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A player with the Crown Store menu open

This article is about the in-game store. For the store on the official website, see PC/Mac Store.

The Crown Store is an in-game store which allows for the purchasing of exclusive content, such as items and DLC. ON-icon-store-Crowns.png Crowns are the currency required to buy things from the store, and can be purchased separately or obtained by paying for an ESO Plus subscription. There is no way to earn Crowns in-game.

Crowns and Crown Store items cannot be sold or transferred to other accounts.

If you have an account on both megaservers, you will be able to use your Crowns on both servers; however, any items purchased will remain on the server that they were purchased on.

The Crown Store has new items added monthly. The items may have themes: if there is a DLC based on Daedra, for example, then there may be items in the shop that are Daedric-themed. Items in the Crown Store have a "preview" function, so that you can see what an item looks like with your character before purchasing it.

Crown Store Item CategoriesEdit

Crown Store ShowcaseEdit

Obtaining CrownsEdit

Crowns can be obtained in the following ways:

Direct purchaseEdit

  • Purchased on the store:
    • 750 for $7.99 USD
    • 1500 for $14.99 USD
      • For the same amount of money, you can instead purchase 1 month of ESO Plus and get 1650 crowns.
    • 3000 for $24.99 USD
    • 5500 for $39.99 USD
    • 14000 for $99.99 USD
    • 21000 for $149.99 USD
      • This isn't any more efficient than buying 14k for 100 dollars, but costs you more upfront.

ESO PlusEdit

  • By having an ESO Plus subscription, 1650 crowns per month are given at the start of the subscription period.


  • 500 Crowns are given to all accounts with a copy of the game, whether they were created prior to or after the addition of the Crown Store.
  • Winning official contests or attending certain conventions

Rates of ReturnEdit

The following table summarizes the rates of return, rounded to hundredths of a crown per dollar. The entries with parentheses are the Crown allotments that come from an ESO+ subscription. In the Crowns column, the table lists the total number of Crowns received and the length of the subscription. In the Cost column, the total cost is listed with the monthly cost in parentheses.

Crown Store Rates of Return
Crowns Cost (USD) Crowns Per Dollar
750 7.99 93.87
1500 14.99 100.07
3000 24.99 120.05
5500 39.99 137.53
14000 99.99 140.01
21000 149.99 140.01
1650 (30 Days) 14.99 (14.99) 110.07
4950 (90 Days) 41.97 (13.99) 117.94
9900 (180 Days) 77.94 (12.99) 127.02
19800 (365 Days) 139.99 (11.67) 141.44


Update 18 introduced gifting to the Crown Store, which allows players to gift Crown Store items to other players directly.

Certain criteria must be met before the ability to gift is unlocked; new players need to become an ESO Plus member or make a Crown Pack purchase and wait 30 days in order to gain the ability to gift. Existing players who have never purchased Crown Packs or ESO Plus must also make a Crown Pack purchase and wait 30 days. Players with an existing history of purchases and ESO Plus membership will have gifting unlocked for them.

The gift recipient has 14 days to accept or decline the gift. If they decline then it returned to the original sender who is unable to make use of it themselves, although they can resend it or send it to a different player. "Instant unlock and account upgrade, skill lines and other account-specific" items like Bag Space Upgrades, Skill Line Advancements and Curse of Vampirism are not able to be gifted at this time. Player housing is able to be gifted.

Gifting Crown Store items was disabled for all platforms on September 1, 2023. [1], but was then re-enabled in October, 2023 [2].

Senders can write a personal message or choose from a small selection of preset messages, listed below:

Preset messages
  • Thanks for having my back, fellow adventurer!
  • This one hopes you will enjoy this sleek gift!
  • I erect the spine of friendship and present you with this gift!
  • May this gift serve you and your house, Sera!
  • Please accept this gift with honor. Long life and harmony to you!
  • Please accept this gift in Y'ffre's name, my friend.
  • A gift for you, and a wish for a long and prosperous life!
  • Use this gift in good health, blood of my blood!

Likewise, those who receive gifts can do the same with thank-you messages, the presets of which are listed below:

Preset messages
  • Thank you for the unexpected gift, my friend!
  • Many thanks, my five-clawed friend! Bright moons light your path!
  • Thanks beyond measure, my fine f'lah!
  • By bark and birth, your kindness is appreciated, Hist-friend!
  • Fortune favors me with a friend such as you. Walk in radiance.
  • Many thanks, and may Auriel protect you!
  • May the Eight protect and reward you for your kindness.
  • By Shor's Bones, you honor me greatly!


  • On Xbox One the Crown Store can be used to buy ESO Plus subscription time from the Xbox Marketplace. PS4 ESO Plus subscriptions must be bought through the PlayStation Store.
  • A "Pay to Lose" category was added to the Crown Store for April Fools' Day 2017, as a reference to the "Pay to Win" trope often associated with subscription-free MMO games which gain revenue through a cash shop. It contained a level 1 broom two-handed weapon and a level 1 bucket heavy helmet.
  • Lore snippets taken from the Crown Store Showcase series can be read here.
  • Anyone with an existing account at the time of the change to Tamriel Unlimited - whether with an active subscription or not - was given 100 crowns for every month that they had been subscribed.
  • Anyone with an active subscription at the time of the change to Tamriel Unlimited was given 1500 crowns per month remaining (with 0-30 days counting as 1 month, 30-60 counting as 2 months, and so forth).
  • Players who originally created an ESO account with ZeniMax but later switched to the Japanese version lost all remaining Crowns upon making the transition to DMM.

Pay to LoseEdit

Limited Time OffersEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Broom 00050Unavailable 50   "Lifts-Her-Tail: 'But, my lord, your broom is so very long and stiff! To move it back and forth, I shall have to use both hands!'" — Excerpt from The Dusty Argonian Maid A level 1 two-handed weapon.
3 April 2017
31 March 2017
  Bucket 00050Unavailable 50   "A Bucket helm? Nope, sorry—who would wear such a thing? It's far too silly and undignified. Be off. …Ha ha ha, fooled you! That sounds splendid! Where can I get one?" —Sir Cadwell of Codswallop A level 1 heavy helmet.
3 April 2017
31 March 2017

Special OffersEdit

Limited Time OffersEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Crow Caller 0FreeUnavailable Free   The rarest crow callers have been known to summon more than just birds during the Witches Festival. See what strange and sinister secrets await you! Use the whistle to start the 2016 Witches Festival quest, The Witchmother's Bargain.
1 November 2016
13 October 2016
  Dragon's Rise Reward Bundle 0FreeUnavailable Free   You have earned a share of the Dragon's Treasure. This reward bundle includes the Dragon's Treasure Trove Furnishing, Green Dragon Imp Pet, Grim Harvester Costume, and 10 cascading reward boxes. Earned from the completion of community goals during the Dragon Rise Event. Bundle contains:
Dragon's Treasure Trove (page) furnishing item, Green Dragon Imp pet, Grim Harvester costume and Nafaalilargus's First Offering.
7 October 2019
21 October 2019
  ESO Plus Free Trial 0FreeUnavailable Free   Enjoy the benefits of ESO Plus for a limited time. A five-day free trial of ESO Plus for the ESO Plus Bonus Event. All benefits of ESO Plus were available, except the free allocation of Crowns.
9 July 2017
5 July 2017
  Event Ticket 00250Unavailable 250   A Ticket used to purchase rare goods from the Impresario, Event Merchant. These tickets will become available whenever there is an event running.

  Jester's Festival Invitation Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free   An unassuming scroll with a strange seal upon it. There's something funny about it. Use the scroll to start the 2017 Jester's Festival quest, The Jester's Festival.
3 April 2017
23 March 2017
  Jubilee Cake Voucher 0FreeUnavailable Free   Good for one special-occasion cake from the renowned baker, Chef Donolon. Use to start the chef's quest. Look for Donolon's bakery barge in the ports of Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch, and the Harbor District of Daggerfall. Use the voucher to start the Jubilee Anniversary quest, Ache For Cake. You can receive additional vouchers even after completing the quest, but can only have one in your inventory at a time.
18 April 2017
4 April 2017
12 April 2016
4 April 2016
  New Life Festival Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free   A simple map directs revelers to Breda, a New Life Herald in Eastmarch. A small note reads: "All are welcome to celebrate the New Life Festival!" Use the scroll to start the 2016 New Life Festival quest, The New Life Festival.
4 January 2017
15 December 2016
  Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900   An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2015 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Green Narsis Guar mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 10 Soul Gems, and 50 Tri-Restoration Potions. Limited to one per account.
1 December 2015
25 November 2015
  Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900   An [sic] 9,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2016 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Zeht's Cloud Camel mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 20 Soul Gems, 50 Tri-Restoration Potions, and 160 Crown Lethal Poisons. Limited to one per account.
28 November 2016
23 November 2016
  Black Fredas Special! 01900Unavailable 1,900   An 8,100 Crown Value for 1,900 Crowns! Over 75% off! The 2017 version of the Black Fredas bundle. Contains a unique Tuxedo Bear mount, 10 Experience Scrolls, a "Crown Lessons Pack" (10 Riding Speed Lessons and 10 Riding Capacity Lessons), 10 Fortifying Meals, 10 Soul Gems, and 50 Tri-Restoration Potions. Limited to one per account.
27 November 2017
22 November 2017


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Any Race, Any Alliance Bundle 020002,000   Unlocks the ability to create characters of any Alliance regardless of race. Represent your Alliance with a Mount, Pet, Costume, and Hat!
Also contains a Race & Name Change Token, 3 Experience Scrolls, and a collection of Treasure Maps.
In addition to unlocking the "Any Race, Any Alliance" feature, the bundle also contains:
1x Name and Race Change, Alliance Rider Hood, Alliance Rider Outfit, Alliance War Dog, Alliance War Horse, Coldharbour Treasure Map, Covenant Treasure Map, Dominion Treasure Map, Pact Treasure Map, 3x Major Gold Coast Experience Scroll
PC/Mac: May 20 2019
Console: 4 June 2019

  Starter Pack ata]](?)   (?) The fourth? iteration of the starter bundle, containing 80 Crown Lethal Poisons, 10 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions, 2 Crown Repair Kits, 2 Crown Soul Gems, 1 Crown Fortifying Meal, 1 Crown Experience Scroll, a Piebald Destrier Mount, and a Windhelm Wolfhound Pet.
It went on sale for 60% off (00480480  ) during the 2016 Black Fredas sales event.[3]
PC/Mac: (?) - November 28, 2016
Console: (?) - (?)

  Starter Pack 00500500   Utility pack of consumables such as Potions, Foods, Soul Gems, Repair Kits, XP Scrolls, and Poisons—plus a Black Panther Cub Pet! The fifth iteration of the starter bundle, containing 5 Experience Scrolls, 5 Fortifying Meals, 240 Lethal Poisons, 5 Repair Kits, 10 Soul Gems, 30 Tri-Restoration Potions, and a Striped Senche-Panther Cub. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
  Starter Pack, Adept 010001,000   Utility pack of consumables such as Potions, Foods, Soul Gems, Repair Kits, XP Scrolls, Riding Lessons, and Poisons—plus a White Mane Horse and 3 Costumes! An expanded starter pack, containing 10 Experience Scrolls, 10 Fortifying Meals, 255 Lethal Poisons, 10 Repair Kits, 20 Soul Gems, 90 Tri-Restoration Potions, 5 Riding Capacity Lessons, 5 Riding Speed Lessons, 5 Riding Stamina Lessons, Crafty Lerisa's Thief Outfit, Knight of the Flame outfit, Mages Guild Research Robes, a White Mane Horse, and an exclusive Dye Stamp. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
  Steadfast Stablemaster Bundle 018001,800   Everything you need to pamper your heroic horse companion waits for you in this bundle—including the horse! Shelter, food, tasty treats, and more allow you to master your grooming skills, improve your riding proficiency, and cosset your beloved steed. A bundle geared towards mounts, consisting of three riding lessons, furniture and a horse. The bundle includes the Whiterun Windsteed, Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity, Crown Lesson: Riding Speed, Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina, Basket of Apples, Full, Breton Stool, Plain, Carrots, Wax, Common Pack, Backpack,

Hlaalu Shed, Open, Nord Cart, Hay, Straw Pile, Tool, Pitchfork, Watering Trough, Full,

11 June 2020
48px Heroes of High Isle Reward Bundle FREE!FREE!   To the Heroes of High Isle go the rewards. This reward bundle includes the Firesong DLC, Oak's Promise Markings, Plant Yourself Emote, and 6 cascading hoard boxes.
Ensure this is desired character, as some gear will level lock when claimed.
Note: This item's Crown Store availability may vary based on platform and in-game progress. PC/Mac: October 7, 2022 - 21, 2022
Console: (?)

