Skyrim talk:Yngol Barrow
Possible GlitchesEdit
I can't find the Helm of Yngol on any skeleton. Also, what's the deal with the button that just can not be pressed? I have a feeling it is yet another glitch... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:56 on 21 November 2011
- I found the Helm of Yngol on the skeleton in the chair, however I could not push the button. I believe it can't be pushed because it would have opened the gated that gets opened when you pick up the helm. 9:49 21 November 2011
- Hey just wanted to say that with the new patch the button seems too be gone--Ohnoitsmangofett 09:51, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
- on 1.3 and the button is still there, doesn't do anything though, and the helm was in the chest behind the throne Fowl 09:13, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- As of patch v1.89.0.6 the button still doesn't do anything, it is impossible to press it - it's unresponsive. The gate only opens when you pick up the Helm of Yngol, which usually is found on Yngol's skeleton head on the throne, had you tried to press the button or not.
- on 1.3 and the button is still there, doesn't do anything though, and the helm was in the chest behind the throne Fowl 09:13, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- Hey just wanted to say that with the new patch the button seems too be gone--Ohnoitsmangofett 09:51, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
(←) Black Screen upon entering. On the PS3, as I enter the cave, I can see it for a moment and then everything goes black. I have to quit the game to get out of it. I managed to fix this glitch by getting my followers to "Wait Here" outside the Barrow before entering.-- 05:06, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
yngol barrow (open gate)Edit
I got the helmet and caught a death lord at the end. I too cannot push the button or open the gate to the stair case, any ideas on how to open it? 07:14, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
- There's now a fixed version of the room here: Off the Rails 03:22, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
yugol barrow (dragon claw door)Edit
i cant get the dragon claw door open even with the right symbels any ideas — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:56 on 27 November 2011
- Possible solution
- I had this problem for ages, but I tried moving each symbol round once, then trying the lock, and doing this until the symbols came back round to the right ones. This caused my door to open. Hopefully it will work for anyone else out there with the same problem. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:48 on 26 May 2012
- I couldn't get the claw door open no matter what I did so I used the platter glitch with whirlwind sprint on the wall to the right of the door it worked I got the helm the metal gate opened and I left :D— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:35 on July 19, 2012
I used both of those ideas and still can't get in123.211.105.225 22:09, 15 August 2015 (UTC)
- I had the door in the right order and the key hole wouldnt react at all. Luckily I had Lydia with me. I doubt the follower will matter but who knows. I gave the claw to her, saved the game, then reloaded and took it from her. It worked, to my pleasant surprise. Hope this helps.
Solution that will probably work for everyone that can open the console: open the console (^ key) and type in TCL then press ENTER. This toggles collision off, you can just walk through the door without opening it. Now you can activate collision again by typing TCL into console again.
Yngol Barrow doorEdit
In the current text it mentions that a Draugr Overlord (For me a Wight) appears during the Helm of Winterhold quest, and the exit is disabled. I found the button near the entrance, but as others have noted it does nothing. I clipped through the exit and turned in the quest, but when I came back afterwards it was still bugged. It would be good to know the Shade's ref or base ID so I can spawn and talk to him. Guess we wait until the Creation Kit is released. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:49 on 30 November 2011
- The shade is just a translucent drauger overlord ghost that doesn't talk and is hostile like any other enemy.-- 13:40, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
Another IssueEdit
The first time I walked into the Cave there I couldn't rotate the three stone pillars. Also the darts wouldn't stop shooting when I pulled the lever. It fixed itself when I exited and re-entered the cave but now (regardless of how many re-entries) the door with the three rings will not open. I am playing on the PS3 with the 1.2 patch. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:42 on 2 December 2011
- I had at least part of this bug on PC version 1.0 - before I found the right combination, I pulled the lever, but the darts started shooting very slowly, and had only stopped by the time I figured out the right combination for the door, some 5 minutes.
