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Skyrim:World Interactions

< Skyrim: Quests / Activities

World interactions are random events that can occur as you explore Skyrim. Some events force your involvement, others need you to make the first move or they will just pass by, and some do not require your involvement to complete. All unnamed NPCs and animals involved in encounters are leveled unless stated.

There are 149 spawn points where an event can occur; you will not experience an event at every location every time you go near it. Some events take place over a fairly large distance, as each part of the same event takes place. The event is determined a fair distance from the spawn point which, if correctly estimated, allows one to manipulate which event occurs. The first spawn point likely to be found is between Riverwood and Honningbrew Meadery, with its event border extending to just before the bridge out of Riverwood.

While playing Skyrim, you may encounter many other combinations of animals and hostile NPCs fighting, however, there are only a few deliberately set to happen. Most hostile animals and NPCs have a large radius of detection that is perhaps a deliberate attempt at setting up more random encounters, saving game data by not having any additional scripts to handle.

Interactions added by Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Creation Club are annotated with "DG", "DB", and "CC" superscripts, respectively.

Reactive EventsEdit

A few non-random events will occur as a result of your actions.

  • An enemy's gratitude: If you kill someone, a rival of that person may send you one of two letters of gratitude.
  • Apologize or combat: Assaulted [verification needed] NPC or relative will demand an apology.
  • Invisible Child: If you use magic near a child they will ask you to make them invisible.
  • Revenge, Hired Thugs: If you kill someone, a member of their family may hire thugs to kill you.
  • Shout - Guard says stop: If you Shout near a guard they may approach and ask you to stop.
  • Steal, Thugs hunt player: If you steal an item, an NPC from that location may hire thugs to teach you a lesson. You do not have to be seen by the victim for this to occur.

A few minor quests randomly start after specific actions have taken place.


The following random events occur in settlements as a direct result of an action that has been performed.

Encounter Name Details Options Requirements
Accidentally dropped this An NPC may rush up and return your item. None, the item is placed in your inventory. Drop an item of value.
"Can I have that armor?" An NPC may approach and ask you if they can have the item. If you reply yes they will pick it up, and their disposition to you will rise to 1 if it was 0. If you say no they will leave it alone; it is not necessary for you to pick it up. Drop a piece of armor or clothing.
Child scares NPCs A child tries to surprise an adult. None. Tell a child they are invisible (after using magic near them).
"Did you find something good?" An NPC may approach and comment on something you have just picked up. Listen. Responses by voicetype: FemaleChild, FemaleCommoner, FemaleYoungEager, MaleChild, MaleCommoner and MaleCommonerAccented), MaleDrunk, MaleYoungEager Pick something up.
Drop weapon, Guard extorts A guard may approach and tell you it is dangerous to leave weapons lying about. If you say you "don't care" they will threaten you with jail and demand a 50 gold bribe. Refusing the bribe results in a bounty of 10 gold. To avoid such actions you should apologize. Drop a weapon.
Fight over item Up to five NPCs will have an argument over a dropped item until a guard intervenes. (They may kill each other.) Watch. Drop an item, but not in Riverwood.
Gift from a Friend An NPC with a friendly disposition may give you a gift. Level 5
Just throw trash If you drop a very low value item, you may either overhear an NPC, or they may approach you and criticize you for littering. Drop an item.
Rummaging through trash An NPC may comment on you looking inside or taking something from a 'rubbish container'. Listen. Responses by voicetype when seen looking through trash:

FemaleCondescending, FemaleElfHaughty, FemaleNord, FemaleOldGrumpy, MaleCondescending, MaleElfHaughty, MaleNord, MaleOldGrumpy

Responses by voicetype when taking something: FemaleCommoner, FemaleEvenToned, FemaleOldKindly, FemaleYoungEager, MaleCommoner and MaleCommonerAccented, MaleEvenToned and MaleEvenTonedAccented, MaleOldKindly, MaleYoungEager

Take something from or look inside a knapsack, barrel, sack, small sack or large sack.

Random EventsEdit

Beneficial EncountersEdit

These are encounters where the only outcome is beneficial to you, or at the very least, do not have any sort of hostile outcome under any circumstance. The rewards can take any form, be that an enchanted weapon, a new location to discover, or simply knowing you have helped someone. If you choose to attack any of the participants, they will turn hostile.

