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< Lore: People: F(Redirected from Lore:Barons of Move Like This)
Fa-Nuit-Hen circa 2E 582
Race Demiprince (Ada) Gender Non-binary (he/they)
Born Dawn Era
Appears in ESO

Fa-Nuit-Hen, the Multiplier of Motions Known, is the scion of Boethiah and rules over the pocket realm of Maelstrom, hence he is known as the Demiprince of Maelstrom.[1][2] The demiprince is known for his sword-teachings, and he is said to haunt the warriors who fell and still wonder why.[3] He takes the form of a demonic Bosmer for strategic purposes, specifically to be both a nimble and a smaller target.[4] His known wardrobe includes armor resembling that worn by the Aureal, and a Daedric helmet known as the Flame Monarch's Crown, which he supposedly wore when he visited Infernace.[5]


According to his tutor and minion Riparius, Fa-Nuit-Hen existed "since before time began".[6] In regards to who sired him, Fa-Nuit-Hen stated that he is a scion of Boethiah, hence his natural disposition to teaching fighting motions.[7] Despite this, the information broker Madam Whim believes that the demiprince did not actually originate from Boethiah, while also stating that "Boethiah supports their claim of scionship". In the same interview, Whim would describe how Daedric Princes have been known to adopt scions in the past.[8] While discussing the meaning of Fa-Nuit-Hen's name, Whim presented her preferred explanation that the demiprince may have taken the moniker in an effort to ensure a well welcome by the chosen people of Boethiah, the Chimer. Whim also dismissed the theory of his name being based on the art of Tongues from the dragon language and discounted some of the adventures the demiprince claims he had as possibly jokes or half-truths.[8]

Some of Fa-Nuit-Hen's adventures happened at an unspecified time. His victory in defeating the Five Recalcitrants alongside the Baron Who Moves Like Light Glittering Through Crystal left the ground "littered with fangs and antlers". The Baron Who Moves Like Heat Lightning fought alongside him and Sotha Sil against the Borers from Within and The Hinged Ones.[4] Fa-Nuit-Hen has also collected "the known motions of every martial discipline in Nirn", the earliest being the "Prismatic Vector Dance of the Ehlnofey".[7] He even obtained some of his motions from observing the god HoonDing making way.[2] The demiprince is said to capable of splitting lightning, and severing rain from a thundercloud.[9]

First EraEdit

The first sermon of The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec tells of sometime before the Skyrim Conquests, when Fa-Nuit-Hen appeared to a Velothi tribeswoman, the wife of a Chimer netchiman, who had been impregnated with an egg by the dreugh before being brought to Azura's Coast by Sotha Sil. The egg contained the unborn Vivec, and seven Daedra known as the Barons Who Move Like This appeared before the woman to teach the egg new swordsmanship motions. When Fa-Nuit-Hen appeared, he told the netchiman's wife to seek the Hortator in the land of Indoril before combining with the Barons to form a terrible pillar of fighting styles and teaching Vivec.[3]

The first sermon holds a contradiction, however, as Vivec reportedly predates Sotha Sil, who he saved when Mehrunes Dagon wiped out House Sotha at in the town Ald Sotha. As the sole survivor of his House, Sotha Sil would then be raised by Lord Vivec, and would eventually ascend to becoming known as the Clockwork God.[10][11] Fa-Nuit-Hen himself verifies the sermon's claims to a degree, stating that he did in fact meet Vivec in his youth, and made an impression on him.[1]

Fa-Nuit-Hen would later befriend the demigod Morihaus, with whom he would "drink and dice together",[2] and then go on to "lay waste to the beasts of the land".[9]

Second EraEdit

Fa-Nuit-Hen's barons would later adventure outside the realm, with some opting to serve other masters, but would subsequently return to him. As he is a "collector of martial styles, a combat connoisseur, [and an] arms trainer to the great and lofty", he asked his Barons to use their new experiences to help build the Maelstrom Arena. Unfortunately for Fa-Nuit-Hen, this endeavor would cost him, as his barons tried to outdo each other, pouring too much of their essence and animus into creating their respective sections of the arena that they ceased to exist.[1] This was especially costly to him due to the fact that demiprinces are specialized in a certain area, leaving weaknesses in other parts. In the case of Fa-Nuit-Hen, while he was gifted in martial styles, his memory was weak, leading to his creation of Tutor Riparius, who served as an intermediary for his memory.[6] Slowly, the Demiprince would lose his memories of his Barons, potentially leaving nothing but their arenas to remember them by.[1]

