Caros Cocceius (TR_m3_Caros Cocceius) | |||
Added by | Tamriel Rebuilt | ||
Home City | Old Ebonheart | ||
Location | Ebon Tower, Palace: Great Hall | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | 12 | Class | Noble |
Other Information | |||
Health | 105 | Magicka | 116 |
Alarm | 100 | Fight | 30 |
Caros Cocceius is an Imperial noble, the Burgrave of Old Ebonheart, and Castellan of the Ebon Tower who can be found at his throne in the great hall of Ebon Tower's palace. He is a secret worshipper of Boethiah, as revealed in The Destroyer's Ringlet, where the Burgrave relays a message to you from the Daedric Prince.
He wears an exquisite shirt, a pair of expensive pants, a pair of common shoes, and an extravagant ring. He wields a silver saber and carries an Old Ebonheart ash statue.
Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.
Related QuestsEdit
Main QuestEdit
- The Destroyer's Ringlet: Grant the wish of a ghost at Boethiah's behest.
Imperial CultEdit
- Message to Myth: Petition the Duke to put on a provocative play.
House HlaaluEdit
- A New Employment: Search for vacancies for a jobless scribe.
Tribunal TempleEdit
- Outlandish Heresy: Deal with outlanders in Old Ebonheart.
- Stendarr Tower Haunting: Exorcise a ghost that is haunting one of the castle towers.
- The Sorceror's Apprentices: Help choose a new master sorceror for Ebon Tower.
- Greetings:
- "You may approach, %PCName. What is it that you want with me?"
- (If you have never talked with him before):
- "Please, no need to bow, sir. You may approach. I do not believe we have been introduced. I am Lord %Name, Castellan of the Tower. What is it that you want with me?"
- "Please, no need to curtsey, madam. You may approach. I do not believe we have been introduced. I am Lord %Name, Castellan of the Tower. What is it that you want with me?"
- (If Disposition ≥ 70):
- "%PCName, my good sir! What can I do for you?"
- "%PCName, my good madam! What can I do for you?"
- (If Disposition ≥ 10 and < 30):
- "Hmph. Some people have no notion of etiquette... Well, you have my ear. Speak."
- (If Disposition < 10):
- "Get the hell out of my sight, you knave." Goodbye
- Background:
- "I am %Name, Burgrave of Old Ebonheart and Castellan of the Ebon Tower. As the King's vassal, I both rule over the city and manage his majesty's household here in the palace."
- Burgrave'? What is that?:
- "It is a noble title. A Burgrave rules over a city, or a castle, or, in my case, both. Some of my Imperial peers here in Morrowind choose to call themselves Governors, but I am of noble birth and would never degrade myself with a common title like that."
- So, you're a glorified housekeeper?:
- "I am of noble blood, and I will not my degrade myself by answering your insults." (Disposition -15)
- I see.:
- "Yes. Now, what is it that you want?"
- "I am %Name, Burgrave of Old Ebonheart and Castellan of the Ebon Tower. As the King's vassal, I both rule over the city and manage his majesty's household here in the palace."
- "She is the Minister of Temple Affairs. She should be in her offices in the eastern wing of the Curia."
- someone in particular:
- "His grace Phyrios Mattimus, the Duke of Deshaan, is currently staying in his guest quarters in the Palace high chambers. Lord General Caecalia Victrix, commander of the Imperial Legion, is in the Legion headquarters. The provincial ministers, including the Minister of Justice Belisatha Mede and the Minister of Treasury Parandil, have their offices in the Curia building."
- Unrest in Cyrodiil City:
- "Everything is fine."
The Destroyer's RingletEdit
- ringlet:
- "A ringlet you say, %PCName. Well, you've come to the right place. There is indeed guidance that Lord Boethiah wishes to bestow upon you: 'Ruin finds you eventually wherever you try to hide from it.'"
- Continue:
- "'Savile Theras is awaiting ruin in the city of Necrom, but there have been complications. Now Savile Theras is teetering on the cliff edge. Be so kind, %PCRace, and give her that little nudge she desires.' There you go, %PCName. That's all the guidance Lord Boethiah has for you."
- "This is up to you now, %PCName. I already gave you Lord Boethiah's message. That's all I can do for you."
- Savile Theras:
- "I do not know this woman. Ask in Necrom."
Imperial Cult: Message to MythEdit
- deliver a plea:
- "Ah yes, I see. Shouldn't you have a document for me, confirming your story?"
- (If you have the Message to Caros Cocceius):
- "Ah yes, I see. Since you have Ducal support, there is little for me to do but set a date. Report back to your priest that I will need some time for this." (Removed Message to Caros Cocceius from your inventory)
- "Regretfully, I still need some time to find a proper date. A big disruption of city life can't just be willed into existence."