Crown CratesEdit

Storm Atronach CratesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Storm Atronach Crate 00400Unavailable 400   A mystery collection of Storm Atronach-related items! A Crown Crate containing items from the Storm Atronach season.
29 February 2024
15 February 2024
7 December 2017
4 December 2017
2 March 2017
1 December 2016
  Storm Atronach Crate (4) 01500Unavailable 1,500   A mystery collection of Storm Atronach-related items! A bundle containing 4 Storm Atronach Crates.
29 February 2024
15 February 2024
7 December 2017
4 December 2017
2 March 2017
1 December 2016
  Storm Atronach Crate (15) 05000Unavailable 5,000   A mystery collection of Storm Atronach-related items! A bundle containing 15 Storm Atronach Crates.
29 February 2024
15 February 2024
7 December 2017
4 December 2017
2 March 2017
1 December 2016

Wild Hunt CratesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Wild Hunt Crate 00400Unavailable 400   A mystery collection of Wild Hunt-related items! A Crown Crate containing items from the Wild Hunt season.
14 December 2017
11 December 2017
22 June 2017
2 March 2017
  Wild Hunt Crate (4) 01500Unavailable 1,500   A mystery collection of Wild Hunt-related items! A bundle containing 4 Wild Hunt Crates.
14 December 2017
11 December 2017
22 June 2017
2 March 2017
  Wild Hunt Crate (15) 05000Unavailable 5,000   A mystery collection of Wild Hunt-related items! A bundle containing 15 Wild Hunt Crates.
14 December 2017
11 December 2017
22 June 2017
2 March 2017

Dwarven CratesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Dwarven Crate 00400Unavailable 400   A mystery collection of Dwarven-related items! A Crown Crate containing items from the Dwarven season.
28 September 2017
22 June 2017
  Dwarven Crate (4) 01500Unavailable 1,500   A mystery collection of Dwarven-related items! A bundle containing 4 Dwarven Crates.
28 September 2017
22 June 2017
  Dwarven Crate (15) 05000Unavailable 5,000   A mystery collection of Dwarven-related items! A bundle containing 15 Dwarven Crates.
28 September 2017
22 June 2017

Reaper's Harvest CratesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Reaper's Harvest Crate 00400Unavailable 400   A mystery collection of Grim Reaper-related items! A Crown Crate containing items from the Reaper's Harvest season.
28 November 2017
28 September 2017
  Reaper's Harvest Crate (4) 01500Unavailable 1,500   A mystery collection of Grim Reaper-related items! A bundle containing 4 Reaper's Harvest Crates.
28 November 2017
28 September 2017
  Reaper's Harvest Crate (15) 05000Unavailable 5,000   A mystery collection of Grim Reaper-related items! A bundle containing 15 Reaper's Harvest Crates.
28 November 2017
28 September 2017

Flame Atronach CratesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Flame Atronach Crate 00400Unavailable 400   A mystery collection of Flame Atronach-related items! A Crown Crate containing items from the Flame Atronach season.
15 March 2018
28 November 2017
  Flame Atronach Crate (4) 01500Unavailable 1,500   A mystery collection of Flame Atronach-related items! A bundle containing 4 Flame Atronach Crates.
15 March 2018
28 November 2017
  Flame Atronach Crate (15) 05000Unavailable 5,000   A mystery collection of Flame Atronach-related items! A bundle containing 15 Flame Atronach Crates.
15 March 2018
28 November 2017



Name Price In-game description Notes Release Date
  Dark Brotherhood 020002,000  
Included with
ESO Plus
Your talent for homicide has been noticed, and the invitation has arrived - to join the Dark Brotherhood! Come now to the Gold Coast, westernmost region of the old Empire, where you'll find opportunity, intrigue... and murder! It's one killer DLC.
Join the Famed Assassins Guild: The legendary assassins' guild known as the Dark Brotherhood is one of the hallmarks of the Elder Scrolls series. Now the Brotherhood comes to the Second Era, and it's looking for recruits. Are you deadly enough to qualify?
Explore the Gold Coast: The westernmost region of Cyrodiil, the Gold Coast was last seen by Elder Scrolls players in TES IV, Oblivion. Come explore the cities of Anvil and Kvatch during the Interregnum, when the region is awash in intrigue and deadly conspiracies!
Repeatable Assassination Quests: Once you join the Dark Brotherhood, you'll be eligible to undertake a series of repeatable quests that will send you after assassination targets all across Tamriel. It's the perfect opportunity to hone your skills at homicide!
New Assassins' Passive Skills: Membership in the Dark Brotherhood gives you access to all-new passive Assassination skill lines. Come from nowhere, take down your target, and disappear back into the shadows....
The Dark Brotherhood is a criminal organization assassins found all over Tamriel. The storyline takes place in the Gold Coast zone, and features the cities of Anvil and Kvatch. Official Site PC/Mac: 31 May 2016
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PS4: 15 June 2016
  Dark Brotherhood Collector's Edition 01600Unavailable 1,600  
Now, for a discount price, get the Dark Brotherhood DLC plus the Highland Wolf mount, the Sylvan Nixad pet, and five Experience Scrolls! Includes the Dark Brotherhood DLC, the Highland Wolf mount, Sylvan Nixad pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls.

The Dark Brotherhood Collector's Edition was retired following the launch of Shadows of the Hist, but was available again for a limited time during the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event as the Dark Brotherhood Collector's Bundle for 016001,600  .

PC/Mac: 31 May 2016
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PS4: 15 June 2016
  Dragon Bones 015001,500  
Included with
ESO Plus
Cultists conspire to unleash a plague, while Necromancers attempt to reawaken a Bone Dragon. Put an end to these threats in the all-new Fang Lair and Scalecaller Dungeons.
Earn Epic New Gear: Earn epic new gear and collectibles, unlock new unique item sets, Monster Masks, Achievements, and more, including items exclusive to this DLC Game Pack!
Battle a Bone Dragon: Battle a Bone Dragon! Venture into Fang Lair, put an end to a necromancer threat, and face off against a fearsome reanimated Dragon.
Stop a Devastating Plague: Prevent a devastating plague! Fight your way through cultists in Scalecaller Peak and stop them from unleashing a terrible disease upon Tamriel.
Get an Exclusive Hat: Don the imposing Renegade Dragon Priest Mask, yours to claim simply by stepping foot in either of the new dungeons!
The Dragon Bones dungeon pack unlocks the Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak group dungeons found in Bangkorai and Stormhaven. Official Site PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Dragon Bones Collector's Bundle 04000Unavailable 4,000   In addition to the Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak Dungeons, this bundle includes the exclusive Fang Lair Horse, the Small Bone Dragon Construct pet, and a stack of Experience Scrolls.
Dungeon: Scalecaller Peak: Fight your way through cultists in the Scalecaller Peak dungeon and stop them from unleashing a terrible disease upon Tamriel!
Dungeon: Fang Lair: Venture into the Fang Lair dungeon, put an end to a necromancer threat, and face off against a fearsome reanimated Dragon!
Includes the Dragon Bones DLC, the Fang Lair Courser mount, Small Bone Dragon Construct pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Guilds and Glory: The 4-DLC Mega-Pack 055005,500   Get the first four Tamriel Unlimited DLC packs for one bargain price! Treat yourself to a broad array of new content for every play style. A bundle coinciding with the retail launch of the ESO Gold Edition, containing the same four DLC game packs: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood. 9 September 2016
  Horns of the Reach 015001,500  
Included with
ESO Plus
The Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen are up to no good in southwest Skyrim, and it's up to you to foil their plots in the dungeons of Bloodroot Forge and Falkreath Hold.
New Collectibles and Dyes: Complete Horns of the Reach achievements to earn an exclusive dye, costume, and skin—the Dreadhorn Shaman!
Deep Dungeon of Bloodroot Forge: Venture into the depths of Bloodroot Forge to stop the Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen from gaining a terrible ancient power.
Battle Reachmen and Minotaurs: Defend the Nords of Falkreath Hold by defeating the Dreadhorn clan of Reachmen and their savage Minotaur allies.
New Normal and Veteran Dungeons: Master two challenging all-new group dungeons set in Skyrim, each with Normal and Veteran versions.
New Items and Achievements: Save Falkreath from these fierce new foes to earn new Skyrim-themed item sets, Monster Masks, achievements, and more!
The Horns of the Reach dungeon pack unlocks the Bloodroot Forge and Falkreath Hold group dungeons found in Craglorn. Official Site PC/Mac: 14 August 2017
Console: 29 August 2017
  Horns of the Reach Collector's Bundle 03500Unavailable 3,500   Take home the Horns of the Reach dungeon DLC and get bonus access to the Karthwolf Charger mount, Karthwolf Shepherd pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls.
Dungeon: Bloodroot Forge: Deep in the Jerall Mountains lies the long forgotten ruins of the Bloodroot Forge, an ancient place of power rekindled after centuries of dormancy by Dreadhorn Reach Clan to fuel their campaign of conquest.
Dungeon: Falkreath Hold: Long a symbol of Nord strength, the embattled city of Falkreath has endured countless conflicts with the wild men from the Reach. Until now. Besieged by the mighty Dreadhorn minotaur and Reachman alliance, the final fate of Falkreath is all but sealed.
Includes the Horns of the Reach DLC, the Karthwolf Charger mount, Karthwolf Shepherd pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. The Horns of the Reach Collector's Bundle was retired following the launch of Clockwork City. PC/Mac: 14 August 2017
Console: 29 August 2017
  Imperial City 0FreeFree  
Included with
ESO Plus
Daedric forces have taken the Imperial City, and all three alliances vie to take it back. Experience hours of all-new PvP and PvE gameplay, both above ground and below, plus two new dungeons, never-before-seen monsters, craftable item sets, and more!
PvP in PvE Area: The Imperial City is like a huge public dungeon in which the three alliances can fight the Daedra—or each other! Take on Molag Bal's invaders and alliance opponents above ground in the occupied city, or below in the multi-level sewers.
New Rewards: Includes new armor sets available only in Imperial City, as well as new craftable item sets, new Monster Masks to be won in the dungeons, and an alternative currency used to buy items available nowhere else.
New Story Content: Learn the real reason Molag Bal staged a last-ditch invasion of the Imperial City, in quests that take you to every district above ground and into the sprawling, many-leveled sewers beneath the surface. New creatures and challenges are around every corner!
New Dungeons: Race to the top of the White-Gold Tower in pursuit of a stolen Elder Scroll—but is the top of the Tower even IN Tamriel anymore? Then find out what horrors the Daedra are capable of in the Imperial Prison, a jail converted to a torture chamber!
The Imperial City is the central city of both Tamriel and Cyrodiil, and is currently under the control of the forces of Molag Bal. The DLC contains mixed PvP and PvE content. Official Site

During the first three Imperial City Celebration events, the DLC was on sale at 50% off (012501,250  ).

During The 2019 Imperial City Celebration, the DLC made free.

PC/Mac: 31 August 2015
Xbox One: 15 September 2015
PS4: 16 September 2015
  Imperial City Collector's Bundle 03300Unavailable 3,300  
Get Cyrodilic with your personal Mind-Shriven Skin, a Mind-Shriven Horse to ride, a creepy Daedrat pet, and the mighty Imperial City DLC! Includes the Imperial City DLC, a Daedrat pet, the Mind-Shriven Horse mount, the Mind-Shriven Skin, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. The bundle was discounted during the Imperial City Celebration Events. 29 August 2016
  Orsinium 030003,000  
Included with
ESO Plus
Come to the homeland of the Orc in Tamriel Unlimited's first new PvE quest content DLC! Help King Kurog rebuild the city of Orsinium, and watch its walls and towers rise due to your deeds. Includes new armor, weapons, a solo challenge arena, and more!
Exciting New Public Dungeons: Venture into two exciting new public dungeons: the mysterious Dwarven ice-caverns of Rkindaleft, and the labyrinth of collapsed corridors beneath the ruins of Old Orsinium. There you will discover that neither is quite what it seems...
New Overland Group Bosses: Gather your teammates to face Orsinium's six new overland group bosses, each encounter consisting of a multi-player problem to solve - including a deadly meeting with Old Snagara, the mother of all rampaging Echateres!
A Zone Full of New Quest Content: The Orsinium DLC is a zone packed full of new PvE quest content for one or more players, including a dramatic main story that will take you across all of Wrothgar, and determine the future of the Orcs of northern Tamriel!
New Mounts, Pets, and Gear!: Loot! In Orsinium you'll find new costumes, new weapons, and three new armor sets: the Ancient Orc set, and the intimidating gear of the opposing factions who worship Malacath or Trinimac.
Solo Challenge: Maelstrom Arena: A Daedric Demiprince dares you to test your mettle in the Maelstrom Arena, a new solo challenge dungeon with multiple phases, featuring opponents drawn from across Tamriel and the planes of Oblivion. Ready, and... fight!
Wrothgar is a region in High Rock, east of Rivenspire and north of Stormhaven. The DLC is mostly PvE content, as opposed to the group-based Craglorn or the PvP-based Imperial City. Official Site

During Orsinium's One-Year Anniversary, the DLC was on sale at 75% off (00750750  ).

PC/Mac: 2 November 2015
Xbox One: 17 November 2015
PS4: 18 November 2015
  Orsinium DLC Collector's Edition 02000Unavailable 2,000  
Take home the Orsinium DLC along with a Cave Bear Mount and her Cub, plus 5 Experience Scrolls! Includes the Orsinium DLC, the Cave Bear mount, Cave Bear Cub pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls.

The Orsinium Collector's Edition was retired following the launch of Thieves Guild, but was available again for a limited time during the Orsinium One-Year and Two-Year Anniversary events as the Orsinium Collector's Bundle for 020002,000  .

