These are all of the notes in Tamriel Rebuilt. To be more precise, these are all books that are unenchanted but marked as scrolls.
Some of the new notes on mainland Morrowind come from Tamriel Data and are listed here instead. This page lists all notes specifically added by Tamriel Rebuilt's files, separating them by their parent map. In most cases, these are found in only one location. Imported notes from other games and blank notes with no text content are listed at the bottom of the page.
Map 0 (Vanilla Integrations)Edit
- Letter to Banvira Auctoria — A letter from Tenyeminwe about her research to her collegue in Firewatch
- Letter to Bribanne Erien — A letter from Ajira about her new promotion to a friend on the mainland
- Letter from Tholer Andas — An invitation from Tholer Andas in Andothren to work with him
Map 1Edit
- Baluk's Custom Armor List — A list of custom armor and ingredients needed
- Blank Contract — A contract to eliminate a target and bring back samples of its flesh and blood
- Census Record — Names of and information about each citizen in Ranyon-ruhn
- Coded Message — A poorly ciphered message to be used as planted evidence
- Dispatch to Eldale — An encoded message from a Telvanni Mouth to her mistress
- Encrypted Message — A message revealing a traitor in the Mages Guild
- Faruna's Notes — Notes on the properties of Poppy Pods
- Fernil's Instructions — How to use an unspecified magical item
- Gibberish Scroll — Nonsense
- Hastily Scrawled Note — A message to you from a smuggler
- Honorable Writ of Execution — A Morag Tong execution writ
- Idrosis Drathor's Notes — A mage's notes on conjuration and alchemy experiments
- In Memoriam — An epitaph for a friend
- Letter from Merlador — Authorization to seize goods from a delayed cargo ship
- Letter of Apology by Dilnar Llenim — An apology and offer of drakes in compensation for past wrongdoing
- Letter to Bal Gernak — A blank letter that summons a Dremora upon delivery
- Letter to Lavidia — An Imperial guard's letter to his wife back in Cyrodiil
- Letter to Old Ebonheart by Fabius Varian — A description of the problems facing Veramus Mine in Sunad Mora
- Letter to Selura — The love declaration of a duchess.
- Letter to Slave Owner — A letter asking a recent buyer to relinquish a slave in exchange for a different slave and reimbursement in the future
- Message to House Telvanni — A message from Ranyon-ruhn's Temple Master to the Council of Bugs
- Message to the Guests — A welcome message with rules for guests at the Queen's Cutlass
- Note — A warning to Bal Gernak
- Note from Draralen Gurin by Draralen Gurin — An apothecary is ready to continue treatment for her client
- Note from Olfina gra-Loghar — A mother's request to her son to stop his hunger strike
- Note to Alvar Omothan — Instructions on locating the Ring of Rising Fortunes in an ancestral tomb
- Note to Egg Miners — An order to stop drinking and get to work
- Notice of Abandonment — A notice that an egg mine is shut down and should not be entered
- Official Document of Request — An official request for more slaves to work Ranyon-ruhn's ebony mines
- Official Reply from the Council — A simple refusal from the Council of Bugs to cooperate with the Temple
- Order Sheet by Polanna and Garas Diren — A request from a publican for more wares... and a response from the "trader"
- Orders to Fervas Shulisa — Encoded orders from a mistress to her Mouth
- Pattern-Covered Scroll — Clothing patterns and measurements
- Personal Journal — A suitor's attempt to play the hero
- Redram Oran's Report — A report of the activities occurring at Odrethi Manor
- Reminder — A reminder that someone has poppies
- Report from Vvardenfell — A report on the activities of a Vvardenfell agent
- Research — Encoded notes
- Scrap of Paper — An obscure fragment of a sentence
- Scrawled Note — Notice of a new supply of weaponry for use against the Imperials
- Ship Ledger — Records of goods exported and imported by The Brazen Maiden
- Shopping List — An alchemist's list of things to buy
- Suspicious Contract — A contract to eliminate a target and bring back samples of its flesh and blood, signed by Green-Eyes
- Tax Record — Tax information for the citizens of Firewatch
- Telvanni Hospitality Papers — A legal document giving you permission to travel within Port Telvannis and pay for services there
