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Legends:Submerged Aqueduct

< Legends: Story / Return to Clockwork City
Help Swims swim
Episode: Furnace Depths
Opponent Name: Slaughterfish
Opponent Class: StrengthAgility Archer
Starting Health: 30
Special Conditions: Player uses Swims-at-Night's deck.
Slaughterfish begins with Rising Waters on board.
Previous Quest: Collapsing Tunnel
Concurrent Quest: Piston Cavum
Next Quest: Piston Cavum, The Tools
Unlocks Quest: The Tools
Reward: Playsets of: Brassilisk
Submerged Aqueduct

The Furnace Depths: Submerged AqueductEdit

The Submerged Aqueduct is a location available in The Furnace Depths, unlocked by completing Collapsing Tunnel. When you select the battle, you'll be informed that you'll "Play as Swims-at-Night in this aquatic mission."

When you complete the match for the first time, you'll receive a playset of Brassilisk.



Swims-at-Night: "Hmm. Trapped in a cavern filling with water. Only one tunnel out. Time to live up to my name."

Post-match, Piston Cavum Incomplete:

Swims-at-Night: "Fancy meeting you here. No I'm fine. Only a tiny bit drowned. Come on, let's find Laaneth."

Post-match, already completed Piston Cavum:

Swims-at-Night: "Fancy meeting you two here. Tell me you've found a way out."
Laaneth: "Not yet. But I think I saw the pulse of a memory star this way."

Game SettingsEdit

Ai starts with a Rising Waters on board.

Swims-at-Night's DecklistEdit

You play as Swims-at-Night with an  Agility decklist.

Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
1   Curse Action 0 2  Rare Give a creature -1/-1.
1   Move in Shadows Action 0 2  Rare Move a friendly creature. It moves again at the end of the turn.
2   Paralyze Action 0 1  Common Shackle an enemy creature.
1   Shadow Shift Action 1 1  Common Move a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
1   Barter Action 2 3  Epic Trade a card in your hand for a random card in your opponent's hand.
2   Caravan Enforcer Creature (Khajiit) 2 2 2 1  Common When Caravan Enforcer moves, he gains +1/+1.
1   Dune Stalker   Creature (Khajiit) 2 3 1 2  Rare Prophecy
Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
2   Fighters Guild Recruit   Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1  Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
1   Finish Off Action 2 1  Common Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
1   Helstrom Footpad Creature (Argonian) 2 3 2 1  Common
1   Lockpick Action 2 2  Rare Either put another Lockpick into your hand or draw a card and reduce its cost by 2, chosen randomly.
2   Thieves Guild Recruit Creature (Argonian) 2 1 2 1  Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
1   Brotherhood Slayer   Creature (Wood Elf) 3 3 3 1  Common Prophecy
Slay: Put a Completed Contract into your hand.
2   Dune Smuggler Creature (Khajiit) 3 3 1 2  Rare Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
When a friendly creature moves, give it +1/+1.
2   Goblin Skulk Creature (Goblin) 3 2 3 2  Rare Pilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck.
1   Skooma Racketeer Creature (Khajiit) 3 2 2 2  Rare Summon: Give a creature Lethal.
2   Swindler's Market Support 3 2  Rare Ongoing
When you play a 0-cost card, deal 1 damage to your opponent and gain 1 health.
1   An-Xileel Invader Creature (Argonian) 4 5 3 1  Common
1   Murkwater Shaman Creature (Goblin) 4 3 3 3  Epic At the start of your turn, put a Curse into your hand.
1   Leaflurker Creature (Wood Elf) 5 4 3 3  Epic Summon: Destroy a Wounded creature.
1   Ransack   Action 6 2  Rare Prophecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
2   Smuggler's Haul Action 6 3  Epic Put four random 0-cost cards into your hand.

Opponent's DecklistsEdit

Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
1   Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1  Common
2   Intimidate Action 1 2  Rare Enemy creatures lose Guard.
2   Rapid Shot Action 1 1  Common Deal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
1   Scuttler Creature (Reptile) 1 1 2 1  Common
2   Lurking Crocodile   Creature (Reptile) 2 3 2 1  Common Prophecy
2   Mudcrab Anklesnapper Creature (Mudcrab) 2 3 2 1  Common Summon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2   Raging Horker Creature (Beast) 2 1 3 2  Rare When Raging Horker takes damage, it gains +1/+1.
2   Ravenous Crocodile Creature (Reptile) 2 3 4 1  Common Summon: You must deal 2 damage to a friendly creature.
2   Barded Guar Creature (Reptile) 3 3 3 1  Common Summon: Give a creature Guard.
2   Feasting Vulture Creature (Beast) 3 3 2 2  Rare Summon: +2/+2 if a creature died this turn.
2   Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1  Common Charge, Drain
2   Shield Breaker Item 3 1  Common +2/+2
Summon: An enemy creature loses Guard.
2   Moonlight Werebat   Creature (Beast) 4 4 2 3  Epic Prophecy, Drain
2   Slaughterfish Creature (Fish) 4 1 1 2  Rare Slaughterfish gains +2/+0 at the start of your turn.
2   Slaughterfish Spawning Action 4 2  Rare Summon a Slaughterfish in each lane.
1   Territorial Viper Creature (Reptile) 4 1 1 2  Rare Charge, Lethal
1   Giant Snake Creature (Reptile) 5 3 3 3  Epic Summon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
2   Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1  Common
2   Scuttler Creature (Reptile) 1 1 2 1  Common
2   Afflicted Alit Creature (Reptile) 2 3 1 2  Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to each player.
2   Lurking Crocodile   Creature (Reptile) 2 3 2 1  Common Prophecy
2   Mudcrab Anklesnapper Creature (Mudcrab) 2 3 2 1  Common Summon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
2   Ravenous Crocodile Creature (Reptile) 2 3 4 1  Common Summon: You must deal 2 damage to a friendly creature.
2   Blighted Alit Creature (Reptile) 3 5 3 3  Epic At the start of your turn, Blighted Alit deals 2 damage to you.
2   Eldergleam Matron Creature (Spriggan) 3 4 2 2  Rare Summon: Put a random Animal into your hand.
2   Feasting Vulture Creature (Beast) 3 3 2 2  Rare Summon: +2/+2 if a creature died this turn.
2   Moonlight Werebat   Creature (Beast) 4 4 2 3  Epic Prophecy, Drain
2   Slaughterfish Spawning Action 4 2  Rare Summon a Slaughterfish in each lane.
2   Cliff Racer Creature (Reptile) 5 4 4 2  Rare Charge
2   Giant Snake Creature (Reptile) 5 3 3 3  Epic Summon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
2   Wild Beastcaller Creature (Spriggan) 6 3 4 3  Epic Summon: Summon a random Animal.
2   Shadowgreen Elder Creature (Spriggan) 7 5 5 3  Epic Summon: Give other friendly Spriggans and Animals +2/+2.

Prev: Collapsing Tunnel Up: Return to Clockwork City
Conc: Piston Cavum
Next: Piston Cavum, The Tools