Oblivion:Mehrunes' Razor Items
< Oblivion: Downloads: Items(Redirected from Oblivion:Cannibal Consumption)These are all the new items that appear as part of the Mehrunes' Razor official download.
Most of the rewards for this quest are leveled items; the following tables provide the levels at which each of the variants of each item will first appear. However, in some cases you are not guaranteed to receive the best possible item for your level. Rather, you have a 50% chance to receive the appropriate leveled item. The level is calculated when you level up, not as usual (when you first enter the zone).
For information on how to find the correct values for the "xx" characters in these IDs, see this page.
Bladeturn HoodEdit
- Editor ID: DL9DrothanHood##
- Type: Hood
- Base Item: Red Silk Hood
Worn by Frathen Drothan, in the Nefarivigum. The level you receive is determined in the same way as the Morag Tong armor.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||
xx005FD6 | 1 | 4 | 2601 | Reflect Damage 3% Resist Normal Weapons 3% Shield 5% |
xx005FD9 | 5 | 4 | 4201 | Reflect Damage 5% Resist Normal Weapons 5% Shield 7% |
xx005FDA | 10 | 4 | 5901 | Reflect Damage 7% Resist Normal Weapons 7% Shield 10% |
xx005FDB | 15 | 4 | 8201 | Reflect Damage 10% Resist Normal Weapons 10% Shield 12% |
xx005FDC | 20+ | 4 | 12201 | Reflect Damage 15% Resist Normal Weapons 15% Shield 17% |
Forgemaster's AmuletEdit
- Editor ID: DL9ForgeMasterAmulet##
- Type: Jeweled Gold Amulet
Worn by The Forgemaster in Sundercliff Forge (note that the level for this item is fixed when you first enter the upper level of the Forge, before going through the Mines).
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||
xx002736 | 1 | 1 | 1201 | Fortify Strength 1pt Fortify Armorer 5 pts Fortify Blunt 3 pts Fortify Heavy Armor 3 pts |
xx002742 | 7 | 1 | 1501 | Fortify Strength 3pt Fortify Armorer 4 pts Fortify Blunt 4 pts Fortify Heavy Armor 4 pts |
xx002744 | 19 | 1 | 2001 | Fortify Strength 5pt Fortify Armorer 5 pts Fortify Blunt 5 pts Fortify Heavy Armor 5 pts |
Forgemaster's SmockEdit
- Editor ID: DL9ForgeMasterApron##
- Type: Shirt
Worn by The Forgemaster in Sundercliff Forge. For this item, you will always receive the highest possible one for your level.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||
xx002738 | 1-6 | 4 | 2126 | Fortify Fatigue 25 pts Resist Normal Weapons 5% |
xx002745 | 7-18 | 4 | 4251 | Fortify Fatigue 50 pts Resist Normal Weapons 10% |
xx002746 | 19+ | 4 | 6376 | Fortify Fatigue 75 pts Resist Normal Weapons 15% |
Mehrunes RazorEdit
It has been suggested that this article be split into multiple articles. (Discuss) |
- Editor: DL9MehrunesRazor##
- Type: Blade One hand (dagger)
- Speed: 1.4
- Reach: 0.8
For this item, you will always receive the highest possible one for your level.
Object ID | Level | Charge / Cost = Uses | Effects | |||||
xx001AB0 | 1 | 3 | 200 | 3425 | 7 | 8000/39=205 | Disintegrate Armor 5 pts for 3 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FB8 | 2-4 | 4 | 300 | 3440 | 9 | 8000/39=205 | Disintegrate Armor 5 pts for 3 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FB9 | 5-6 | 5 | 400 | 3465 | 11 | 8000/39=205 | Disintegrate Armor 5 pts for 3 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FBA | 7-9 | 6 | 500 | 3578 | 13 | 8000/84=95 | Disintegrate Armor 10 pts for 5 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FBB | 10-12 | 7 | 650 | 3753 | 15 | 8000/84=95 | Disintegrate Armor 10 pts for 5 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FBC | 13-15 | 8 | 700 | 4103 | 17 | 8000/84=95 | Disintegrate Armor 10 pts for 5 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FBD | 16-19 | 9 | 1000 | 4865 | 19 | 8000/163=49 | Disintegrate Armor 15 pts for 7 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
xx005FBE | 20+ | 9 | 1200 | 6365 | 19 | 8000/163=49 | Disintegrate Armor 15 pts for 7 secs Daedric Banishing on Strike |
The dagger alone does good damage (depending on your level, its base damage is between that of a Steel Dagger and Daedric Dagger; its reach is slightly longer than a standard dagger). The most unusual aspect of this dagger, however, is the Daedric Banishing enchantment, which has a chance of instantly killing its target.
The chance that Daedric Banishing instantly kills is based upon your luck and is not leveled:
DeathChance = PlayerLuck * 0.05
DeathChance is at least 1 and at most 10. The script then generates a random number from 0 to 99; if the random number is less than or equal to DeathChance, the dagger kills instantly. Therefore, if your luck is 20 or less, you have a 2% chance of instant death; if your luck is 100, the chance is 6%; with luck boosted to 200, the chance becomes 11%.
The script attached to the dagger ensures that NPCs tagged as Essential or in the Creature Faction will never be banished. The latter exclusion is intended specifically to protect Mehrunes Dagon himself.
Even when the message upon successful Daedric Banishing says Mehrunes Dagon "claims the soul", Soul Trap effects still work perfectly normally.
- A weapon with the same appearance as Mehrunes Razor is present even without the download. It is called "Ceremonial Dagger" and has an Editor ID of
. PC Users can obtain it using the console commandplayer.additem 0008DA4A
. - Comments in the script indicate that it was intended to be a 1 to 10% chance, rather than the 2 to 11% chance it ends up being.
- Though the dagger is of Daedric origin, it cannot be given to Martin in the quest Blood of the Daedra.
- The number of souls claimed by the Razor is counted, and shown every time it claims another soul. This count will not reset when the Razor runs out of charge.
- When used against an enemy with reflect spell, such as a lich or a flesh atronach, it is possible to trigger yourself to be instantly killed.
- This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches.
- The dagger also resurfaces in Skyrim during its relevant Daedric quest.
Morag Tong ArmorEdit
The Morag Tong armor appears to use a different leveling system from normal loot. Each individual piece of the armor has a 50% chance of being the appropriate level, and a 50% chance of being one level below. This is calculated at the time you level up (when you sleep, not when you actually gain the level). In order to maximize your chances of obtaining the best set of armor for your level (a 3.125% chance, or 1/32), save before sleeping and again after. If the armor is of the level you want, simply reload the newest save, and play normally. If it is not, then reload the save just before you slept and repeat. The Morag Tong Assassin will have the same armor as long as you do not gain another level. As in all cases, items will not respawn while you are within the cell, and so sleeping in the nearby bedroll will not allow the Armor to respawn.
- This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches.
Morag Tong BootsEdit
- Editor ID: DL9MTongBoots##
- Type: Leather Boots (Light Armor)
Worn by the Morag Tong Assassin.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||||
xx001B8C | 1 | 1.5 | 80 | 610 | 2.5 | Fortify Acrobatics 3 pts Fortify Sneak 3 pts |
xx002088 | 6 | 2 | 135 | 1025 | 3 | Fortify Acrobatics 5 pts Fortify Sneak 5 pts |
xx00208F | 10 | 3.3 | 240 | 1465 | 3.5 | Fortify Acrobatics 7 pts Fortify Sneak 7 pts |
xx002099 | 15 | 3.9 | 440 | 2170 | 4 | Fortify Acrobatics 10 pts Fortify Sneak 10 pts |
xx0020A3 | 20 | 4.5 | 675 | 3500 | 5 | Fortify Acrobatics 15 pts Fortify Sneak 15 pts |
Morag Tong CowlEdit
- Editor ID: DL9TongHood##
- Type: Black Hood