- A Torn Note — A nearly unreadable note
Map 2Edit
- Accountant's Worksheet — Financial papers for the Tribunal Temple in Necrom
- Alchemical Formulae — Formulas for restore health and levitation potions
- Ancient Burial Procedures — Old and nearly illegible procedures for burial in Necrom
- Argonian Skulls — A label for two Argonian skulls on display in Necrom
- Blessing of the Living Gods — Words of thankfulness for the present day, made by Almsivi
- Bonewalker Blessings — Blessings and seals to legitimize a bonewalker
- Bonewalker Forge Contract — The Tribunal Temple contract that officially sanctioned Necrom's bonewalker smithy
- Closing Notice — A notice that a clothier in Windmoth Legion Fort has ended its business
- Closing Notice — A notice that a general store in Windmoth Legion Fort has ended its business
- Dres Armor — A label for a Dres war hero's armor on display in Necrom
- Estimate of Cost — The details and cost of an East Empire Company order
- The Fate of House Dwemer — A label for several Dwemer items on display in Necrom
- Fighters Guild Contract — An unsigned contract between the Fighters Guild and Torvel family
- A Financial Report — A daily financial report for the Temple in Necrom
- A Friendly Letter — A gift to ensure loyalty
- Galdalior's Orders — Orders to use a cure disease spell instead of scrolls
- The Gift Of Consolation — One of Vivec's thought-poems about the Great Ghostfence
- Guidance of the Ancestors — A prayer for ancestral guidance
- Handwritten Note — Payment to an alchemist for his part in a skooma dealing operation
- Hastily-scribbled Note — A note informing the reader that the writer's tongue was stolen
- Hist Cuirass — A label for a cuirass on display in Necrom
- Indoril Armor — A label for a set of armor on display in Necrom
- Journal of Giden Nerendus — The journal of a "famous" smuggler who quickly met his fate
- Lament of Taldeus — A prayer to Stendarr
- Last Testament of Ivo Salvarys — The final words of the last Salvarys member, soon to be executed by his captor
- Lecture Notes — Notes on the uses of Dwemer tubes
- Letter from Bradys Hlaalo — Rejection of a request to conduct research in Necrom's bonewalker smithies
- Letter from Cyria Flavius — A seal confirming that you can collect a delayed book shipment
- Letter from Darran Flavius — A letter back from a son to his mother updating her on discoveries in Kemel-Ze
- Letter from Nethan Dralor — Evidence of a plot to fabricate an attempted escape
- Letter from Rilmas Athyrion — A request to arrest a former apprentice and escaped slave if either are identified near Fort Windmoth
- Letter from Tarus — An East Empire Company clerk's letter to a smuggler
- Letter from Turi Julian — A letter proposing a cooperative effort to arrest a murder suspect
- Letter to Darran Flavius — A letter from a mother to her son in Kemel-Ze concerning recent events in Helnim
- Letter to Rilmas Athyrion — An apology from a former Telvanni apprentice for abandoning her master and joining the Mages Guild
- Letter to Tredyn — Plans to get a Nord arrested for refusing to cooperate with smugglers
- Letter to Vuvil — A smuggler's reply to a corrupt guard's letter
- List Of Donations — Donations for the maintenance of Necrom's catacombs
- List Of Excavation Workers — Workers who were hired to extend the Necrom catacombs
- List of Ordinators in Mourning — Names of those who have served as Ordinators in Mourning
- Missive from Golyn Sedrethi — A forged letter declining an invitation
- Missive from Merlador — A forged letter declining an invitation
- My Last Will — An acrobat's wish that the one who finds him dead will travel and practice acrobatics as he did
- Note — An inquisitor plans to purge a heretic's tomb
- Note — A reminder for a slaver
- Note — A riddle for which creature to summon on a platform
- Note — A riddle for which creature to summon on a platform
- Note — A riddle for which creature to summon on a platform
- Note — A riddle for which creature to summon on a platform
- Note to Alaud — A request for two brothers to teach each other how to read and be a better gatekeeper, respectively
- Note to Caedan Jorval — A secret message from the East Empire Company to the Helnim militia
- Note to Ervul — Directions to a group of smugglers near Helnim
