The fanfictions here are stories and poems that take place in the world of The Elder Scrolls. They are all written by fans of the franchise.
To post your own fanfiction here, you'll first need to create an account. While logged in, follow the link at the top of the page, to the left of "my talk", to your user page. In the address bar, add to the end of the URL /My_Fanfiction
to create a story titled "My Fanfiction". When your story has been written, return to this page and add a link to your story in the appropriate section. The format is as follows:
{{Fanfic|My Fanfiction|My Name|Optional summary of submission.|Optional status text}}
For more advanced uses of the template, see {{Fanfic}}.
Morrowind Fan FictionEdit
- Journal of an Akaviri traveller — by SpamCan — (Completed but open for reviews or changes)
- Journal of a Tamrielan experiencing Akavir, the journal hints that the traveller might be the Nerevarine (The fanfic mentions events from TES3 and TES3:Tribunal, read at your own risk).
- Introduces Jannessa Ar-Tivalen via diary entries.
- The Illunibi Incident — by Dave the nord — (Completed)
- The pre-story to the Sixth House Base Quest.
- Dumac and Nerevar — by Auri-El Reborn — (Discontinued)
- What might have really happened at the Battle of Red Mountain through the eyes of Dumac Dwarfking.
- Alegna's first adventure finds her joining a network of spies, the Editors.
- Egg Rolls? — by Playjex
- A pair of best friends gets lost on Vvardenfell, become heroes, and then later butchers a God. How joyful?
- Grammartime — by HMSVictory
- A Telvanni Mage, quite pleased after hiring a sage, seeks travel to Balmora.
- The Guild's-Knight — by Somercy — (Work in progress)
- Alegna's sent to Balmora to meet the Thieves Guild's own Knight and ask them to become an editor.
- Hlaalu Hortator — by Vook
- The Nerevarine talks over the future of Tamriel with Orvas Dren.
- A new fic in the Editorverse, detailing an attack on the Pages.
- Seer — by TheAlbinoOrc — (Work in progress)
- The sequel to Diary of Jannessa Ar-Tivalen. Please note that some rather large liberties have been taken with the lore.
- Scotti's Revenge: An Epic Tale of Morrowind — by JohnB — (Finished)
- Not so much a sequel to A Dance in Fire as a story in its own right. Scotti wants to return to Silvenar to oversee the construction of Valenwood, but Lord Vanech would rather have him out of the way--permanently.
- The Kaleidoscope: Fifteen Tales of Morrowind — by JohnB — (Finished)
- I made this anthology to unclutter this list.
- The Book and the Stone — by JohnB — (Finished)
- An ill-conceived vendetta between archeologists and the finding of a meteorite inspire a huge voyage of discovery of a new continent. (The prequel, "The Library of Bethamez", can be found in "The Kaleidoscope" directly above.)
- The Gotterdammerung — by JohnB — (Finished)
- A number of things happen here: Yumiya learns of her past and finds a brother; Cosades has to answer for some shady shenanigans involving a certain Decumus Scotti, and Yumiya is finally forced to act against Dagoth Ur.
- After being expelled from the Mage's Guild, Sarvil, a promising mage, remembers how much magic means to him.
- A Morrowind Miscellany — by JohnB — (Finished)
- I made this anthology to unclutter this list by bringing together several hard-to-categorize items.
- The Masu: More Tales of Morrowind — by JohnB — (Finished)
- This anthology is overflow from "The Kaleidoscope".
Tribunal Fan FictionEdit
- Tatterwing — by Somercy
- Something lurks in the sewers, weeping at night.
Oblivion Fan FictionEdit
- The argonian merchant — by SpamCan — (Work in progress, Chapter 6 coming soon)
- The story of an argonian merchant from Liilmoth that turned into a legend from the Oblivion Crisis only to be forgotten
- Two young necromancers sort things out after a "field trip".
- The sequel to Whodunit? twist, Phintias undertakes a new mission.
