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< Skyrim: NPCs(Redirected from Skyrim:Novice Conjurer)

Conjurers are Conjuration specialists who prefer to summon Daedra in combat. They are typically found in a few caves, keeps, and ruins across Skyrim known as warlock lairs. These mages belong to the Conjurer NPC class.

The type of conjurer you encounter depends on your level. You will continue to meet low-level conjurers even at high levels, but boss-level conjurers will always be at the highest possible level.


A Novice Conjurer blasting a gout of fire with a ward ready in his other hand

Conjurers use Destruction magic and summon allies to fight for them in combat, and they carry a leveled dagger in case of close-quarters fighting (iron, steel, orcish, dwarven, elven, glass, or an enchanted dagger of any quality from iron to Daedric). They also have a 10% chance to carry a leveled Conjuration or Destruction staff.

They wear a pair of boots along with black mage robes, hooded black mage robes, robes of Alteration, robes of Destruction, robes of Restoration, or robes of Fortify Magicka Rate.

In addition to the gear listed above, conjurers have a small chance to carry potions, poisons, soul gems, Novice or Apprentice level spell tomes, ingredients (common, uncommon, or rare), recipes, and a small amount of gold. They also have atronach forge recipes in their inventories, but their chance of appearing in-game is set at 0%.

On death, conjurers have a 10% chance to drop potions and poisons, and a 5% chance to drop one of the following scrolls:

Master Conjurers and Arch Conjurers have the same gear as lower-level conjurers, but have a 50% chance to carry a Staff of Chain Lightning, Staff of Fireballs, or a Staff of Ice Storms and do not have the leveled lists for atronach forge recipes.

Name Level Race Gender ID Health Magicka Stamina Spells Perks
Novice Conjurer 1 Breton Female 0006d234 50 100 25
Conjure Familiar
Lesser Ward
Breton Male 0006d235
Dark Elf Female 0006d236
Dark Elf Male 0006d237
High Elf Female 00081ed3
High Elf Male 0006d239
Imperial Female 0006d238
Imperial Male 0006d23a
Apprentice Conjurer 6 Breton Female 0006d23b 142 158 25
Conjure Flame Atronach Lesser Ward
Fast Healing Oakflesh
Breton Male 0006d23c
Dark Elf Female 0006d23d
Dark Elf Male 0006d23e
High Elf Female 0006d23f
High Elf Male 0006d240
Imperial Female 0006d241
Imperial Male 0006d242
Conjurer Adept 12 Breton Female 0006d243 192 198 25
Conjure Flame Atronach Firebolt
Fast Healing Steadfast Ward
Flames Stoneflesh
Atromancy Magic Resistance
Augmented Flames Recovery
Mage Armor Regeneration
Breton Male 0006d244
Dark Elf Female 0006d245
Dark Elf Male 0006d246
High Elf Female 0006d247
High Elf Male 0006d248
Imperial Female 0006d249
Imperial Male 0006d24a
Conjurer 19 Breton Female 0006d24b 275 270 25
Banish Daedra Frostbite
Close Wounds Ice Spike
Conjure Frost Atronach Steadfast Ward
Fast Healing Stoneflesh
Atromancy Regeneration
Mage Armor Respite
Magic Resistance Ward Absorb
Breton Male 0006d24c
Dark Elf Female 0006d24d
Dark Elf Male 0006d24e
High Elf Female 0006d24f
High Elf Male 0006d250
Imperial Female 0006d252
Imperial Male 0006d251
Ascendant Conjurer 27 Breton Female 0006d253 367 323 25
Close Wounds Ice Spike
Command Daedra Ice Storm
Conjure Storm Atronach Steadfast Ward
Expel Daedra Stoneflesh
Fast Healing
Atromancy Magic Resistance
Augmented Frost Regeneration
Elemental Potency Respite
Mage Armor Ward Absorb
Breton Male 0006d254
Dark Elf Female 0006d255
Dark Elf Male 0006d256
High Elf Female 0006d257
High Elf Male 0006d258
Imperial Female 0006d259
Imperial Male 0006d25a
Master Conjurer 36 Breton Female 0006d25b 467 383 25
Chain Lightning Expel Daedra
Close Wounds Greater Ward
Command Daedra Ironflesh
Conjure Storm Atronach Lightning Bolt
Atromancy Magic Resistance
Augmented Shock 2 Regeneration
Elemental Potency Respite
Mage Armor Ward Absorb
Breton Male 0006d25c
Dark Elf Female 0006d25d
Dark Elf Male 0006d25e
High Elf Female 0006d25f
High Elf Male 0006d260
Imperial Female 0006d261
Imperial Male 0006d262 [1]
Arch Conjurer 46 Breton Female 001091b8 575 500 50
Chain Lightning Expel Daedra
Close Wounds Greater Ward
Command Daedra Ironflesh
Conjure Storm Atronach Thunderbolt
Atromancy Magic Resistance
Augmented Shock 2 Regeneration
Elemental Potency Respite
Mage Armor Ward Absorb
High Elf Male 001091b2
^1This Master Conjurer appears in leveled lists with conjurers, but is actually a Pyromancer, and has the appropriate class, spells, and perks for a generic fire mage of the same level.

Conjurer BossesEdit

An Apprentice Conjurer and her Flame Atronach

Apprentice Conjurer bosses have the same inventory as the lower-level conjurers listed above. Conjurer Adept, Conjurer, Ascendent Conjurer and Master Conjurer bosses have the same inventory as the Master Conjurers and Arch Conjurers listed above, with the exception that Conjurer Adepts and Conjurers have a 50% chance to carry a Staff of Firebolts, Staff of Ice Spikes, or Staff of Lightning Bolts rather than a Staff of Chain Lightning, Fireballs, or Ice Storms.

Name PC Level NPC Level Race Gender ID Health Magicka Stamina Spells Perks
Apprentice Conjurer 1
7 Breton Female 000e0fe4 175 190 25
Lesser Ward Oakflesh
Flames Fast Healing
Conjure Flame Atronach
Breton Male 000e0fe5
High Elf Female 000e0fe6
High Elf Male 000e0fe7
Conjurer Adept 19 14 Breton Female 000e0fe8 234 261 25
Conjure Flame Atronach Lesser Ward
Fast Healing Oakflesh
Breton Male 000e0fe9
High Elf Female 000e0fea
High Elf Male 000e0feb
Conjurer 27 21 Breton Female 000e0fec 317 333 25
Banish Daedra Frostbite
Close Wounds Ice Spike
Conjure Frost Atronach Steadfast Ward
Fast Healing Stoneflesh
Atromancy Recovery
Destruction Dual Casting Regeneration
Mage Armor Respite
Magic Resistance Ward Absorb
Breton Male 000e0fed
High Elf Female 000e0fee
High Elf Male 000e0fef
Ascendant Conjurer 36 30 Breton Female 000e0ff0 392 393 25
Close Wounds Ice Spike
Command Daedra Ice Storm
Conjure Storm Atronach Steadfast Ward
Expel Daedra Stoneflesh
Fast Healing
Atromancy Mage Armor
Augmented Frost Magic Resistance
Destruction Dual Casting Regeneration
Elemental Potency Respite
Impact Ward Absorb
Breton Male 000e0ff1
High Elf Female 000e0ff2
High Elf Male 000e0ff3
Master Conjurer 46 40 Breton Female 000e0ff4 500 410 50
Chain Lightning Expel Daedra
Close Wounds Greater Ward
Command Daedra Ironflesh
Conjure Storm Atronach Lightning Bolt
Atromancy Mage Armor
Augmented Shock 2 Magic Resistance
Destruction Dual Casting Regeneration
Elemental Potency Respite
Impact Ward Absorb
Breton Male 000e0ff5
High Elf Female 000e0ff6
High Elf Male 000e0ff7

Named ConjurersEdit

Name Location Description
Aicantar Understone Keep A Dwemer researcher and Calcelmo's nephew
Anise Anise's Cabin An elderly woman who may be more than a kindly alchemist...
Arniel Gane Hall of Attainment A Breton mage at the College of Winterhold
Bashnag Southfringe Sanctum The Orc leader of the spellswords at the Sanctum
Calcelmo Understone Keep An avid researcher of the Dwemer and the author of Dwarves, v1, v2, and v3
Esbern The Ratway An elderly Blades agent hiding from the Thalmor
Falion Falion's House The resident wizard in Morthal and a master Conjuration trainer
Gauldur Reachwater Rock The shade of a great wizard who drew his power from a legendary amulet
Minorne (DG) Ruunvald Temple An Altmer woman who charmed Moric Sidrey and some Vigilants of Stendarr|
Paratus Decimius Mzulft Aedrome A Synod mage working in the ruins of Mzulft
Phinis Gestor Hall of Countenance A mage of the College of Winterhold and an expert trainer in Conjuration.
Ritual Master Wolfskull Ruins An elderly mage trying to resurrect the Wolf Queen Potema
Sam Guevenne A random inn A Breton mage who thinks he can drink you under the table
Savos Aren College of Winterhold The Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold
Sebastian Lort Rimerock Burrow A Breton mage who asked Clavicus Vile for the power to cure his daughter's Lycanthropy

Related QuestsEdit


All members of the Warlock faction share a set of generic dialogue which they will use when in combat:

"You cannot even conceive of the power I wield..."

"Fire, frost, or lightning - you will suffer at my hands!"

"Don't you see? I am master of the arcane!"

"Behold my power!"

"The elements are mine to command!"


  • Most conjurers will summon their atronachs before attacking you with Destruction magic, but conjurers with the Conjure Storm Atronach spell will not summon Storm Atronachs. This is likely due to an issue with their combat style script.

See AlsoEdit