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Tamriel Rebuilt:Idathren

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Cities & Towns
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Hlaalu
Region: Aanthirin

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:


Tr banner idathren.png

Idathren is a quiet fishing village on the west bank of the Thirr River. While lonely pillars to the north speak to a past under the eye of House Indoril, the settlement is today run by House Hlaalu. A noble of this Great House, Ralur Sadrano administers the location from Sadrano Manor, while also claiming ownership of the netch ranch to the west. Ralur is tasked with maintaining the trade along the river, but as attested to by bartender Dils Sadri, business has been downhill ever since the opening of the nearby Hlaalu Ferry, a few years ago.

The village itself is a sleepy place, just as the residents claim to like it, and the peace is only occasionally disturbed by the odd adventurer seeking treasure and glory in the ruined shrine of Varashimmus, to the east. At present, a delegation from the Mages Guild has set up camp in these ruins, and one, Tureyvendil, can be found pacing on the village's piers. Meanwhile, a recent burglary has caused a kerfuffle at Sadrano Manor, as Ralur Sadrano fears that the thief may have been after more than just valuables...

Getting There and AroundEdit

The easiest route to the village is via boat from Hlan Oek or Hlaalu Ferry. You can alternatively progress here overland by leaving Hlan Oek via its southern entrance, and taking the first branching path to the left, turning right once the path forks once again.

Related QuestsEdit



Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Atacia Mucio   Imperial Fisherman 4 69 84 0 30 Atacia Mucio's Shack
Belera Veran   Dark Elf Caretaker Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 12 119 122 0 30 Sadrano Manor
Boderi Ulen   Dark Elf Thief Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 8 71 102 0 30 Sadrano Manor
Dils Sadri   Dark Elf Publican 18 129 154 90 30 Sadri's Cornerclub Bartender
Elegras   Wood Elf Scout Thieves Guild Footpad(Footpad) 7 80 94 0 30 Sadri's Cornerclub Trainer
Falvel Heleran   Dark Elf Herder Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 4 65 85 0 30 Outside
Felthis Arvel   Dark Elf Fisherman 4 69 84 0 30 Outside
Fiera Dathren   Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 Fiera Dathren's Shack
Galis Urvyon   Dark Elf Shipmaster Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 4 54 106 0 30 Outside Shipmaster
Mavrena Thelas   Dark Elf Pauper 3 45 84 0 30 Mavrena Thelas' Shack
Owyn   Redguard Cook 6 81 10 0 30 Sadrano Manor
Ralur Sadrano   Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 15 123 124 0 30 Sadrano Manor
Selvura Ireni   Dark Elf Trader 5 64 92 0 30 Selvura Ireni: General Trader Trader
Sernsi Hlaren   Dark Elf Scribe Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 8 82 130 0 30 Sadrano Manor
Tureyvendil   High Elf Sorcerer Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 8 75 154 0 30 Outside
Uryn Vedralu   Dark Elf Pauper 5 60 86 0 30 Uryn Vedralu's Shack


Map of Idathren
Map Key
  1. Guard Tower
  2. Falvel Heleran's Shack
  3. Mavrena Thelas' Shack
  4. Selvura Ireni: General Trader
  5. Felthis Arvel's Shack
  6. Fiera Dathren's Shack
  7. Galis Urvyon's Shack
  8. Sadrano Manor
  9. Atacia Mucio's Shack
  10. Uryn Vedralu's Shack
  11. Sadri's Cornerclub