- A story about a mage/alchemist who is exiled, but regains his place in civilization.
- The Altmer Chronicles: Dawn Breaker — by Veltas — (Work in progress)
- Two brothers fight against each other for the chance to be Emperor. Will the gods make them reunite, or will they choose a darker path?
- Assassin! — by Kajiit-man12 — (Work in progress)
- Events in the life of an Assassin who kills people for money and for fun.
- The Ayleid Lord — by Kalis Agea — (Work in progress)
- As the Empire struggles to recover from the Oblivion Crisis, a new enemy plots to usurp the throne: Kalis Agea, the last of ancient Ayleid Lords, and ruler of the great city Mallarisel. With the aid of the Thalmor (and others) Kalis only has one thing standing in his way: the Divine Crusader.
- The first story about the oblivion invasion; What really happened at Bruma during the first oblivion attack (on Bruma)?
- Blade Brothers — by Ninja Hinder — (Discontinued)
- Two brothers, a continuation that neatly wraps up Hinder's story and starts another one.
- Bloodmaster — by Twentyfists — (Discontinued)
- A group of adventurers hunts down a master necromancer.
- Vicente Valtieri hasn't seen his friend Rosanne since she went to the Shivering Isles. 150 yrs later he finally gets to see her again, but not the way he would he would prefer it..
- The Closing Days — by Goblin lair — (Work in progress)
- The second story about the oblivion invasion; What really happened when the mysterious champion of Cyrodiil gathered Allies for Bruma?
- A Contract Amiss — by Auri-El Reborn — (Discontinued)
- When Caius Luco was sent on a Fighters' Guild mission to deal with some thieves, robing a local Anvil store blind. But when his human -- or is it inhuman? -- impulses turn him into the criminal, his whole world is turned upside down.
- Dark Arts on Retrial — by Vook
- Gathering of Mages Guild. Contains spoilers for the Mages Guild questline.
- Diary of Stan — by JackDalley
- The Diary of Stan, an Imperial...
- Diary of the Outcast Ninja — by Ninja Hinder — (Discontinued)
- A story about Hinder, a ninja.
- Done to Death — by Likelolwhat — (Oneshot)
- Ophelia merely wanted to sleep in someone else's house without getting recruited into the Dark Brotherhood and being attacked by vengeful ghosts. Was that too much to ask?
- Disgusted by the biased and negative views in Alessia Ottus's famous Guides, an Altmer citizen of the Imperial City responds with her own review of the City's inns.
- A Dragon Knight — by Walterius — (Work in progress)
- The biography of the Champion of Cyrodiil.
- The Eastern War — by Rigas — (Work in progress)
- War has broken out in Cyrodiil. Morrowind and Black Marsh have become allies, and are attacking Cyrodiil from the east. It is time for 2 heroes to arise, one that is already know as a hero, and one who is known as exactly the opposite...
- Escape to Valenwood — by Arch-Mage Matt — (Work in progress)
- War breaks out in Cyrodiil, and it is up to the few competent people remaining to fight off those responsible-- the Bretons of High Rock and the Nords of Skyrim, who have allied themselves with one goal in mind: to conquer Cyrodiil. Featuring some favorite Cyrodilic guards.
- The life of a Fighters Guild Member.
- Fingers of the Mountain — by Matthewest — (Work in progress)
- Three Mages Guild members venture into the mountains to discover a powerful spell...
- A story about a poor boy who got angry with his father and killed him.
- A Fishy Deal — by Game Lord — (Work in progress)
- Commander Vartus' life is turned upside down as he uncovers a secret group of law-breakers making a fortune dealing in Bravil.
- A story of the Dark Brotherhood.
- A bounty hunting team who gets Nerastarel, the lost necromancer from Skingrad, as a mark. Part one.
- The team finally encounters Nerastarel, but a bounty hunter dies; S'arad and Dha'rahsa aren't what they seem.
- The personal thoughts of Raminus Polus throughout the events of Oblivion.
