This user is male. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user knows much, tells some. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user is from the United States. |
This user loves the TES Soundtrack.
This user works for the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War. |
This user worships Azura. |
This user worships Boethiah. |
This user worships Hermeus Mora. |
This user worships Sheogorath. |
This user worships Vaermina. |
This user follows the teachings of the Nine Divines. |
This user is an Operative in the Blades. |
This user condemns the Vigil of Stendarr as a terrorist group. |
This user regularly watches the recent changes page, sometimes for hours each day, but is not a recent changes Patroller. |
This vigilant user has hunted down and edited a fair amount of vandalism. |