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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Hearing

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: House Hlaalu / Andothren
Sway a vote for Tholer Andas.
Quest Giver: Ulvys Ules
Location(s): Andas Estate: Foyer, Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: The Reverse Rescue
Reward: 3,000 gold, Supply and Demand
OR Supply and Demand only
OR 3,000 gold and Belt of Wisdom
Reputation Gain: +1 (general), +5 (Hlaalu)
ID: TR_m4_HH_AND_Hearing
The hearing commences

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Ulvys Ules at the Andas Estate in Andothren about business and a house hearing.
  2. Talk to Dreynos Helvi in the Hlaalu Council Manor.
  3. Secure the votes of three of the following in order to protect Clavus Farragian:
  4. Speak to Dreynos Helvi to conclude the hearing.
  5. Return to Ulvys Ules.
  6. Talk to Tholer Andas about Milns Lloran.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Ulvys Ules has a final piece of business for you from Tholer Andas. A house hearing has been called over the fate of Clavus Farragian, a lackey of Andas who lately slew a Camonna Tong member. The Camonna Tong are now demanding that Clavus be handed over, and so House Hlaalu notables in Andothren are staging a vote on whether to comply, or protect Clavus. Tholer Andas wishes you to ensure that Clavus is protected, by swaying the votes in his favor.

Ulvys will name all the major players in this trial, but first go to speak to Dreynos Helvi in the Hlaalu Council Manor, where the vote will be held. Ask him about the house hearing. He'll explain that you need to sway at least three votes in favor to save Clavus as Tholer and Ulvys wish. The voters are all present in the manor.

Canvassing for ClavusEdit

Speak to all the below individuals about the house hearing and try to convince them to vote in favor of protecting Clavus Farragian:

Manse HorarenEdit

Manse is simple enough to convince - simply raise her Disposition above 60+ and ask her for her vote.

Mels MathynEdit

As an individual somewhat familiar with the Camonna Tong, Mels will only agree to vote to protect Clavus if you turned a blind eye to Soron Nadril's greef smuggling activities in Greef Astray. You will still need to pay him to change his vote however, and this is not cheap.

Dialogue does exist for Mels suggesting that if Assemmus Todros survives The Waylaid Ship, he will also put in a good word for you, but this needs to be confirmed. (?).

Milns LloranEdit

Milns will refuse to vote to protect Clavus, so you should follow the advice Ulvys gave you about her, and search her manor for anything that might encourage her to come around. Specifically, you want the contents of the level 50 locked chest in a storage cupboard in Lloran Manor's basement. This contains Milns' Plan. Show it to Milns and she will give you her vote.

Tholas HorarenEdit

Don't seek to convince Tholas until you have persuaded his wife, Manse. He'll hear you out after this with 70+ disposition, but you will have to give him a persuasive reason to change his vote:

"You may have some persuasive skills, but my wife is far from a challenge, %PCrank. I shall hear what you have to say, but be concise. Why should I vote in your favor?"

"It is right for the House."

"Perhaps it is best to protect our own. But I am skeptical that Andas would be so altruistic. I expect he simply wishes to keep his employee. Do you think so too?"


Honesty as to Tholer's likely motives turns out to be just what Tholas is looking for, and he will agree to give you his vote. Another route to convincing Tholas involves promising him that Andas will pay him for his vote - but you'll need to stump up 3,000 gold for this to work.

Tola SerevamEdit

You met Tola during Caravan Ransom. She'll make it very clear that she considers this vote a waste of time and therefore money. Give her a bribe through the Persuasion menu to allay her fears (10 gold works fine), and she will give you her vote, purely on the principle that at least she's getting paid for it.

The Votes Are CastEdit

Once you have at least three votes (four increases your chance of a greater reward), speak to Dreynos Helvi about the house hearing. He will declare the vote over, and you can return to Ulvys to report your success. Ulvys will congratulate you, and say that Tholer Andas wishes to speak to you. He's in the manor of Andas Estate, accompanied by Milns Lloran, who is under arrest. Ask him about Milns Lloran and he will note that he always knew of her plotting, and will give you your reward.

Tholer Andas' reward and demeanor towards you will differ slightly depending on how well you have served him, both in this quest, Omaynis Inn and The Reverse Rescue. Having chosen his preferred candidate for inkeep in Omaynis Inn, and ensuring that the rescue failed in the Reverse Rescue will improve what he is prepared to offer you as thanks, as will gathering more than three votes in this quest. He will reward you with 3,000 gold and two enchanted pauldrons if he is very happy, the two enchanted pauldrons if he has found your performance adequate for his needs, and 3,000 gold and a Belt of Wisdom ("for your wits") if he feels you have proven insufficiently loyal or otherwise underperformed.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_Hearing)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ulvys Ules informed me that serjo Tholer Andas has a matter of some urgency for me to attend to.
20 A council hearing has been called to protect Clavus Farragian, a spellsword working for Tholer Andas, from prosecution by the Camonna Tong. I have been tasked with swaying the votes in favor of his protection. The hearing is being held at the Council Manor.
30 Dreynos informed me that in order for the hearing to conclude in favor of protecting Clavus, I will need to persuade three of the remaining four members to agree. Zalan and Mels have already cast their vote.
40 I have obtained the first vote needed to save Clavus.
45 I have obtained the second vote needed to save Clavus.
50 I have obtained the third vote needed to save Clavus.
55 I have obtained the fourth vote needed to save Clavus. It is not likely that I'll obtain any more.
60 The votes have been cast and the hearing is over.
65 The votes have been cast and the hearing is over.
80 Ulvys informed me Andas will be satisfied with the outcome of the hearing, and that he wishes to give me my reward in person.
85 Ulvys informed me Andas will be very pleased that I obtained so many votes, and that he wishes to give me my reward in person.
100 Finishes quest  After the hearing, Milns Lloran attempted a coup against Tholer Andas. He revealed that he was aware of her plans, and she has now been captured. He paid me for my efforts in the hearing.
110 Finishes quest  After the hearing, Milns Lloran attempted a coup against Tholer Andas. He revealed that he was aware of her plans, and she has now been captured. He paid me for my efforts in the hearing, and additionally gave me two enchanted pauldrons for all my help.
The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_HearManse)
10 I have obtained Manse Horaren's vote.
The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_HearMels)
10 I was able to convince Mels Mathyn to change his vote.
The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_HearMilns)
10 Milns is refusing to cast her vote in my favor.
30 I found a note detailing Milns Lloran's plot to undermine -- or even assassinate -- serjo Tholer Andas.
50 I have obtained Milns Lloran's vote.
The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_HearTholas)
10 I have offended Tholas, and he refuses to cast his vote in my favor.
50 I have obtained Tholas Horaren's vote.
The Hearing (TR_m4_HH_AND_HearTola)
10 I have obtained Tola Serevam's vote.

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