Artifact Styles | |||
Material | None | ||
Outfit System | |||
Armor Styles | 0 | Weapon Styles | 1 |
Small Armor | 0 ![]() |
1-Handed | 1500 |
Large Armor | 0 ![]() |
2-Handed | 3000 |
Artifact Styles are a series of outfit styles inspired by the various artifacts that appear throughout the series. While replicas are defined as an exact copies, these styles can differ from what the actual artifacts looks like in-game. This is because they have been given updated models and also that many artifacts are known to change form. An example being the real Ebony Blade appearing as a one-handed sword, while its replica is a greatsword.
They take the form of weapons styles only (with the exception of the Barbas Helmet Replica), and most are available to purchase individually from the Crown Store for a limited time at 1200 . The 2024 Anniversary Jubilee introduced a handful of Artifact Styles as earnable event rewards for the first time.
They can be applied using the Outfit System. When sold in the Crown Store, they are bundled with an Outfit Change Token, but some bundles may include additional items, such as a relevant Daedric prince's banner furnishing.
The majority of Artifact Style releases coincide with the month the summoning day of a Daedric Prince falls under.
Contents |
One-Handed | |
Two-Handed | |
Staves | |
Bows | |
Shields | |
Armor | |
†Upcoming or Unreleased • ‡Available from Event Rewards |
Crown Store ArtifactsEdit
The following list is ordered by the months they are annually sold by.
Rueful AxeEdit
- Alter your two-handed axe's Outfit style with a replica of the Rueful Axe Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon created by the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile.
As Clavicus Vile's Summoning Day falls on the 1st of Morning Star 1st (i.e. January 1st), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in January. See the lore page for historical information.
- An Outfit style that replicates the Dawnbreaker Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon created by the Daedric Prince Meridia.
As Meridia's Summoning Day falls on the 13th of Morning Star (i.e. January 13th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in January. See the lore page for historical information.
Fork of HorripilationEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Fork of Horriplation Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon created by the Daedric Prince Sheogorath.
As Sheogorath's Summoning Day falls on the 2nd of Sun's Dawn (i.e. February 2nd), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in February. See the lore page for historical information.
- This includes a sword Outfit style replicating the Firstblade Elder Scrolls Artifact, a strange sword the Skaal of Solstheim say belonged to a renegade Dragon Priest named Miraak far in the distant past.
As Hermaeus Mora's Summoning Day falls on the 5th of First Seed (i.e. March 5th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in March. See the lore page for historical information.
- This includes a two-handed Outfit style replicating the Chrysamere Elder Scrolls Artifact, a sword also known as the Paladin's Blade.
As Azura's Summoning Day falls on the 21st of First Seed (i.e. March 21st), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in March. See the lore page for historical information.
*Despite the implications of the bundle, Chrysamere is not a Daedric artifact, being unaligned.
- This includes a shield Outfit style replicating the Spellbreaker Elder Scrolls Artifact, a Dwarven shield associated with the Daedric Prince Peryite. Sometime in the early First Era it was granted for a time to the Dragon Priest Zaan the Scalecaller.
As Peryite's Summoning Day falls on the 9th of Rain's Hand (i.e. April 9th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in April. See the lore page for historical information.
- This includes a two-handed Outfit style replicating the Sinweaver Elder Scrolls Artifact, an ancient Elven sword possibly Ayleid in origin, though it's endowed with powers often associated with Daedric weapons.
As Namira's Summoning Day falls on the 9th of Second Seed (i.e. May 9th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in May. See the lore page for historical information.
Spear of Bitter MercyEdit
- This includes a staff Outfit style replicating the Spear of Bitter Mercy Elder Scrolls Artifact, a mighty weapon from Oblivion usually associated with the Daedric Prince Hircine.
As Hircine's Summoning Day falls on the 5th of Mid Year (i.e. June 5th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in June. See the lore page for historical information.
Skull of CorruptionEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Skull of Corruption Elder Scrolls Artifact, a relic of Vaermina best known for bringing out dark reflections of its victims.
As Vaermina's Summoning Day falls on the 10th of Sun's Height (i.e. July 10th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in July. See the lore page for historical information.