PC/Mac: 2 November 2015
Xbox One: 17 November 2015
PS4: 18 November 2015
  Shadows of the Hist 015001,500  
Included with
ESO Plus
Includes two new Argonian dungeons: Cradle of Shadows and The Ruins of Mazzatun!
Dungeon: Ruins of Mazzatun: Venture into Mazzatun, the "Puzzle City" of the Xit-Xaht tribe of Argonians, who have been forcing other Lizardfolk to work as slave labor on a project that has driven their masters ... mad! Can you free them in time?
Dungeon: Cradle of Shadows: The Argonians of the Dark Brotherhood need your help against a cadre of rogue assassins who threaten to hurl all Black Marsh into bloody chaos. Fight your way into the Cradle of Shadows to uncloak the secrets of the twisted Silken Ring!
The Shadows of the Hist dungeon pack unlocks the Cradle of Shadows and Ruins of Mazzatun group dungeons found in Shadowfen. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  Shadows of the Hist Collector's Bundle 02500Unavailable 2,500   Includes two dungeons, Cradle of Shadows and Ruins of Mazzatun, plus the Hist Guar mount, Haj Mota Hatchling pet, and 5 XP scrolls. Includes the Shadows of the Hist DLC, the Hist Guar mount, Haj Mota Hatchling pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. The Shadows of the Hist Collector's Bundle was retired following the launch of One Tamriel. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  The Clockwork City 020002,000  
Included with
ESO Plus
Reports of mysterious shadow assassins draw you into Sotha Sil's Clockwork City to investigate a new Daedric threat. Uncover the secrets of this strange new zone, take on a new 12-player trial, earn powerful new armor sets and items, and more.
New Gear and Items: Earn new unique armor sets, character customization items, crafting motifs, and more!
A New Adventure Awaits: Journey into Sotha Sil's hidden Clockwork City to investigate a new Daedric threat.
New Zone: The Clockwork City: Explore a unique zone packed with unforgettable architecture, strange creatures, and powerful hybrid monsters.
New Trial: Enter the Asylum Sanctorium and earn new Master Weapons by defeating the Clockwork Saints in this 12-player challenge.
Clockwork City is the miniature mechanical realm of Sotha Sil. The storyline of the DLC is a continuation of the Daedric War storyline teased in previous content. The DLC also includes Asylum Sanctorium, a 12-player mini-trial. Official Site PC/Mac: 23 October 2017
Console: 7 November 2017
  Clockwork City Collector's Bundle 04000Unavailable 4,000   Includes the Clockwork City DLC, as well as a new Skeevaton pet, the Kagouti Fabricant mount, and Crown Experience Scrolls. Includes the Clockwork City DLC, the Kagouti Fabricant mount, Skeevaton pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls. The Clockwork City Collector's Bundle was retired following the launch of Dragon Bones. PC/Mac: 23 October 2017
Console: 7 November 2017
  Thieves Guild 020002,000  
Included with
ESO Plus
Come to Hew's Bane in Hammerfell and join the notorious Thieves Guild! Master the new criminal skills in this DLC and help restore the Guild to prominence. And that's just the start!
New Trial: Maw of Lorkhaj: New group content! An ancient Khajiiti shrine has been overrun by the Khajiit's eternal enemy, the dro-m'Athra. With each passing hour, more Lost Cats pour into Nirn through a gap in reality. If Tamriel is to be saved, this Maw of Lorkhaj must be closed!
Thief Skills, Heists, & Trespass: Expanded Justice gameplay means new Thieves Guild skills, new traps to dodge, daily "heist" missions, and a new way to break the law: Trespassing! IT's the Guild vs. the Guards in the dark shadows and back alleys of Abah's Landing. Can you outfox the law?
New Quest Area: Abah's Landing: The port of Abah's Landing has a nasty reputation: there's money here, but danger too! New quest content pits you against the Iron Wheel, who are determined to take down the Thieves Guild - for a crime they didn't commit! But who can you trust - if anyone?
A New Realm With New Challenges: Hew's Bane is a never-before-seen region of Tamriel, home to strange creatures such as the thundering, armored Haj Mota, the vicious mosquito-like Toku Gava [sic], and the venemous, slithering Sep Viper. But all pale before the tiny splendor of the Dragon Frog!
New Items, Sets, & Costumes: Explore Hew's Bane to discover new items, costumes, and craftable sets of arms and armor! The lost arts of old Yokuda linger on in Abah's Landing and the surrounding region. Discover the secrets of sand and stone!
The Thieves Guild is a criminal organization consisting of rogues and thieves found all over Tamriel. The storyline takes place in the zone of Hew's Bane, and features the city of Abah's Landing. The DLC also includes the new 12-player Trial, the Maw of Lorkhaj, located in Reaper's March. Official Site PC/Mac: 7 March 2016
Xbox One: 22 March 2016
PS4: 23 March 2016
  Thieves Guild Collector's Edition 01600Unavailable 1,600  
20004,000   2,000  
Get the Thieves Guild DLC plus bonuses: the Hammerfell Camel mount, the Kindlespit Dragon Frog pet, and 5 Experience Scrolls - all for a bargain price! Includes the Thieves Guild DLC, the Hammerfell Camel mount, Kindlespit Dragon Frog pet, and five Crown Experience Scrolls.

The Thieves Guild Collector's Edition was retired following the launch of Dark Brotherhood, but was available again for a limited time as the Thieves Guild Collector's Bundle during the 2017 Thieves Guild Anniversary event for 020002,000  , and the 2018 Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Celebration Event for 016001,600  .

PC/Mac: 7 March 2016
Xbox One: 22 March 2016
PS4: 23 March 2016

Quest StartersEdit


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Crow Caller 0FreeUnavailable Free   The rarest crow callers have been known to summon more than just birds during the Witches Festival. See what strange and sinister secrets await you! Use the whistle to start the Witches Festival quest, The Witchmother's Bargain. This was previously located under Special Offers.
1 November 2017
20 October 2017
  Details on the Midyear Mayhem 0FreeUnavailable Free   Join in the Cyrodilic summer celebration! Use the scroll to start the 2017 Midyear Mayhem quest.
31 July 2017
20 July 2017
  Jester's Festival Invitation Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free   An unassuming scroll with a strange seal upon it. There's something funny about it. Use the scroll to start the 2018 Jester's Festival quest, The Jester's Festival.
2 April 2018
29 March 2018
  Jubilee Cake Voucher 0FreeUnavailable Free   Good for one special-occasion cake from the renowned baker, Chef Donolon. Use to start the chef's quest. Look for Donolon's bakery barge in the ports of Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch, and the Harbor District of Daggerfall. Use the voucher to start the Jubilee Anniversary quest, Ache For Cake. You can receive additional vouchers even after completing the quest, but can only have one in your inventory at a time.
16 April 2018
4 April 2018
  Letter from Kasura 0FreeFree   This letter bears a simple seal featuring two crossed swords. Use the letter to start the Dragonhold prologue The Dragonguard's Legacy. PC/Mac: 8 October 2019
Console: (?)
Mages Guild Message Stone 0FreeUnavailable Free   An enchanted stone from Vanus Galerion contains a private message addressed to you. Activate the stone to start a quest to find the missing Wyrd Oracle and glimpse what's to come in the next chapter of the Elder Scrolls Online's ongoing saga. Use the stone to start the Summerset prologue quest, Through a Veil Darkly. 21 March 2018
  New Life Festival Scroll 0FreeUnavailable Free   A simple map directs revelers to Breda, a New Life Herald in Eastmarch. A small note reads: "All are welcome to celebrate the New Life Festival!" Use the scroll to start the New Life Festival quest, The New Life Festival. This was previously located under Special Offers.
2 January 2018
14 December 2017
  Sealed Imperial Summons 0FreeFree   This letter bears the seal of the Chancellor of the Elder Council in Cyrodiil. Use the letter to start the Elsweyr prologue The Demon Weapon. PC/Mac: (?) March 2019
Console: (?)
  "A Friend in Need" Housing Brochure 0FreeUnavailable Free   This brochure contains an advertisement for a housing brokerage that may be of interest. Use the brochure to start the Homestead tutorial quest, A Friend In Need.
PC/Mac: 23 October 2017
Console: 7 November 2017
PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  "Room to Spare" Housing Brochure 0FreeFree   This brochure contains an advertisement for a housing brokerage that may be of interest. Use the brochure to start the quest Room to Spare and gain a free inn room. This replaced the Homestead tutorial quest in Update 16. PC/Mac: 23 October 2017
Console: 7 November 2017



Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Additional Character Slot 015001,500   This unlocks 1 additional character slot in character creation. Extra character slots can be purchased 6 times.
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PS4: 15 June 2016
PC/Mac: 31 May 2016
  Adventurer Pack 019001,900   Play in the Alliance of your choice, no matter your race, find buried treasure, and more! The Adventurer Pack contains mostly the same things as the Explorer's Pack: it grants the ability to play any race in any Alliance, seven treasure maps for each Alliance, and one treasure map for Coldharbour. Instead of a Scuttler pet like the Explorer's Pack, the Adventurer Pack instead contains a Bantam Guar pet. Obtaining both the Adventurer Pack and Explorer's Pack is only possible if you haven't purchased the Bantam Guar pet separately, allowing for two copies of the CE treasure maps. 17 March 2015
  Digital Imperial Edition Upgrade 021002,100   Includes all the perks of the Digital Imperial Edition. Ride as a proud Imperial alongside a familiar friend. Standard accounts can use Crowns to upgrade to the digital Imperial Edition for access to the unique digital content. Unlike the retail Imperial Edition, or the previous upgrade available on the Online Store, this upgrade only applies to the server on which it is purchased. 17 March 2015
  Starter Bundle 01500Unavailable 1,500   Make adventuring a little easier at any level with a suite of potions, a faithful hound, and a horse to ride. Includes 20 Crown Health Potions, 20 Crown Magicka Potions, 20 Crown Stamina Potions, the Piebald Destrier mount and the Windhelm Wolfhound pet.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
23 March 2015
  Starter Pack 01500Unavailable 1,500   Make adventuring a little easier at any level with potions to restore all three Attributes, a faithful hound, and a horse to ride. Includes 20 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions, the Piebald Destrier mount and the Windhelm Wolfhound pet. This pack was replaced with a new, cheaper version coinciding with the release of Orsinium.
2 November 2015
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
  Starter Pack 01200Unavailable 1,200   Make adventuring a little easier with a faithful hound and a horse to ride, plus 10 Tri-Restoration Potions, a Fortifying Meal, an Experience Scroll, 2 full Soul Gems and 2 Repair Kits. Includes a Crown Fortifying Meal, 2 Crown Repair Kits, 2 Crown Soul Gems, a Crown Experience Scroll, 20 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions, the Piebald Destrier mount and the Windhelm Wolfhound pet. This pack was replaced with a new version including Poisons coinciding with the release of Dark Brotherhood, found under 'Utility → Bundles'.
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PS4: 15 June 2016
PC/Mac: 31 May 2016
2 November 2015


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Nuzhimeh the Merchant 050005,000   This alert merchant is on hand whenever she's needed, and will buy any non-stolen goods you or your group offer her. She won't come to Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, though—too dangerous. When summoned, her services can be used by you and your groupmates. A Redguard merchant. 31 March 2016
  Tythis Andromo, the Banker 050005,000   This aristocratic banker is on hand whenever he's needed, available for all personal banking services—except in Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds, which is far too dangerous for this fellow. When summoned, his services can be used by you and your groupmates. A Dunmer banker. 31 March 2016


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Bag Space Upgrade 010001,000   This increases your inventory capacity by 10 slots, though it can't exceed the maximum size available from Pack Merchants. Bag space is character-specific and can be increased a total of 8 times. The gold cost of bag space upgrades from Pack Merchants increases with each upgrade, while the Crown Store cost does not, making it more cost-effective to use the Crown upgrades later rather than earlier.
Console: 17 September 2015
PC/Mac: 3 September 2015
  Bank Space Upgrade 010001,000   This increases your bank capacity by 10 slots, though it can't exceed the maximum size available from Bankers. Bank space is account-specific and can be increased a total of 18 times. The gold cost of bank space upgrades from Bankers increases with each upgrade, while the Crown Store cost does not, making it more cost-effective to use the Crown upgrades later rather than earlier.
Console: 17 September 2015
PC/Mac: 3 September 2015

Riding LessonsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity 010001,000   Expands your character's inventory by 1 slot per lesson. Riding Capacity allows you to carry more items and takes effect on your character regardless of the mount you have set active. A stack of 10 consumables that increase the carrying capacity of all of your character's mounts. The lessons have no daily limit, but cannot be used to raise stats to more than 60 and require at least one mount to purchase. 4 June 2015
  Crown Lesson: Riding Speed 010001,000   Increases your character's riding speed by 1 per lesson. Riding Speed allows you to move faster while mounted and takes effect on your character regardless of the mount you have set active. A stack of 10 consumables that increase the speed of all of your character's mounts. The lessons have no daily limit, but cannot be used to raise stats to more than 60 and require at least one mount to purchase. 4 June 2015
  Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina 010001,000   Increases your riding stamina by 1 per lesson. Riding Stamina helps prevent being dismounted, allows your mount to sprint longer, and takes effect on your character regardless of the mount set active. A stack of 10 consumables that increase the stamina of all of your character's mounts. The lessons have no daily limit, but cannot be used to raise stats to more than 60 and require at least one mount to purchase. 4 June 2015

Service TokensEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Name and Race Change 035003,500   This bundle includes tokens that enable both Name and Race Change on the Character Selection Screen. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  Alliance Change Token 025002,500   This token allows you to change the alliance of 1 character. This token can be used only on the character select screen. Note: After use, the character will log in to the capital city of their new alliance. Some quests that are in progress will be reset or replaced. Home campaign and associated leaderboard placement will be reset. A new home campaign can be chosen after 12 hours. PC/Mac: 26 May 2020
Console: 10 June 2020
  Appearance Change Token 010001,000   This token allows you to change the appearance of 1 character. This token can only be used on the character select screen. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  Name Change Token 025002,500   This token allows you to change the name of 1 character. This token can only be used on the character select screen. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  Race Change Token 030003,000   This token allows you to change the race and appearance of 1 character. This token can only be used on the character select screen. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016

Skill LinesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Curse of Vampirism 015001,500   One who uses this will be cursed—or blessed—with Noxophilic Sanguivoria, and will become a Child of the Night. In other words: a vampire! (Priests of Arkay can cure this affliction, if desired.) Immediately unlocks the Vampire skill line. Not available if you are a werewolf. 3 December 2015
  Werewolf's Bite 015001,500   A mortal who uses this will receive Hircine's Gift and become a lycanthrope, a skin-changer—in short, a werewolf! (Priests of Arkay can cure this affliction, if desired.) Immediately unlocks the Werewolf skill line. Not available if you are a vampire. 3 December 2015



Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
Hare and Fox Bundle 020002000   Nord skalds still sing the tale of Ysgramor, Herma Mora's hare, and Shor's fox. With the two furry friends included in this bundle, you have the makings of your own tall tale! Just keep a close eye on that bunny. Contains the Abyssal Bunny pet and Shor's Fox mount.
14 March 2024
7 March 2024

  Highland Spotted Lynx Bundle 02000Unavailable 2000   From curious cub to lithe mount, the spotted lynxes found in the Colovian highlands help keep the area free of vermin and often serve as mounts to worthy souls. This feline bundle allows you to add these two furry friends to your adventures. Contains the Highland Spotted Lynx mount and Highland Spotted Lynx Cub pet.
29 January 2024
22 January 2024

  Crown Supply Crate 00500500   A crate of handy supplies: 10 Tri-Restoration Potions, plus a Fortifying Meal, an Experience Scroll, a full Soul Gem, and a Repair Kit. Originally listed under 'Supplies'. 2 November 2015

  Crown Supply Crate: Giant-Sized 015001,500   A giant's trove of supplies: 20 Tri-Restoration Potions, 5 Fortifying Meals, 5 Experience Scrolls, 5 full Soul Gems, and 5 Repair Kits. Originally listed under 'Supplies'. 2 November 2015

  Starter Pack 01200Unavailable 1,200   Make adventuring a little easier with a faithful hound and a horse to ride, plus 10 Tri-Restoration Potions, 80 Crown Lethal Poisons, a Fortifying Meal, an Experience Scroll, 2 full Soul Gems, and 2 Repair Kits. The fourth iteration of the starter bundle, with an additional 80 Crown Lethal Poisons. Previous versions were last listed under 'Account'.
Console: 6 June 2017
PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
PS4: 15 June 2016
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PC/Mac: 31 May 2016


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Crown Experience Scroll 00300300   Created by a Priestess of Meridia, for whom time is relative, this increases your experience gained for a limited period. A scroll that boosts XP gain by 50% for 2 hours, similar to Psijic Ambrosia. Originally datamined as a potion.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 18 June 2015
  Crown Experience Scroll Pack 010001,000   Created by a Priestess of Meridia, for whom time is relative, this increases your experience gained for a limited period. A pack of 5 Crown Experience Scrolls.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 18 June 2015
  Pledge of Mara 010001,000   Pledge commitment on sacred ground. This pledge bonds a single character to another and can only be used once. The Pledge of Mara allows two characters to marry, and afterward they get an experience bonus while questing together. 13 April 2015


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Attribute Respecification Scroll 00700700   Using this scroll refunds all a character's attribute points, enabling selection of a different combination of attributes. (No Cooldown) A scroll that enables you to reset your health, magicka, and stamina attributes. 13 April 2015
  Skill Respecification Scroll 00700700   Using this scroll refunds all skill points spent a character, enabling selection of a different combination of skills. (No Cooldown) A scroll that enables you to reset your skill points. 13 April 2015


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Crown Endurance Tonic 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Stamina Recovery by 537 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 drink items that increase stamina recovery for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Fortifying Meal 00400400   Increase Max Health by 3936, Max Magicka by 3617, and Max Stamina by 3617 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level. A stack of 10 food items that increase max health, magicka, and stamina for two hours and scale up to  Rank 100[verification needed]. Originally called "Emperor's Hors d'Oeuvres Tray".
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 18 June 2015
  Crown Health Potions 00200Unavailable 200   Restore 8861 Health immediately. Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for 0 seconds. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 5. A stack of 20 health potions that scale up to  Rank 50.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
23 March 2015
  Crown Healthy Vigor Liquor 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Health Recovery by 590 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 drink items that increase health recovery for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Hearty Health Hash 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Max Health by 5905 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 food items that increase max health for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Lethal Poison 00200200   Deals 962 Poison Damage per second for 3 seconds, and 625 Poison Damage per second for 6 seconds. A stack of 80 poisons that do immediate damage and damage over time.
Xbox One: 14 June 2016
PS4: 15 June 2016
PC/Mac: 31 May 2016
  Crown Magicka Potions 00200Unavailable 200   Restore 6618 Magicka immediately. Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for 22.6 seconds. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 5. A stack of 20 magicka potions that scale up to  Rank 50.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
23 March 2015
  Crown Mystical Mince Pie 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Max Magicka by 5373 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 food items that increase max magicka for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Refreshing Drink 00400400   Increase Health Recovery by 393, Magicka Recovery by 361, and Stamina Recovery by 361 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level. A stack of 10 drink items that increase health, magicka, and stamina recovery for two hours and scale up to  Rank 100[verification needed]. Originally called "Vivec's Old Bone Milk".
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 18 June 2015
  Crown Repair Kit Pack 00400400   When used, this repair kit restores all your damaged equipment to its original condition. A stack of 10 armor repair kits which restore all your damaged equipment to its original condition. 17 March 2015
  Crown Soul Gem Pack 00400400   These soul gems can be used to revive players of any level, and to fully charge weapons of any level. A stack of 10 soul gems that can be used at any level, to revive players of any level, and to fully charge weapons of any level. 17 March 2015
  Crown Stamina Potions 00200Unavailable 200   Restore 6618 Stamina immediately. Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for 22.6 seconds. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 5. A stack of 20 stamina potions that scale up to  Rank 50.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
23 March 2015
  Crown Star-Magic Tea 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Magicka Recovery by 537 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 drink items that increase magicka recovery for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Staunchness Stew 00400Unavailable 400   Increase Max Stamina by 5373 for 2 hours. These effects are scaled based on your level, up to Veteran Rank 10. A stack of 10 food items that increase max stamina for a while and scale up to  Rank 100.
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 15 June 2015
31 March 2015
  Crown Tri-Restoration Potion 00200200   Restore 7329 Health, 6618 Magicka, and 6618 Stamina immediately. Grants Major Fortitude, Major Intellect, and Major Endurance which increase your Health Recovery, Magicka Recovery, and Stamina Recovery by 20% for 31.7 seconds. These effects are scaled based on your level. A stack of 10 potions that restore health, magicka, and stamina and scale up to  Rank 50[verification needed]. Originally called "Superb Triune Alteration Potion".
Console: 30 July 2015
PC/Mac: 18 June 2015


Staple HomesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Autumn's-Gate 29002,350 / 2,900   In the heart of The Rift, just outside the lively, small town of Nimalten, you will find this sturdy wooden home, with a large hearth to keep you warm in the Skyrim winter, and a stone wall to keep out the trolls. A small Nord-style house in the western Rift. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Barbed Hook Private Room / 800600 / 800   Like every busy port, Skywatch has a seamy underside. A private room at the Barbed Hook offers easy access to the criminal classes—and a quick escape from the nearby docks. An Altmer-style apartment in Skywatch. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Black Vine Villa 28002,250 / 2,800   Would you want to live in an old stone house just across a dark jungle stream from a haunted Ayleid ruin? Silly question—who wouldn't? A small Altmer-style house in northeastern Malabal Tor. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Captain Margaux's Place 29002,300 / 2,900   The famous Breton merchant-explorer Captain Margaux hasn't been seen since her ship the Golden Spriggan sailed off over the horizon into the Sea of Pearls—which makes her house near the docks in Daggerfall available for you! A small Breton-style house in Daggerfall. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Cyrodilic Jungle House 32002,550 / 3,200   An Imperial, of course, is at home anywhere in Tamriel. This compact house at the Baandari Trading Post in Malabal Tor is a bit of Cyrodiil in Valenwood, and just steps away from the fine food and drink at the Silver Moons Inn. A small Colovian-style house in northeastern Baandari Trading Post. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret / 800660 / 800   Even if you don't personally have a taste for the famous fire-pit dancing at the Flaming Nix, you have to admit it adds a certain cachet to having a room there. Not to mention an unusual fragrance. A Dunmer-style apartment in Mournhold. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Hammerdeath Bungalow 30002,400 / 3,000   "It may be small, but at least it's gloomy. And if you enjoy beating up on your friends, like I do, it's right next door to the arena!" —Goorguk gro-Murtag, Orcish Realtor A small Orc-style house in central Stormhaven. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Humblemud 26002,100 / 2,600   A mud house is a constant reminder of the impermanence of life, and that we are but standing waves in the river of existence. But one still wishes it to look nice and comfortable, and decorates accordingly. Of course. A small Argonian-style house in Dhalmora. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Kragenhome 31002,500 / 3,100   This residence might not be in Kragenmoor's best neighborhood, but if you're looking for classic Dunmeri architecture at an affordable price, this town house certainly fits the bill. A small Dunmer-style house in Kragenmoor. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Moonmirth House 28002,200 / 2,800   A small elevated house on an idyllic plantation in the mild and hospitable clime of Khenarthi's Roost? This one would find that sweet paradise! A small Khajiit-style house in Laughing Moons Plantation. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Sisters of the Sands Apartment / 800640 / 800   In Sentinel, the best way to hide out in plain sight is with a private room in the Sisters of the Sands, the town's largest inn. It also has the best food in the city, and is the place King Fahara'jad sends to for take-out. A Redguard-style apartment in Sentinel. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Snugpod 27002,150 / 2,700   A perfect graht-oak pod home, grown by a Home Singer from the very roots of Elden Root—compact, comfortable, and convenient to everything. Praise Z'en! A small Bosmer-style house in southern Elden Root. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Twin Arches 33002,600 / 3,300   It may be small but it's solid, and it keeps the sandstorms out. The scenery is magnificent, but if you're in the mood for civilization, it's right outside the south gate of Hallin's Stand. A small Redguard-style house in southeastern Bangkorai. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017

Classic HomesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Ald Velothi Harbor House 50004,000 / 5,000   On the coast north of Gnisis, this three-level home in the Redoran "bug-house" style comes with a walled courtyard, a nearby dock, and convenient access to the nearby ruins of Ashalmawia and Arkngthunch-Sturdumz. A medium Redoran-style house in northwestern Vvardenfell. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
  Amaya Lake Lodge 88007,000 / 8,800   Enjoy the opulent luxury of a country lodge built by the Dark Elves of an earlier, more expansive eraâ€"a walled estate with a grand multistory house, roof balcony, stable, storage building, a well, and room for a formal garden. A large Hlaalu-style house in southern Vvardenfell. PC/Mac: 22 May 2017
Console: 6 June 2017
  The Ample Domicile 44003,520 / 4,400   "This house is a good house, plenty of room for guar! Palisade is strong to keep guar from straying, and many guar can feed in the garden! Very good, yes! Esqoo will come to visit often!" —Esqoo of Dhalmora A medium Argonian-style house in Stormhold. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Bouldertree Refuge 44003,500 / 4,400   When civilization grows too confining, it's a relief to be able to withdraw into a handsome home in the wilds—especially one with an imposing wall around it, to keep out beasts and bandits. A medium Bosmer-style house in southern Greenshade. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Cliffshade 45003,600 / 4,500   Just outside the Aldmeri settlement of Marbruk, the forest is wide and open, the climate is mild, the setting idyllic: the elegant home of Cliffshade seems an abode blessed by the gods. A medium Altmer-style house in eastern Greenshade. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Dawnshadow 78006,200 / 7,800   Ah, such a sweet estate, with every appurtenance—out in the country, yet convenient to the nearby Khajiiti metropolis of Dune! What can one do but love and admire it? A large Khajiit-style house in eastern Reaper's March. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Domus Phrasticus 50004,000 / 5,000   No one has seen Phrastus the Scholar since his ill-advised return to the Imperial City. He's probably fine—he must be!—but in the meantime, his walled town house in Elinhir is available on an indefinite basis. A medium Colovian-style house in eastern Craglorn. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Exorcised Coven Cottage 4400Unavailable 3,500 / 4,400   Pay no attention to the rumors: this witches hut on the edge of Hag Fen in Glenumbra is guaranteed NOT to be haunted by the dead, the undead, or restless spirits of any kind. It does come with tumbledown walls to keep the crocodiles and wolves out. Spooky! A small hut in eastern Glenumbra.
1 November 2017
19 October 2017
  Forsaken Stronghold 80006,400 / 8,000   When Hakkvild drove the Orcs of Yashnag's Kingdom out of Falkreath in 2E 467, the exiled Orsimer came east to establish Forsaken Stronghold. But the last Orcs died in 563 after they were visited by a merchant infected with Knahaten Flu. A large Orc-style house in eastern Bangkorai. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Gardner House 71005,700 / 7,100   The Gardners were the royal family of Wayrest before every single one of them was carried off by the Knahaten Flu. Which is why the spacious and well-situated Gardner House feels like it's fit for a king! A large Breton-style house in Wayrest. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  The Gorinir Estate 70005,600 / 7,000   The Gorinir family, a cadet branch of the royal Camoran line, has fallen on hard times and had to sell their palatial Cormount home. The seasons turn, luck changes, and their loss is your gain. A large Bosmer-style house in northeastern Grahtwood. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Grymharth's Woe 48003,800 / 4,800   Fine urban living in Windhelm is now available at this commodious town home, which features a lofty main floor, two fireplaces, and a second-floor balcony. Alas, that balcony lacks a railing, which is how Grymharth, after too much mead, came to woe. A medium Nord-style house in Windhelm. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  House of the Silent Magnifico 51004,100 / 5,100   After the death of his beloved daughter Haruzeh at the Running of the Dunerippers, the Magnifico Z'za retired to his house in Sentinel and never spoke again, spending his last days playing endless games of hammergammon with his trained monkey, Lizard. a medium Redguard-style house in Sentinel. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Hunding's Palatial Hall 81006,500 / 8,100   This elegant pleasure palace, with its walled grounds enclosing stables, well, gardens, pool, watchtower, and docks, were paid for by the blood and treasure spilled from the countless treasure ships taken by the legendary Captain Izad. A large Redguard-style house on Stros M'Kai. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Mathiisen Manor 75006,400 / 7,500   This elegant walled estate is truly the apogee of Aldmeri architecture, including a grand entrance hall, curving double staircases, and a blossom-tree garden with circular reflecting pool. A large Altmer-style house in southern Mathiisen. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Mournoth Keep 54004,300 / 5,400   This fortified household is strong, intimidating, and remote—in short, everything an Orc holds dear. And if you get tired of the "remote" part, there's a convenient wayshrine just outside your gate! A medium Orc-style house in northern Bangkorai. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Old Mistveil Manor 73005,800 / 7,300   By tradition, the biggest mansion on the south side of Riften is always called Mistveil Manor. Since the death of old Thane Snelgar, the current Mistveil Estate has come available, including its impressive stone mansion with attached stable. A large Nord-style house in the eastern Rift. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Quondam Indorilia 76006,100 / 7,600   This capacious Dunmeri mansion, with its walled garden and view across a waterfall to majestic Mournhold, was originally built to house a noble family of House Indoril. A large Dunmer-style house in central Deshaan. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Ravenhurst 44003,500 / 4,400   Two floors, no waiting, in this handsome walled town house makes for prime real estate in the quaint Rivenspire town of Fell's Run. The local story that the ravens that loiter around the front steps are the revenant spirits of former owners is absurd. A medium Breton-style house in Fell's Run. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Sleek Creek House 55004,400 / 5,500   All your friends are already nearby in Rawl'kha, yes? Invite them over to have a party at your so-sleek riverside house, with its private garden and over-creek deck. Much sweetness! A medium Khajiit-style house in central Reaper's March. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Stay-Moist Mansion 69005,500 / 6,900   How does this spacious and comely hilltop manor, so far above the fen, nonetheless stay so delightfully damp? It is a paradox, like life itself. (Don't miss the upper-story lodging with separate entrance!) A large Argonian-style house in central Shadowfen. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Strident Springs Demesne 79006,300 / 7,900   This fortified manor between Arenthia and Skingrad at the headwaters of the Strid River should satisfy all those who aspire to the life of the landed gentry. Inside the gatehouse you'll find gardens, a waterfall, and a mansion in Second Empire style. A large Colovian-style house in northern Reaper's March. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Velothi Reverie 53004,200 / 5,300   This charming abode was named after both the Prophet Veloth who founded the surrounding town of Narsis, and the Velothi Mountains that rise above the walled garden at its rear. A medium Dunmer-style house in Narsis. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017

