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Contain the Heart
Episode: The Furnace Depths
Opponent Name: The Heart of Lorkhan
Lanes: Field/Shadow
Starting Health: 1
Special Conditions: Memory star (Win this turn.)
Story Characters: Sotha Sil
Previous Quest: Piston Cavum, Submerged Aqueduct
Unlocks Quest: The Caminus Pit
Reward: Playsets of: Awakened Imperfect, Fabricate
Memory of The Tools

The Furnace Depths: The ToolsEdit

The Tools is a location available in The Furnace Depths. It is unlocked after you've freed Laaneth and Swims-at-Night from the Piston Cavum and Submerged Aqueduct, respectively. Memory stars are puzzles that can only be completed by one specific order of actions in-game.

When you begin the battle, you'll be told to "Use the power of the divine artifacts to win this turn."

Once you complete it for the first time, you'll receive a playsets of Awakened Imperfect and Fabricate.


Sotha Sil: "The Heart has become unstable — left unchecked, it threatens to destroy the entire city. No matter the danger, I must venture into the chamber, and devise a way to contain its power."
Sotha Sil: "Success! With these tools, modeled after Kagrenac's own, I can control, shape, and even dismantle the Heart if necessary."
Laaneth: "That's it! If we can find those three tools, we can destroy the Heart and stop Mecinar!"

Game SettingsEdit


Ai starts with 0 Runes.
Ai starts with 8 Max Magicka.
Player starts with 0 Runes.
Player starts with 8 Max Magicka.
Ai starts with an Awakened Imperfect, a Makeshift Defenses in each lane.
Player starts with a Blackreach Rebuilder in each lane.
Player starts with an Orc Clan Captain, a Cauldron Keeper, a Skaven Pyromancer in hand.
Player starts with a Sunder II, a Wraithguard II, a Keening II on board.


Ai starts with 0 Runes.
Ai starts with 10 Max Magicka.
Player starts with 0 Runes.
Player starts with 10 Max Magicka.
Ai starts with a Blackreach Rebuilder, a Blackreach Rebuilder, a Firepot Spider, a Cog Collector in left lane.
Ai starts with a Dwarven Spider, a Dwarven Spider, a Firepot Spider, a Cog Collector in right lane.
Player starts with 2 Dwarven Spider in each lane.
Player starts with an Orc Clan Captain, an Orc Clan Captain, a Cauldron Keeper, a Shield Breaker in hand.
Player starts with a Sunder II, a Wraithguard II, a Keening II on board.

Provided Player DeckEdit

Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
3   Nord Firebrand Creature (Nord) 0 1 1 1  Common Charge
3   Marked Man Creature (Imperial) 1 1 1 1  Common Summon: Put a 0/2 Makeshift Defenses with Guard into your hand.
3   Relentless Raider Creature (Nord) 1 2 1 4  Legendary When an enemy rune is destroyed, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
3   Steel Scimitar Item 1 1  Common +2/+2
3   Afflicted Alit Creature (Reptile) 2 3 1 2  Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to each player.
3   Graystone Ravager   Creature (Orc) 2 4 1 1  Common Prophecy
4   Orc Clan Captain Creature (Orc) 2 2 2 2  Rare Other friendly creatures in this lane have +1/+0.
3   Protector of the Innocent   Creature (Nord) 2 3 2 1  Common Prophecy, Guard
3    Rift Thane Creature (Nord) 2 2 2 3  Epic Summon: If you have less health than your opponent, +0/+2 and Guard. Otherwise, +2/+0 and Breakthrough.
3   Blighted Alit Creature (Reptile) 3 5 3 3  Epic At the start of your turn, Blighted Alit deals 2 damage to you.
3   Eastmarch Crusader Creature (Nord) 3 4 2 2  Rare Summon: Draw a card if an enemy rune has been destroyed this game.
3   Mighty Ally Creature (Nord) 3 3 3 1  Common Summon: +3/+0 and Breakthrough if the top card of your deck is  .
3   Northwind Outpost Support 3 2  Rare Ongoing
Friendly   creatures have +1/+0.
2   Penitus Oculatus Agent Creature (Imperial) 3 2 3 2  Rare Summon: Steal a creature's Keywords.
3   Raiding Party Action 3 2  Rare Put two 1/1 Nord Firebrands with Charge into your hand.
1   Skaven Pyromancer Creature (Redguard) 3 2 3 1  Common Summon: Deal 1 damage to all other creatures in this lane.
3   Skeever Infestation Action 3 2  Rare Summon a Skeever in each lane with power and health equal to the number of Infestations you've played. Shuffle two copies of this into your deck.
1   Garnag, Dark Adherent Creature (Orc) 4 4 5 4  Legendary Breakthrough
Players can't have more than 7 magicka.
1   The Black Dragon Creature (Imperial) 4 5 5 4  Legendary Immune to Lethal.
Slay: Discard all creatures from your opponent's deck with the same name as the slain creature.
1    Tyr   Creature (Nord) 4 5 4 4  Legendary Prophecy, Breakthrough, Guard
1   Cauldron Keeper Creature (Imperial) 5 3 5 3  Epic Guard
Summon: Give your Activated supports an extra use.
You may Activate your supports an extra time each turn.

Opponent's DecklistEdit

Both Normal and Master
Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
3   Close Call Action 0 2  Rare Unsummon a friendly creature.
3   Dwarven Spider Creature (Dwemer) 0 0 3 1  Common Guard
3   Maple Shield Item 0 1  Common +0/+3
3   Blackreach Rebuilder   Creature (Dwemer) 1 0 1 1  Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Gain 2 health.
3   Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1  Common
3   Fabricate Action 1 2  Rare Build a custom creature and put it into your hand.
3   Gearwork Spider   Creature (Dwemer) 1 1 1 1  Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Summon all Gearwork Spiders in your discard pile.
3   Lute Item 1 2  Rare +1/+2
The wielder is immune to Silence.
3   Word Wall Creature (Defense) 1 0 4 1  Common Guard
Summon: Upgrade a Shout in your hand.
3   A Night to Remember Action 2 2  Rare A friendly creature disappears to who knows where, then returns in the other lane Shackled.


The following steps need to be completed in order to win the match in one turn.


You start with 7 magicka and need to bring down the opponent's health from 2 to 0.

  1. Play Cauldron Keeper.
  2. Give one of the Blackreach Rebuilders Ward with Wraithguard II.
  3. Use Keening II on the same lane.
  4. Repeat the previous two steps, still keeping to the one lane.
  5. Using Sunder II, move the Awakened Imperfect from that lane.
  6. Still using Sunder II, move the other Blackreach Rebuilder into the lane.
  7. Play the Orc Clan Captain in the lane with the Blackreach Rebuilders.
  8. Hit your opponent with both Rebuilders.


You start with 10 magicka and need to bring down the opponent's health from 8 to 0.

  1. Use Wraithguard II to give the left enemy Cog Collector a Ward.
  2. Use Keening II on the left lane. This will destroy the Firepot Spider and the two Blackreach Rebuilders.
  3. Summon both Orc Clan Captains in the left lane.
  4. Attack with the two leftmost Dwarven Spiders.
  5. Summon the Cauldron Keeper in the right lane.
  6. Use Wraithguard II again to give the left enemy Cog Collector another Ward.
  7. Use Keening II again on the left lane. This will destroy your two Dwarven Spiders.
  8. Use Sunder II twice to move the two remaining Dwarven Spiders from the right lane into the left lane.
  9. Attack with both Dwarven Spiders.

Prev: Piston Cavum, Submerged Aqueduct Up: Return to Clockwork City Next: The Caminus Pit