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Tamriel Rebuilt:Akhalleki

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Akhalleki Mundu)
Akhalleki (TR_m3_Akhalleki Mundu)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Hammerfell Mission
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level 7 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 81 Magicka 80
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Akhalleki, representing Hammerfell in Old Ebonheart

Akhalleki is a Redguard noble and former adventurer, currently assigned as a representative of Hammerfell in Morrowind. She can be found in the Hammerfell Mission in Old Ebonheart's Ebon Tower, and hails originally from the Crown city of Hegathe.

She wears her unique robe, a pair of common pants, a pair of expensive shoes, a pair of common gloves, and a pair of extravagant rings. She wields a gold dagger.

Like all Redguards, she has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost her health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time, but otherwise knows no spells.


  • Greetings:
"Greetings, %PCName. I am %Name of Hegathe. Please spare me the bowing and prostration. I don't need such reverence. What business do you have with the Hammerfell Mission?"
"Hello again, %PCName. What business do you have with the Hammerfell Mission?"

If you are a Redguard:

"Warm greetings, %PCName. It's nice to finally meet another Redguard on this miserable rock. I am %Name al-Hegathe. There's no need to bow; I don't deserve such reverence. How can this child of Ra Gada help you?"
  • Background:
"Me? I'm %Name, a noblewoman from Hegathe. Mind you, not a very important noblewoman. So unimportant, in fact, that I got stuck with ambassadorial duty in this godsforsaken land."

If Disposition is at least 60 or you are a Redguard:

"I am %Name of Hegathe. Though I am of Crown nobility, I'm not very important. I have no demesne, I am not an heir to any title, nor am I prominent in any line of succession. Being unimportant does have its upsides, though. Before I got dragged here, I used to launch expeditions into the Alik'r Desert in search of the treasure of lost civilizations. As soon as I'm done with my duties here, I shall resume my adventuring and never look back."
  • Crown:
"We Crowns are the descendants of the old Yokudan nobility and its supporters. Most of Hammerfell's great political philosophy is the work of Crowns. When Yokuda sank, we had to ask: what do landed nobles do when all the land's gone? To answer this question, we forged a republic on the principle of sortition. In Crown society, aristocrats share power on the wisdom of ancestors, revealed through the motion of the stars. It is a perfect system. But the Forebears find it distasteful. Now they have their own."
  • Forebear:
"The Forebears were the pioneers who settled Hammerfell's frontier back when it had no name, and the Yokudans needed a land to call their own. I respect them for that. In the Second Era, the Forebears decided the Crown republic was tyrannical. They rebelled for the right to self-governance, and they won. Can't say I'm too happy about it, but I'm not upset either. That was centuries ago. In my life, all I've known is a Hammerfell where Crowns and Forebears are brothers in arms, in peace and prosperity."
  • Hammerfell:
"Hammerfell is my home province. It is the land our Yokudan ancestors fled to after our continent sank. Soft men of the temperate and tropical provinces find its shifting sands and barren landscape too harsh, but we Redguards have embraced its harshness. It has shaped us as much as Ruptga has."
  • Hegathe:
"Hegathe is the old capital of the Crowns in Hammerfell, where our people first set foot on Tamrielic soil."
  • Redguard:
"We are the people of Yokuda. After our home continent sank into the sea, we fled to Hammerfell and began our civilization anew. Through our hardships we have grown hardy, and make excellent warriors."
"Rihad City was historically conquered many times by Cyrodiilic kings, and Rihad today is about as anti-Imperial as you can get for a city in Hammerfell. Hoxley's job is to make them friendly to the Empire. It's a hard job. But someone has to do it."