- (If Duke Vedam Dren is dead):
- "I don't think you know what you are asking for. With the Duke dead, I don't see how we could celebrate anything at all right now."
- (If Disposition ≥ 70):
- "The Duke may be dead, but that only means that life goes on. Ilveroth has it right and he will have my support. Report back to him that I will need some time to sort matters out. I will be in contact in due time."
House Hlaalu: A New EmploymentEdit
- job for a scribe:
- "You're the second person in just a few weeks to ask me about that. What need would I have for another scribe?"
Tribunal Temple: Outlandish HeresyEdit
- necromancy is legal in Old Ebonheart:
- "Yes, necromancy is legal. We are not superstitious barbarians, after all. And yes, as the Burgrave of Old Ebonheart, I could issue a ban on necromancy, if needed. Why do you ask?"
- The Tribunal Temple wants to put an end to necromantic heresy.:
- "I see. I'm inclined not to do that. However, I must admit that I don't know enough about this question of necromancy to really form a strong opinion about it. Tell you what, representative of the Temple, go speak with Nerasa Veran. She's the Provincial Minister of Temple Affairs. I trust her judgment in these matters -- if she recommends that necromancy should indeed be banned, I will listen to her. You can find Veran in the east offices of the Curia building."
- Nevermind.:
- "Right. Carry on, carry on."
- "Speak with Nerasa Veran. I trust her judgement on this one."
- "As per Minister Nerasa Veran's recommendation, I have declared necromancy illegal. Any practicioner [sic] of that dark and most loathsome of arts will be persecuted and thrown in jail."
Stendarr Tower HauntingEdit
- dark idols:
- "What's that? You're interested in the Dark Elf statue I bought? Yes, a curious object, isn't it? But it's the strangest thing -- ever since I bought the thing, I haven't been able to sleep well. I have the strangest dreams -- voices whispering to me, dark caverns -- it's positively disturbing."
- Why don't you give it to me? I'll be happy to take it off of your hands. / † These idols are conduits for malicious dream sendings. I've encountered them before on Vvardenfell and know how to safely depose of them. Why don't you give it to me?:
- "Yes, I think I will. It cost only a trifle, really, and I can find some other exotic knick-knack to replace it." (You receive an Old Ebonheart Ash Statue)
- You've already been corrupted by the statue! Hand it over if you want to live!:
- "Don't be absurd! Get out of here before I have the guards throw you out." Goodbye (Disposition -25)
- "Yes, I did possess one of those statues, but I left it in your safekeeping, remember? I'm looking forward to restful sleep from now on."
- (If you threatened him):
- "You threatened to kill me last time, %PCRace. You're obviously out of your mind. Why should I permit you to speak again?"
- I apologize for my earlier words. If you're having trouble sleeping, it may be due to the statue. May I take it off of your hands?:
- "Very well. Take the statue. Call it buyer's remorse, but I regret buying it now, and it clashes terribly with the rest of my decor." (You receive an Old Ebonheart Ash Statue)
- Give me the statue now, fetcher!:
- "Go away, cur, unless you want me to teach you some manners with the flat of a blade." Goodbye (Disposition -20)
The Sorceror's ApprenticesEdit
- Greetings:
- "You've informed the two apprentices of Tarhiel's death? Excellent. Now let us discuss the matter of appointing a new Court Wizard."
- "Ah, you've returned! Excellent. When you're ready, we can discuss the first challenge."
- "Yes, %PCName? Is this regarding the first challenge?"
- "Attention, everyone! The first challenge shall commence at once! Gentlemen, create for me the finest magical robes you're capable of!" Goodbye
- "Well, I'd say that's a rather clear result. Kelkemmello's robe is far superior to Saturius'. I declare Kelkemmello the victor of the first challenge! %PCName, when you're ready, let us discuss the second challenge."
- "Yes, %PCName? Have you anything to report regarding the second challenge?"
- "Attention, everyone! The time has come to commence the second challenge! Saturius, Kelkemmello, summon for me the most powerful Daedra you can conjure up!" Goodbye
- "Once again Kelkemmello proves his might; just look at the jaws on that thing! A rather cut and dry result, I say. I declare Kelkemmello the winner of the Three Challenges and the new Court Wizard! Thanks for your help, %PCName. Here's the compensation I promised you." (You receive 100 gold)
- (If you helped Saturius during the second challenge):
- "By the gods what an outrageous display of incompetence! Saturius' Daedra definitely wasn't as impressive as Kelkemmello's but at least the damned thing didn't fly into an uncontrollable rage! In my throne room no less! I have no choice but to declare Saturius the winner of the second trial by default! %PCName, I understand if you need a minute to rest after that madness. Let me know when you're ready to discuss the third challenge."