- I think the speed was bugged, so instead of shooting a ton of darts in a few seconds like other dart traps, it spread them out over a long period of time because it was shooting them so slowly. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:31 on 5 December 2011
Simular Issue as AboveEdit
I'm playing the PS3, and when i first enter the cave, I'm unable to move the three blocks and the darts will continue shooting (at normal speed) and never stop unless the lever is pulled again. I fixed this by exiting and then re-entering, as the person above me had, yet myself as well when getting to the dragon claw gate, is stuck. No matter if I put in the right combination for the rings, the door will not open. Normally, if it was just for a normal side quest, I wouldnt worry about it so much but as luck would have it, a mages guild quest "Shalidor's Insight" decided to select this now bugged dungeon as its random location to put the shalidor's writings. X__X — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:47 on 6 December 2011
- everyone's talking about draugr deathlord, but i got a dragon priest...should i just reload a save and redo the quest? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:26 on 17 December 2011
No ClawEdit
After entering gate I cannot find the claw. I returned to Birna (as suggested) and she had no claw or 'quest' either. Any ideas? — Unsigned comment by JackovSpades (talk • contribs) at 12:56 on 21 December 2011
- I too am facing this problem. No solution worked for me so far. I'm poking around and if I find an answer I'll update this (and/or the Barrow's page). If, by chance, you're also suffering from the issue where Birna is not opening shop, there's a work-around mentioned on Birna's discussion page. Krag 22:31, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- I found the claw in one of my stashes, so... A) the claw is not marked as quest item (which usually prevents you from dropping it or storing it away); B) the claw must be available from somewhere else, because I never managed to talk to Birna inside her store. If you're not as lucky as I was, and are on the PC, I believe the player.additem console command with the Coral Claw ID should do the trick. Krag 22:45, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- I found no claw at either location. I got it to appear (on PC) by opening the console, clicking on a dead person (the scholar in Yngol Barrow) and typing: placeatme 000b634c (then pressing enter). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:04 on 3 December 2013
(←) Yeah it is a simpler method. Pity it wasn't in the article already like you say it was as it would have helped. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:34 on 4 December 2013 (GMT)
"the player must sit on the throne once before using the lever"Edit
The lever worked fine for me without siting on the throne (i figured the "man siting on the throne" part was refering to the skeleton so i did nothing to that corner). Can anyone check if it's actually necessary to sit on the throne? — Unsigned comment by Rengaru (talk • contribs) at 15:11 on 27 December 2011
- I've never sat on the throne, although I've tossed the scholar's body onto it several times. This seems to allow the gate to open, too. Marstinson 06:29, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
- I never touched the trone you really just need to turn the symboles.Pizza_Boy 01:00, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
not marked on mapEdit
i'm at the door but it isn't "discovered".. Dragonalumni 16:17, 28 December 2011 (UTC)
- The map marker is often not at the same exact location as the door. Look at your compass, you should see a pronounced barrow displayed. Wolok gro-Barok 16:28, 28 December 2011 (UTC)
- it seems i found a second door that is hidden on the coastline so i wasn't at the marker. Dragonalumni 05:49, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
find copy of book quest hereEdit
got one from the librarian to find war of the first council. I thought his quests are random locations but just saying, one is here. Hope 19:16, 30 December 2011 (UTC)
Blue flying orbs?Edit
Okay, sso I have ten or so bouncing orbs ollowing me, even through loading doors. They go away when I grab a helmet... And they kinda sound like crickets. Anyone else? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:22 on 30 December 2011
- They are leading you to the quest goal. — Unsigned comment by Lockestep (talk • contribs) at 12:16 on 13 February 2012
- I've heard the theory that they might be the Sea Ghosts that lead Yongol into the storm and to his death. That seemed very convincing to me. Once Yngol's spirit is freed they too get disconnected from his grave and vanish.-- 01:44, 24 April 2012 (UTC)
- I considered them a bug, since they appear where usually Draugr do, so i thought they are placeholders for the bodies; neither a new install nor a patch would fix it, and it seems everybody discovers them- funny and very confusing
- I've heard the theory that they might be the Sea Ghosts that lead Yongol into the storm and to his death. That seemed very convincing to me. Once Yngol's spirit is freed they too get disconnected from his grave and vanish.-- 01:44, 24 April 2012 (UTC)
Fish or Whale?Edit
Different articles call it different things. Does anyone know for sure what the symbol is supposed to be? Looks more like a whale to me like this one says. — Unsigned comment by Hope (talk • contribs) at 18:18 on 2 January 2012
- It is called a whale in one puzzle book. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:51 on 25 January 2012
unusual glitchEdit
I play on Xbox. When I entered the cave everything was dark, pitch black, except for light sources but even them looked like they went trough a philter of some kind. I recognize spots where I think light enters trough the roof and my spells I think I also recognize one of the blue balls mentioned on the page. I dont see the rock itself, just the light that covers it. also I cant open my menus so im stuck with the two spells I had equipped when I entered (equilibrium and fast heal) and the My journal is in the state of when your in a conversation or trading.(only "system" is available and can't load) It's impossible to see where I am going. the only thing i could try was exit and when i came to the opening menu I had weird ghost images like curved lines and the imperial symbole was missing. at that point I exit the game completely and restarted it. I loaded the autosave I had when I killed a bear on the way to the dungon and sprinted to the dungon entered and same thing happened. Any ideas what's going on? Pizza_Boy 23:54, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
- after expirimenting i found out that if I walk out everything is fine outside but even if i walk back in it has the same problem. Pizza_Boy 23:54, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
(←) Urag gro-Shub sent me to Yngol barrow to retrieve shalidor's insight and this place is not listed as a potential place where you can find the insights. — Unsigned comment by SlfTh3Chl3f (talk • contribs) at 15:20 on 17 January 2012
- Confirmed on PC (with followers) - HDR parameters get bugged, controls stop to respond (you even cannot open your inventory). I'll try going alone, thanks. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:01 on 6 January 2013 (GMT)
Shalidor's Insights at Yngol BarrowEdit
For some reason my game has Shalidor's Insights at Yngol Barrow, and the first door is shut at the bottom of the stairs with no lever to open it — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:14 on 19 January 2012
- Mine too. I'm going to reload before I talked about the 'Insane Book' and see what I get. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:30 on 11 July 2012
First point int the "Bug" section is not trueEdit
Contrary to this: "If you encounter a Draugr Deathlord or Dragon Priest instead of the Yngol Shade, you CANNOT get out through the gate at the end and have to retrace your steps.", I could leave through the gate. I went into this barrow on my own, no quests or anything, walked through the whole, and met a ghostly Dragon Priest. I searched through the whol room for the mask, but didn't find it, I thought it's a bug (that's why I came here to see about it). I pressed the button too, with no effect. The gate opened automatically, once I took off the helmet from the skull of the skeleton sitting in the throne. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:49 on 25 January 2012
Completely stuckEdit
I got completely stuck between the rocks behind the snowberry ringed iron greatsword. Jumping and crouching didn't help. This probably doesn't count as a bug. -- 08:46, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
- Nope. Getting stuck just happens sometimes, I have had it happen to me in Bleak Falls Barrow in a certain location. It's just object placement. --Velyanthe 21:01, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
- If you are on the PC, the console command tcl will turn clipping off and allow you to get out of such traps. Just remember to position yourself slightly above the floor in a clear area before you turn it off (by giving the same command again -- it toggles), and don't be tempted to go exploring through walls -- that's an excellent way to foul the game up completely. 04:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
Deathlord/Dragon priest fix? =Edit
Is there any for PS3/360?-- 15:55, 3 February 2012 (UTC)\
- I did not encounter the bug with the exit gate not opening, with a Dragon Priest. Post patch 1.4, no special quest going, just had bought the coral claw earlier.-- 02:27, 21 February 2012 (UTC) (Alessar)
- after you open claw gate. DO NOT GO IN. Tell a follower to get the items of the chest. Than tell them to come back. Take the helm of winterhold from them and go turn it in to complete that quest. When you return the yongl ghost will be there instead of deathlord/priest. Make sure the enemy doesn't get up fron throne. He didn't when I sent lydia in after chest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:14 on 10 May 2012
Can someone list the location on the outside? Not obvious from search above the barrow. — Unsigned comment by Lockestep (talk • contribs) at 12:18 on 13 February 2012
- Off the Rails 04:05, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
Moved from articleEdit
Note: If you are killed by Yngol, you will not be loaded to your previouse save, (like what usually happens when you die) but instead you will respawn where you were killed. But you will barely be able to see and so you will be tasked to walk all the way back to the start of the dungeon. Upon leaving your view will be put back to normal and everything you used while in the dungeon will be put back in your inventory, (Health potions, Magika potions things like this the only thing that is effected is your charge on wepeons if you used a charged wepeon while fighting Yngol) and everything you picked up in the dungeon will be put back to there original places, as if you were never there in the first place. To avoid this annoyence save just befor you solve the puzzle door where you need to use the coral claw, this way you are able to load just befor you fight Yngol, If you know you are abouts to die, and it won't take as long to try once more.
