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Tamriel Data:Suthay

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Races(Redirected from Tamriel Data:Grace of Suthay Khajiit)
A typical Suthay female
A typical Suthay male
For more information, see the main lore article.

Suthay are a subspecies of Khajiit born under a new Masser and Secunda.

Base AttributesEdit

Attribute M F
Strength 40 30
Intelligence 40 40
Willpower 30 30
Agility 55 55
Speed 35 35
Endurance 30 40
Personality 40 40
Luck 40 40

Skill BonusesEdit

Skill Bonus
Acrobatics Acrobatics +15
Hand-to-hand Hand-to-hand +5
Light Armor Light Armor +5
Security Security +5
Short Blade Short Blade +5
Sneak Sneak +10

In-Game DescriptionEdit

The Suthay are a subspecies of the Khajiit of Elsweyr. Born under a new Masser and Secunda, they are similar to Suthay-raht to the point that most non-Khajiit cannot tell them apart. They can be distinguished by their smaller posture and pale fur. Khajiit of all breeds have a weakness for sweets, especially the drug known as skooma. Many Khajiit disdain weapons in favor of their natural claws. Even more agile than other Khajiit, the Suthay make excellent thieves due to their unmatched acrobatics ability.


Power: Grace of Suthay Khajiit

Spell: Eye of Night

Power: Eye of Fear
