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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Daia Pratania

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Daia Pratania (PC_m1_DaiaPratania)
Home City Anvil
Location Daia Pratania's Apartment
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 15 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 116 Magicka 168
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Cyrodiil Mages Guild 2(Journeyman)
Daia Pratania

Daia Pratania is an Anvil resident and Imperial Sorcerer who prefers to spend her time in her Canal West Tenements apartment rather than in the Mages Guild of which she's a member. She is named as Vyric Denalus' Conjuration teacher during Advanced Reading, and (assuming that you choose a non-violent route) can give helpful instructions on how to learn the true name of the daedra Barubi and dismiss it from the mortal plane.

Daia has a reputation as a misanthrope, and certainly lacks any kind words for Vyric concerning his accident.

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