The Seventh Legion is an Imperial Legion, led by the Magus-General Septima Tharn, that is currently on an active campaign to conquer Bangkorai. It has allied with Molag Bal.
For more information, see the main lore article.
- Bangkorai Garrison — A large fort in central Bangkorai, southeast of Evermore. (map)
- Basking Grounds — A Seventh Legion camp located southwest of Old Tower, in southeastern Bangkorai. (map)
- Crimson Cove — A cave in Malabal Tor. (map)
- Evermore — A city in northwestern Bangkorai, just across the Stormhaven bridge. (map)
- Hallin's Stand — A city in southwestern Bangkorai. (map)
- Hall of Heroes — An ancient Yokudan crypt in southern Bangkorai. (map)
- Nchu Duabthar Threshold — A remote valley surrounded by Dwemer ruins in the center of Bangkorai visited during the Daggerfall Covenant quest The Parley.
- Satakalaam — A small city in the eastern Alik'r Desert. (map)
- The Gates of Craglorn — A border crossing in eastern Bangkorai, leading to the region of Craglorn.
- Nilata Ruins — Ayleid ruins located in southern Bangkorai, north of Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Old Tower — A small fort in eastern Bangkorai, southeast of Bangkorai Garrison. (map)
- Onsi's Breath — A mine in southern Bangkorai, southeast of Hallin's Stand. (map)
- Razak's Wheel — A Dwemer ruin in Bangkorai. (map)
- A Handful of Stolen Dreams: Recover some family heirlooms for a group of Evermore refugees.
- To Aid the Enemy: Rescue Imperial soldiers who were lured into some Ayleid ruins.
- Imperial Incursion: Rescue hostages from the Imperials in Satakalaam.
- Imperial Infiltration: Help prevent an unwitting act of treason.
- The Parley: Attend a parley with the Imperial Magus-General.
- Scavenging for a Scarab: Help an old spy falsify the Seventh Legion's orders.
- Storming the Garrison: Help the Lion Guard and the Knights of Saint Pelin reclaim Bangkorai Garrison.
- A Token Trophy: Help an injured scout rally the Covenant against the Seventh Legion at the Old Tower.