Encounter Name Details Options Requirements
Adventurer on the Way to Nearby Dungeon A mercenary is on the way to investigate a location. You can persuade them to tell you the location. The location given is just marked but not part of any quest. Level 5
Arguing about HaknirDB A pirate and pirate mage arguing over treasure. On Solstheim.
Babette on the Road Near a BodyDG Babette feeding on an adventurer. Between 10pm and 5am, Hail Sithis! complete
Bandit Killed With Horse Left Behind An idle horse, with a dead bandit usually by its feet or hidden in the undergrowth. The horse is free to ride. It travels when you fast travel, but won't stay in one place. None
Bard at rest Talsgar the Wanderer resting by the side of the road. You can pay him to sing a song. Talsgar is alive.
Bard travelling on the road Talsgar the Wanderer traveling the roads of Skyrim. You can pay him to sing a song. Talsgar is alive.
Bitten by a vampire A hunter approaches and asks for a potion to cure himself after being bitten by a vampire. If you have a Potion of Cure Disease you can heal him and receive 100 Gold; if not he will run off in a panic. Only a found or purchased potion will work; one created using Alchemy won't. A map marker for a vampire lair will be added if asked. None
College Application Denied An Aspiring Mage attempts to reanimate a small animal. Talking to him will give options to acquire a Leveled Reanimation Staff. Level 15
Corpses in the aftermath of a dragon attack, Dog left behind Three burnt corpses around a carriage. A stray dog nearby and possibly a dragon. Lootable chest in the carriage. Dragon Rising complete
Courier Delivering an Important Message A courier taking a letter to an investor. Reading the letter adds a map marker. To read the letter you can persuade the courier to give it to you, kill him, or read it while pickpocketing him (it is not necessary to take it). None
Courier on the Run An Imperial or Stormcloak courier running along the road. A False Front not active
Cragslane Three pit wolves near a dead NPC. The NPC carries a note which adds Cragslane Cavern to your map. None
Dark Elf on Pilgrimage to Azura's Shrine Faldrus walking to the Shrine of Azura. Talking to him will reveal the shrine's location. None
Dead Treasure Hunter with instructions A dead treasure hunter with a note and a leveled enchanted weapon. The note adds a marker for a dungeon (other than a Dragon Lair) Level 8
Drinking Companions Three revelers offer you some Honningbrew Mead. Offering Black-Briar Mead results in insulting the brand. Offering Honningbrew Mead results in a Charmed Necklace. Having neither results in a Honningbrew Mead. None
Dwemer Junk Peddlers Two children, Sond and Bottar, approach and try to sell some Dwemer junk. Asking about where they got the junk will add Deep Folk Crossing. None
Farmer leading Painted Cow to Giant Camp A farmer (00106a61) leads a cow to a giant camp. If you talk to him, he will tell you to stay away. After further questioning he will explain that he is taking the cow to a giant's camp, and that they might mistake you for a part of the offering. He advises you to keep your distance. You can then either wish him good luck, offer your help, or probe for further information. Probing further, he will explain that an annual offering keeps the giants away from his livestock, and that the paint signifies that the cow is being given willingly, adding that some people consider it to be a superstition. If you talk to him afterwards he will state that he is going to the inn, and the same three options as before appear.
If the cow is killed he will only state that his wife is going to kill him when she finds out. Killing the cow does not make the farmer hostile, and, if attacked, he will draw a dagger but run away. If you follow him he will eventually end up in a giant's camp. If he gets too near to a giant they will attack him, however they will not attack the cow.
Eastmarch or Whiterun Hold
Farmer refugees after dragon attack A Farmer (001034e4) and his wife (001034e6) either walking along the road, or resting in an inn, after their farm was destroyed by a dragon. You can choose to give the farmers 5 gold, or say you have no gold to spare. Level 4
Finding the Gourmet Balbus, an aspiring cook, is wandering Skyrim looking for the Gourmet. You can tell him you're the Gourmet, but you will need the Gourmet's writ of passage to prove it. If you prove yourself to be the Gourmet, he will give you a fork and some rare ingredients. Balbus still alive
