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< Morrowind: People / Merchants / Spell Merchants / Trainers
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Quests: written by Maroonroar

Services: written by TheRealLurlock

Personal Inventory: written by Salamangkero

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Salamangkero

Unique Dialogue: written by Maroonroar

Spells: written by TheRealLurlock
Only-He-Stands-There (onlyhestandsthere)
Home City Balmora
Location South Wall Cornerclub
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 13 Class Healer Service
Training Mysticism (58)
Alteration (53)
Restoration (53)
Gold 500 Mercantile Novice (10)
Spells Alteration SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 82 Magicka 106
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Only-He-Stands-There is an Argonian healer who sells potions and spells from Balmora's South Wall Cornerclub. It seems he has also been offering magical training, and since he is not a member of the Mages Guild, Ranis Athrys will ask you to stop him from doing so. Once you have completed the Unsanctioned Training quest, he will offer you his services, including Spells, ingredients, potions, and medium training in Mysticism, Alteration, and Restoration. Although he promises to offer you discounted training, this is never actually implemented in the game. His training prices are determined by the same formula as any other trainer.

He is wearing an expensive robe and is carrying a copy of The Consolations of Prayer as well as a Scroll of Daydene's Panacea. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater. In addition, he also knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from him.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Service Refusal:
  • "What? I don't offer any services. Who told you that?"
  • "Report back to Ranis Athrys and remember our agreement."

  • Abolitionists: "They are... activists. I prefer to make the case against slavery by example. If the Dunmer know me as kind and helpful, perhaps they will come to see all Argonians the same way."
  • Caius Cosades: "I don't know what your business with him is, but be careful. Caius Cosades may appear to be a pathetic old man, but don't judge by appearances. Some people made that mistake a while ago, and now they're not with us anymore."
  • latest rumors: "Tsiya has a little bit of a "sweet tooth," if you know what I mean. I heard her connection hasn't arrived yet, though, and she's been acting a bit jumpy."
  • unsanctioned training:
  • "Look at these people, %PCName. They cannot afford the services of the Mages Guild. Is it wrong to make their lives easier? Perhaps you can convince me."
  • [Disposition ≥ 40.] "What if, hypothetically, you were to return to Ranis Athrys and tell her that I agreed to stop any unsanctioned training... And suppose that if you did that, I decided to offer training to my good friend %PCName?"
  • Yes, I agree. "Very well. I will offer you training after you've reported back to Ranis Athrys."
  • No, you must stop offering training.
  • "Then you have your orders. You know what you must do. I am prepared to die."
  • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Please reconsider, %PCName. I believe I am offering a vital service to these people. But [sic] perhaps you can still convince me."
  • [Disposition ≥ 60.] "Very well. I shall stop offering training. Tell Ranis Athrys that I will not interfere with her... authority any more."
  • "I will stop training others in Restoration."
  • "Report back to Ranis Athrys and remember our agreement."
  • "You told me not to offer training. I have not."
  • "Do you want training, %PCName?"


Only-He-Stands-There has the following spells for sale:

Spell Name Cost Effects
Dire Weary 56   Burden 60-90 pts for 10 secs on Target
Great Feather 50   Feather 100 pts for 10 secs on Self
Second Barrier 60   Shield 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Absorb Fatigue 75   Absorb Fatigue 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Absorb Speed [Ranged] * 56   Absorb Speed 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Target
Energy Leech 75   Absorb Fatigue 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Strong Reflect 63   Reflect 20-30 pts for 5 secs on Self
Strong Spelldrinker 63   Spell Absorption 20-30 pts for 5 secs on Self
Wild Spelldrinker 51   Spell Absorption 1-40 pts for 5 secs on Self
Daedric Health * 75   Fortify Health 25 pts for 60 secs on Self
Feet of Notorgo 45   Fortify Speed 10 pts for 1.5 mins on Self
Great Resist Corprus Disease * 75   Resist Corprus Disease 30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Shield of the Armiger 75   Resist Blight Disease 30 pts for 10 secs on Self
Strong Resist Corprus Disease 50   Resist Corprus Disease 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Vivec's Mercy 50   Resist Blight Disease 20 pts for 10 secs on Self

* Indicates spells which cannot be purchased from anyone else, though spells with the same effects at different magnitudes can be purchased elsewhere.
