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Online:Honor Guard Style

< Elder Scrolls Online: Styles
Honor Guard Style
Book Crafting Motif 68: Honor Guard Style
Material ON-icon-style material-Red Diamond Seal.pngRed Diamond Seal
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold
"As Chronicler of Blades Kiasa-Veda declares, one must follow the old rules correctly to make gear—errors lead to dishonor. Follow this dictate and learn the Honor Guard crafting style."Crown Store description

The Honor Guard Style is a crafting style that can be learned by reading the chapters of the ON-icon-quest-Book 01.pngCrafting Motif 68: Honor Guard Style book. These chapters (or rarely the entire book) can be obtained by completing Blackrose Prison, with a higher chance of a drop on Veteran difficulty.

Crafting Honor Guard Style items requires ON-icon-style material-Red Diamond Seal.pngRed Diamond Seal. Like all styles, it is purely cosmetic. Items will have the same stats regardless of the style you use.

It is currently available as a legendary reward in the Dark Chivalry Crate for 00100100 Crown Gems / 036003,600 Seals of Endeavor. The motif was available in the Crown Store from March 2 to March 9, 2023. From December 2 to December 5, 2024, it was available in the Crown Store for 050005,000 Crowns or 040004,000 Crowns for ESO Plus members.


Sets bearing this style are:

Set Name Bonuses Location(s) Set Type
Gallant Charge

2 items: Reduces the cost of Shield Charge by 25% and reduces the cost of your next non-Shield Charge One Handed and Shield ability cast within 3 seconds by 100%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Gallant Charge

2 perfected items: Adds 27-1190 Armor
2 items: Reduces the cost of Shield Charge by 25% and reduces the cost of your next non-Shield Charge One Handed and Shield ability cast within 3 seconds by 100%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Mender's Ward

2 items: Steadfast Ward applies Major Vitality to your target for 4 seconds, increasing their healing received and damage shield strength by 12%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Mender's Ward

2 perfected items: Adds 2-103 Magicka Recovery
2 items: Steadfast Ward applies Major Vitality to your target for 4 seconds, increasing their healing received and damage shield strength by 12%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Radial Uppercut

2 items: Uppercut deals 45% of its damage to all enemies near your primary target.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Radial Uppercut

2 perfected items: Adds 27-1190 Offensive Penetration
2 items: Uppercut deals 45% of its damage to all enemies near your primary target.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Spectral Cloak

2 items: Activating Blade Cloak while in combat allows you to gain Spectral Cloak whenever Blade Cloak deals damage for 2 seconds, reducing your damage taken and increasing your damage done by 6%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Spectral Cloak

2 perfected items: Adds 2-103 Stamina Recovery
2 items: Activating Blade Cloak while in combat allows you to gain Spectral Cloak whenever Blade Cloak deals damage for 2 seconds, reducing your damage taken and increasing your damage done by 6%.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Virulent Shot

2 items: Scatter Shot applies a damage over time effect that deals 65% of your initial attack as Poison Damage every 2 seconds for 4 seconds. The duration increases if you are farther away from your target to a maximum of 12 seconds.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Virulent Shot

2 perfected items: Adds 12-526 Critical Chance
2 items: Scatter Shot applies a damage over time effect that deals 65% of your initial attack as Poison Damage every 2 seconds for 4 seconds. The duration increases if you are farther away from your target to a maximum of 12 seconds.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Wild Impulse

2 items: Reduce the cost of Impulse by 10%. Impulse places lingering elemental damage on your targets, dealing 605 Flame, 605 Shock, and 605 Frost Damage over 8 seconds. Each element ticks once over the duration and its damage scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon
Perfected Wild Impulse

2 perfected items: Adds 27-1190 Offensive Penetration
2 items: Reduce the cost of Impulse by 10%. Impulse places lingering elemental damage on your targets, dealing 605 Flame, 605 Shock, and 605 Frost Damage over 8 seconds. Each element ticks once over the duration and its damage scales off the higher of your Weapon and Spell Damage.

Blackrose Prison  Weapon


Type Items
Light Armor                
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
Medium Armor              
Helmet Arm Cops Jack Bracers Belt Guards Boots
Heavy Armor              
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Gauntlets Girdle Greaves Sabatons
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor

Weapons and ShieldsEdit

Weapons and Shields
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield
One-handed Weapons and Shield
Two-handed Weapons



There is one achievement associated with this style:

Achievement Points Description
    Honor Guard Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Honor Guard style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing Blackrose Prison.


  • In the Outfit Styles preview in Collectibles, the Honor Guard Jack is incorrectly shown as Honor Guard Jerkin.

See AlsoEdit