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Daedric Shrine:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 3
Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon
Daedra, Cultists
Console Location Code(s)
"Ebunammidan"; "Ebunammidan, Antechamber"; "Ebunammidan, Inner Shrine"; "Ebunammidan, Outer Shrine";
Dagon Urul, [21,12]

Ebunammidan is a shrine to the Daedra Prince Mehrunes Dagon in Dagon Urul.

You can reach Ebunammidan from Firewatch by leaving the city via its southern gate and following the path. Turn right at the first two forks and left at the third, and you will find the shrine at the very end of the road.

The location appears in the quest Lamplit, which sees you and the Lamp Knight Kaishi attempt to apprehend the cultist Ensalda Lacinius. You may alternatively allow Kaishi to go alone, in which case she will later be found dead here.

Notable LootEdit

  • A Glass Helm lies on a stone platform by the door to the Inner Shrine. (Antechamber).
  • Ebony Throwing Stars are on the rock table to the left of Dagon's statue (Inner Shrine).
  • A Daedric Saber lies before the statue of Mehrunes Dagon (Inner Shrine).

Related QuestsEdit

Mages GuildEdit

  • Lamplit: Discover the mission of a tight-lipped Lamp Knight.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Culute   High Elf Warrior 14 151 120 0 100
Ensalda Lacinius   Imperial Battlemage 16 116 166 100 30 Appears only during quest
Galeth Oreynil   Dark Elf Sorcerer 12 101 152 0 100
Geleros   Wood Elf Warlock 9 61 92 0 100
Gildra Hlervu   Dark Elf Sorcerer 13 101 158 90 90
Itdall Foggy-Spawn   Nord Warrior 14 171 80 0 100
Kaishi   Cathay Lamp Knight 17 162 132 100 30 Appears only during quest
Liretha Falas   Dark Elf Sorcerer 19 132 186 0 100
Oksei   Argonian Rogue 3 48 84 0 100
Tatius Valius   Imperial Mage 8 66 124 0 100