- The Journey, Chapter 1 — by Leonodas — (Work in progress)
- A boy sets out on his greatest journey, setting in motion a series of events that could change the future of Tamriel forever...
- An alternate history on the fall of Kvatch.
- What may have happened to the Adoring Fan when he was trapped in Oblivion.
- The Listener's Saga: The Sundered Brotherhood — by M.trix — (Work in progress)
- Rekkeju, a poor Argonian, who by fate must save the Dark Brotherhood from internal destruction.
- My adaption of the Main Quest and more featuring a female protagonist. Planned for weekly updates
- Lucas' Tale — by Prince of Madness — (Work in progress)
- A story of a Breton Assassin.
- Ever wonder what the Mages Guild Heads say about you in their recommendations for you? Well, they have to say something...
- Miscarcand — by Rigas
- A journal that was found in the former Ayleid capital of Miscarcand, describing the adventure of 4 adventurers who wanted the Great Welkynd Stone...
- The histories of the Order and its relationship with the rest of Tamriel.
- The very beginning of the game through the eyes of the prisoner Edrich.
- The story about a prisoner who awoke in a dark cell and saved the world from the Oblivion invasion.
- A twist on the quest "Imperial Corruption" through the eyes of Audens Avidius.
- More than 1,000 years after the Oblivion crisis, the new Emperor outlaws Altmer and throws Summerset Isle out of the empire. King Areldir crusades to depose the human races and assassins are sent for him.
- Areldir begins his conquest in Skyrim, revisiting his dark past. He learns why the four assassins were sent for him.
- Areldir's conquest of Skyrim continues, and his brother, Direnil, is introduced.
- Rise of the Mer Part Four: The Psijic Heir(Draft) — by Auri-El Reborn — (Discontinued)
- Emperor Areldir of Alinor has concluded his conquest of northern Tamriel, and he declares 4E 1071 the last year of the fourth era, ushering in the fifth. Areldir is assassinated in 5E 26 and his only son, Carandial Gaieitrius, must ascend to the throne of Tamriel.
- An Account of the Second Battle of Kvatch Given by Captain Savlian Mattius.
- A Secret Revealed — by Ziguildmaster — (Work in progress)
- a group of soldiers who discover a secret and then quit their jobs and become a wanted raid group known as the Bloody Skarr Group.
- Shade-Eyes — by Kementari
- Set of vignettes chronicling a multi-character excursion into Oblivion.
- The Story Of Junsten — by Sliter — (Discontinued)
- A story about the life of Junsten the Imperial
- The Story of Sesom — by Moses — (Work in progress)
- A retelling of the events of Oblivion, based on the author's gameplay, as well as a lengthy original backstory.
- A story dealing with Porkchop, completely isolated from the main quest and side quests.
- Life just hasn't been the same since...
- An Unexpected Champion — by ShadowwolfRN — (Work in progress)
- This is a story of the rise of an unexpected champion who hid his true nature and power from the beginning, a new war, and a fate that will change Cyrodiil forever.
- Speculative origins of the many Unique Items of Oblivion.
- A twist on the infamous Dark Brotherhood quest. Contains minor DB spoilers.
- The Vampire's Tale: Chapter Selection — by Eric Snowmane — (Completed)
- An old Redguard sets out on a quest to avenge the deaths of his family at the hands of a vampire.
Shivering Isles Fan FictionEdit
- The story of Sheogorath's champion who chooses sides at Cylarne.
- A hastily scrawled collection of limericks about traveling in the Shivering Isles, where beauty is always 'hidden' in plain sight. By the Cyrodiil Poetry Club.
- Shivering Isles Poem — by Billy Heart-Daedra — (>.< It won't count my name as a page >.>)
- 2 Poems written by a madman clearly...
- Jaden Rosh is only allowed to step into Tamriel for one month a year due to a curse set upon him by his father, in an attempt to prevent Sheogorath's prediction from becoming reality.
