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This page contains deprecated information about Elder Scrolls Online content. The content described here was removed from the game after Update 16. |
This quest is currently disabled (as of Update 16) |
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Canthion at the bank in Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), Daggerfall (Glenumbra), Davon's Watch (Stonefalls), or Vivec City (Vvardenfell).
- Find Szugogroth in the city's Outlaws Refuge.
- Find Bulag Idolus in Naril Nagaia (Greenshade), Orc's Finger Ruins (Rivenspire), Chid-Moska Ruins (Shadowfen), or Pulk (Vvardenfell).
- Return to Canthion.
- Craft, purchase, or otherwise acquire a piece of furnishing for your home.
- Meet Canthion outside your new home in Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), Daggerfall (Glenumbra), Ebonheart (Stonefalls), or Vivec City (Vvardenfell).
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
There are a number of ways to acquire this quest:
- Collect the free "A Friend in Need" Housing Brochure from the Crown Store;
- Find the Housing Brochure located near most Banks;
- Visit Canthion directly at the bank in Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), Daggerfall (Glenumbra), Davon's Watch (Stonefalls), or Vivec City (Vvardenfell).
If you accept the quest via the Crown Store brochure, the following prompt will appear:
- <The following note accompanies a brochure tacked under it.>
"Tired of being out in the cold or living from inn room to inn room? Seek out Canthion for your home ownership needs!" - <Take the brochure.>
Locate Canthion and talk to him about the house for sale. Unfortunately, it turns out his previous tenant, Bulag Idolus has absconded with the key and the deed, after Canthion found out she was running a skooma operation from the property. Szugogroth, her associate, may know where she is. Look for him in the nearby Outlaws Refuge.
Szugogroth is initially unwilling to cooperate. You will have one or more options available to convince him otherwise:
- Bribe him with a leveled amount of Gold.
- Tell him you are in the Thieves Guild.
- Tell him you are in the Dark Brotherhood.
He will eventually say that he searched her place the night she left, and allow you to look through the things he found. They are in his bag, where you will find a map and a scrawled note.
- Szugogroth's Bag: <Inside the bag you find loose papers, a map of Greenshade, and a scrawled note: "Naril Nagaia—pay protection to Veiled Heritance???">
These will direct you to Naril Nagaia (Greenshade), Orc's Finger Ruins (Rivenspire), Chid-Moska Ruins (Shadowfen), or Pulk (Vvardenfell).
Head there and delve into the depths of the dungeon, fighting through the occupying bandits on the way. Eventually you will come across Bulag Idolus, who surrenders immediately, and complains about the protection that she paid for from the recently-deceased bandits. You then have to decide whether to kill her for the deed, or say you will let her go if she gives it to you.
One way or the other, you now have the key and the deed to Canthion's property, and can return to him. When you arrive, he tells you to keep the key and the deed, and meet him at the property. On the way, he asks you to pick up some Furnishings for your new place. You can either visit one of the furnishers, find a plan and craft your own, or visit a Guild Trader to see what others are selling.
Once you have acquired a piece of furniture, meet Canthion outside Mara's Kiss Inn Room (Auridon), The Rosy Lion inn room (Glenumbra), The Ebony Flask Inn Room (Stonefalls), or Saint Delyn Penthouse (Vvardenfell), and talk to him to complete the transaction.
The property is now yours, and you receive the Anthology of Abodes Available for Acquisition, which lists many other Player Houses that can be bought across Tamriel.
- Completing this quest is required in order to purchase most other homes, so even if you do not particularly want the inn rooms (all of which are too small to do very much with), you should do the quest anyhow in order to enable you to purchase something more spacious. If nothing else, the inn rooms (like all housing) represent a free teleport from anywhere in the world without needing to exit a dungeon or find a wayshrine.
- If you want to acquire Saint Delyn Penthouse, you must begin the quest in Vivec City. Otherwise, you will get the room that corresponds to your Alliance. You can only acquire one free inn room per character, but if you have one character in each Alliance and a fourth in any Alliance for Morrowind, you can acquire all four rooms for free. And since like all homes they are shared across all characters in your account, you will then be able to access all of them with every character. Alternatively, you can purchase the other ones for 3,000 a piece.
- This quest was removed in Update 16 and replaced with Room to Spare. This quest is similar but just requires you to talk to Felande Demarie and then, after a brief talk, she gives you the inn room.
- If this quest was in your journal prior to Update 16, it was not removed. However, the journal text is bugged and it can obviously not be completed.
Quest StagesEdit
A Friend In Need | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should speak with the landlord about the home listings.
Objective: Talk to Canthion
Bulag Idolus fled with the property's deed and key. Before I can recover them, I need to learn where she went. I should seek out her former partner Szugogroth. He's probably in the Outlaws Refuge nearest to Canthion.
Objective: Talk to Szugogroth
Bulag Idolus fled with the property's deed and key. I should search Szugogroth's bag in the Outlaws Refuge nearest to Canthion.
Objective: Check Szugogroth's Bag
Bulag Idolus fled with the property's deed and key. I should search for her at Naril Nagaia in Greenshade/Orc's Finger Ruins in Rivenspire/Chid-Moska Ruins in Shadowfen/Pulk in Vvardenfell.
Objective: Find and Talk to Bulag Idolus in Greenshade/Rivenspire/Shadowfen/Vvardenfell
I should return to Canthion with the deed and key I recovered from Bulag Idolus.
Objective: Talk to Canthion
Objective Hint: Meet Him in Auridon/Glenumbra/Stonefalls/Vvardenfell
Once I recovered the deed and key, Canthion offered me the property—on one condition. I need to acquire some furniture to show I'm willing to make the place livable.
HINT: I can purchase furniture from specialized merchants, or I might get lucky and find some on a guild trader. I could also learn to craft my own furniture and get my hands dirty. Objective: Craft or Purchase Furniture for Your Home: 0/1
Objective Hint: Visit a Home Goods Merchant
Objective Hint: Purchase Furniture from a Guild Trader
Objective Hint: Find a Pattern and Craft Your Own Furniture
Objective Hint: Acquire More Furniture at Your Discretion
I should speak with Canthion about acquiring my new home.
Objective: Talk to Canthion
Objective Hint: Meet Him in Auridon/Glenumbra/Stonefalls/Vvardenfell
I should speak with Canthion about acquiring my new home in Auridon/Glenumbra/Stonefalls/Vvardenfell.
Objective: Talk to Canthion
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.