The Demiprince inside the Bedlam Veil

The Maelstrom Arena would still hold competitions regardless of the Demiprince's fading memory, claiming thousands of lives.[12] Circa, 2E 582, a champion discovered the whereabouts of the Maelstrom Arena's entrance, and entered Fa-Nuit-Hen's realm. Inside, the champion was well known by the Demiprince, whose reputation preceded them. The hero defeated all the Arena's combatants, leading to the restoration of the demiprince's memories. While his memories remained intact, he would restore his barons to their intended state, and would continue to build his Maelstrom Army to one day conquer the Aurbis.[13]

Vivec once uttered his old master's name in battle with Cyrus, when he performed eight sword strokes so quickly that they appeared without mortal notice.[UOL 1]

Barons of Move Like ThisEdit

"The Barons are Fa-Nuit-Hen, and the Demiprince is them. The Motions Known they mention in their title are the Baron themselves, personified within the Demiprince and given internal and (eventually) external life."Madam Whim[8]

The Barons of Move Like This (also called the Barons-Who-Move-Like-This or Barons Who Move Like This) are paragons of the martial arts styles of Oblivion. They are also psycho-magical projections from the mind of Daedric Demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen, his concept of perfect masters of combat.[14]

Known barons include:

  • The Baron Who Moves Like a Dancer's Hips - Known to have spent time with Sotha Sil. They created Seht's Balcony.[1]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like Flickering Flame - Known to have been one of Fa-Nuit-Hen's favorite barons. He created the Spiral Shadows, inspired by the Spiral Skein.[1]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like Heat Lightning, also known as the Scorching Storm[15] - Known to have visited the Clockwork City and fought beside Seht and Fa-Nuit-Hen when they battled the Borers from Within. Seht and Fa-Nuit-Hen also dueled The Hinged Ones while Heat Lightning overcharged the Null Pistons until they cracked and burst.[16] He created Seht's Flywheel.[1] A memorial plaque in his honor was housed within Bedlam Veil, specifically in the Hall of Barons.[15]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like Light Glittering Through Crystal or Light-Through-Crystal - Known to be obsessed with focus, with it being described as his reason for being. In battle, he moves from point to point almost instantaneously, scintillating from front to flank to other flank, his attacks flashing out like malondo-rays.[17] He created the Skein Grotto, and had an "unwholesome fascination" with Mephala.[UOL 2]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like a Shivering Droplet - Known to have served the Mad God for a time. He created the Vale of the Surreal.[1]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like a Smoking Plume, also known as the Ashy Wind[18] - Known to be a great admirer of Mehrunes Dagon, having mastered the martial knowledge of the Deadlands. He created the Theater of Despair.[1] A memorial plaque in his honor was housed within Bedlam Veil, specifically in the Hall of Barons.[18]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like Sunlight on Waves, also known as the Salt Spray[19] - Known to have created the Rink of Frozen Blood.[1] A memorial plaque in his honor was housed within Bedlam Veil, specifically in the Hall of Barons.[19]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like a Torrent in Spate - Known to have created the Igneous Cistern.[1]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like a Wary Moth, also known as the Carver of Shadows[20] - Known to have created the Vault of Umbrage.[1] A memorial plaque in his honor was housed within Bedlam Veil, specifically in the Hall of Barons.[20]
  • The Baron Who Moves Like Wind in the Reeds, also known as the Gentle Warrior[21] - Said to have a gentle soul. He created the Drome of Toxic Shock.[1] A memorial plaque in his honor was housed within Bedlam Veil, specifically in the Hall of Barons.[21]



  • Fa-Nuit-Hen has used differing pronouns during different time periods. During the First Era and when the Vestige conquered Maelstrom Arena in 2E 582 he was exclusively referred to using he/him pronouns.[3][13] In contrast, in the time period surrounding the Blind Path's invasion of Bedlam Veil later in 2E 582 they were exclusively referred to using they/them pronouns.[6]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.