Notable HomesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Coldharbour Surreal Estate 056005,600   This overlooked acreage atop a floating plateau in Molag Bal's Oblivion realm of Coldharbour is available to be developed however you like. It's a secluded location, very quiet and private, even scenic in its own austere way. A plateau floating over the Hollow City. Only available Unfurnished. 4 April 2018
  Colossal Aldmeri Grotto 18750Unavailable 15,000 / 18,750   Once a watering stop for the High Elf navy, this great cavernous grotto on the Summerset coast west of Dusk features shipboard compartments, magnificent Aldmeri ruins, weathered wood from several shipwrecks, and a sparkling subterranean waterfall.
  Daggerfall Overlook 1380011,000 / 13,800   Before Daggerfall Castle was built, the kingdom's rulers lived in this imposing manor, now known as Daggerfall Overlook. The keep comes complete with a lower dungeon level. A Breton-style manor in southeastern Glenumbra. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Earthtear Cavern 1630013,000 / 16,300   You want privacy? What could be more private than lost and forgotten Nedic ruins in a remote corner of Craglorn's backcountry? Especially recommended for overthrown despots, retired master assassins, and Ministers of Finance exiled for embezzling. A Yokudan ruin in western Craglorn. 9 March 2017
  Ebonheart Chateau 1500012,000 / 15,000   A magnificent castle keep, complete with walls, watchtowers, well, fountain, and stable, all dramatically sited on the slopes of an active volcano! It just needs a murder, and then it will be haunted as well. A Dunmer-style manor in central Stonefalls. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Grand Psijic Villa ata]]Unavailable (?) / (?)   When Artaeum was "removed" from Tamriel, a few neighboring isles went with it, including the site of the Grand Psijic Villa, a monumental estate with magnificent views of the south coast of the main island.
  Grand Topal Hideaway 18800Unavailable 15,000 / 18,800   You probably think only the mad masterminds of vast criminal organizations have their own private tropical islands. Well, think again: you, too, could have a hidden hideaway ever-trembling on the verge of volcanic destruction! An island getaway with southern Argonian architecture located in Topal Bay.
1 May 2017
27 April 2017
  Hakkvild's High Hall 1500012,000 / 15,000   Hakkvild, former Jarl of Falkreath who freed the hold from the hands of Yashnag's Orcs, built himself this spacious hall on the heights above town, with convenient access to the crypts of his ancestors. And now it can be yours! A Nord-style manor in eastern Craglorn. PC/Mac: 14 August 2017
Console: 29 August 2017
  Hunter's Glade ata]]Unavailable (?) / (?)   The underground entrance way leads through a portal to an expansive forested glade in Hircine's Oblivion realm of The Hunting Grounds. Those "blessed" with lycanthropy can maintain werewolf form indefinitely in this otherworldly wilderness.
  Linchal Grand Manor 17500Unavailable 14,000 / 17,500   This imposing estate in the Nibenese style was originally built as the summer manor of an Imperial City nobleman, now sadly deceased. Gardens with statues and a reflecting pool surround the stately walled mansion. Sumptuous! A Nibenese estate located on the Gold Coast, near Kvatch.
18 September 2017
14 September 2017
  Pariah's Pinnacle 16250Unavailable 13,000 / 16,250   The grand and majestic mountaintop retreat of Baloth Bloodtusk was sealed off in the First Era by King Joile, but its ancient Orcish halls were recently reopened by order of King Kurog. An Orcish-style manor in Wrothgar.
2 January 2018
7 December 2017
  Princely Dawnlight Palace 17500Unavailable 14,000 / 17,500   Prince Hubalajad, in one of his wilder flights of extravagance, had a second palace built solely to better catch the light of the morning sun. It's a magnificent estate that truly makes one feel like a monarch.
  Serenity Falls Estate 1250010,000 / 12,500   Set in a quiet corner of Reaper's March, the rural manor of Serenity Falls deserves its name, with plenty of room for servants and livestock, all behind a handsome wall to keep out the bandits and burglars. A Khajiit-style manor in eastern Reaper's March. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Tel Galen 10000Unavailable 8,000 / 10,000   Fulfill your fantasies of a fungal flat with this fabulous Telvanni wizard's tower, on a private island on Azura's Coast! Comes complete with grand foyer, workshop, suite, and tower chamber ideal for magical research. A Telvanni tower located on an island on Vvardenfell's Azura's Coast.
19 June 2017
15 June 2017
  The Erstwhile Sanctuary 16250Unavailable 13,000 / 16,250   Built into the foundations of Kvatch itself, this ancient complex was abandoned by the Dark Brotherhood after a subterranean collapse tumbled one wall of the Speaker's bedchamber into a massive natural cavern. A Dark Brotherhood sanctuary located underneath the city of Kvatch.
12 March 2018
8 March 2018
  The Orbservatory Prior 1500012,000 / 15,000   Sotha Sil's designation of this mountaintop laboratory as the "Orbservatory Prior" clearly indicates that the site was an experimental or test version of what he had in mindâ€"though whether he ever built an "Orbservatory Final" is unknown. A Clockwork observatory located on a hilltop in the Radius of Clockwork City. PC/Mac: 23 October 2017
Console: 7 November 2017


Thematic BundlesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Furnishing Pack: Druidic Gatherings 04000Unavailable 4,000   Revel in the glory of nature, under the benevolent gaze of the Druid King. Lush foliage, rustic huts, and outdoor furnishings draw your circle close together, turning your home into a place of wild celebration. December 21, 2023 to January 4, 2024

  Furnishing Pack: Shad Astula Scholars Bundle 03000Unavailable 3,000   These two scholarly statues from Shad Astula serve not only as decorative elements, but also as foci for lessons. Each one allows those so inclined to study the magical energies of Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration.
April 6 to April 20, 2023
April 6 to April 20, 2023

  Furnishing Pack: Maormer Boarding Party 04000Unavailable 4,000   The Sea Elves rule the waves, but you've beaten them just the same. Celebrate your victory in battle by furnishing your home with "liberated" serpentine items, including a raiding party tent and a Maormer ship's prow!
February 23 to March 9, 2023
February 23 to March 9, 2023

  Furnishing Pack: Aquatic Splendor 04500Unavailable 4,500   Add oceanic depth to your abode with this seaworthy arrangement of home furnishings. An abundance of vibrant coral and kelp, effervescent bubbles and jellyfish, and even a mudcrab sparring partner can turn your home into a deep-sea wonderland.
April 13 to April 28, 2022
April 13 to April 28, 2022

  Furnishing Pack: Fargrave Bazaar 04000Unavailable 4,000   Bring Fargrave's Bazaar to your own abode with this collection of curious commodities. Floating books, suspicious specimens, drifting globules, and more await your mercantile merriment.
March 10 to March 24, 2022
March 10 to March 24, 2022

  Furnishing Pack: Daedric Ambitions 05000Unavailable 5,000   Build your own imposing edifices with these structural pieces and accessories. Will your enemies—and maybe even friends—quail at the results of your labors? Yes, yes, they will.
December 22, 2021 to January 5, 2022
December 22, 2021 to January 5, 2022

  Furnishing Pack:Steam Bath Serenity 05000Unavailable 5,000   Pamper yourself by creating a relaxing retreat away from the travails of Tamriel! Featuring a replica of the alluring Mermaid of Anvil statue, this bundle includes burbling fountains, luscious greenery, comfortable seating, and more.
September 30 to October 12, 2021
September 30 to October 12, 2021

  Furnishing Pack: Windows of the Divines 04000Unavailable 4,000   When light filters through these artistic stained-glass representations of the Eight Divines, the play of hues can inspire reverential awe—perfect for your chapel or other sacred spaces.
October 14, 2021

  Furnishing Pack: Chapel of Zenithar 04000Unavailable 4,000   Though Zenithar is known as the God of Work and Commerce, he also represents the peace and prosperity that comes with great effort. Now you can decorate your own place of worship to venerate this industrious Divine. August 17 to September 2, 2021

  Ayleid Furnishing Bundle 04000Unavailable 4,000   Ayleid ruins dot the landscape of Tamriel, allowing adventurers and other intrepid folk hints at how these Elves once lived. Not least among the treasures within these structures are the furnishings, which are conveniently packaged in this bundle.
March 31 to April 15, 2021
March 31 to April 15, 2021

  Furnishing Pack: Mad Alchemist 04000Unavailable 4,000   At last, you can demonstrate your true genius! Enhance your laboratory with these tanks and specimens then experiment to your heart's content! And, because the simple-minded may fear your work, keep your combat arts well-honed on a sturdy Bloodknight.
January 21, 2021
January 7

  Furnishing Pack: Daedric Set of Azura 04000Unavailable 4,000   Furnishings associated with the Daedric Prince Azura.
28 August 2017
24 August 2017

  Furnishing Pack: Coldharbour Arcanaeum 05000Unavailable 5,000   A selection of furnishings for the true connoisseur of Molag Bal's darkest secrets. Includes a tear in the fabric of reality itself, perfect for impressing guests (voluntary or otherwise.)
9 April 2018
4 April 2018

  Furnishing Pack: Deepmire Expedition 2000)Unavailable 2,500
(ESO Plus 2,000)  
The strange heart of Murkmire holds forgotten ruins, curious plants, bizarre creatures, and no end of peril. A safe return from such an expedition is sure to benefit the research of any scholar—or the gallery of any courageous adventurer.
20 February 2020
3 March 2020

  Furnishing Pack: Dibella's Garden 04500Unavailable 4,500   The Lady of Love, Art, and Affection teaches us to treasure the gifts of friendship and to open our hearts to the mysteries of love. In her divine words, "No matter the seed, if the shoot is nurtured with love, will not the flower be beautiful?"
21 May 2018
10 May 2018

  Furnishing Pack: Heart's Day Retreat 03500Unavailable 3,500   Set the scene properly for Heart's Day with this romantic furniture bundle, which includes flowers, sweetrolls, and more! Each item helps those so inclined fulfill on the day's delightful promise with their partners in the adventure called life.
13 February 2020
17 February 2020

  Furnishing Pack: Hubalajad's Final Treasure 05000Unavailable 5,000   No Prince of the Ra Gada would be caught dead without the appropriate (and extravagant) funerary offerings for his tomb. Not to mention the requisite Mournful Aegis to give a sharp welcome any unexpected guests!
12 March 2018
8 March 2018

  Furnishing Pack: Khajiiti Life 03500Unavailable 3,500   Moon-sugar farming implements and wares, an alchemy station, a merchant tent, and more await you in this bundle. Each item represents a slice of Khajiiti life, enabling you to live like the Moons-blessed moon-sugar lover you are!
November 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Malacath's Chosen 04000Unavailable 4,000   Honor Malacath and his Orc-children with these furnishings from the ancient mountain strongholds of Wrothgar.
2 January 2018
7 December 2017

  Furnishing Pack: Moons-Blessed Oasis 04000Unavailable 4,000   Bring the stark beauty of an Anequine oasis to your courtyard with this bundle of Elsweyr plants and statuary, complete with a luminous fountain blessed by Jone and Jode.

