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Galen, according to some tales of the Druids was the spirit that walked from the heart of the forest into the midst of an ancient proto-Breton settlement in order to sing the songs of Y'ffre and to teach ancestors of the modern Druids the ways of the Green. Some stories claim that the island of Galen was named in their honor. A variation of this story claims that the "daughters and sons" of Anuiel taught these proto-Bretons of Y'ffre's name.

Goroflox the UnholyEdit

Goroflox the Unholy is an entity whose invocation involves candles and mandrake root.[1]

The Ghost SnakeEdit

The Ghost Snake is the spirit of a giant snake which protects the Vale of the Ghost Snake in eastern Deshaan. It is thought by scholars to bear some relation to Sithis (though some dismiss this as nonsense), and is worshipped by the Mabrigash Tribe of Ashlanders. As part of a coming-of-age ritual, tribe members must walk the 'Coiled Path' through the swamps of the Vale, overcoming the giant snakes native to the region, as well as the angry ghosts of those who failed. The few that manage to reach the altar at the Fang Spires and commune with the Ghost Snake are granted great insight into navigating the twisting path of life. In return for occasional human sacrifices to nourish and serve him as ghosts, the spirit helps guide the tribe. Most outsiders believe the Ghost Snake to be fictitious, made up by the tribe as a means of scaring away interlopers.

The Ghost Snake is an entity of duality, and believes everything has an opposite. The spirit himself has a second side known as the Shadow Snake, a hostile spirit who attacks those who come to the Ghost Snake in order to test their worth. According to the Ghost Snake's faithful, there are eight sacred aspects of the Ghost Snake: Serpent, Darkness, Devourer, Dreamer, Silence, Light, Death, and Rebirth. Each contains a truth, a lie, and a mystery that entwines upon itself, forever undulating like the coils of the great serpent.

In 2E 582, a Hlaalu trading caravan attempted to make contact with the Mabrigash, who then went to the spirit for advice. Instead, the Ghost Snake told the tribe that it was their decision to make, with isolation and outside contact being two sides of the same path. The caravan's arrival had altered the Vale forever, and the Ghost Snake permitted the tribe to do as they please as long as they continued to worship him.

It is unknown what decision the tribe made, but by 3E 427 the term "mabrigash" had come to define a renegade Ashlander wise woman who had forsaken tradition to master the dark arts and become a witch-warrior. They could manifest their power as a 'ghost snake', which would then paralyze and drain their victims. These witch-warriors were common on the island of Vvardenfell, but it is unknown how they relate to the tribe of the Vale.

The Goat That Walks UprightEdit

The Goat That Walks Upright was one of many entities worshipped by the ancient Atmorans. While little is known about the specifics of their religious beliefs and practices, some information has been preserved through historical records, particularly those of the Dragon Cult. However, there were other religious groups as well, including the Cult of Mother Moth, the People of the Serpent, and the Goat Cult, the latter devoted to the Goat That Walks Upright.

According to translations by Archivist Oriane Pamarc, remnants of texts written in an archaic runic alphabet provided a fragmented account of the ancient worship practices of the Goat Cult.

The Goat That Walks Upright was described as an enormous creature, far larger than even the grandest bears. Contrary to the beliefs of some nearby villages, Atmoran Frostwood, where the mighty Ysgramor himself once hunted countless beasts, was far from a desolate wasteland. It was a dense, treacherous forest, teeming with monstrous creatures that demanded sacrifice. As such, the followers of the Goat regularly brought offerings to the beast. According to one cultist, the Goat feasted beside him, blood dripping from its wiry beard as its strange, horizontal pupils narrowed and its claws sank into offerings of meat and fish. The Goat's speed was unmatched—many who were brought to him screamed and fled in vain, for the Goat’s cloven hooves and powerful legs allowed him to cover the ground faster than any could escape. This was his beauty, his mystery. A few, upon seeing the Goat, transitioned from terror to wonder and awe. These disciples understood that the Goat must be fed, honored, and revered. These were his woods, and they lived only by his will.


Graht-Elk is a figure found in Khajiit religion and folklore, known as the champion of Y'ffer. According to text from before the times of Rid-Thar-ri'Datta, Y'ffer succumbed to corruption by the Great Darkness following the demise of Lorkhaj. In a fit of chaos, Y'ffer struck down Nirni, whom he had once cherished, causing her demise. In retaliation, Azurah, Khenarthi, and Hircine joined forces to vanquish Y'ffer and fashioned a burial mound for Nirni using his remains. Hircine, who harbored affection for Nirni, was particularly aggrieved by her choice of Y'ffer, leading him to slay the Graht-Elk, an entity associated with Y'ffer. As a trophy of his victory, Hircine adorns himself with the head of the Graht-Elk.

Hircine's depiction, whether in his chosen form or as portrayed across different cultures, consistently includes elk attributes, often featuring the head or skull of an elk. Furthermore, he adopts titles like "Elk of Arrows" in Druidic Breton culture or "Old Elk-Eye" in Reachfolk culture.

Great EggEdit

The Great Egg is an obscure entity venerated by the Lamias.[2]

The Greedy ManEdit

An aspect of the Adversary. The Greedy Man is a devil-figure to the Skaal tribes in Solstheim. The Adversary is the antithesis of the All-Maker. Unlike the All-Maker, his aspects are given a specific name, and a gender. It is said that the Adversary has taken many forms over the years. Perhaps he was once a man, before the Adversary entered into the Greedy Man, but he is credited for bringing ruin onto the Skaal, by stealing the gifts of The All-Maker.[3][4][UOL 1]

Gyub, Lord of the PitEdit

Gyub (also known as the Lord of the Pit, Warbling Redeemer, and Embryonic Prince) is an obscure tentacled entity worshipped by the Heretics of Fain in the Shivering Isles. The Heretics made offerings to Gyub in a ritualistic manner. They would take "volunteers," suspend them over the Pit of Fain (a vertical root tunnel within the mountain's core), chant prayers dedicated to Gyub, and release the offerings into the abyss, never to be seen again. In 3E 433, the Heretics were making arrangements for a mysterious ritual they referred to as the "Rebirth". This ceremony necessitated a substantial number of "volunteers" who would be offered as sacrifices.


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.