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< Elder Scrolls Online: Costumes
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Arena GladiatorEdit

Arena Gladiator (female)
Arena Gladiator (male)
The Arena Gladiators of Tamriel's pit-fighting circuit wear armor that exemplifies the sport's ancient tradition of a fighter's protection balanced with the crowd appeal of risk. Why else would one wear heavy armor with significant gaps in it?

Acquired by combining 50 Arena Gladiator's Proofs, available by completing Conquest Missions in Cyrodiil, with an Arena Gladiator's Exultation, available for purchase from War Researchers in Cyrodiil.

Slot 1: Shoulder, arm and wrist plates, belt buckle, boots, strap buckles, chains and studs
Slot 2: Chest straps, gloves and sleeve underarmor, kilt sides, leggings
Slot 3: Kilt front and back, fur on left arm

(Waist belt is not dyeable)

Battlemage Palatine ArmorEdit

Battlemage Palatine Armor (female)
Battlemage Palatine Armor (male)
This costume replicates the magnificent gilt armor of the Battlemage Palatine, commander of the Cohort of Imperial Battlemages.

The Battlemage Palatine Armor is an Imperial-style costume that is part of Imperial Battlemage Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700  . It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Storm Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Silver parts of the armor
Slot 2: Gold trim
Slot 3: Brown leather parts of the gloves and robe

(The red diamond and the red part at the bottom of the robe are not dyeable)

Battlemage Scout Captain UniformEdit

Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (female)
Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (male)
This costume replicates the pragmatic and functional working armor of a Battlemage Scout Captain, as worn when leading a troop of mounted scouts.

The Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform is an Imperial-style costume that is part of Imperial Battlemage Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700  . It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Storm Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Iron plates and chain-mail
Slot 2: Most of the bottom of the robe
Slot 3: Black leather on all parts of the costume

(The seams going down the center of the chest piece are not dyeable)

Battlemage Tribune ArmorEdit

Battlemage Tribune Armor (female)
Battlemage Tribune Armor (male)
This costume replicates the armor of a veteran Battemage Tribune, usually the highest ranking Imperial Battlemage to actually take the field and personally engage the enemy.

The Battlemage Tribune Armor is an Imperial-style costume that is part of Imperial Battlemage Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700  . It is also available as a Superior-level reward in Storm Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Silver parts of the armor
Slot 2: Buckles and trim on the chest piece, parts of the lower robe on the outer thigh
Slot 3: Most of the costume's leather parts

(The chain-mail near the pauldrons is not dyeable)

Centurion Dress ArmorEdit

Centurion Dress Armor (female)
Centurion Dress Armor (male)
This costume replicates the dress armor of an Imperial Centurion of the Legions of Cyrodiil.

The Centurion Dress Armor is part of the Imperial Officer Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700  . This costume is also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Chestplate, helm, pauldrons, bracer backs, skirt front, side, and back panels, boots
Slot 2: Trim on chestplate, helm, pauldrons, hip guards, and boots
Slot 3: Under armor, chestplate straps, back of helm, sleeves, gloves, shoes, skirt, and leggings

Centurion Field ArmorEdit

Centurion Field Armor (female)
Centurion Field Armor (male)
This costume replicates the field armor of an Imperial Centurion, the outfit worn on the battlefield.

The Centurion Field Armor is part of the Imperial Officer Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700  . This costume is also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: The dull brown plates on the bottom of the helmet, the pauldrons, the chainmail pieces, the lower three plates on the loincloth, the front of the boots, and the front of the breastplate.
Slot 2: The diamonds on the knees of the boots, the trim on the helmet, the middle pauldron plates, the top section of the loincloth, the diamond on the belt, select spots on the hip guards and forearm plates.
Slot 3: The black parts, including the sides of the top of the helmet, the fabric trim surrounding any plate armor, the trim going down the center of the breastplate, the pants and all cloth/leather.

(The laces going down the center of the chest are not dyeable)

City Isle Tunic DressEdit

City Isle Tunic Dress (female)
City Isle Tunic Dress (male)
Designer Diocletia says, "For a true Imperial, simple does not mean unsophisticated. Our City Isle Tunic Dress is inspired by the elegant lines of Second Empire attire, but updated with a contemporary bias cut."

The City Isle Tunic Dress is an Imperial-style costume that was available in the Crown Store for 00500500   from July 28, 2016 to July 15, 2019. It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Slot 1: Dress
Slot 2: Dress trim, sandals, necklace chain
Slot 3: Necklace, brooch, bracelets, belt tassles

(Belt is not dyeable)

Cyrod Gentry's Town GownEdit

Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (female)
Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown (male)
"Tailored from sheerest linen, as daring as it is discreet, this aristocratic town gown is suitable for Cyrodilics of either sex," says the renowned Diocletia of Skingrad. "Whether you're dining or dancing, shopping or just showing off, this is for you."

The Cyrod Gentry's Town Gown was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700   from September 15, 2016 to June 3, 2017. It returned from June 3 to June 10, 2021, and was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted 00560560  . It returned once more from July 6 to July 10, 2023

It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Gown
Slot 2: Sandals
Slot 3: Trim on robe, necklace, broock, bracelets, belt

Cyrod Patrician Formal GownEdit

Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (female)
Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown (male)
You'll look every inch the aristocrat in this formal wrap gown from Diocletia of Skingrad, paired with a splendid gorget of hammered gold dripping with Imperial diamonds. Get haughty!

The Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown was sold in the Crown Store for 010001,000   from (?) to June 3, 2017. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Most of gown
Slot 2: Shoulder and arm straps, sandals
Slot 3: Necklace, gown trim, sandal clasps, bracelets

(Blue gems are not dyeable)

Elder Council Tunic and SashEdit

Elder-Council Tunic and Sash (female)
Elder-Council Tunic and Sash (male)
Inspired by the majestic and imposing attire of the Imperial Elder Council, this tunic and sash ensemble by Diocletia of Skingrad is suitable for high-profile occasions from the formal to the celebratory. Show off the proud heritage of the Empire!

The Elder Council Tunic and Sash was available in the Crown Store from (?) to August 14, 2017. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Slot 1: Tunic, skirt, and sash
Slot 2: Shoes, patches on waist
Slot 3: Bracers, belt, trim at neck and hem, shoulder pad

Emperor's RegaliaEdit

Emperor's Regalia (female)
Emperor's Regalia (male)
All hail his/her Imperial Majesty, Emperor/Empress of Cyrodiil!

The Emperor's Regalia is received by in-game mail upon becoming Emperor. You will also briefly be shown wearing this gear during a critical point at the end of the Main Quest.

Slot 1: Chestplate, Top and front of helm, upper arm plates, outer wrists and legs, shin guards, and boots
Slot 2: Armor trim, sides of helm, boot toes, ankles, inner wrists and legs
Slot 3: Shoulder, arm, and leg details, seat of pants, most of sash, helm trim

(Red diamonds on helm and chest are not dyeable)

Imperial ChancellorEdit

Imperial Chancellor (female)
Imperial Chancellor (male)
When a member of the Elder Council must go to war, he or she dons the traditional armor of the Imperial Chancellor.

The Imperial Chancellor costume is received by in-game mail when a character reaches  160.

Slot 1: Main armor and helm details
Slot 2: Trim on all armor
Slot 3: Stripes on arms and legs, skirt and under-shoulder trim, back of helm

(Gold details are not dyeable)

Imperial City Temple TunicEdit

Imperial City Temple Tunic (female)
Imperial City Temple Tunic (male)
"In this shimmering satin confection, you'll look your best while pouring out a libation to the Divines," says Diocletia of Skingrad, "or just toasting your friends at the corner tavern. Class always tells!"

The Imperial City Temple Tunic is an Imperial-style costume that was available in the Crown Store for 00700700   from December 1, 2016 to November 6, 2017. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Hollowjack Crates.

Slot 1: Robe suspenders and vertical trim, belt, sandals
Slot 2: Robe
Slot 3: Front of sash, neck trim and horizontal trim on robe and sleeves, bracelets, brooches

(White edging on sash is not dyeable)

Imperial Guard Centurion UniformEdit

Imperial Guard Centurion Uniform (female)
Imperial Guard Centurion Uniform (male)
This splendid costume replicates the armor worn by a Centurion of the Imperial Guard, the Emperor's personal bodyguards.

The Imperial Guard Centurion Uniform is part of Imperial Officer Pack, which was available in the Crown Store for 00700700   from October 8, 2015 to May 30, 2016. This costume is also available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crates.

Slot 1: Main armor details, inner helm crest
Slot 2: Armor trim, upper helm and crest trim
Slot 3: Skirts, upper armor trim, gloves and upper sleeves, crest feathers

(Gold shoulder clasps and red diamond on helm are not dyeable)

Moth PriestEdit

Moth Priest (female)
Moth Priest (male)
"The priests of the Ancestor Moth are devoted to veneration of those who came before us, for the wisdom of the ancestors can sing the future into the present. As such, we alone have the privilege of interpreting the Elder Scrolls." --Sister Terran Arminus

This costume is an Epic-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates.

Nibenese Noble's Shawled RobeEdit

Nibenese Noble's Shawled Robe (female)
Nibenese Noble's Shawled Robe (male)
The robe was designed by Diocletia of Skingrad as both active wear and an elegant evening gown.

Sold in the Crown Store exclusively to ESO Plus members for 010801,080   from November 29 to December 3, 2018. It was made available to all players from January 3 to January 7, 2019. This time, it was available for 012001200  , and discounted at 00900900   for ESO Plus members. It returned for a three-day period in 2021, from January 25 through 28. It was then released as part of the Iron Atronach Crate as a legendary item.

Slot 1: Robe
Slot 2: Shawl and gloves
Slot 3: Straps holding the sash and hanging jewelry piece

(Jewelry and jewels cannot be dyed)

Rumare Waterfront Casual WearEdit

Rumare Waterfront Casual Wear (female)
Rumare Waterfront Casual Wear (male)
Though inspired by the raffish attire of roustabouts on the Imperial Waterfront, this casual outfit is made of the finest materials, and according to designer Diocletia, it's a superior choice for daytime wear in any of the Imperial City's six districts.

Sold in the Crown Store for 00500500  . It was first made available on July 28, 2016.

Slot 1: Most of shirt, skirt, and pants
Slot 2: Sash and coin purse, sandals, bracers
Slot 3: Trim on shirt and skirt

Star-Made WolfsheadEdit

Star-Made Wolfshead (female)
Star-Made Wolfshead (male)
Even if your background isn't Imperial, if you admire history's greatest warriors, you'll want to honor Pelinal Whitestrake with this costume from Midyear Mayhem, the celebration that commemorates his deeds.

Available during Midyear Mayhem for 012001200  . It returned from January 10 to January 21, 2019. It was offered to ESO Plus members at a discounted 00960960   from February 4 to 9, 2021. It returned once more from June 24 to July 6, 2021.

Slot 1: Outer coat
Slot 2: Inner robe and sleeves
Slot 3: Trim on coat and robe, sandals

(Wolf's head and belt pouches are not dyeable)