- "Ah, you're back, %PCName. What say the two apprentices regarding the third challenge?"
- "Ah, there you are, %PCName. When you're ready we can start the duel."
- I'm ready!:
- "Then let the duel begin!" Goodbye
- I need more time.:
- "Don't keep me waiting, %PCName." Goodbye
- "Good show, gentlemen! I declare Kelkemmello the winner of the Three Challenges and the new Court Wizard! Thank you for your help, %PCName. Here's your compensation like I promised." (You receive 250 gold, and 'A NEW COURT WIZARD' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner)
- (If you gave Saturius a Scroll of Icarian Flight for the third challenge):
- "Magnificent show, gentlemen! That was a mighty spell indeed! I declare Saturius the winner of the Three Challenges and the new Court Wizard! Thank you for your help, %PCName. Here's your compensation like I promised." (You receive 250 gold, and 'A NEW COURT WIZARD' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner)
- (If either Kelkemmello or Saturius is dead):
- "By the gods what a disaster! Now I'm down a Court Wizard AND an apprentice! Well then, I have no choice but to call off the Three Challenges. I will need to deliberate further on how to proceed after this tragedy."
- (If both Kelkemmello and Saturius are dead):
- "By the gods what a disaster! Now I'm down a Court Wizard and TWO apprentices! With nobody left to compete, I hereby cancel the Three Challenges until further notice. I will need to deliberate further on how to proceed after this tragedy."
- First Challenge:
- "The first challenge shall be a test of one's ability to create wondrous magical items. They are tasked with turning these ordinary robes here into garments befitting a king! A trivial task I'm sure, but it's a start. Let the two know about their task. We will begin as soon as they are both ready."
- "Let both apprentices know about the challenge first. We will start when both of them are ready."
- "Is everyone ready?"
- Yes.:
- "Then let the first challenge commence! Excuse me for a minute, %PCName." Goodbye
- Not yet.:
- "What's the holdup? Don't come back until both apprentices are ready." Goodbye
- Julianos' Tower:
- "Ah, my apologies. I should have figured someone of your stature wouldn't know where Julianos' Tower is. You can reach it from here by entering the household and then taking the stairs to your right. The entrance to Julianos' Tower will be to your right at the top of the stairs."
- Kelkemmello:
- "He's one of Tarhiel's apprentices. From what I've heard, he's somewhat of a prodigy, but I have yet to see his abilities for myself."
- "So he wants the position, eh? He'll have to earn it then. If he's so confident in his abilities, then I'm sure he'll have no issue with participating in the Three Challenges."
- new Court Wizard:
- "We can discuss this after you've informed Kelkemmello and Saturius of Tarhiel's death."
- "Tarhiel hasn't left a will of any kind that would indicate which one of his two apprentices should take his place. If only I had someone I trusted enough to help me wit [sic] this task. Tsk-tsk."
- "Changed your mind, huh? Could you interview Tarhiel's two apprentices and determine which one of them is better suited for the job? The final decision is obviously mine to make, but I would heed your recommendation."
- Yes:
- "Splendid. You can ask them questions or even test their skills if you want. Also take note of their character--we don't want to hand over the position of Court Wizard to a troublemaker. Report back to me when you're done." (Disposition +5)
- No.:
- "Hmph. I guess you don't know that it shows poor manners to refuse a nobleman's offer." (Disposition -5)
- "Tarhiel hasn't left a will of any kind that would indicate which one of his two apprentices should take his place. As Burgrave of Old Ebonheart, I could just grant the position to either one of them, but I want to make sure that only the most worthy is chosen. Therefore, the two will need to prove their worthiness to me in a series of Three Challenges. What better way to choose a successor than through a test of merit, wouldn't you agree?"
- Saturius:
- "He's one of Tarhiel's apprentices. I often see him in the Palace Library reading some magic tome or another, but I have yet to see him demonstrate his abilities myself."
- "He shouldn't go looking for new a master yet; he may soon be one himself! I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear about the Three Challenges."
- Second Challenge:
- "The second challenge shall be a test of one's mastery over the Daedra. Surely any wizard worth their salt would be able to summon any one of those vile creatures. The apprentice who summons the most impressive Daedra shall be declared the victor. Like before, return to me once both apprentice's know of their task and are ready."
- "Return to me when both apprentices are ready for the second challenge."
- "Is everyone ready?"
- Yes:
- "Then we can begin the second challenge! Excuse me again, %PCName." Goodbye
- Not yet.:
- "Come now, %PCName, don't waste my time! Don't come back until both apprentices are ready." Goodbye
- Tarhiel:
- (If you haven't encountered Tarhiel yet):
- "Yes, he is our Court Wizard. Any self-respecting court has one. He's been missing for some time, though."