- A Note to Soren — Advice to a gatekeeper to focus on his job rather than alchemy
- Notes — The notes of a mortuary clerk
- Old Map of The Catacombs — A construction map showing part of Necrom's catacombs
- Old Temple Pamphlet — A speech from Lord Vivec to the Dunmer
- Orders — Orders to put Helnim under a militia-enforced lockdown in order to arrest members of the Thieves Guild
- Piece of a letter — Evidence that a clerk is involved in stealing company property
- Prisoner Log — A list of prisoners in Marog
- Protection from the Sinners — A prayer for protection from the Sixth House
- Ranosa Orrels' notes — Questions to ask a vampire
- Scroll Lending Rules — Rules for Telvanni retainers who want to check out scrolls from Tel Muthada
- Shelter from the Sharmat — An affirmation that Almsivi provides shelter from Dagoth Ur
- Signed Fighters Guild Contract — A signed contract between the Fighters Guild and Torvel family
- Supplication to Almsivi — A prayer to Almsivi asking for salvation
- Surol Volayn's Map — A map showing how to get to Shambalu from Akamora
- Tear Stained Note — A letter from a son to his dead father regarding his desire to break family tradition and become a battlemage
- Telvanni Waystation Report — Reports of bandit sightings from people passing the Telvanni Waystation
- Torn Note — A journal entry from a looter in a Dwemer ruin
- Tower of Tel Mothrivra Pass — Right of entry to the Tower of Tel Mothrivra
- Triune Grace — A prayer to Almsivi
- Unfinished Letter — A letter to a cousin about everyday life in Helnim
- Unfinished Report — The beginning of a report informing that the Helnim militia is unprepared to defend the city
- A worn and weathered page — The story of several sailors who survived a shipwreck to the seabed and into a grotto
Map 3Edit
- Acolyte's Notes on Lesson 29 — An Imperial Cult priest's attempt to decipher Sermon 29 of 36 Lessons of Vivec
- Aldrianus' Letter Home — The first experiences of an Imperial Legion recruit in Morrowind
- Arnesian War Collection — A label for items on display in the Imperial Archaeological Society from the Arnesian War
- Arquebald's Telekinesis Notes — A report on the telekinesis spell
- Arrest Warrant — A warrant for the arrest of a Telvanni wizard
- Attention — A disclaimer about potential injury or death
- ATTENTION! — A reminder to clean one's own blood when training in the Fighters Guild
- Baking Recipes — A parchment of Cyrodiil-based baking recipes
- Ballad of a Dead Man — A poem written by a man soon to be hanged
- Biscuit Recipe — Ingredients needed to make a dozen biscuits
- A Blades Document — Blades intelligence regarding threats to the Emperor from Morrowind
- Blank EEC Stock Certificate — A template for the East Empire Company's stock certificates
- Blank Loan Contract — A loan shark's blank contracts
- Botany and Zoology — One of the book categories in the Ebon Tower library
- Briricca EEC Update — Confirmation of a loan extension from Old Ebonheart's Briricca Bank.
- Briricca Report of 3E 426 — An old East Empire Company report into a successful investment.
- Cano's Briricca Report — A compiled, yet unsigned East Empire Company report.
- Captain's Announcement — A warning from Old Ebonheart's guard captain to not enter the gatehouse via the sewers
- Carefully Written Note — The locations of three rare books needed to create a portal
- Casik's Plea — An imprisoned general's hopeless appeals to his life sentence
- Catacombs of the Grand Chapel — A notice that access is restricted to the catacombs of the Grand Chapel of Talos
- Census Repairs Notice — A notice that the Ebon Tower's Imperial Census building is being renovated
- Census and Excise Building Plan — Steps to be taken in renovating the Imperial Census building
- Change of Location Notice — A notice that a criminal lawyer in Old Ebonheart has moved to High Rock
- Cleaning Instructions — Instructions for properly cleaning artifacts found by the Imperial Archaeological Society
- Coded Package from Elsweyr — Sensitive documents of interest to the Elsweyr mission in Old Ebonheart
- Copy of a Disassembly Report — A secret Imperial Legion report on the disassembly of a mysterious mechanical automaton
- A creeped-out guard's note — A guard's refusal to enter the rat-infested basement
- Crendal's Briricca Report — Crendal's section of an East Empire Company report.