- A Vitharn Obituary — by Puddle
- The poem about the death of Vitharn, where the end of the battle was never reached, and where secrets are still commonly overlooked. By the Cyrodiil Poetry Club.
Skyrim Fan FictionEdit
- The experiences of a young wizard working for a notorious murderer and thief.
- The Story of Soldin Athin
- The Gray Legion Part 1 — by Iron Druid 52 — (Part 1 Done)
- In which an unlikely group of fateful heroes meet.
- Jo'Kar the Mage — by Daemoncatlord — (Discontinued)
- The recovered journal of Jo'Kar the Mage, a Khajiit from Mithral adventuring in Skyrim in his quest for knowledge.
- To Kill a Nightingale — by Skyrimplayer — (Work in Progress)
- The sequel to Reaper of Souls, with the new hero a Dunmer Nightingale, fighting the Stormcloaks and their unknown puppetmaster.
- Life and Times of the Last Dragonborn — by Minor Edits — (In progress)
- Tales of one Nordic hero who was two Septims short of a pint of mead.
- The Longest Night — by Vulpa — (Done!)
- The tale of a master archer, a Khajiit Dragonborn, who held the fate of all Skyrim in her paws and used her powers to outsmart an army of bandits.
- The Lost Years — by Vulpa — (Pending....)
- The tale of Sílva Garethi, a Bosmer Battlemage, who lived through the Oblivion Crisis and retained her sanity during a jaunt through the Shivering Isles, then made it to Skyrim in time to train the Dragonborn.
- Incomplete
- Reaper of Souls — by Skyrimplayer — (Complete!.)
- The tale of an Imperial warrior, a descendant of Pelinal Whitestrake and the Divine Crusader. Who fights to free his parents from the Lord of Souls, Molag Bal.
- Shades of Black — by Emzi43
- A prequel to meridia's quest
- The Spymaster — by Iron Druid 52 — (In progress)
- Whispers and Lies, Betrayal and Deceit. These are what destroy Empires.
- Ulfric's Mage — by VampireMirror — (In Progress)
- A member of the Dark Brotherhood in Black Marsh is given a contract by the Thalmor for Ulfric Stormcloak, but first he must act as a spy for the Thalmor and get close to Ulfric.
- The Dark Hunter — by Reignfource — (Complete)
- After a tragedy has brought out the worst in you, how do you be the best you can be again?
- The Book of the Dragonborn — by starshard — (In progress)
- It's safe to say the whole of Skyrim expected the next Dragonborn to be a warrior. They never could have expected a small, timid thief barely willing to swing a sword. Iris of Bruma has big shoes to fill. A tale of destiny, adventure, personal growth, and possibly even romance, for good or ill.
Tamriel Fan FictionEdit
- An Altmer guidebook outlining the correct social protocols when dealing with the Sea Elves
- A treatise on facial hair styles throughout Tamriel's history
- Language dictionary initially written by Hrafnir II, now archived here.
- Stupid Tales — by GUM!!!
- A couple of short stupid tales about food.
- Skyrim Bard Songs — by VampireMirror — (In Progress)
- Songs sung by bards in inns and taverns across Skyrim. May also be sung by traveling bards.
- Biography of a Shadowscale — by ArgonianShadow — (Chapter 5 coming, hopefully, soon. Updated 1/28/2014)
- The life story of a shadowscale. Go to my page to see the progress on the next chapter!!
- The Broken Blade — by Bmon419
- A Blade operative uncovers the beginnings to the end of his beloved Empire. (In progress)
- She Was — by Likelolwhat — (Oneshot)
- She was once the greatest of Heroes. Now she is something else. A snapshot of the Nerevarine, from her fulfilled destiny to her inevitable downfall, and beyond. Crosses time periods.
- The story of the first Argonian Emperor, the decisions he made, and the fate of the Saxhleel Empire as a whole.
- A more in-depth account of the first Argonian Emperor's daily life.