Sword of JyggalagEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Sword of Jyggalag Elder Scrolls Artifact, the claymore created by the absent Prince of Order.
The weapon style of the absent Daedric Prince fills the void of the month without a summoning day, and is thus is expected to be sold sometime in August. See the lore page for historical information.
Bow of ShadowsEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Bow of Shadows Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon created by the Daedric Prince Nocturnal.
As Nocturnal's Summoning Day falls on the 3rd of Hearth Fire (i.e. September 3rd), the style is expected to be available in the Crown Store sometime in September for 1200 (or 900 if discounted for ESO Plus players). See the lore page for historical information.
- An Outfit style that replicates the Volendrung Elder Scrolls Artifact, a paradoxical weapon forever torn between its Dwarven origins and Malacath's Daedric influence.
As Malacath's Summoning Day falls on the 8th of Frostfall (i.e. October 8th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in October. See the lore page for historical information.
Ebony BladeEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Ebony Blade Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon forged by the Daedric Prince Mephala.
As Mephala's Summoning Day falls on the 13th of Frostfall (i.e. October 13th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in October. See the lore page for historical information.
- An Outfit style that replicates the Fearstruck Elder Scrolls Artifact, a shield crafted by the Daedric Prince Boethiah. Reportedly destroyed by a wyrm in the First Era, this shield and its memory live on only in the imagination and reproductions.
As Boethiah's Summoning Day falls on the 2nd of Sun's Dusk (i.e. November 2nd), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in November. See the lore page for historical information.
Mehrunes' RazorEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Mehrunes' Razor Elder Scrolls Artifact, a weapon forged by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon.
As Mehrunes Dagon's Summoning Day falls on the 20th of Sun's Dusk (i.e. November 20th), the style is expected to be available to buy from the Crown Store sometime in November. See the lore page for historical information.
Mace of Molag BalEdit
- An Outfit style that replicates the Mace of Molag Bal Elder Scrolls Artifact, the claymore [sic] created by your foe, the Prince of Domination.
The Mace of Molag Bal Style was available for free as part of the Player Appreciation Bundle from July 16 to July 30, 2020.
Upcoming Crown Store ArtifactsEdit
The following artifacts have been datamined as future Outfit styles, and may soon be seen as PvP artifacts in Cyrodiil. They are also ordered by the month they may appear in:
Sanguine's RoseEdit
- This includes a staff Outfit style replicating the Sanguine's Rose Elder Scrolls Artifact, a charming weapon from Oblivion usually associated with the Daedric Prince Sanguine.
Sanguine's Summoning Day falls on Sun's Dawn 16th (i.e. February 16th), so this style may be sold on a February. See the lore page for historical information.
Anniversary Jubilee ArtifactsEdit
Starting with the 2024 Anniversary Jubilee, these artifact replicas could be obtained in-game as character-bound style pages.
Barbas Helmet ReplicaEdit
The Barbas Helmet Replica is based on the wolf helmet worn by Barbas in his Skaafin form. During the event it has a chance to drop from Group Bosses on Vvardenfell .
Staff of Worms ReplicaEdit
The Staff of Worms Replica is based on the staff of Mannimarco, who can be seen wielding it during the Main Quest. During the event it has a chance to drop from Dark Anchor reward chests.
Sunna'rah ReplicaEdit
The Sunna'rah Replica is based on a staff-like device created by Sotha Sil, which features in Morrowind's main storyline. During the event it has a chance to drop from Group Bosses on Vvardenfell .
Trueflame Sword ReplicaEdit
The Trueflame Sword Replica is based on Trueflame, the blade of Nerevar. This weapon is part of the deprecated Arms of Infernace set and has been unobtainable in-game since Patch 1.0.1. During the event the style page has a chance to drop from any fishing node.
Ul'vor Staff ReplicaEdit
The Ul'Vor Staff Replica is based on a mysterious Sea Sload staff stored in the Psijic Relic Vaults. It is used to tap into the mind of K'Tora during the quest Buried Memories. During the event the style page has a chance to drop from the Shell Trove that appears after completing an Abyssal Geyser on Summerset .