- Cyro-Nordic Collection — A label for Cyro-Nordic items on display in the Imperial Archaeological Society
- Cyrtus Clagno's Note — A poem about Numidium
- Cyrtus Clagno's Note — Ramblings seemingly about Akulakhan
- A Damp Note by A.D. — A warning of the dangers of exploring deeper into a cave
- Dead Thief's Note — The journal of a dead thief who stole from the forges of Anudnabia
- Death Threat Pool — Number of death threats received by the barristers of Old Ebonheart
- Decrepit Note — Fight the sorrow!
- Deed to a Sailboat — Deed to "The Adamant"
- Deek-La's Poetry (rough draft) — An unfinished love poem
- Deshaan District Report — Imperial reports from Deshaan District and responses from the Duke
- Document — A coded document belonging to the East Empire Company
- Drelegor's Note by Drelegor Ulesseth — A note accompanying a reward
- Dreynim Spa Brochure — An advertisement for Dreynim Spa, including a list of prices and treatments
- Dwemer Collection — A label for Dwemer items on display in the Imperial Archaeological Society
- Edryon's Poetry — A love poem
- EEC Briricca Report — A fully authorised East Empire Company report.
- EEC Ransom Note — A demand for payment, with yourself specified as the courier.
- EEC Receipt — An East Empire Company transaction
- Emperor's Notice — A briefing for the Emperor on the current state of Morrowind
- Excavation site -- Keep out! — A warning to not enter the Dwemer ruins of Chunzefk
- Exit Note — A hint to the location of a key
- Felmo Ilveroth's Plea — A plea to the Duke of Vvardenfell asking if Old Ebonheart's mystery play can be performed this year
- Feril Gothari's Trade Records — Imports and exports for the Indoril in Almas Thirr
- First of withered fragments — Old forgotten words that Vivec spoke
- A Forged Invitation — A forged birthday party invitation
- Fragment AA-IK-0-4 — Original location, description, and analysis for a fragment found in Ikinammassu
- Fragment AA-IK-1-17 — Original location, description, and analysis for a fragment found in Ikinammassu
- Fragment AA-IK-1-6 — Original location, description, and analysis for a fragment found in Ikinammassu
- Girynu's Notes — Three people in Sailen who require further investigation
- Goblin Collection — A label for goblin-related items on display in the Imperial Archaeological Society
- Honorable Writ of Execution — Morag Tong execution writs
- IASM Note — A warning that only members of the Imperial Archaeological Society may enter a room
- Imperial Announcement — Notice of the strict laws regarding access to the Ebon Tower via sewer
- Incriminating Delagia Papers — Evidence that Delagia's gang is involved in illegal activity
- Incriminating Papers — Ledgers showing that a peddler is breaking the law
- King Helseth's Notice — A briefing for King Helseth on the current state of Morrowind
- Legion Dungeons - Do Not Enter! — A warning not to enter the Legion Dungeons via sewer
- Legion Forts: Status Reports — The commandant, alert state, current status, and recommended action for Legion forts in mainland Morrowind
- Letter — A letter home from an Imperial Legion recruit just arrived in Cyrodiil
- Letter From Deesh-Ja — A letter to a former Imperial general from his Argonian mistress
- Letter from Tel Vos — A worried request for additional Legion soldiers at the fort later transformed into Tel Vos
- Letter from Varus Vantinius — News about the theft of the Lord's Mail
- Letter to Indoril Danvas — A letter revealing a secret relationship with an Indoril noble
- A Letter to King Hlaalu Helseth — A request from the Duke of Deshaan for royal aid
- A Letter — A note to check an opening in the ceiling
- List of Stolen Items — Items suspected of being stolen by a slave
- Lord Ilvi's Words of Wisdom I — Wisdom with a double meaning
- Lord Ilvi's Words of Wisdom II — Wisdom with a double meaning
- Lord Ilvi's Words of Wisdom III — Wisdom with a double meaning
- Lord Ilvi's Words of Wisdom IV — Wisdom with a double meaning
- Lorindil's Briricca Report — Lorindil's section of an East Empire Company report.