- Research notes on goblin tribes.
- A partial translation of a Paatru legend
- The Great War — by ThatOneGuy42 — (In Progress)
- A Story about a group of Legionares who fight in the Great War.
- Random People Fan Fics — by Billy Heart-Daedra — (In Progress)
- A random collection of ideas of character (WARNING SOME MAY BE BLAND).
- A history of Mantikoras in the modern Eras
- The secret diary of a Redguard warlord
- A history of Skyrim's early High Kings
- TES Fan Fiction Collection/Gaersmith Legacy — by Daric Gaersmith — (Work in progress, last updated 20 April 2013.)
- The tales of an old Breton family, down through the ages of Tamriel. Each volume will be from the viewpoint of one of the Gaersmith patriarchs, and how they react to — or are involved in — the events of their times.
- Prologue – Chapter 1
- TES Fan Fiction Collection/Short Stories — by Daric Gaersmith — (Multiple short stories on a single page.)
- A collection of brief tales which may or may not be directly or indirectly related to the main storyline of The Gaersmith Legacy. The first is a tale of how Nocturnal convinced Hermaeus Mora to curse the Gray Cowl so that it hides the wearer from history and from mortal memory.
- A comprehensive description of the city of Winterhold
- A comprehensive description of the city of Orsinium
- Demonlight — by Game Lord
- A poem describing the fall of Morrowind, and the time of calm just after a battle.
- A selection of (almost) clean limericks.
- A tale of Umaril, in verse.
- A sonnet concerning the folly of the Tribunal.
- A Dunmer Writes his pains of Vvardenfell's destruction.
- Draconic epic regarding Hermaeus Mora and Xarxes the sage.
- When the dark dragon Alduin returned to the land of Tamriel, a man wrote a poem on him imagining him destroying a village.
- The Song of Aranak — by Eldus Seranus — (Work in progress - updated 2021)
- The epic poem of Aranak the Hunter, last of the Chimer and hero of the Ashlanders.
- At the frontline of the Empire's advance across Tamriel, officers struggle to maintain order in the ranks.
- The Diary of Hlonval Dreth — by Emzi43 — (Work in progress)
- The diary of a Dunmer assassin.
- An incomplete journal of a Breton adventurer.
- Ferra's Song — by Shianni — (Work in Progress)
- A tale of love between a noble girl, and a soldier.
- Ferra's Song Part 2 — by Shianni — (Work in Progress.)
- The ending of the story unravels.
- Furious — by TwentyFists
- A Nord warrior fights the armies of the Empire as they spread across the continent.
- My Mother, My Enemy — by Aeon — (Work in progress)
- The tale of a Dunmer and Imperial out for revenge against the darkness.
- The New Empire — by Juz — (Work in progress)
- Sequel to The Armour of Contempt. The Daedra halt Tiber Septim's conquests.
- Pestilence — by TwentyFists
- A Redguard Spellsword hunts a monster ravaging the Hammerfell countryside.
- When House Redoran is forced to make changes, all others must change too...
- Rise And Fall — by HMSVictory
- A long-running epic about the final resting of the Dwemer.
- The Stormrider Chronicles — by Skober — (Work In Progress)
- Rise and fall of the Stormrider kingdom and the accounts of Exil Stormrider, last of the blood-line.
- The Warlord — by Fin Dova Feyn — (Work in Progress)
- The Lord of the Rift has returned home, with the empire crumbling he is tempted to conquer the lands he once sought.
- An epistolary tale about the unfortunate adventures of this unlucky Breton.
- A scholar gives his statement regarding the dark events which occurred during a visit to his sister's home in the woods outside Whiterun, written as an homage to the style of H. P. Lovecraft.
- A short tale of a First-era necromancer, written as an homage to the style of Clark Ashton Smith.
See AlsoEdit
- The Arts Subforum — A place on the UESP forums for art, literature, and music; another UESP outlet where you can share and discuss your fanfiction