90 92 100 30 Hold
Caperonya   High Elf Cook West Navy Mariner(Mariner) 3 43 128 100 30 Hold
Cinelle Aurimonde   Breton Sailor West Navy Ensign(Ensign) 10 93 114 0 30 Cabin
Lana Delria   Imperial Battlemage Service West Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 13 102 152 100 30 Hold Spell Merchant
Pretla   Nord Sailor West Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 1 50 60 100 30 Hold
Svirakir the Apparitor   Nord Agent West Navy Lieutenant(Lieutenant) 17 133 96 100 30 Hold Trainer
Zhartaq   Dagi-raht Sailor West Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 4 52 84 100 30 On deck