- Love Letter — A letter expressing undying love
- The Mabrigash's Wishes — A short play about a Dunmer who has trouble making a wish
- Mad Ramblings — Grim words written by sewer dwellers
- Many-Headed Talos: A Fragment — Obscure words spoken by Talos
- Map of Kemel-Ze — An incomprehensible map of the famous Dwemer ruin, Kemel-Ze
- Map of the Empire — A map of Tamriel
- Mero Maro's Briricca Report — Mero Maro's section of an East Empire Company report.
- Mero Maro's New Briricca Report — Mero Maro's section of an EEC report - in better handwriting.
- A message from mister Delagia — A message from a local gang leader to the Thieves Guild
- Message to Caros Cocceius — Permission to host the Mystery Play of Old Ebonheart
- Ministry of Justice notes — Current affairs of the Ministry of Justice
- Missing Miners — Miners who were sent to explore a flooded section of a mine but did not return
- Moldy Note — A letter urging one's beloved to elope
- Navy chart — A map of the Inner Sea and Vvardenfell
- Neel's ingredient list — Ingredients needed by a painter
- Nibenay Basin land deed — A deed for land in the Nibenay Basin purchased by General Casik
- Nord Conquests of the First Era — A map of Skyrim's conquests in Morrowind during the First Era
- Note — A strange note explaining the purpose of a key
- Note — A note from a daedroth
- note — You're going the wrong way...
- A note — A challenge to get an axe unstuck from a stump
- A note — A warning to not touch a stash
- Note from Beru Vesuri — A note left behind with a package by Beru Vesuri
- Note from Gnaea — Note to read Unbiased Appraisal of Abolition
- Note from Ilvi — A demand from Indoril Ilvi
- Note from Minister of Justice — Permission to visit General Casik
- Note from Reynant — A notice for the Barristers Guild to withhold information from a former client
- Note from Y. — A note from a fellow Thieves Guild member giving directions to a hiding spot
- Note to Diranya — A short note for Roa Dyr's steward
- Note to Gondoril — A note of thanks for returning an amulet
- Note to Sathis — A note accompanying a share of gold
- Note to Slavers — A warning from the Twin Lamps
- Note under the pillow — A lighthearted note to thieves
- Notes of Narvs Sodryth — A wizard's notes
- Notes on House Hlaalu — Information on House Hlaalu's current affairs
- Notice — A no solicitors sign
- Notice from Garvs — A notice to not enter someone's house
- Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt — A receipt stating that you must leave Old Ebonheart
- Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt — A receipt stating that you may enter Old Ebonheart but may not export restricted goods
- Old Ebonheart Excise Report — Items confiscated from visitors to Old Ebonheart
- Order of the Watch Records — Crimes committed in Almas Thirr since 3E 419
- Pamphlet — The significance of the Robe of Ebon Regency
- Parchment — A hint on where to find a sword in the depths of a Daedric ruin
- Parchment — A hint on how to proceed further into a Daedric ruin
- Permission to Enter — Permission to visit a prisoner in the Ebon Tower
- Plays — One of the book categories in the Ebon Tower library
- Pledge of Donation — A donation pledged to a monastery
- Poetry — One of the book categories in the Ebon Tower library
- Potelie Sincel's Aquarium Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Bedroom Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Cellar Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Corridor Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Entrance Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Geode Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Greenhouse Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Half Maze Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Potelie Sincel's Study Log — The log of a lost apprentice
- Prisoner Checklist — Prisoners held in Roa Dyr's Eastern Guard Tower
- Quilmaro's Briricca Report — A partially authorised East Empire Company report.