  Furnishing Pack: New Life Festival 04000Unavailable 4,000   Welcome your friends with these essential New Life decorations, complete with ice sculptures, Bounteous Ladles for the younger guests, a hearth for roasting festive feasts, and even a trio of snowmortals!
2 January 2020
5 December 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Sinister Hollowjack Items 03500Unavailable 3,500   Lanterns lure and pumpkins trip
Webs ensnare and grave hands grip
Crows will mock as wraith-scythes hack
All in thrall to Hollowjack!
November 4 2019
September 30 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Molag Bal Bundle 03500Unavailable 3,500   Decorate your ominous surroundings appropriately with these furnishings related to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal and Coldharbour.
September 9 2019
September 5 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Lord Vivec Set 04000Unavailable 4,000   Furnishings inspired by Lord Vivec, the Tribunal Temple, and Morrowind.
19 June 2017
15 June 2017

  The Intrepid Gourmet Bundle 00700Unavailable 700   Polish your ladle and set out on a grand culinary adventure with this Provisioning-themed bundle! Whether baking at home or hunting for recipes abroad, this assortment of cooking paraphernalia ensures your heroic exploits never come out undercooked!
2 April 2020

  Furnishing Pack: Trappings of Mephala Worship 04000Unavailable 4,000   With these furnishings, some from Mephala cultists and some that replicate the bizarre environment of the Spiral Skein, you can adopt the ambience of the realm of the Webspinner.
31 October 2019
17 October 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Witches' Coven 03500Unavailable 3,500   Bring the moody atmosphere of Hag Fen to your home with these tools and trappings of the witch's trade. Whether brewing potent poisons or cooking cauldrons of questionable stew, craft in true coven style with the included alchemy and provisioning stations!
November 4 2019
October 31 2019

  Furnishing Bundle: Vampiric Libations 04000Unavailable 4,000   Slake your undying thirst within your own estate. With a willing thrall at hand, you need never go without a tasty meal. And, for those times when you wish to tame your unceasing hunger, sip from an ancient basin that promises succor ... of a sort.
July 16, 2020

  Furnishing Pack: Forge-Lord's Great Works 04000Unavailable 4,000   "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men

Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin
Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone
Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"
—Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein''

May 20, 2019
May 16, 2019

  Furnishing Pack: Moon Bishop's Sanctuary 04000Unavailable 4,000   Display your reverence for the Moons with this assortment of clerical Elsweyr furnishings. Luxurious tapestries, tasteful furniture, and even a large Suthay Moon Bishop statue and target dro-m'Athra will make your home the envy of Khajiiti adepts everywhere.
June 17, 2019
June 13, 2019

  Furnishing Pack: The Clockwork God's Domain 04000Unavailable 4,000   A wide selection of furnishings from Sotha Sil's mechanical simulacrum of Tamriel, the Clockwork City, including an Inactive Fabrication Sphere, a Grand Mnemograph, and a Powered Capsule Clockwork Illuminator!
November 26, 2018
November 15, 2018

  Furnishing Pack: Tyrants of the Merethic 04000Unavailable 4,000   These relics date back to the height of the Dragon Cult's power, long before the bloody revolution of the Dragon War. Though this particular Dragon's name is long forgotten, its story is still told by the ancient friezes found in its barrow.
August 23, 2018

  Furnishing Pack: Stone and Shadow 04000Unavailable 4,000   By my hand blood enters the Marsh. By my deed the Marsh is fed and grows fertile. By my silent watch the Hist may thrive. Honor my doings, O Sithis, for my brethren show me but fear. Guard me not, O Sithis, for only my own strength honors you.
February 20, 2020


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Music Box, A Clash of Fang and Flame 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays the rousing music box composition "A Clash of Fang and Flame." Available during Dragon Rise event. October 3 2019

  Music Box, A Frost Melt Melody 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the traditional New Life Festival song, "A Frost Melt Melody". First made available during the 2019 New Life Festival (Dec. 19, 2019 to Jan. 2, 2020). It has yet to be made available again. January 2020

  Music Box, Blood and Glory 00800800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the stirring "For Blood, For Glory, For Honor" theme. The first music box available in the game, it was released November 2018. November 2018

  Music Box, Dancing Among the Flowers Fine 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the soothing "Dancing Among the Flowers Fine" composition.


First made available between Jul. 25 and Jul. 29, 2019, not long after the launch of the Elsweyr chapter, and again during the Pan-Elsweyr Celebration Event in 2021 (Jul. 29 to Aug. 3).

During the 2021 event, it was sold to ESO Plus members at a discounted price of 640 Crowns."

July 2019

  Music Box, Diamond Melody 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box composition of the traditional imperial song "Chim-el Adabal".


First made available during Midyear Mayhem in winter of 2020 (Jan. 23 to Feb. 4) and again in winter of 2021 (Feb. 4 to Feb. 9). It will be available again during the summer event of 2021.

During the winter 2021 event, it was sold to ESO Plus members at a discounted price of 640 Crowns."

January 2020

  Music Box, Dreams of Yokuda 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the soothing "Dreams of Yokuda" composition. First made available during the 2020 Anniversary Jubilee (Mar. 31 to Apr. 14). It has yet to be made available again. April 2020

  Music Box, Enigmas of the Elder Way 01000Unavailable 1000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the mesmerizing "Enigmas of the Elder Way" composition. First made available during the 2020 Summerset Celebration Event (Jul. 23 to Aug. 4). It has yet to be made available again. July 2020

  Music Box, Farewell to Nenalata 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the wistful "Farewell to Nenalata" composition. First made available during the 2021 Anniversary Jubilee (Apr. 8 to Apr. 15). It has yet to be made available again. April 4 2021

  Music Box, "Fargrave Daydreams" 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, this artistic rendering of the Celestial Palanquin plays a music box arrangement of the omnious "Fargrave Daydreams" composition. First made available in March 2022. It was available from March 10 to March 24. It has yet to be made available again. March 2022

  Music Box, Feast of All Flames 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the playfully tumultuous "Feast of All Flames" composition. First made available from May 20 to June 3, 2021, in the weeks preceding the release of the Blackwood chapter. It has yet to be made available again. May 2021

  Music Box, Flickering Shadows 00800800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the mysterious "Flickering Shadows" composition.


Available in the Crown Store and the Housing Editor since September 5, 2019.

Was on sale for 640 Crowns from October 14 to October 18, 2021."

September 2019

  Music Box, Hinterlands 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the Ebonheart Pact "Hinterlands" composition. First available during first week of Anniversary Jubilee 2019 April 4 2019

  Music Box, Hymn of Five-Hundred Axes 010001000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the Nord favorite "Hymn of Five-Hundred Axes" composition. When active, the waves churn, the boat bobs against the waves, and the little Companions bob in sync with the boat. October 1 2020

  Music Box, In Dreams and Memories ata]](?)   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the poignant "In Dreams and Memories" composition. Available via Antiquity Leads. Composed of three elements obtainable in dig sites from Summerset, Auridon and Grahtwood; the leads are obtainable in any regions from jewelry boxes, thieves troves and safeboxes respectively.

  Music Box, "Invitation to Chaos" 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the ominous "Invitation to Chaos" composition. (?)

  Music Box, Mother Morrowind's Sacred Lullaby 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the soporific "Mother Morrowind's Sacred Lullaby" composition. First made available during the 2021 Tribunal Celebration Event (Feb. 25 to Mar. 9). It has yet to be made available again. February 2021

  Music Box, Never Fall, Never Die 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the Undaunted's rousing "Never Fall, Never Die" composition. First made available during the 2020 Undaunted Celebration Event (Dec. 3 to Dec. 15). It has yet to be made available again. December 2020

  Music Box, Sands of the Alik'r 00800800   When activated, this music box plays an arrangement of the Daggerfall Covenant "Sands of the Alik'r" composition. First available during first week of Anniversary Jubilee 2019
April 13, 2022
April 28, 2022

  Music Box, "Silver Rose" 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the devotional "Silver Rose" composition. First made available on August 23, 2021 with the Waking Flame DLC. August, 2021

  Music Box, Subterranean Sonata 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the otherworldly "Subterranean Sonata" composition.


First made available from October 29 to November 3, 2020. Available again from September 2 to September 9, 2021.

During the 2021 release, it was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discount. When active, the beetle and mushroom spin, the beetle rises and falls, and the beetle's wings flutter."

October 2020

  Music Box, That Breezy Night in Bruma 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the romantic Heart's Day favorite, "That Breezy Night in Bruma". First made available in celebration of the 2020 Heart's Day (Feb. 13 to Fe. 17) and again for the 2021 one (Feb. 11 to Feb. 15). February 13 2020

  Music Box, The Ghosts of Frostfall 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays the music box composition "The Ghosts of Frostfall". Unreleased

  Music Box, The Liberation of Leyawiin 010001,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the adventurous "The Liberation of Leyawiin" composition. First made available on June 10, 2021.
April 13, 2022
April 28, 2022

  Music Box, The Mad Harlequin's Reverie 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the playful "The Mad Harlequin's Reverie" composition.


First made available during the first 2020 Jester's Festival (Mar. 26 to Apr. 2) and again in the 2021 one (Mar. 25 to Apr. 1).

During the 2021 event, it had been sold to ESO Plus members at the discount price of 640 Crowns"

March 2020

  Music Box, The Merry Meadmaker ata]]Unavailable (?)   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the jaunty "The Merry Meadmaker" composition. First made available with the release of the Antiquity system during the Greymoor Chapter on May 26, 2020. May 2020

  Music Box, The Mirefrog's Hymn 01000Unavailable 1,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the curiously adorable "The Mirefrog's Hymn" composition First made available between Aug. 17 and Sep. 2, 2021. August 2021

  Music Box, The Shadows Stir 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the haunting "The Shadows Stir" composition. First made available from August 13 to August 20, 2020. It has yet to be made available again. August 2020

  Music Box, "Time's Architect" 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the enigmatic "Time's Architect" composition. First made available during the 2022 Daedric War Celebration Event for 7 days (Jan 24 - Jan 31). January 2022

  Music Box: Wonders of the Shoals 011001,100   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the whimsical "Wonders of the Shoals" composition. First made available through the Crown Store from April 13 to April 28, 2022.
April 13 2022
April 28, 2022

  Music Box, Y'ffre in Every Leaf 00800Unavailable 800   When activated, this music box plays an arrangement of the Aldmeri Dominion "Y'ffre in Every Leaf" composition. First available during first week of Anniversary Jubilee 2019 April 4 2019

  Music Box: Bleak Beacon Shanty ata]]Unavailable (?)   (?) Unreleased


A list of all Housing Storage available.

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Storage Chest, Fortified 020002,000   60 Slots
This chest can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this chest do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Chest, Oaken 020002,000   60 Slots
This chest can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this chest do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Chest, Secure 020002,000   60 Slots
This chest can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this chest do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Chest, Sturdy 020002,000   60 Slots
This chest can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this chest do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Coffer, Oaken 010001,000   30 Slots
This coffer can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this coffer do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Coffer, Secure 010001,000   30 Slots
This coffer can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this coffer do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018
  Storage Coffer, Sturdy 010001,000   30 Slots
This coffer can be placed in multiple homes, and always accesses the same personal storage space. Unlike bank storage, items in this coffer do not appear at crafting stations.
PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018

Accessory SetsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Craglorn Multicultural Knick-Knacks Pack 015001,500   A selection of mainly Ra Gada-inspired cross-cultural household necessities, ideal for Earthtear Cavern. Contains 35 items. 9 March 2017
  Dwarven Pipes 01000Unavailable 1,000   A selection of Dwarven pipes, ducts, and conduits for adding a Deep Elf touch to your home. Contains 18 items. 22 June 2017
  Formal Garden Shrubbery Pack 00500500   Trimmed topiaries and sculpted shrubs for those who prefer the esthetic of a more refined garden. Contains 26 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Island Assortment Household Pack 00500Unavailable 500   A selection of household necessities drawn from cultures across southern Tamirel, ideal for the Grand Topal Hideaway. Contains 26 items.
1 May 2017
27 April 2017
  Summerset Noble's Bathing Pack 025002,500   Whether bathing in luxurious solitude or relaxing with a partner, this two-person sauna and selection of washroom accessories is perfect for those leisurely afternoon soaks. Contains 14 items. 8 October 2018
  Tamrielic Household Necessities Pack 00200200   The basics: crates, barrels, tools, tableware, bottles, and more. Contains 15 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Trees of Tamriel Garden Pack 00400400   An assortment of basic trees, shrubs, and bushes for greening up the homestead. Contains 23 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017

Bedroom SetsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Craglorn Multicultural Bedroom Pack 030003,000   A selection of mainly Ra Gada-inspired cross-cultural bedroom furnishings, ideal for Earthtear Cavern. Contains 20 items. 9 March 2017
  Home in Nibenay Bedroom Pack 00750750   Bedroom furnishings that will be familiar to anyone who grew up in Cheydinhal, Bravil, or the Imperial City itself. Contains 10 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Island Nights Bedroom Pack 00800Unavailable 800   A selection of bedroom furnishings drawn from cultures across southern Tamirel, ideal for the Grand Topal Hideaway. Contains 17 items.
1 May 2017
27 April 2017
  Summerset Noble's Bedroom Pack 020002,000   Decorate your bedchambers in the style of Alinor nobility with this selection of masterfully crafted furnishings. Contains 14 items. 8 October 2018

Kitchen SetsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Craglorn Multicultural Kitchen Pack 025002,500   A selection of mainly Ra Gada-inspired cross-cultural kitchen furnishings, ideal for Earthtear Cavern. Contains 17 items. 9 March 2017
  Island Cuisine Kitchen Pack 00500Unavailable 500   A selection of kitchen furnishings drawn from cultures across southern Tamriel, ideal for the Grand Topal Hideaway. Contains 18 items.
1 May 2017
27 April 2017
  Niben Valley Kitchen Pack 00750750   Everything you need to outfit your kitchen the way they do along the banks of the Niben. Contains 9 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Summerset Noble's Kitchen Pack 020002,000   Sup in Elven sophistication with this selection of everything needed to emulate the ambience [sic] of Alinor fine dining. Contains 16 items. 8 October 2018