Frostmoon InvitationDB A Hunter directs you to Frostmoon Crag. You are a werewolf.
Giant leading a painted cow to camp A giant leads a cow towards a giant's camp. Eastmarch or Whiterun Hold
Gift of flightDB A wizard experiments with flight. On Solstheim.
Headless Horseman The Headless Horseman appears and travels across Skyrim towards Hamvir's Rest. No interaction possible. Between 10pm and 5:30am
Hey you there, take this A fugitive approaches and foists an enchanted item upon you and runs off. Then a hunter approaches and asks about the fugitive. Return the item for a single coin and betray the fugitive, keep the item and betray the fugitive, or keep the item and fool the hunter. The fugitive does not take the item back if still alive. Talking to the hunter after your first dialogue just yields generic hunter dialogue and no further interaction. Level 2
Hook, Afflicted Refugee Headed to High Rock Afflicted Refugee fleeing Skyrim. Adds a marker for the Shrine of Peryite when talked to. Level 10 and before stage 10 of The Only Cure
Hunter and Dog in the Wilderness A Hunter and a dog. Talking to hunters yields generic hunter dialogue, such as"I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years." No other interactions available. None
Hunters chasing Two hunters hunting a deer. Talking to hunters yields generic hunter dialogue, such as"I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years." No other interactions available. None
Looking to join Imperials A Dark Elf farmer (000bd759) (named Bodryn) walking to Solitude to join the Imperial Legion When attempting to talk to him for the first time, he explains that he is on his way to Solitude to join the Imperial Legion, because he believes that "A united Empire is better for everyone." Attempting to talk to him further yields one of two responses, either "I was born and raised in Skyrim, but the Nords treat us like dirt," or "I want to be on the right side."
Attacking him results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. If you follow him, he will eventually reach Solitude and disappear while going through the front gate.
Civil War not finished
Looking to join Stormcloaks An Imperial farmer (named Sylvian) walking to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks When attempting to talk to him for the first time, he explains that he is on his way to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks, because he believes that"Ulfric has the right of it." Attempting to talk to him further yields one of two responses, either "I may be Imperial, but Skyrim's just as much my home as any Nords'," or "The Empire is in shambles. They've banned the worship of Talos."
Attacking him results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. If you follow him, he will eventually reach Windhelm and disappear while going through the front gate.
Civil War not finished
Magic Student A student appears and requests help in learning how to use ward spells. The student wishes to learn how to use ward spells by seeing one being used properly, by you. Once you have completed his request he departs, in the hope of finally gaining acceptance into the College of Winterhold. Any settlement except Orc Strongholds
M'aiq the Liar M'aiq the Liar appears, and proceeds to dispense his words of wisdom. Listen to his words and try to understand their meaning. Fishy sticks, werebears, and thinking outside the box and/or the other side of the 4th wall may be required. None
Mistwatch Escapee A Frightened Woman approaches and says she has escaped from Mistwatch and asks for help. Direct her to the nearest city. Mistwatch will be added to your map if you have not already found it. None
Netch Hunting PartyDB Join a group of hunters who are hunting Netch. You can join them on the hunt or wish them luck and leave. On Solstheim.
Nobles [sic] Traveling with Bodyguard A Noble riding a horse and escorted by a bodyguard. If talked to, the Noble will be rude and warn you to leave, threatening to call his guard on you if you do not. This is a bluff, however, as he never does unless directly attacked. None
On the way to the Wedding Plautis Carvain and his wife Salonia Carvain, with their bodyguard travel to Solitude to attend a wedding. The player can act as a highwayman and demand they hand over their wedding presents, starting a fight. Looting them grants you expensive jewelry and gems. Bound Until Death not started
Vigilants Patrol Two Vigilants of Stendarr patrolling the roads of Skyrim. Due to bugs, they might turn hostile if healed or beneficial illusion magic is cast upon them. None

Encounters With Differing OutcomesEdit

Hostilities may break out in the following encounters, but can be avoided depending on your actions and faction relations.

Encounter Name Details Options Requirements
A Good Death An old Orc stands idle near two dead sabre cats. When talking to him he asks if you are able to give him a good death. You can choose to fight him. Level 5
Bandits dressed as Imperial Soldiers Three bandits dressed as Imperial soldiers will attempt to extort money from you, three Imperial soldiers lie dead nearby. You can pay the money, persuade them to let you go, expose or taunt them if you're in either the Legion or Stormcloaks respectively, or kill them. None
Bounty Collector_Bounty Collector A bounty collector comes to retrieve the bounty on your head sometime after you have acquired a bounty in a hold (last visited a hold where bounty is). Pay up or kill the collector. 1000 gold bounty in a hold
Dawnguard OutriderDG You encounter Saliah on the road. She will only tell you to "Stand Aside!" if you get in her way. She carries a key and a note that gives access to Dawnguard supply caches. Complete either The Bloodstone Chalice for the Volkihar vampires or A New Order for the Dawnguard.
Dawnguard Vampire HuntingDG Three members of the Dawnguard out at night searching for vampires. Will be hostile if you are a vampire. Otherwise they will yield only generic Dawnguard dialogue. Between midnight and 5am after choosing a side in the Dawnguard add-on
Dragon fly by A non-aggressive dragon flies overhead. A dragon flies by overhead, often attacking the wildlife, but never turning hostile. It is possible to hit it and make it aggressive, resulting in it attacking you, however it will never land.
The only way to make it land is to use the Dragonrend shout. It will land, but only for the shortest amount of time possible. You will need to continuously use the shout to keep the dragon grounded while you fight it.
Completed Dragon Rising
Imperial Scout Patrol Three Imperial scouts traveling. Trying to talk to them results in generic Imperial soldier dialogue, such as "Can't wait to kill another of Ulfric's boys"
If you hang around them for too long, or you are a Stormcloak, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you. Attacking them results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. They will not grow suspicious if you are part of the Legion, however.
Imperials on the Road Three Imperial soldiers (00016942) on patrol. Trying to talk to them results in generic Imperial soldier dialogue, such as "Can't wait to kill another of Ulfric's boys"
If you hang around them for too long, or you are a Stormcloak, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you. Attacking them results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. They will not grow suspicious if you are part of the Legion, however.
Imperials vs Stormcloaks Three Imperial soldiers fighting three Stormcloak soldiers. You may join in the battle or simply observe. Be advised however that attacking either side may result in a bounty in whichever hold you are in, depending on the occupation status of the current hold and which side you attack. Trying to talk to them after the battle results in generic Imperial/Stormcloak soldier dialogue, such as "Can't wait to kill another of Ulfric's boys" or "I long to be out there, waging war against the Empire" respectively.
If you hang around the victors for too long, or you are a member of the opposing faction, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you. They will not grow suspicious if you are part of the winner's faction, however.
Imperials with Stormcloak Prisoner Three Imperial soldiers escorting a Stormcloak prisoner. If you get too close to the Imperials they will become suspicious and warn you to leave, and will turn hostile after repeated warnings. You may either heed their warnings and leave them be, or help the prisoner escape. If you choose to help the prisoner, you can either set him free, or give him items and set him free (Note: do not give him armor, as he will not equip it.). He will only defend himself if attacked and is quite weak and low on health. None
Scavenger A scavenger looting the bodies of two Imperial soldiers and three Stormcloak soldiers, with one of the Imperials already looted. Getting too close turns him hostile None
Skooma Dealer A Skooma Dealer (named for their race) attempts to sell you skooma. Accepting will allow you to buy some skooma from the Skooma Dealer. Questioning the legality of the product will result in combat. You can also attempt to intimidate the dealer into handing over their skooma; failure also results in combat. None
Stormcloak Scout Patrol Three Stormcloak scouts traveling. Trying to talk to them results in generic Stormcloak dialogue, such as "I long to be out there with my brothers, waging war against the empire"
If you hang around them for too long, or you are a member of the Imperial Legion, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you. Attacking them results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. They will not grow suspicious if you are a Stormcloak, however.
Stormcloaks on the Road Three Stormcloak soldiers on patrol. Trying to talk to them results in generic Stormcloak dialogue, such as "I long to be out there with my brothers, waging war against the empire"
If you hang around them for too long, or you are a member of the Imperial Legion, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you. Attacking them results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. They will not grow suspicious if you are a Stormcloak, however.
Taunting Adventurer An adventurer insults you. Taunting the adventurer back turns him or her hostile. None
Thalmor traveling on the road Three Thalmor Justiciars traveling. Upon speaking to any of them they will become confrontational (but not hostile). Confessing yourself as a Talos worshipper, or saying that people should worship whatever they want will turn them hostile. Attacking them preemptively results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in. None
Thalmor vs Stormcloaks Three Thalmor Justiciars fighting three Stormcloak soldiers. If the Stormcloaks win (rare) trying to talk to them results in generic Stormcloak dialogue, such as "I long to be out there with my brothers, waging war against the empire."
If the Thalmor win as is usually the case, trying to talk to them results in generic, condescending Thalmor dialogue. Either way, If you hang around them for too long, they will get suspicious and warn you to back off. If you ignore the warnings to go away, they will eventually attack you (unless you're a Stormcloak and the Stormcloaks win). Attacking either side results in a bounty in whichever hold you are in, though is cleared once the last witness from that side dies.
Thalmor with Prisoner Three Thalmor Justiciars escorting a prisoner. If you get too close to the Thalmor they will become suspicious and warn you to leave, and will turn hostile after repeated warnings. Unlike the aforementioned Imperials with Prisoner encounter however, conversation with the Thalmor is possible, though as is typical of the Thalmor they are confrontational and rude. You may inquire about the prisoner, though they will rudely tell you to mind your own business, unless there's "Something you'd like to confess, perhaps?" Confessing yourself as a Talos worshipper, or saying that people should worship whatever they want will turn them hostile. If you choose to help the prisoner, you can either set him free, or give him items (as before, it is inadvisable to give him armor since he will not equip it) and set him free. He will only defend himself if attacked and is quite weak and low on health. None
Thieve's [sic] Guild Holdup A thief approaches and demands your valuables Offers some gold/goods if wearing Thieves clothes. Offers you your cut if wearing Nightingale clothes. The thief can be made to offer either if you belong to either faction, but are not wearing the corresponding attire.
Otherwise, you may either pay some gold, try to intimidate them, or turn them hostile by saying you don't have time for this. (Exiting the conversation has the same response.) You may also choose the persuasion check "Do I look like I have any coin?", which if you pass the thief will not become hostile. You may also sheath your weapon when attacked to turn the thief non-hostile no matter what dialogue choice you made.

Hostile EncountersEdit

The following are encounters where you have no option but to fight. The non-hostile party in some of these quests may win the fight, even without your aid. All NPCs or creatures encountered in hostile encounters are leveled unless otherwise noted.

Encounter Name Details Requirements
Aggressive Adventurer An adventurer, named for their race, attacks. Level 5.
Animals attacking bandit Two animals (skeevers, wolves, or sabre cats) attacking a single bandit. None
Animals attacking reaverDB Two animals (wolves, ice wolves, snowy sabre cats, ice wraiths, snow bears, or frost trolls) attacking a single reaver. None
Atronach mis-summoned A flame atronach fighting a witch. Level 5.
Bandit beat down Three bandits threatening an NPC, demanding they reveal the location of a hidden item. None
Black BookDB A Madman raving about a Black Book. On Solstheim, have not found all the Black Books. Starts Black Book.
DA02 Hook A hostile cultist attacks with no warning. An intriguing book can be found on the corpse, starting Boethiah's Calling. Level 30.
Bounty hunters vs Player_Bounty hunters vs Player Three bounty hunters track you down on the order of the jarl of a hold where you have a bounty higher than 1000 gold. 1000 gold bounty somewhere.
Companions Hunting (Farkas Athis Torvar) Farkas, Athis, and Torvar hunting a bear. Not in Whiterun Hold. Before Take Up Arms or after Glory of the Dead
Companions Hunting (Skjor Aela Njada) Skjor, Aela, and Njada hunting a mammoth. Eastmarch.
Before Take Up Arms or after Glory of the Dead
Companions Hunting (Vilkas and Ria) Vilkas and Ria hunting a sabre cat. Before Take Up Arms or after Glory of the Dead
Cultists vs PlayerDB Ambush in Skyrim or on Solstheim by three cultists to kill the "false Dragonborn". Initial cultist attack during the quest Dragonborn has occurred, completed The Way of the Voice, have not completed At the Summit of Apocrypha. You must also have reached level 25 or be in Solstheim.
Dark Brotherhood Assassin Sent to Kill the Player An assassin is sent to kill you. The contract does not mention the person behind the assassination and there is no known motive for it. If you later on join the Dark Brotherhood, there is no mention of this contract. Level 5 and not completed Innocence Lost.
Dawnguard Novice HakarDG Dawnguard Novice Hakar being attacked by some vampires. If he survives he will drop some equipment, orders containing a list of Dawnguard caches, and a key, and then run away. After completing either The Bloodstone Chalice or A New Order.
Dawnguard vs Player VampireDG Three members of the Dawnguard appear and try to kill you. Isran still alive. You sided with the vampires.
Dead woman with bandits A dead woman with a note describing her plight lies on the ground. Two bandits, one of which holds the pendant mentioned in the note (a randomly enchanted necklace), are nearby. None
Death HoundsDG Two death hounds attack in the wilderness. Between 10pm and 5am, or an eclipse in effect.
Death Hounds (Eclipse)DG Three death hounds attack a settlement. During an eclipse.
Desperate Vampire Seeking Shelter From the SunDG A vampire hides in a dungeon. Between 5am and 10pm.
Dog Fending Off a Pair of Wolves A stray dog fighting two wolves. None
Dragon Attack A dragon attacks a settlement. Completed Dragon Rising.
Dragon vs Giant A dragon and a giant fighting. Completed Dragon Rising and in The Pale or Whiterun Hold.
Dragon vs Player A dragon attacks you. Completed Dragon Rising.
Dueling Giant Spiders DG Two giant spiders fighting each other, winner turns on you. Level 18.
Forsworn Attacking Merchant Three Forsworn attacking a peddler and her horse. Peddler may sell and buy items if she survives. In The Reach.
Forsworn Attacking Soldiers, Imperial Three Forsworn fighting two Imperial soldiers. In The Reach.
Frossel BanditDB A non-hostile Reaver encountered in the wilds of Solstheim, muttering to himself about treasure. If you speak to him, he attacks, and your map is updated with the location of Frossel.
GargoyleDG A gargoyle attacks a settlement. Level 20 and during an eclipse.
GargoylesDG Two gargoyles attack. Level 10. Between 10pm and 5am, or an eclipse in effect.
Giant SpiderDG A giant spider attacks. Level 14.
Giants fending off bandits Four bandits attacking two giants and a mammoth. In The Pale or Whiterun Hold.
Human changing into werewolfDG A hunter transforms into a werewolf and attacks. Between 10pm and 5am, Proving Honor completed.
Ice Wraiths Fighting Bandits Two Ice Wraiths fighting three Bandits. In Haafingar, SolstheimDB, The Pale, or Winterhold.
Morag Tong CompetitionDB Attempt on your life by one to three Morag Tong assassins. The Morag Tong is legitimate in Morrowind and they consider you an unlawful rival. On Solstheim, you have joined the Dark Brotherhood, and the quest Served Cold has been completed.
Orcs Fighting Forsworn Orc Hunters and Forsworn fighting. In The Reach.
Orcs hunting deer Two Orc Hunters attempting to kill a deer. None
Roaming Ice Wraiths Two Ice Wraiths attack. In Haafingar, The Pale, or Winterhold region.
Sabre cats hunting mammoths Two sabre cats stalking a mammoth. In The Pale or Whiterun Hold.
Skeevers fighting dogs Two skeevers fighting a dog. None
Spriggan aggravated by a hunter, now dead A hostile Spriggan fighting a Hunter (or standing over a dead Hunter), with a dead animal nearby. In Eastmarch, The Reach, or The Rift.
Spriggan and Hagraven Battling A Spriggan fighting a Hagraven Level 10 and in Eastmarch, The Reach, or The Rift.
Spriggan vs Lumberjacks A Spriggan and an animal fighting two Wood Cutters In The Pale or Whiterun Hold.
Spriggans fighting trolls Two spriggans fighting a troll. Not in Hjaalmarch, The Pale, or Winterhold region.
Thalmor vs Player Three Thalmor Justiciars with an execution order hunt you down and attempt to kill you. Level 8.
Traveling Merchant Attacked by Bandits A peddler on a horse being attacked by two bandits. None
Vampire and GargoyleDG A Vampire and a gargoyle attack a settlement. Level 20 and during an eclipse.
Vampire, Gargoyle and Death Hound (Oh, my)DG A Vampire, a gargoyle and a death hound attack a settlement. Level 20 and during an eclipse.
Vampire and Death HoundsDG A Vampire and two death hounds attack a settlement. Either of: i) Level 8, Lord Harkon still alive and between 9pm and 5am. ii) During an eclipse.
Vampire and thrallsDG A Vampire and two thralls attack a settlement. Either of: i) Level 8, Lord Harkon still alive and between 9pm and 5am. ii) During an eclipse.
Vampire AssassinDG A Vampire Assassin with a writ for your death attacks. After completion of A New Order.
Vampire Attack Two Vampires attack in the name of Movarth. Between 10pm and 4am, not in Hjaalmarch, Laid to Rest not completed (may be opposite conditions).
Vampire Feeding on the Corpse of a VigilantDG Two vampires standing near the body of a dead vigilant. Between 10pm and 5am.
Vampire MasqueradeDG Three vampires disguised as Vigilants of Stendarr will call out to you, and then attack. The bodies of three dead stripped Vigilants will be lying nearby. Between 10pm and 5am. The random encounter Vigilants fighting Vampire must not be running at the same time.
Vampire Trick Someone calls for help, but the person is a Vampire's Thrall and a Vampire turns on you. Not in Hjaalmarch, Laid to Rest not completed (may be opposite conditions)
Vampires fighting BanditsDG Three vampires fighting three bandits. Between 10pm and 5am, or an eclipse in effect
Vampires vs Player DawnguardDG Three vampires appear and try to kill you. Harkon still alive, you have joined the Dawnguard.
Vigilants fighting Atronach One Vigilant of Stendarr fighting an Atronach of any type. Level 5.
Vigilants fighting Skeletons One Vigilant of Stendarr fighting three Skeletons. None
Vigilants fighting Vampire Two Vigilants of Stendarr fighting a Vampire. Level 5, between 10pm and 5:30am.
Warlock fighting off bandits Three bandits fighting a conjurer. Level 5.
Werewolf Kills Loved OneDG A farmer transforms into a werewolf and kills his wife, then turns on you. Between 10pm and 5am, Proving Honor completed.
WerebearsDB Three werebears attack. None
WerewolvesDG Two werewolves attack. Between 10pm and 5am, Proving Honor completed.
Werewolves VS VampiresDG Three vampires fighting a werewolf. Between 10pm and 5am, Proving Honor completed.
Witch fighting Atronach A witch fighting an atronach of any kind. Level 5.
Wizard Duel A fire warlock and a frost warlock dueling. None
Wizard Duel v2 A challenger appears in a settlement and challenges you to a duel.
Your only real option is to accept the duel and use your magic skills to kill him. Attempting to refuse will start the duel anyway. If you try to use weapons he will taunt you but it makes no difference.
A skill level of 50 in any magic school other than Enchanting.
Wolves hunting dear [sic] Two wolves attacking two deer. None
Zombie AttackCC Three zombies of various levels. Plague of the Dead is installed and The Rising Dead is completed. Can be encountered at night, between 9pm and 5am.
Zombie AttackCC Four zombies of various levels. Plague of the Dead is installed and The Rising Dead is completed. Can be encountered at night, between 9pm and 5am.
Zombie AttackCC Five zombies of various levels. Plague of the Dead is installed and The Rising Dead is completed. Can be encountered at night, between 9pm and 5am.
Zombie AttackCC Six zombies of various levels. Plague of the Dead is installed and The Rising Dead is completed. Can be encountered at night, between 9pm and 5am.
Zombie AttackCC Seven zombies of various levels. Plague of the Dead is installed and The Rising Dead is completed. Can be encountered at night, between 9pm and 5am.

Random Quest EncountersEdit

These encounters and events occur as a result of actions taken during a quest, and they usually have a theme of revenge. Unless otherwise noted, the related quest must be completed.

Encounter Name Details Options Quest Extra Requirements
Afflicted Refugees Attack the Player Two Afflicted Remnants track and attack you. Fight The Only Cure None
Alik'r Accusation Two Alik'r warriors harass a Redguard Woman. You can talk to the woman afterwards, she will start the quest if you do not already have it. After stage 0 of In My Time Of Need (Two Alik'r having an argument with a Guard by Whiterun's gate) None
Bats!DG A swarm of bats appears. Stay calm or panic. Dawnguard Between 10pm and 5am
Blood Horker Revenge Two Blood Horkers hunt you down because they want revenge. Fight Rise in the East None
Disguised Vampire LordDG A Traveler walks up to you and reveals himself to be a vampire. He summons a gargoyle and attacks. Fight A New Order In a city or settlement
Lost after the Wedding Plautis Carvain and his wife Salonia Carvain, with their Bodyguard flee Solitude after a wedding gone wrong. Talk to them Bound Until Death None
Louis Letrush vs Thug Louis Letrush being attacked by a Thug sent by Maven Black-Briar. Help him or watch Promises to Keep Louis still alive. Let Louis take Frost to end Promises to Keep
Magic Student A Student approaches and asks you for help training his wards. You can choose to help or not. First Lessons None
Morgrul [sic] AttackDB Bandits hired by Mogrul attack you. One bandit will have a contract to recover Mogrul's money from you. Fight A New Debt is in progress (Mogrul is alive and demanding money). On Solstheim.
Namira Cultist Offers the First Bite Sigar feeding on a dead female High Elf. He offers you a bite which you can accept or decline. The Taste of Death None
Necromancers Attack Player A Dark Elf necromancer and a random race necromancer track you down and attempt to kill you. Fight The Black Star None
Pilgrim visiting the tree in Whiterun Ardwen and her dog traveling to Whiterun to visit the Gildergreen tree. The Blessings of Nature Restore the Gildergreen (this encounter will not happen if you returned with a sapling)
Ramblings of a madman [sic] A madwoman asks you to use the Wabbajack on her. Fulfill her strange request or refuse Start The Mind of Madness (there are different dialogue options if the quest is completed) Madwoman still alive
The drunken dare Deep-In-His-Cups appears and demands 10,000 gold. Pay up, or refuse. A Night To Remember None
Thief lock picking A thief attempting to pick a locked door is discovered by guards. The guards will attack him and try to kill him. Sometimes he may escape into a house/shop. Help kill the thief, or just loot his corpse. Chase him down and kill him if he entered a building, the guards will not and his presence interferes with merchants trading. A Chance Arrangement Level 5. Between 10pm and 4am
Thug sent by Louis Letrush A Thug may be sent by Louis Letrush for revenge after your betrayal. Fight Promises to Keep Keep Frost to end Promises to Keep
TorkildDB Wulf Wild-Blood asks you to find Torkild during the quest Filial Bonds. This random encounter is unlocked and Torkild will appear at some point. He turns into a werebear and attacks when you speak to him. A letter will be found on his corpse. Fight Filial Bonds Started Filial Bonds but have not advanced past stage 10
Vigilant RemainsDG The body of Lynoit appears surrounded by the unlootable remains of three vampires. On his body is a Dawnguard cache key and his orders which reveal the location of three caches that can be looted. The caches should reset. Loot Lynoit and raid the caches. A New Order or
The Bloodstone Chalice
This random encounter should not appear after the quest is completed for the Alik'r, but it still does.


  • The dragon encounters are not in the Random Quest Encounters section because they are not a direct result of perceived actions during the Dragon Rising quest; rather, they are simply possible after the completion of that quest.
  • Random vampire attacks on settlements (added by Dawnguard) are disabled in Special Edition and the Nintendo Switch version of the game.


  • Even though random nighttime vampire attacks in settlements and cities is supposed to be disabled in the Special Edition, they can still happen, regardless. ?
  • Multiple random encounters may spawn in the same spot (such as bandits fighting a conjurer, plus Vigilants of Stendarr fighting skeletons) at the same time. ?