- (If Tarhiel is dead):
- "Yes, he is our Court Wizard. Any self-respecting court has one. He's been missing for some time, though."
- I'm sorry, he's dead.:
- "You're telling me he fell out of the sky to his death... on Vvardenfell? And have you any evidence of this?"
- [Present Tarhiel's journal.]:
- "I'd recognize this handwriting anywhere. This is definitely Tarhiel's journal. That is lamentable. Tarhiel was a good man and a faithful Court Wizard for many years, before succumbing to a madness not at all uncommon in his trade. Thank you for the news, grim as it may be. Please inform Kelkemmello and Saturius of Tarhiel's death. They can be found in Julianos' Tower. We will need to decide on a new Court Wizard."
- No.:
- "Well, I can't just take you at your word, %PCRace. Come back when you have hard evidence." Goodbye
- Ha! That miserable Wood Elf went ker-splat!:
- "You claim he's dead, and yet you mock him? By the gods, how dare you?! Tarhiel is a good man and has been a faithful Court Wizard for many years. I will not listen to you insult him. Apologize at once." (Disposition -10)
- I'm sorry.:
- "Well, at least you have some basic decency, even if it has to be dragooned out of you. Have you any hard evidence of Tarhiel's death?" (See "Tarhiel's journal" and "No" choices above)
- No. Why should I?:
- "Because I command you in the name of the King! Argh! I've had enough of your petty cruelty, %PCName. Do you have evidence of Tarhiel's death? If not, get out my sight." (Disposition -20) (See "Tarhiel's journal" and "No" choices above)
- I'm sure he'll turn up eventually.:
- "The affairs of wizards are mysterious indeed and they often come and go as they please. I'm sure you're right that there's no need to worry."
- "His death is unfortunate, but we still need to appoint a new Court Wizard."
- (If you saved Tarhiel):
- "What's that you say? He's returned? That's fantastic news! Just as quickly as he disappeared, he's re-appeared! The affairs of wizards are mysterious indeed."
- Had I not intervened, he would have fallen to his death.:
- "So it was an experiment gone wrong then? In that case, he can expect some gentle ribbing at the next feast! Ha! Here, take this as my thanks for saving Tarhiel." (Disposition +15, Tarhiel's Disposition -30, and you receive 250 gold)
- Indeed.:
- "Well, thank you for relaying this information to me, %PCName. Here, take this as my thanks." (Disposition +10, you receive 100 gold, and 'COURT WIZARD RETURNS' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner)
- Third Challenge:
- "The third and final challenge shall be a magical duel. The two shall battle until one of them gives up or is unable to continue the fight. Do not rush, %PCName. I'm sure they will both require ample time to prepare. Speak with me again once they are both ready."
- "Once both apprentices are ready, we can begin the third challenge."
- "Are both apprentices ready, %PCName?"
- Yes.:
- "Excellent. The duel shall take place in the courtyard of Ebon Tower. Speak to me again once we're outside and the duel shall commence."
- No.:
- "Very well. Please take your time."
- Saturius has given up.:
- "Is that so? Well that's a bit disappointing. In that case, I declare Kelkemmello the winner of the three trials and the new court wizard! Here's your compensation like I promised." (Disposition +10, you receive 250 gold, and 'A NEW COURT WIZARD' is added to The Ebonheart Bellman spawner)
- "Meet me in the courtyard of Ebon Tower and we shall begin the duel."
- Three Challenges:
- "The first challenge shall be a test of their ability to create wondrous magical items out of peasant rags, the second shall be a test of their mastery over the lowly Daedra, and the final challenge shall be a magical duel. The first to win two out of three challenges shall be declared the new Court Wizard! Sounds fair, right? All you need to do is help move the challenges along and make sure the two understand each one. Don't worry, you will be compensated fairly. What do you say?"
- Yes, I'll help.:
- "Splendid. Please inform Kelkemmello and Saturius of the Three Challenges and tell them to report to the Great Hall at once. In the meantime, I'll have my staff prepare the first challenge."
- No thanks.:
- "You have a lot of nerve turning down an offer from the Burgrave of Old Ebonheart. Or do you just not know that it shows poor manners to refuse a nobleman's offer?" (Disposition -5)
- "Report back to me when you've told Kelkemmello and Saturius about the three challenges."
- (If you said no and then came back again):
- "Changed your mind, %PCName? Will you help me conduct the Three Challenges?" (See "Yes" and "No" choices above)
- † This dialogue choice only appears if you have completed the vanilla House Redoran quest 'Clear Varvur Sarethi's Name'.