Living Room SetsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Craglorn Multicultural Parlor Pack 040004,000   A selection of mainly Ra Gada-inspired cross-cultural living room furnishings, ideal for Earthtear Cavern. Contains 24 items. 9 March 2017
  Cyrodilic Parlor Pack 00750750   Furnish your living room Nibenese style with these benches, shelves, and decorations. Contains 10 items. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
  Island Hideaway Parlor Pack 00800Unavailable 800   A selection of living room furnishings drawn from cultures across southern Tamriel, ideal for the Grand Topal Hideaway. Contains 16 items.
1 May 2017
27 April 2017
  Summerset Noble's Parlor Pack 040004,000   Hold court in your own living room with this selection of elegant furnishings in the style of Alinor nobility. Contains 11 items. 8 October 2018

Style ParlorEdit


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
Barbaric Beauty Pack 010001,000   This wild cosmetic bundle includes Windblown Hair, the Wire Half-Mask, Eye-Briar Gemmed Tattoo, Dangling Earrings, and Dark Emphasis Eyelashes. Savage! Contains 5 adornments: Barbaric Windblown Hair, Wire Cage Half-Mask, Dangling Triple-Chain Earrings, Dark Emphasis Eyelashes, and Eye-Briar Gemmed Tattoo. 24 May 2018

Barbarian Warrior Cosmetic Pack 010001,000   A barbaric bundle that includes a Warrior Topknot, Beard, Warpaint, Piercings, and a Leather Brow Band. Back off, you civilized sweetrolls—Barbarian Warrior coming through! Contains 5 adornments: Wrapped Horsetail, Ringed and Gathered War Beard, Double Diagonal Face Warpaint, Fierce Pierce Facial Rings, and Studded Leather Brow Band. 7 June 2018

Cosmetic Pack: Adornments 010001,000   This bundle enables access to all the standard player character adornment styles. Contains 119 adornments. PC/Mac: 5 October 2016
Console: 18 October 2016

  Whitestrake's Mayhem Crowns 00700Unavailable 700   This bundle includes all three Imperial crowns celebrating the Midyear Mayhem event: the Circlet, the Coronet, and the Diadem. Three Midyear Mayhem-themed crowns are in this pack: the Star-Made Circlet, Star-Made Diamond Diadem, and Star-Made Sword Coronet. Sold at a discount to ESO Plus members for 00560560   in 2021.
(?) February 2022
(?) February 2022
9 February 2021
4 February 2021
31 July 2017
27 July 2017

  Brigand's Beard 00200200   Proudly masculine facial hair, the Brigand's Beard projects authority, power, and a devil-may-care attitude. Male only, not available for Khajiit or Argonians. 16 November 2017

  Covenant Lion Circlet 00200200   Proven heroes of the Daggerfall Covenant may wear upon their brow this silvery circlet with a central, roaring lion. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Covenant Lion Coronet 00200200   Argonian heroes of the Daggerfall Covenant may wear upon their brow this silvery coronet with a central, roaring lion. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Dominion Topaz Circlet 00200200   Proven heroes of the Aldmeri Dominion may wear upon their brow this silvery circlet, adorned with a single, central yellow topaz. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Dominion Topaz Coronet 00200200   Argonian heroes of the Aldmeri Dominion may wear upon their brow this silvery coronet, adorned with a single, central yellow topaz. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Dragonfly Wing Lashes 00200Unavailable 200   A touch of bright and exotic iridescence draws all eyes to your eyes, for a lash adornment that is pure magicka. Female only, not available for Khajiit or Argonians.
6 November 2017
8 September 2016

  Four-Spike Wattle 00200200   The Four-Spike Wattle is an arrangement of throat spines particularly popular on the coastal shores of Thornmarsh. Only available to Argonians. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016

  Head Horns Aplenty 00100100   When you have Head Horns Aplenty, everyone will step back when you take off your helmet. Cornucopious! Only available to Argonians. 20 April 2017

  Horned Brow Plate 00200Unavailable 200   Feeling Daedric? Get Oblivious with the Horned Brow Plate—now with faux rivets! Not available for Argonians.
12 February 2018
20 April 2017

  Long Patriarch Beard 00200Unavailable 200   A long beard curled with the wisdom of years confers authority on any face, regardless of age. Male only, not available for Khajiit or Argonians.
6 November 2017
8 September 2016

  Pact Dragonclaw Circlet 00200200   Proven heroes of the Ebonheart Pact may wear upon their brow this majestic circlet surmounted by silvery Dragon claws. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Pact Dragonclaw Coronet 00200200   Argonian heroes of the Ebonheart Pact may wear upon their brow this majestic coronet surmounted by silvery Dragon claws. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Sailor's Squid Goatee 01000Unavailable 1,000   The double-waxed "Squid Goatee" is a favorite of the dapper sailors of Tamriel's southern coasts. Male only, not available for Khajiit or Argonians.
23 January 2017
19 January 2017

  Subtle Dark Lashes 00200Unavailable 200   When you want to emphasize your lovely eyes without going overboard on something like exotic or stage makeup, Subtle Dark Lashes are just the right touch. Female only, not available for Khajiit or Argonians.
6 November 2017
19 January 2017

  Talon Veil 00200200   The so-called "Talon Veil" is worn by Cat-Folk who passed the dangerous initiation rites of a Khajiiti hunting cub. Not available for Argonians. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016

  Tousled Temple Tufts 00200200   Hey, kitten, what's sexier than that just-got-out-of-bed look … on tufts of hair in front of your ears? Nothing, that's what. (If you're a Khajiit.) Only available to Khajiit. 19 January 2017


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
  Soul Gem, Parchment, Clippers 00800Unavailable 800   Soul Gem beats Clippers, Clippers beat Parchment, Parchment beats Soul Gem. Ready? Go! Adds the /soulgem, /parchment, and /clippers emotes to the (?) category. 25 January 2018 /
23 February 2023
  Admire Me 00500500   Throw your arms wide to call attention to the fact that YOU are the most awesome being within three provinces! Adds the /admireme emote to the (?) category. 21 September 2017
  Muscle Flex 00500500   Show off your mighty thews for all to admire! Adds the /flex emote to the (?) category. 21 September 2017
Khajiiti Cultural Emote Pack 020002000   Cat-folk pack that includes the emotes Cat Contemplation, Feline Hygiene, and Pedlar Beckoning. Available in the Elsweyr Collector's Edition and Elsweyr Collector's Pack. 17 January 2019‎
Skyrim Emote Pack 020002000   Skyrim-themed pack that includes the emotes Arrow to the Knee, Missing Sweetroll, and Ragnar the Red.
Includes /arrowtoknee, /sweetroll, and /ragnarthered
Available in the Greymoor Collector's Edition and Greymoor Collector's Pack. 17 January 2020

Hair StylesEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
Cosmetic Pack: Hair Styles 010001,000   This bundle enables access to all the standard player character hair styles. Contains 92 hairstyles. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016

  Adorable Assassin 00400Unavailable 400   Knock 'em dead with this casual hairstyle popularized by the Dark Elf assassins of Morrowind. Not available for Argonians.
10 July 2017
6 July 2017

  Covenant Lizard-Plumes 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an Argonian Covenant warrior is entitled to wear these official Alliance Lizard-Plumes, which keep out of a helmet's way while still looking superb. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Covenant War-Locks 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an honored Covenant warrior is entitled to wear these official Alliance War-Locks, which keep long hair under control while still looking superb. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Crest With Pony Braid 00400400   This topknot crest descending into a triple-wrapped braided ponytail is both warlike and practical, and is often worn by those soldiers who worship Alkosh, the Dragon-Cat. Only available to Khajiit. 19 January 2017

  Dominion Lizard-Locks 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an Argonian Dominion warrior is entitled to wear these official Alliance Lizard-Locks, which keep beaded bristles under control while still looking superb. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Dominion War-Locks 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an honored Dominion warrior is entitled to wear these official Alliance War-Locks, which keep long hair under control while still looking superb. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Fine Upstanding Spines 00400400   Erect the spines of high fashion! And add in a couple of upturned petite nose horns to seal the deal. Xuth! Only available to Argonians. 19 January 2017

  Lizard Rhinoceros 00500500   Even more legendary than the unicorn is that imaginary two-horned beast called the rhinoceros. Live the legend with Lizard Rhinoceros horns! Only available to Argonians. 23 November 2016

  Long Elven Braid 00500500   There's always been a lot of cultural interchange between the Wood Elves and the Catfolk, and it even shows up in their hairstyles, as in the popular Long Elven Braid style. Only available to Khajiit. 8 September 2016

  Long Foregathered Mane 00500500   This feline warriors' favorite consists of a handsome long mane, gathered in three places by turquoise-studded pewter clasps. Fierce but not entirely informal. Only available to Khajiit. 23 November 2016

  Long Wild Locks 00500500   Who's got the hair that drives 'em wild when playing tavern bard at the inn? You do. Not available for Khajiit or Argonians. 23 November 2016

  Multi-Spined Skull Crest 00200200   This menacing look is a favorite of surly teen-aged Argonians in the more unsavory parts of Gideon. Only available to Argonians. 20 April 2017

  Pact Lizard Battle Crest 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an Argonian Pact warrior is entitled to wear this official Alliance Battle Crest, which keeps spines under control while still looking superb. Only available to Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Pact Veteran's Battle Crest 00400400   Going to war may mean donning a helm, but beneath it an honored Pact warrior is entitled to wear this official Alliance Battle Crest, which keeps hair under control while still looking superb. Not available for Argonians. 3 November 2016

  Ragged Royal Page Cut 00400400   Bangs with ear-length sides is the hallmark hairstyle of Royal Pages across Tamriel. This variant is a little wilder, for a page with rage. May 6, 2019

  Short-Spiked Crest 00500500   If you've always wanted to look like the teeth of a circular saw were erupting from your cranium, this is the style for you. Get serious. Only available to Argonians. 8 September 2016

  Sidelong Sweep 00400400   Nord sea raiders from the coasts of Skyrim first popularized this style, a visible demonstration of its wearer's commitment to going all-in. Not for the cautious. 16 November 2017

  The Casual Rascal 00300Unavailable 300   Everyone knows somebody who wears this head of hair: they may lead you into mischief, but you know you'll have a good time. Not available for Argonians.
6 November 2017
20 April 2017

  The Heroic Poet 00500Unavailable 500   Oh, you romantic devil, tossing off quatrains and epigrams as you charge into battle to defend the underdog! You know who you are, and this is your hair. Not available for Khajiit or Argonians.
6 November 2017
8 September 2016

  The Standing Wave 00400400   Do you stand tall and proud, adventurer? Then so should your hair! Add an extra foot to your height with The Standing Wave, the hairdo that's sweeping the Fighters Guild. 4 January 2018

  The Tousled Bard 00400400   What could be more romantic than a Khajiiti singing poet—with hair to match? Not available for Argonians. 19 January 2017

  Wavy Triple Braided Updo 01000Unavailable 1,000   Inspired by the mesas and buttes of southern Hammerfell, this updo is a striking look for your next semi-formal affair. Not available for Argonians.
23 January 2017
19 January 2017


Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
Cosmetic Pack: Body Markings 00500500   This bundle enables access to all the standard player character body marking styles. Contains 119 markings. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
Cosmetic Pack: Face Markings 00500500   This bundle enables access to all the standard player character face marking styles. Contains 122 markings. PC/Mac: 6 February 2017
Console: 21 February 2017
Aldmeri Dominion Tattoos 00300300   Head and body tattoos for the honored warriors of the Aldmeri Dominion. Wear them with pride! Contains the Dominion Warrior Head Tattoos and Dominion Warrior Body Tattoos. 3 November 2016
Chevron Slash Markings 00300300   With these tattoos, show the standing waves that flow from your position in the River of Life. Contains the Chevron Headwrap, Chevron Head Paint, and Chevron Slashmarks. Only available to Argonians. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
Daggerfall Covenant Tattoos 00300300   Head and body tattoos for the honored warriors of the Daggerfall Covenant. Wear them with pride! Contains the Covenant Warrior Face Tattoos and Covenant Warrior Body Tattoos. 3 November 2016
Dark Moons Markings 00300300   Khajiiti who wear the Dark Moons tattoos may be displaying a preference for unrestrained behavior. Contains the Dark Moons Headwrap and the Dark Crescent Moons. Only available to Khajiit. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
Ebonheart Pact Tattoos 00300300   Head and body tattoos for the honored warriors of the Ebonheart Pact. Wear them with pride! Contains the Pact Warrior Face Tattoos and Pact Warrior Body Tattoos. 3 November 2016
Warrior-Poet Tattoos 01000Unavailable 1,000   This bundle includes the Warrior-Poet tattoo markings for both face and body. Vehk yourself! Contains the Warrior-Poet Body Tattoos and the Warrior-Poet Face Tattoos.
2 November 2023
30 October 2023
3 November 2022
31 October 2022
4 November 2021
1 November 2021
3 November 2020
26 October 2020
31 July 2017
27 July 2017
  Warrior-Poet Skull Tattoo 00300Unavailable 300   "Colorful and intimidating. Truly, these markings bring the fire of the warrior-poet to your spirit as well as to your face."—Artist-Adept Aimira
2 November 2023
30 October 2023
3 November 2022
31 October 2022
4 November 2021
1 November 2021
3 November 2020
26 October 2020
4 November 2019
31 October 2019
Skull Face Tattoo Pack 00700Unavailable 700   Face marking bundle including the Verdant, Floral, and Spoked Skull Face Tattoos.
2 November 2023
30 October 2023
3 November 2022
31 October 2022
4 November 2021
1 November 2021
3 November 2020
26 October 2020
4 November 2019
31 October 2019
5 November 2018
1 November 2018
Winged Herald Markings 00300300   Winged brow, back, and breast express your reverence for the divine spirits of the wind. Contains the Wings of the Wind Goddess and the Winged Brows. Not available for Khajiit or Argonians. PC/Mac: 1 August 2016
Console: 16 August 2016
  Climbing Briar Face Tattoo 00200200   The Climbing Briar's twisting shoots symbolize your indomitable life force, while its thorns proclaim you are willing and able to defend yourself against all adversaries. 16 November 2017