- This is quite unusual, and I do not recall this ever happening to me while I was killed by the boss-level draugr. Sounds like a very strange one-off. Wolok gro-Barok 16:43, 17 March 2012 (UTC)
Yngol Barrow Glich WorkaroundEdit
I had both quests going. I entered yngol. Went black. New save while inside than reload. Got to claw door opened did not enter. Told follower to get chest. Told her to wait next to me. If you put cursor on follower at a distant. Hold the button to talk with. It'll automatically switch to telling your ally what to do. Took the helm of winterhold from her. The enemy never moved. Left turned in that quest. Came back and the ghost was there instead of the death lord. So i was able to get both helms and open final gate. I'm on ps3. Never posted before. Hope I did this right. Someone else please test and confirm. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:26 on 9 May 2012
- Confirmed on PC. If you have the Helm of Winterhold quest you can complete this by standing outside the doorway that is opened with the claw. Tell your follower to take everything in the chest and use the Wait Here command to return the follower to you. Enemies are not spawned if you do not enter the room. The quest marker will be hovering over the follower. Open the follower's inventory and take the helm. The quest updates. Backtrack through Yngol Barrow and fast travel to Jarl Korir. Give him the helm to complete that quest then fast travel back to Yngol Barrow. Yngol's Shade spawns and the Helm of Yngol appears on the skeleton. In each of my tests the back door opens automatically once the Shade is defeated. Elpie 07:35, 27 May 2012 (UTC)
- Confirmed on Xbox. Big thanks to insightful OP. Here is your reward (1000 gold). I wonder if this info should be more widely available — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:06 on 14 November 2012 (GMT)
- Confirmed on PS3. Best solution I've read so far on the web. Thanks uesp community. 21:31, 11 February 2013 (GMT)
- This needs put into the article-- 03:39, 11 October 2013 (GMT)
Shalidors insightsEdit
I'm doing a quest that requires me to enter yngol barrow, but I cannot get passed to dragon key door... I can't activate the keyhole at all even though the pictures are correct. Any ideas/help? And tell me I'm not the only one this has happened to :s — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:37 on 12 July 2012
Vampire parts causes the same bugEdit
I was just sent to Yngol Barrow to retrieve the Ancient Vampire Hands and got the Helm of Winterhold bug. A Draugr Death Overlord sat in the chair instead of Yngol. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:20 on 30 November 2012
Easy way to deal with final boss.Edit
Go in the back entrance and down to the bottom. The bars of the gate are wide enough to shoot arrows through, and he doesn't have any weapon that can touch you. Shoot him with as many arrows as necessary, then go round to the front entrance to pass through the barrow to collect the goodies.
(Incidentally, on my run-through at level 24, the final boss was a Draugr Death Overlord, and the "steel greatsword" stuck into the ground and ringed with snowberries was a glass greatsword.) 14:46, 28 December 2012 (GMT)
- Level 67, PS4. I came to the back door first (from the Winter War), didn't know what it was for, killed the sitting/sleeping Draugr through the bars with an arrow (Soul Trap, filled a Grand)...because that's what you do with Draugr. If you have the Yngol Barrow quest, and I did plus had the Coral claw, that's the only enemy in the place, so the Barrow will immediately show up as "cleared" even though you haven't really entered it yet. 16:59, 24 March 2018 (UTC)
Yngol Barrow: Darkness Glitch and Non working button Problem.Edit
Fixes for Darkness Glitch: You can either enter the Barrow without a follower or once inside Save Game, Quit to Main Menu, then load Save. I have tested both methods (PS3) and they work perfectly.
The Problem with the button not working and gate not opening in the chamber where the chest with Shalidor's Insights inside is located is not a glitch. In order to get out you need to take the Helm of Yngol located in the same chamber in order to get the gate to open. This will also cause the orbs to disappear.
-LV — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:23 on 22 January 2013 (GMT)
Dungeon Reset GlitchesEdit
If given a radiant quest in this location after completing the Yngol's Barrow quest, the entire dungeon may reset, including the dragon claw door. However, there will not be another Coral Dragon Claw in the dungeon, and you can't get one from Birna either. If you're not still carrying it around from before, you'll have to remember where you stashed it, or you won't be able to complete the quest.
I've removed the above text from the bugs section as it's based on the assumption that this dungeon resets. It does not. Yngol Barrow is flagged as NoReset in the encounter zone assigned to the location. It is not possible for it to reset in a vanilla game, even if a radiant quest is later assigned here. Arthmoor (talk) 00:34, 14 April 2013 (GMT)
Imperial Courier?Edit
An imperial courier showed up as I was fighting the Shade.. I don't know why. Has anyone else had tis sorta thing happen? If its just me, it probably doesnt warrant an entry on the bug page. 10:56, 7 August 2013 (GMT)
- This happened to me at Honeyside. I've also had regular couriers appear inside the house. But this is the only place I've encountered this problem. Spacedranger (talk) 08:14, 25 November 2013 (GMT)
My experience with the buttonEdit
The button would not work for me. I first bought the claw from the merchant lady in Winterhold. I didn't pay attention to where I needed to take it, but I saw no quest for it. I then talked to the Jarl and got the quest for the helm. Surprise! To get to the helm I needed to use the claw that I wasn't sure where to use. I ended up having to fight a scourge lord (tough fight for low level mage). I then looted the chest, which got me the helm for the Jarl. I am running the most recent unofficial patch. So, it seems that the patch doesn't completely eliminate this problem. 19:47, 15 September 2013 (GMT)
Lights OutEdit
I wonder if the cave is meant to be dark and the orbs are there to guide you through the cave, with the bug being that the cave isn't dark. I found this script (dunYngolLightsOutSCRIPT) that seems to support this theory. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:06, 20 October 2013 (GMT)
- I would not object to tentatively add it to the bugs section with proper vn explanation. If nothing else it would at least draw attention faster from others who can verify it. —MortenOSlash (talk) 20:14, 29 October 2013 (GMT)
What is the button supposed to do?Edit
I stumbled across this from the back door (I had bought the coral claw but had forgotten about it while exploring), wounded Yngar severely then came in the front way to deliver his ticket to the soul cairn.
Just past the puzzle door there is a pedestal mounted 'Activate' button that does . . . nothing that I can see. Unless I've gone blind the main article doesn't mention it. I've got Yngol's helm and left, but does anyone know what it does? Something like the white phial with a hidden area not normally accessed? Or was it originally supposed to open the back gate? How does one write 'This button does nothing' in Draugr anyway? — Unsigned comment by Jonnan001 (talk • contribs) at 10:49 on 6 September 2014 (GMT)
- It looks like it was supposed to open the puzzle door from the inside, but in practice, I don't believe this can ever actually happen and the implementation is incomplete in any event. – Robin Hood (talk) 17:51, 6 September 2014 (GMT)
Yngol hates his helmEdit
So, I was in the mission to retrieve the helm, and instead of Yngol, there was a draugr death overlord sitting on the throne, and the helm was inside the chest, and the final gate didn't open when I picked the helm. Is this a bug? I'm playing on PC. 00:25, 29 October 2014 (GMT)
- That sounds like the bug when you're doing both Dungeon Delving and Yngol's Barrow at the same time. Are you using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch? That should fix the problem. See the Yngol's Barrow page (which is not the same as this one) for a description of the bug and some possible fixes if you're not using the USKP. – Robin Hood (talk) 03:51, 29 October 2014 (GMT)
Leaving Yngol Barrow with a follower, (dead), may cause a glitch where Skyrim is pitch blackEdit
My follower died in the barrow while fighting the draugr. When I left the barrow back to Skyrim, the game went black. The barrow did not go black when I entered with my follower. I did not know this was a bug. I reloaded my save at the exit and it duplicated everything going black. I will post more when I reload from an earlier save and complete the barrow without a follower. -Daddyattitude (talk) 17:36, 18 January 2025 (UTC)
- Leaving my follower at the entrance helped -Daddyattitude (talk) 18:45, 18 January 2025 (UTC)