- Rarities — One of the book categories in the Ebon Tower library
- Receipt of Purchase — An order for purple candles
- records — Storage counts for each month of the year 3E 426
- Redeemed EEC Stock Certificate — An old stock certificate for an illegible owner
- Report from Uld Vraech — A report of rising tensions near the Skyrim-Morrowind border
- Royal Spies' Report — Reports concerning King Helseth's sister and step-sister, the queens of Firsthold and Wayrest respectively
- Royal Spies' Report — A report for King Helseth on recent politics and espionage in High Rock
- Ruminations on Illusion - Draft Narrated by Kamara — The beginning of an illusion text that reveals a murder via frenzy spell
- Scout's Note — The obscure last words of a scout near Dun Akafell
- Scrawled Note by C. — An IOU from a smuggler
- Scrawled Note — An angrily-written note vowing revenge
- Scribbled Old Note — A note informing the reader of a magical theft
- Second of withered fragments — Old forgotten words that Vivec spoke
- Sewer Access Permission — A document granting permission to the Ebon Tower sewers
- Slave Market Leaflet — A list of slaves, their ages, and their best skills
- Soap Tax Proclamation Edict — An edict stating that sload soap is to be taxed
- Strange Sightings Report — Reports of undead in a mine
- Survey Team Report — A report on the lack of adamantium in a mine
- Syvvit Tong Denunciation — A denouncement of the Syvvit Tong and names of members involved in a conspiracy
- Tarramon's Liquor Report Journeyman Report by Amelphia Tarramon — An apprentice's unprofessional—and drunkenly finished—report on liquor
- Tax Agreement — A fake copy of a tax restitution agreement between the Head of the Census and the Duke of Ebon Tower
- Tax Agreement — The real tax restitution agreement between the Head of the Census and the Duke of Ebon Tower
- Third of withered fragments — Old forgotten words that the King of Assassins spoke
- Tithe Record — A record of the tithes Dondril pays to Indoril Ilvi
- To my dearest friend, T — A letter revealing the source of a criminal's actions
- To My Love — A memorial to a lost lover
- Top Secret Recipe — A secret family recipe for Gerishmarpal
- A torn Census page — A list of High Elves in Old Ebonheart
- Torn Journal Page — The first entry in the journal of an ancient warrior
- Torn Journal Page — The third entry in the journal of an ancient warrior
- Torn Journal Page — The second entry in the journal of an ancient warrior
- Transcript of a Court Hearing — Transcript of the second day of the Mols Hlarsis v. Alju-Deekus trial
- Unfinished Letter — A letter home to a daughter, concerning life as an Old Ebonheart guard
- Unknown Thief's Warning — A warning to not continue forward past a guardian statue
- Velothian Collection — A label for Velothian items on display in the Imperial Archaeological Society
- Visitors' Notice — A notice for visitors to the Ebon Tower
- WARNING! — A warning not to touch an enchanted diamond
- Waterlogged Page — An illegible page
- Weapons and Armor Order — An order of weapons and armor for the Indoril in Almas Thirr
- Welcome Notice — Welcome to Old Ebonheart's Imperial Archaeological Society
- Whispered Tenet Manifest — The cargo, passengers, and crew of a ship in Roa Dyr
- A Work Schedule — A barrister's work schedule
Map 4Edit
- Bandit Log — Items taken in a bandit gang's raids
- For sale — A notice that a farmhouse is for sale
- Glaucia's Reply — A sealed letter from Glaucia Rumariil in Old Ebonheart to Nalvyna Balen in Andothren
- Glaucia's Reply — A sealed letter from Glaucia Rumariil to Nalvyna Balen, with a complaint about the messenger
- Letter to Glaucia Rumariil — A sealed letter from Nalvyna Balen in Andothren to Glaucia Rumariil in Old Ebonheart
- Note to the Ordinators — A damaged note indicating the presence of Daedra-worshipping witches
- Ulvo Hlaari's Room — A sign to not enter a room
Map 7Edit
- Thief's Journal 1 — A thief's thoughts about a recent theft
- Thief's Journal 2 — The thief is discovered and must plot an escape from a dreugh-infested cave
Imported NotesEdit
- The Blessings of Sheogorath — The 13 Blessings of SheogorathSI
Blank NotesEdit
These notes have no text content so they do not have separate pages.
Name | ID | Locations | |||
Blank Scroll | TR_m3-278_sc_placeholder | 1.5 | 0 |
Note | TR_m3_ET22_note | 0.2 | 0 |
Successful Black Marsh Convoys | TR_m3-278_sc_placeholder4 | 0.2 | 0 |
Tax Record | TR_m3_OE_sc_ETtaxrecord | 1.2 | 10 |
- Five items in Ald Volos—three blank scrolls, one paper, and one rolled paper—are identical to base items and simply used for enabling and disabling during the quest The Rift.