Outfit SlotsEdit

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
(?) Outfit Slot Upgrade 015001,500   This unlocks 1 additional outfit. Outfits can be modified at any Outfit Station. PC/Mac: 12 February 2018
Console: 27 February 2018

Outfit StylesEdit

Name Price Crown Store description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Molten Demise Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Urgarlag Chief-bane states of this arms set, "Drips with magma, doesn't it? Comes from the Dread Cellar, a secret Imperial prison abandoned after the Empire fell. Place is crawling with Daedra now." Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Molten Demise Outfit styles.
March 14 to April 4, 2024
March 14 to April 4, 2024

  Euphotic Gatekeeper Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Kailstig the Axe says, "Eh, don't let that Hadolid monstrosity ruin your winning streak. Dodge its poison, and you'll probably be fine." Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Euphotic Gatekeeper awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
May 24 to June 19, 2023
May 24 to June 19, 2023

  Kjalnar's Nightmare Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Can you live up to the deadly symbolic elements on the gear inspired by Kjalnar Tombskald's Nightmare? Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Kjalnar's Nightmare awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
November 23 to December 21, 2022
November 23 to December 21, 2022

  Encratis's Behemoth Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The True-Sworn may be worthy foes, but the strongest among them is Pyroturge Encratis. Defeat him, and you've a tale worth telling, Undaunted." Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Encratis's Behemoth awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
August 18 to September 21, 2022
August 18 to September 21, 2022

  Nazaray Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Helping Captain Za'ji out usually leads to all sorts of adventure, and his investigation of Shipwright's Regret is no exception since it brings you face to face with the dreaded Nazaray! Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Nazaray awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
July 20 to August 24, 2022
July 20 to August 24, 2022

  Lady Thorn Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Lady Thorn, eh? She possesses—or is it possessed?—both style and a certain lethal way of handling … problems. Maybe you know this already. Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Lady Thorn awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
June 15 to July 20, 2022
June 15 to July 20, 2022

  Prior Thierric Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Prior Thierric awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
May 18 to June 15, 2022
May 18 to June 15, 2022

  Baron Zaudrus Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you stopped Baron Zaudrus and the Order of the Waking Flame? Show the world by altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Baron Zaudrus awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
January 19 to February 17, 2022
January 19 to February 17, 2022

  Mother Ciannait Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Mysteries abound on Icereach, as do witches and other puissant foes. Set yourself a challenge and defeat the leader, Mother Ciannait, Undaunted champion! Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Mother Ciannait awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
November 24 to December 22, 2021
November 24 to December 22, 2021

  Grundwulf Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Not all is as it should be with the Nord Dragonguard Grundwulf, but perhaps you can—or already have—rectified that. Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Grundwulf awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
October 27 to November 24, 2021
October 27 to November 24, 2021

  Maarselok Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Summon your most stalwart companions to face the Dragon Maarselok in his lair and prevent him from corrupting the Changeling Selene. Then, perhaps, celebrate your victory by altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Maarselok awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
September 29 to October 27, 2021
September 29 to October 27, 2021

  Thurvokun Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The long-dead Dragon Thurvokun once inhabited Fang Lair—but a Necromancer seeks to reawaken him! Stop this threat, then alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Thurvokun awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
August 31 to September 29, 2021
August 31 to September 29, 2021

  Selene Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Collect payment in kind with weapons inspired by the forest spirit Selene. Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Selene awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
July 28 to August 25, 2021
July 28 to August 25, 2021

  Vykosa Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Legends claim that Vykosa, Khajiit huntress and Werewolf lord, was among the first turned by Hircine. Does that make you eager to face her in combat? Regardless, you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Vykosa awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
June 30 to July 28, 2021
June 30 to July 28, 2021

  Zaan Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The horrors of Scalecaller Peak answer to one master: the Dragonpriest, Zaan. Claim her enchanted arms and unleash the Dragons' fury on any who oppose you.
May 26 to June 23, 2021
May 26 to June 23, 2021

  Stonekeeper Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Stonekeeper awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
April 28 to May 26, 2021
April 28 to May 26, 2021

  Symphony of Blades Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The Depths of Malatar call to the Undaunted, promising confrontations with foes such as the legendary Symphony of Blades. Now you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Symphony of Blades awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
March 31 to April 28, 2021
March 31 to April 28, 2021

  Infernal Guardian Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The brutal, burning Lurcher known as the Infernal Guardian awaits challengers in the City of Ash dungeon. Now you may alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Infernal Guardian awards by using this set of Outfit styles.
March 3 to March 31, 2021
March 3 to March 31, 2021

  Sentinel of Rkugamz Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   You've ventured into Deshaan's largest kwama mine and faced many a challenging foe. Now you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Sentinel of Rkugamz awards by using this set of Outfit styles.
January 27 to February 24, 2021
January 27 to February 24, 2021

  Kra'gh Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Kra'gh the Dreugh King awaits those Undaunted brave enough to fight it—just head to Fungal Grotto. And after you win, alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Kra'gh awards by using this set of Outfit styles.
December 21 to January 27, 2021
December 21 to January 27, 2021

  Tremorscale Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The duneripper named Tremorscale awaits you in Volenfell—dare you confront it? Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Tremorscale awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
November 25 to December 21, 2020
November 25 to December 21, 2020

  Maw of the Infernal Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Ventured into the Banished Cells, have you? Then alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Maw of the Infernal awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
October 28 to November 25, 2020
October 28 to November 25, 2020

  Earthgore Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you faced Earthgore in the Bloodroot Forge dungeon? If so, consider altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Earthgore awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
September 30 to October 28, 2020
September 30 to October 28, 2020

  Nerien'eth Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   You've beaten the Altmer lich Nerien'eth in the Crypt of Hearts dungeon. Now it's time to alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Nerien'eth awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
August 26 to September 30, 2020
August 26 to September 30, 2020

  Domihaus Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Ah, Domihaus the Bloody-Horned. Reachfolk from the Dreadhorn clan made a mistake forming an alliance with him—have you yet rectified that mistake? If so, you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Domihaus awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
July 29 to August 26, 2020
July 29 to August 26, 2020

  Scourge Harvester Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you faced the harvester called Malubeth the Scourger? And are you familiar with the Wayrest Sewers? Know this, regardless: You could potentially alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Scourge Harvester awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
July 29, 2020
June 24, 2020

  Balorgh Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The mighty Balorgh fell due to your skill. Commemorate this victory—alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Balorgh awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
June 24, 2020
May 27, 2020

  Stormfist Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Of course you vanquished the storm atronach known as Stormfist. Now celebrate your victory by altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Stormfist awards with this complete set of Outfit styles.
May 27, 2020
April 29, 2020

  Slimecraw Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Slimecraw awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
April 29, 2020
March 25, 2020

  Valkyn Skoria Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you proven your worth by facing down the giant Dremora Valkyn Skoria in the City of Ash? If so, reflect on your victory and alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Valkyn Skoria awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
March 25, 2020
February 25, 2020

  Iceheart Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Facing Frost Atronachs? Sure. Undaunted can do that in their sleep. Defeating the Frost Atronach Iceheart? Now that's a challenge worth being awake for! Once victorious, alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Iceheart awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
January 30, 2020
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2018 — January 30, 2019

  Pirate Skeleton Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The murderous Captain Blackheart leads deadly pirates in Blackheart Haven and possesses an intimidating set of weapons. Now you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Pirate Skeleton awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
November 27, 2019
October 30, 2019

  Chokethorn Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you vanquished Chokethorn? And do you wish to remember this victory each and every time you fight another foe? Now you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Chokethorn awards.
October 30, 2019
September 25, 2019

  Velidreth Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Velidreth, the Lady of Lace, might be the stuff of nightmares, but you are Undaunted. Nightmares fall into nothing before you! After vanquishing her, alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Velidreth awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
September 29, 2019
August 28, 2019
  Mighty Chudan Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The giant haj mota known as Mighty Chudan has torn through many a self-proclaimed hero—but perhaps not you. Commemorate your glorious victory! Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Mighty Chudan awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
August 28, 2019
July 31, 2019

  Lord Warden Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Have you vanquished Lord Warden Dusk? And do you wish to remember this victory each and every time you fight another foe? Now you can alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Lord Warden awards.
July 3, 2019
May 29, 2019

  Nightflame Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Bogdan the Nightflame, a Daedric Titan, plays nasty tricks—as perhaps you already know. Once you've defeated this terrible Titan, take a moment to alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Nightflame awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
30 July, 2019
June 26, 2019

  Engine Guardian Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   This giant Dwarven spider waits for you and your fellow Undaunted members in Darkshade Caverns II. Defeat it and embrace that victory by altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Engine Guardian awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
May 29, 2019
April 24, 2019

  Sellistrix Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Are you among those claiming victory in Arx Corinium? Show off your achievement to others by altering your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Sellistrix awards.
April 24, 2019
March 27, 2019

  Swarm Mother Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Do you have thrilling memories of the Spindleclutch dungeon? This pack includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Swarm Mother weapons that match the Undaunted awards.
March 27, 2019
February 27, 2019

  Bloodspawn Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   This includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Bloodspawn weapons that match the Undaunted awards.
February 27, 2019
January 30, 2019

  Troll King Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   This includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Troll King weapons that match the Undaunted awards.
December 19, 2018
November 28, 2018

  Grothdarr Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   This arms pack includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Grothdarr weapons that match the Undaunted mask and shoulder awards.
November 28, 2018
October 31, 2018

  Shadowrend Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   This arms pack includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Shadowrend weapons that match the Undaunted mask and shoulder awards.
October 31, 2018
September 26, 2018

  Molag Kena Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Arm yourself like a monarch of the Xivkyn! This pack includes a complete set of Outfit styles for Molag Kena weapons that match the Undaunted awards.
September 26, 2018
August 29, 2018

  Ilambris Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The Ilambris Arms Pack provides an Outfit look for weapons in the style of the Ilambris twins from the Crypt of Hearts dungeon. These weapon styles are the first in ESO to have persistent particle effects, and can be applied to any weapon at an Outfit Station. The pack contains one Outfit Change Token and the following weapon Outfit styles: Ilambris Battle Axe, Ilambris Bow, Ilambris Shield, Ilambris Staff, and Ilambris Sword.
August 29, 2018
July 25, 2018

Other Arms and Armor PacksEdit

Name Price Crown Store description Notes Date Added / Removed

  Earthbone Ayleid Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Earthbone Ayleid Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.

200px Jester's Feast Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   <Jester Anglidor eyes the tasty-looking weapons, picks one up, then brandishes it at you meaningfully.> Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Jester's Feast Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.

  Bristleback Hunter Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Keama of Markarth says, "When I see someone wearing this gear swagger into the Hunter's Repose, I know we'll have a full night of near-death stories. Bristlebacks take skill and luck to kill." Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Bristleback Hunter Outfit styles.

  Passion Dancer's Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Let Dibella's arts guide your hand in battle. Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Passion Dancer's Outfit styles.
June 28 to July 19, 2023
June 28 to July 19, 2023

  Bonemold Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Using bone and iron, Dark Elves fashioned a distinctive weapon style that holds up under even the deadliest fighting conditions. Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Bonemold Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles

  Claw-Dance Acolyte Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Chrimarbina writes, "This one started learning the deadly Zhan Khaj combat techniques yesterday using new swords. Well-balanced blades they are. A joy to dance with." Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Claw-Dance Acolyte Outfit styles.
January 26 to February 9, 2023
January 26 to February 9, 2023

  Evergreen Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Mettlesworn the Mild writes, "Family tradition sees us wielding arms of verdant iconography when engaging in combat at the onset of Morning Star." Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Evergreen Outfit styles.

  Witchmother's Servant Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   "Festive in a horrific way," claims one servant. "Perfect for the work we do for the Witchmother." Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Witchmother's Servant Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.

  Oaken Order Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Members of the Oaken Order may prefer magical combat over more physical forms, but they still need gear for protection and close combat. Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Oaken Order Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.

  Saberkeel Armaments 02500Unavailable 2,500   Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Saberkeel Armament Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.

  Gloambound Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Need a weapon in a hurry? Let the Evergloam provide! Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Gloambound Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles. Stowing these weapons will hide them when equipped.
March 16 to April 20, 2022
March 16 to April 20, 2022

  Timbercrow Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Whether you work from the shadows or strike within plain sight, these simple and light armaments from the Timbercrow clan should serve you well. Alter your weapon's appearance by using this complete set of Timbercrow Outfit styles.

  Evergloam Champion Armor Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   Adherents of Nocturnal who venture to the Evergloam sometimes come back changed in more ways than one—the armor of that realm may hold greater appeal to the Daedric Prince of Shadow's followers than any mortal gear they initially wore. Alter your armor's appearance by using this complete set of Evergloam Champion Armor Outfit styles.
January 27 to February 3, 2022
January 27 to February 3, 2022

  Nord Carved Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   The strength and style of the Nords can be yours with this arms pack! Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Nord Carved Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
New Life Festival

  Chitinous Arms Pack 02500Unavailable 2,500   If you're seeking a lighter yet still deadly set of arms, chitin is your material! Alter your weapon's appearance to Chitinous Weapons by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
October 6 to October 20, 2021
October 6 to October 20, 2021

  Crested Viper Armor Pac