Worn by the Morag Tong Assassin.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||
xx001B42 | 1 | 5 | 1075 | Fortify Marksman 3 pts Detect Life 50 ft |
xx001B92 | 6 | 5 | 1425 | Fortify Marksman 5 pts Detect Life 60 ft |
xx00208E | 10 | 5 | 1935 | Fortify Marksman 7 pts Detect Life 80 ft |
xx002098 | 15 | 5 | 2540 | Fortify Marksman 10 pts Detect Life 100 ft |
xx0020A2 | 20 | 5 | 3345 | Fortify Marksman 15 pts Detect Life 120 ft |
Morag Tong CuirassEdit
- Editor ID: DL9MTongCuirass##
- Type: Leather Cuirass (Light Armor)
Worn by the Morag Tong Assassin.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||||
xx001B89 | 1 | 7.5 | 160 | 2485 | 6.25 | Fortify Agility 2 pts Resist Magic 5% Resist Normal Weapons 5% |
xx002085 | 6 | 9 | 270 | 4990 | 8 | Fortify Agility 4 pts Resist Magic 10% Resist Normal Weapons 10% |
xx002090 | 10 | 11 | 480 | 7575 | 8.75 | Fortify Agility 6 pts Resist Magic 15% Resist Normal Weapons 15% |
xx00209A | 15 | 13 | 880 | 10500 | 10 | Fortify Agility 9 pts Resist Magic 20% Resist Normal Weapons 20% |
xx0020A4 | 20 | 15 | 1350 | 14350 | 12.5 | Fortify Agility 13 pts Resist Magic 25% Resist Normal Weapons 25% |
Morag Tong GlovesEdit
- Editor ID: DL9MTongGloves##
- Type: Leather Gauntlets (Light Armor)
Worn by the Morag Tong Assassin.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||||
xx001B8A | 1 | 1.5 | 80 | 510 | 2.5 | Fortify Luck 2 pts Fortify Security 3 pts |
xx002086 | 6 | 1.8 | 135 | 825 | 3 | Fortify Luck 4 pts Fortify Security 5 pts |
xx002091 | 10 | 2.2 | 240 | 1365 | 3.5 | Fortify Luck 6 pts Fortify Security 7 pts |
xx00209B | 15 | 2.6 | 440 | 2070 | 4 | Fortify Luck 9 pts Fortify Security 10 pts |
xx0020A5 | 20 | 3 | 675 | 3300 | 5 | Fortify Luck 13 pts Fortify Security 15 pts |
Morag Tong GreavesEdit
- Editor ID: DL9MTongGreaves##
- Type: Leather Greaves (Light Armor)
Worn by the Morag Tong Assassin.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||||
xx001B8B | 1 | 4.5 | 120 | 1470 | 3.75 | Fortify Speed 2 pts Feather 50 pts |
xx002087 | 6 | 5.4 | 202 | 1945 | 4 | Fortify Speed 4 pts Feather 60 pts |
xx002092 | 10 | 6.6 | 360 | 2590 | 5.25 | Fortify Speed 6 pts Feather 75 pts |
xx00209C | 15 | 7.8 | 660 | 3215 | 6 | Fortify Speed 9 pts Feather 80 pts |
xx0020A6 | 20 | 9 | 1000 | 4800 | 7.5 | Fortify Speed 13 pts Feather 100 pts |
Spellturn CloakEdit
- Editor ID: DL9DrothanRobe##
- Type: Robe
- Base Item: Red Silk Robes
Worn by Frathen Drothan. The level you receive is determined in the same way as the Morag Tong armor.
Object ID | Level | Effects | |||
xx005FD8 | 1 | 4 | 2851 | Reflect Spell 3% Resist Magic 3% Spell Absorption 3 pts |
xx005FDD | 5 | 4 | 4751 | Reflect Spell 5% Resist Magic 5% Spell Absorption 5 pts |
xx005FDE | 10 | 4 | 6651 | Reflect Spell 7% Resist Magic 7% Spell Absorption 7 pts |
xx005FDF | 15 | 4 | 9501 | Reflect Spell 10% Resist Magic 10% Spell Absorption 10 pts |
xx005FE0 | 20 | 4 | 14251 | Reflect Spell 15% Resist Magic 15% Spell Absorption 15 pts |
Unenchanted WeaponsEdit
Name | Type | Object ID | Speed | Reach | |||||
Hoe † | Blunt Two-Handed | xx0049B7 | 30 | 196 | 60 | 0.7 | 1.3 | 12 | |
Rockpick Hoe | Blunt Two-Handed | xx00274A | 30 | 196 | 60 | 0.7 | 1.3 | 12 | |
Heavy Rake | Blunt Two-Handed | xx00274B | 30 | 196 | 60 | 0.7 | 1.3 | 12 |
† This weapon, found in a barrel in the upper area of Sundercliff Mines has a 4% chance of giving you the disease Ticklebritch.
Books and NotesEdit
Title (ID) | Value | Weight | Author | Description | Where to find | |
Drothan's Field Journal xx001a76 |
25 | 1.0 | Frathen Drothan | The final stages of the search for Mehrunes' Razor | ||
Drothan's Journal xx00148a |
1 | 1.0 | Frathen Drothan | A mage's search for Mehrunes' Razor | ||
Jailor's Letter xx001AC0 |
0 | 0.0 | Commander Adrethi | Instructions to a jailor about his prisoner |
Small Diary xx001582 |
1 | 1.0 |
Steward's Registry xx001995 |
0 | 0.1 | Vaske | Meticulous notes of arrivals and departures from an expedition's camp | ||
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities xx0014a2 |
5 | 1.0 | The history of Varsa Baalim and Mehrunes' Razor |
Title (ID) | Value | Weight | Author | Description | Where to find | |
An Undelivered Letter xx000D81 |
0 | 0.1 | A final, desperate message from a soldier trapped in a cursed city, facing certain death |
Apprentice's Note xx001A62 |
0 | 0.1 | One of the Forgemaster's two apprentices | A plea for more responsibility from an apprentice to his master |
Letter Home xx001A60 |
10 | 1.0 | Armor Apprentice | A litany of complaints from an apprentice about his new role |
Receipt xx0014A7 |
0 | 0.1 | Jobasha | A receipt for books bought from a shop in Vivec |
Soiled Writ of Assassination xx002532 |
1 | 1.0 | Official license for the bearer to execute Commander Telani Adrethi per Morag Tong tradition |
Steward's Note xx005FAE |
0 | 0.1 | Frathen Drothan | Instructions for an expedition's steward, and a reprimand for him too |
Name | Type | Object ID | Notes | |||
Beating Heart | Ingredient | xx001AF2 | 2 | 25 | Found on Mehrunes' champion, Msirae Faythung. If eaten it inflicts the diseases Porphyric Hemophilia and Cannibal's Prion and increases your Infamy by four points. Also can be used to create a potion that will give you Porphyric Hemophilia if your Alchemy skill is level 100. | |
Drothmeri Tunic | Clothing | xx0014CA xx0014CB xx0014CC |
3 | 5 | Although there are three versions of this tunic, all three appear to be identical.
Empty Flask | Miscellaneous | xx000DB7 | 1 | 0 | No purpose other than decoration.
Unknown if it can be found in-game. |
Enchanted Bezoar | Miscellaneous | xx001A16 | 0.0 | 0 | Two of these are required to gain access to Varsa Baalim. | |
Iron Ore | Miscellaneous | xx0014C0 | 2 | 5 | Found throughout Sundercliff Watch, as raw samples and from Iron Veins. Unlike silver and gold ore veins found throughout Cyrodiil, Iron Veins respawn. | |
Keen Edge Potion | Potion | xx005654 | 0.5 | 57 | Fortify Blade 15 pts for 30 secs
Two are found in Sundercliff Village, by the training area in the north-western side of the map |
Scroll of Transmutation | Scroll | xx0014BA | 0.1 | 0.5 | Transmute Mineral on Self:
Nine scrolls can be found in Frathen Drothan's quarters in Sundercliff Commune. Two are visible on a table and seven more are hidden in shelves, locked behind a false wall. |
Trichobezoar Extract | Potion | xx001493 | 0.5 | 150 | Cure Poison Resist Poison 100% for 5 secs Two bottles are found on a bookshelf in Frathen Drothan's quarters in Sundercliff Commune. |