CG Creature FactionEdit
CG stands for Character Generation, and all the rats and goblins encountered during the tutorial belong to it. The faction stops the Blades and Uriel from being attacked by any creatures they encounter during the escape.
Information |
Editor Id |
CGCreatureFaction |
FormId |
0004e86d |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
CG goblinsEdit
Contains all the goblins encountered during the tutorial. At one point there is a cage holding several domesticated rats. These are normally passive, but should the gate to the cage be opened, a script alters the relationship between the goblins and the Rats hate the goblins faction to ensure combat between the two groups.
Information |
Editor Id |
CGGoblinFaction |
FormId |
0004f295 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Character gen Blades factionEdit
The three blades from the tutorial belong to this faction. It gives them a common set of dialogue and combat responses, and makes them tolerant of any thieving and assaults they see. Baurus is removed from this faction at the start of The Path of Dawn quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
BladesCG |
FormId |
0001ee1e |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, SpecialCombat |
Chestnut Handy StablesEdit
Grants the three residents of the Chestnut Handy Stables access to the stable buildings. The faction also owns Aelwin Merowald's house.
Information |
Editor Id |
ChestnutHandy |
FormId |
00068456 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Ranks |
Number |
Male Rank |
Female Rank |
0 |
Stable Hand |
Stanble [sic] Hand |
1 |
Owner |
Cheydinhal CastleEditCheydinhal CitizensEdit
Contains all the residents of Cheydinhal and gives them a common set of dialogue options appropriate to the town. Guilbert Jemane is removed from this faction during the Separated at Birth quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
CheydinhalFaction |
FormId |
000034ba |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Corrupt Cheydinhal GuardsEdit
The actual name of this faction is simply "Cheydinhal Guards" but has been given a different name here to distinguish it from the other faction of the same name.
Members of this faction will fine the player 50% more than any other guards when they witness a crime. At the end of the Corruption and Conscience quest, everybody is removed from the faction, which should change their fines back to normal.
Information |
Editor Id |
CheydinhalCorruptGuardsFactionMS10 |
FormId |
00090e31 |
Flags |
None |
Cheydinhal GuardsEdit
Contains all the guards in Cheydinhal, gives them access to the barracks in town and a common set of dialogue options. Ulrich Leland is removed from this faction if he is sent to jail during the quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
CheydinhalGuardFaction |
FormId |
000034b9 |
Flags |
None |
Cheydinhal Newslands LodgeEditCheydinhal Orum's GangEdit
A small gang of Orcs based in Cheydinhal. They are tied to the Camonna Tong and run Skooma to a couple of their representitives on a regular basis.
The faction grants its members ownership of Bazur gro-Gharz's and Oghash gra-Magul's houses and, oddly, Llevana Nedaren's basement. They also own the barrel in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City that gets Skooma added to it once per week. They are mentioned in The Black Horse Courier edition Gray Fox Unmasked!
Information |
Editor Id |
OrumFaction |
FormId |
000034be |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Cheydinhal Peasants and SerfsEdit
Makes the beggars in Cheydinhal like each other a little more, and gives them a common set of dialogue responses.
Information |
Editor Id |
CheydinhalBeggars |
FormId |
00035e9c |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Beggar |
Cheydinhal Riverview factionEdit
This faction lets the staff and guests at Riverview enter the building. Oddly, it also gives them ownership of the jewelry box next to the bed upstairs.
Information |
Editor Id |
RiverviewFaction |
FormId |
000034bf |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Cheydinhal StablesEdit
Lets the staff at the Black Waterside Stables into their buildings.
Information |
Editor Id |
CheydinhalStables |
FormId |
0004d831 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Cheydinhal Willow BankEdit
This faction owns the building named Willow Bank in Cheydinhal, however it has no members and nobody is ever added to it.
Information |
Editor Id |
WillowBankFaction |
FormId |
000034bc |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Chorrol BeggarsEdit
Makes the beggars in Chorrol like each other a little more.
Information |
Editor Id |
ChorrolBeggars |
FormId |
00035e9b |
Flags |
None |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Beggar |
Chorrol CitizenEditChorrol Guard FactionEdit
Contains all the guards in Chorrol and is used to give them access to their barracks, as well as a standard set of dialogue options.
Information |
Editor Id |
ChorrolGuardFaction |
FormId |
00029f80 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Chorrol StablesEdit
This faction lets the owners and staff of the North Country Stables into their buildings. Oddly, it is this faction that owns the dead black horse that appears on the road near the Brina Cross Inn.
Information |
Editor Id |
ChorrolStables |
FormId |
0004d832 |
Flags |
None |
Lets the residents and staff of Castle Chorrol into the buildings.
Information |
Editor Id |
ChorrolCastleFaction |
FormId |
0002ba98 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Claude Maric's personal factionEditClaude Maric's ThugsEdit
Used during the Nothing You Can Possess quest to control combat between the player and Claude Maric's henchmen. S'razirr is removed from this faction if the player recruits him during the quest.
All three members of the faction, as well as Claude Maric himself, are notable for always being equipped with high-quality armor and weapons (always the best possible quality at your character's level).
Information |
Editor Id |
ClaudeMaricThugFaction |
FormId |
0002aefa |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Claudius Arcadia's FactionEdit
Exists only to adjust Claudius Arcadia's relationship with the player and guards.
Information |
Editor Id |
ClaudisArcadiaFaction |
FormId |
00071d4e |
Flags |
None |
Clavicus Vile FactionEdit
This faction gives the worshippers of Clavicus Vile a common set of dialogue options.
Information |
Editor Id |
DAClavicusVileFaction |
FormId |
0001bf5c |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
This faction exists almost solely to give conjurers a good relationship with the creatures they summon, although it does supply them with a few unique lines of dialogue during the Wisdom of the Ages quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
ConjurerFaction |
FormId |
0004b90b |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Cracked Wood Hollow tribeEdit
Ensures a healthy hatred between the various different Goblin tribes. If their shaman is killed during the Goblin Trouble quest, the remaining members will stop attacking the player.
Information |
Editor Id |
GoblinTribeA |
FormId |
0002d595 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
This is the most widely-used faction in the game. Its main purpose is to control how other factions react to creatures.
Information |
Editor Id |
CreatureFaction |
FormId |
00000013 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Cropsford factionEdit
Contains the inhabitants of Cropsford and lets them into their houses. The player joins the faction at the start of the Goblin Trouble quest, and both the player and Mirisa are removed once the quest is complete.
Information |
Editor Id |
CropsfordFaction |
FormId |
000319c5 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |