Ashur | |||
Location | Northeast of Balmora Hakoshae ![]() Outside Camonnaruhn |
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Health | 39,959 15,000 (In Balmora) |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Morag Tong |
Ashur is a Dark Elf member of the Morag Tong initially met in Vvardenfell during the quest Fleeing the Past and later in Northern Elsweyr carrying out a writ in the town of Hakoshae.
Related QuestsEdit
- Fleeing the Past: Help a Redoran councilor find his runaway daughter.
- Of Faith and Family: Discover what happened to Redoran councilor's exiled son.
- A Purposeful Writ: Help the Redoran councilor's daughter investigate her brother's death.
- Family Reunion: Race to stop Veya Releth from doing something unforgivable.
- Descendant of the Potentate : Assist a Morag Tong assassin's investigation into Hakoshae's leader.
- The Heir of Anequina : Attend the coronation of Anequina's new ruler.
- The Traitor's Trade : Enter Camonnaruhn and free the prisoners.
- Chronicle of Fate : Learn what was forgotten.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Fleeing the PastEdit
As you approach the area north of Balmora while looking for Ashur, you'll hear the following:
- Othloth Salavel: "You killed one of my gang, s'wit. No writ will protect you from us."'
- Ashur: "Feeling left out? I'm sure I can procure a writ for each of you."
Once you're spotted, you'll then hear:
- Othloth Salavel: "That's it! Kill the Morag Tong and any witnesses!"
- Ashur: "I'll just take my leave. No use getting my axes bloody again."
Speak to him and he'll say:
- "I had that situation under control. Just needed them to make the first hostile move.
Still, I cleaned enough blood off my axes for one day, so thanks for lending a hand."
If you meet him earlier in Hakoshae he will say instead:
- "Fancy meeting you here. Been a while since Hakoshae, hasn't it?
I had that situation under control. Just needed them to make the first hostile move. Still, I cleaned enough blood off my axes for one day, so thanks for lending a hand." - I was told to meet you out here.
- "You were, were you? Was it Milesa? I told her I'd close out my tab after I completed another contract. That woman has the patience of an anxious nix.
Well, tell her I'm good for it. I'll stop by and we can conclude our business cordially." - No, I'm here about Veya.
- "Veya? The new apprentice? Now why in Oblivion do you care about Veya?"
- I'm trying to find her.
- "Are you now? And why do you want to do that? Never mind. I don't really care. I was asked to pass along some notes, but I'm not really the messenger type.
I suggest you talk to Veya's mentor. Last I heard, she had a job in the western ruins." - I'll look for Veya's mentor in the ruins to the west.
- "Make sure you don't anger Veya's mentor or even look at her the wrong way. She's grown surprisingly protective of that young woman and if she thinks you pose a danger ….
Besides, I'd hate to see you wind up on the wrong end of one of our writs." - Why were those townsfolk trying to kill you?
- "You know, the usual buyer's remorse. I see a lot of that in my line of work.
Turns out, I had to kill a bad man who did bad things. The writ was legal and above board. Unfortunately, his brother didn't see it that way and was looking for revenge." - You're some kind of assassin?
- "You make it sound so … obscene. Still, that's pretty much an accurate description. But it's not like I work for the Dark Brotherhood or anything. I don't kill anyone without a sanctioned writ.
Keeps the Great Houses in line. It's a calling."
- "You make it sound so … obscene. Still, that's pretty much an accurate description. But it's not like I work for the Dark Brotherhood or anything. I don't kill anyone without a sanctioned writ.
- Tell me more about Veya's mentor.
- "I'd rather not. She's particular about her secrets and I don't want to get on her bad side. You should keep that in mind, too, if you plan to continue on this course.
Veya's mentor usually sticks to the rules, but I wouldn't turn my back on her."
- "I'd rather not. She's particular about her secrets and I don't want to get on her bad side. You should keep that in mind, too, if you plan to continue on this course.
Of Faith and FamilyEdit
After completing Fleeing the Past and exiting the Redoran Kinhouse in Balmora, Ashur will be waiting with a message:
- Ashur: "Well look at that! Naryu said I'd find you here and damn it all if she wasn't right."
- "Did I mention how much I hate being a messenger? Makes me wish I had a writ so I could kill something.
Anyway, Naryu wants to talk to you. Said you'd know what it was all about." - All right. Where do I need to go?
- "Here. This should explain everything. Sort of. It's a map. We change locations every other day, for security reasons. Just in case it falls into the hands of House Redoran or someone else with an ax to grind with our organization."
- What do I do with this?
- "Never had to use a map before? Amateurs! This one leads to a key to one of our safe-houses. And another map.
The first map? It depicts a particular town. Kind of like this one, hint, hint. The rest? You'll have to figure that out on your own." - I'll try to decipher the map.
- "Look. I know you're helping Councilor Eris. But if that map falls into House Redoran hands, I'll probably have to kill you.
Nothing personal, mind you. We're already having a bit of trouble with the house and we'd rather not make matters worse." - Do you always carry messages for Naryu Virian?
- "What are you implying? Can't a person do something nice to help out an ally every now and again?
Oh, who am I kidding? I hate playing the messenger! Haven't you ever done something you hate because it was the right thing to do?" - All the time.
- "Then you understand what I'm talking about. Being noble. Doing the honorable thing.
It can be a real pain in the arse, but a favor given becomes a favor returned. Eventually."
- "Then you understand what I'm talking about. Being noble. Doing the honorable thing.
- No.
- "Well, not all of us can afford to be so cold and heartless. I'd say I envy you, but that would just reward you for bad behavior.
Why are you still talking to me? Don't you have a map to puzzle out?"
- "Well, not all of us can afford to be so cold and heartless. I'd say I envy you, but that would just reward you for bad behavior.
- "What are you implying? Can't a person do something nice to help out an ally every now and again?
- You're part of the Morag Tong too, aren't you?
- "Well look at you! You're a practical genius!
Look, Naryu seems to trust you, so I suppose I have to trust you, too. But that's a powerful secret you've been given. Betray us and you'll find my blade in your back. Unless Naryu kills you first." - You mentioned trouble with House Redoran?
- "The Morag Tong has the authority to accept and carry out writs of execution. We keep the Great Houses from engaging in all-out war, but they rarely appreciate the work we do on their behalf.
House Redoran in particular wants to shut us down." - Why does House Redoran want to shut down the Morag Tong?
- "The other houses have used us to take Redoran down a peg or two of late. To be frank, for all their vaunted honor, the house cries foul whenever someone gets the better of them.
Our status is tenuous enough without Redoran's constant harassment." - Your status is tenuous?
- "As I understand it, the Morag Tong made mistakes in the past. Grew too arrogant. We had to lay low for more than a century. Now we're taking select contracts, working to reestablish our reputation.
It's not our fault most of them concern Redoran."
- "Well look at you! You're a practical genius!
Speaking to him in the Morag Tong hideout when coming back with the registry:
- "What? Even assassins need to eat. Stop staring at me like that!"
Speaking to him before leaving to find Veya:
- "Naryu goes too easy on Veya. When my master trained me, her word was law and the only acceptable response on my part was "as you command."
But what do I know. Veya's not my apprentice."
A Purposeful WritEdit
- Ashur: "Outlander! Over here!"
- "Naryu told me what you found in the Ashlander mine. I can't imagine what Veya must be going through right now, but she shouldn't be alone. That's why I came looking for you."
- Why me? Isn't Naryu with her?
- "Naryu has responsibilities to tend to. Morag Tong responsibilities. Understand? She left me to keep Veya company, but I'm not very good at spouting words of comfort and solace.
Unless I can kill something. I'm very good at that." - So you want me to talk to Veya?
- "You do understand! And Naryu implied you were as dense as the ash storms coming off Red Mountain. Good to know even the Mother of Blades can be wrong.
Veya's upset, and not just about her brother. She wanted to go with Naryu." - All right. I'll go talk to Veya.
- "One other thing. Naryu's job concerns House Redoran. That's why she didn't want Veya to accompany her on this one. Veya's grief-stricken, angry, and ready to lash out at anyone and anything. So keep your head low and try not to upset her."
- Sounds like you had some experience getting on Veya's bad side.
- "I have experience getting on a lot of people's bad sides. Women, especially, find me exasperating. Irresistible, but exasperating. It's a gift."
- Why does Veya want to go with Naryu?
- "Something about who Naryu's target is. Thinks the target may know something about what happened to her brother.
Look, I'm not even sure how Veya found out who Naryu's target is and I don't want to know. Just go and talk to her. Please."
- "Something about who Naryu's target is. Thinks the target may know something about what happened to her brother.
- Any advice on how I should approach Veya?
- "Carefully and with your hands empty and clearly visible.
She's in the safe-house beneath Balmora. Or at least that's where I left her. But I didn't lock the door, so I suppose she could be anywhere by now. I suggest you hurry and get down there."
- "Carefully and with your hands empty and clearly visible.
Family ReunionEdit
Back at the hideout (Save Veya):
- Ashur: "How many times have I told you not to stick your blade in your apprentices, Naryu? She'll live, but she can't stay here. Not after what she's done."
- Naryu Virian: "I've got that covered. Veya won't be staying in Vvardenfell."
- "This goes against every protocol, but I couldn't let poor Veya bleed to death.
I patched all the holes you people put in her and she should recover, given time."
Northern ElsweyrEdit
Descendant of the PotentateEdit
As you approach the village, you'll hear Ashur talking to himself, "Perhaps a direct approach would be the best?"
- Why do you ask?
- "I'm investigating a rumor about the town's leader, Magnate Feina-Darak. Word has it that she's a descendant of the Akaviri Potentate.
A rather curious rumor, given that the Potentate's bloodline should have been wiped out over a century ago." - And why are you investigating this rumor?
- "It's a personal matter, pertaining to my grandfather's legacy. Painful as it is to say, my family's reputation depends on proving this rumor false.
You wouldn't happen to be looking for work, would you? I could use a lending hand." - I can help you investigate this rumor.
- "Why don't you begin by speaking to the lady in question? The magnate should be in the town square. Strike up a conversation and see what she reveals.
In the meantime, I'll begin my own investigation. See what I can dig up."
You can then ask him some questions about the town and its people's history:
- Can you tell me more about the town of Hakoshae?
- "Hakoshae was built after the fall of the Akaviri Potentate. It's been, let's see now … a little over a hundred years now? Yes, right around that.
The town was founded by the Akaviri refugees who fled during that time."- Tell me more about the Akaviri.
- "The Akaviri come from the land of Akavir, a continent east of Tamriel. They first invaded Tamriel in the First Era, but were ultimately convinced to join the Empire.
Hakoshae is populated by their descendants."- And you said the Akaviri who founded Hakoshae were refugees?
- "Yes. The Akaviri took the fall of the Potentate as a rather obvious sign that they were no longer welcomed in Cyrodiil. Many of them fled to Elsweyr.
Hakoshae is but one of the settlements that was founded."- So the people of Hakoshae are all Akaviri?
- "I suppose that's a matter of perspective. After all, generations of Imperial marriages have considerably thinned the bloodline.
Still, Hakoshae does strive to maintain Akaviri culture and customs, starting with the town's rather distinct name."
- What exactly is the Akaviri Potentate?
- "Potentate Versidue-Shaie began his political career as advisor to Emperor Reman III. When the emperor was assassinated, the potentate stepped up as Cyrodiil's leader.
Very fortunate for Versidue-Shaie, of course. He was emperor in all but name."- Did Versidue-Shaie plot the assassination?
- "So goes the rumors, though nothing was ever proven.
Unsurprisingly, an Akaviri on the Ruby Throne created conflict. The Potentate was eventually assassinated himself. A few decades later, his heir was similarly slain."- Who assassinated them?
- "The Morag Tong, of course. Who else would be so competent?
Following the death of Potentate Savirien-Chorak and his heirs, a large number of Akaviri and their followers left Cyrodiil. Many wound up here, in Elsweyr."
- I'd like to hear more about your grandfather's legacy.
- "As an agent of the Morag Tong, my grandfather had the honor of executing the last remaining heir of the Akaviri Potentate.
But here's the tricky bit; my grandfather and the heir both disappeared during the attempt. The Morag Tong presumed them dead."- But now you have reason to think otherwise?
- "If Magnate Feina-Darak truly is the descendant of the Potentate, it proves without a shadow of a doubt that my grandfather failed. And such failure would be a grave dishonor to my family name.
That's why I'm keen to prove this rumor false."
- How have things been, Ashur? (If you have met previously in Vvardenfell)
- "While I would just love to give you all the torrid details of my last few writs, I'm afraid that secrecy comes with the job description. Suffice it to say, I've kept myself busy."
- Do you often visit Elsweyr?
- "Decided to come for a bit of sightseeing. After all, I heard Hakoshae is lovely this time of year."
- And you don't happen to have a writ, do you?
- "Perhaps. After all, the Morag Tong does like to keep me busy.
But right now, what I need to do is gather information. Prove yourself useful, and I may be willing to share some further details."
- Any ideas about what Naryu is up to lately?
- "Oh, you know her. Probably up to the usual; a little wine, a little murder.
Honestly, I generally find it in my best interest to not know exact details . [sic] Especially after all that trouble we went through in Balmora."
- "Oh, you know her. Probably up to the usual; a little wine, a little murder.
After visiting the village and participating in the trials, Ashur will appear and ask:
- Ashur: "Enjoying the festival, are we?"
He will want to know if you learnt anything about the Magnate:
- "I'm sure you've heard a great deal about Akaviri culture today. But tell me, did you learn anything about the magnate herself?"
- Her family has led Hakoshae since its founding. She's well-respected and scholarly. Does that help?
- "Hmm. Everything you've learned seems to support the rumor. A descendant of the Potentate would certainly be given such privileges.
However, my investigation calls for more concrete proof. A document would be best." - Where would we find such a document?
- "I've made some inquiries of my own. It seems that Magnate Feina-Darak has quite a few records in the cellar of her home.
We'll need to break in and search her documents." - And how do you propose that we break in?
- "We need a key, and I'm positive the captain of the guard carries one. If you would do me the kindness of chatting him up for a bit, I'll do my best to obtain the key.
Should all go well, we'll be in and out before anyone notices."
- All right. I'll distract the guard.
- "Very well. Let's get moving, then."
After you have successfully distracted the guard, you can meet Ashur near the cellar entrance.
- Ashur: "Glad you could make it. Quickly now, let's head inside."
- "Well? Head on in, before anyone notices."
Inside the cellar you'll see a doorway barred by magic.
- Ashur: "Well, that's certainly odd. There must be something here to take down that barrier."
- "I've generally found that most doors have a way to be opened, magical barriers not excluded. Let's have a look around and see if there's some way to take it down."
Gather the tablets and read the Tale of the Elements and Ashur will point out:
- Ashur: "Hmm. I'm willing to bet those tablets would fit rather nicely into these sockets on the floor."
Misplace the tiles and he'll say:
- Ashur: "Well, that certainly wasn't right. Care to try again?"
Do it correctly and he'll say:
- Ashur: "Looks like that did it. Let's head in."
Inside the History Vault, he'll comment:
- Ashur: "The magnate left a letter on her desk. Interesting, don't you think?"
After you read the letter, it seems to confirm her as a descendant of the Potentate:
- Ashur: "Seems this letter confirms that the magnate is descended from the Potentate. What a pity."
The Magnate will enter and demand you and Ashur leave, but before any action can be taken an Akaviri Spirit whisks the Magnate away:
- Magnate Feina-Darak: "Just what are you two doing here? Get out at once!"
- <Ashur draws his dagger.>
- Avaviri Spirit: "Traitor! How dare you claim to be of my blood?"
- Magnate Feina-Darak: "What? What's happening? Please, no!"
- <The Magnate is dragged in a portal.>
- Ashur: "Oh, fetch it all."
You can then talk with Ashur about what just happened:
- "Well, it seems we've confirmed that Feina-Darak is a descendant of the Potentate. Just in time for her to be whisked away by some vengeful spirit.
Just my luck." - Why would a spirit abduct the magnate?
- "Isn't that part of the Akaviri's beliefs? Disrespect your ancestors, and they'll have their revenge. And, given the spirit's armor, he was definitely Akaviri.
Hmm. Makes me wonder what the magnate did to deserve such a fate?" - So you believe that spirit is one of Magnate Feina-Darak's ancestors?
- "I'm not sure, but it's as good a guess as any.
Given the turn of events, we'd best go after them. Perhaps the local tombs? If I know ghosts, they don't often wander far from their graves." - Given the turn of events? What do you mean by that?
- "Some Akaviri is so upset with the magnate that he's returned from the dead. And if I'm to see this investigation through to the end, I need to learn why.
Lets head to the tombs. It's just east of the town square, can't miss it." - All right, let's head to Hakoshae's tombs.
You can then confirm that this is official Morag Tong business:
- "At least we have somewhere to search. Not much, but I'll take it."
- Are you working under the orders of the Morag Tong?
- "Clever. No wonder Naryu likes you so much.
I will say that it is in the Morag Tong's interest that this matter be settled. We take great pride in the fall of the Akaviri Potentate. Best not to have that history tarnished." - But there's no way the magnate could take over Cyrodiil now.
- "That's not the Morag Tong's concern, now is it?
My investigation is still ongoing, however. Speaking of my investigation, shouldn't we be going? Who knows what sort of misery the magnate is going through as we dither on."
Meet Ashur outside the tombs and he'll remark, "Glad you could make it."
Inside, he'll say, "I see them, just up ahead!" just as the spirit and Magnate disappear in a portal again, with the spirit seemly recognizing him:
- "This disappearing act is getting very old very fast."
- That Akaviri spirit seemed to recognize you. Any idea why?
- "He seems to think that I was the mer who assassinated him.
Could be a simple case of mistaken identity. After all, my mother always did tell me I bear a striking resemblance to my grandfather, Methas Daram." - So your grandfather assassinated the Akaviri we're chasing?
- "As a member of the Morag Tong, my grandfather executed a great number of people. But given the location, and the armor the spirit wears ….
Let's move ahead. I have a feeling we'll get our answers soon enough." - All right, let's move ahead.
- "Keep your wits about you. After all, you're no use to this investigation dead."
After you speak with him, you will split up:
- Ashur: "Best if we split up and go our separate ways."
Once you deal with the Shade of the Founder and enter the Founder Chamber, the spirit will deign to talk to you. Nearby the Magnate will be restrained:
- Ashur: "Proconsul Beloren-Kaie, I presume?"
- Proconsul Beloren-Kaie: "Very good, assassin scum. You and your companion have been most insistent. Come, let us speak."
Once you've convinced the Magnate to tell the truth about her ancestry, Ashur will tell you:
- Ashur: "Well, seems like it's time to get going, then. I'll meet you in the town square."
After leaving the tombs, you will find him in the town square, watching Feina-Darak and the gathered crowd:
- "It seems my investigation has come to an end. The rumor was false, my family name is cleared, and no one even needed to be executed.
A happy ending all around, wouldn't you say?" - Someone was going to be executed?
- "The Morag Tong isn't one to leave loose threads, even one that's been dangling for over a century. Luckily for Feina-Darak, my grandfather was able to complete his writ.
Here, a reward for services rendered."
Ashur will decide to stay to watch the announcement and you can take the opportunity to ask him some questions before leaving:
- "Now, despite our daring rescue, I'm certain the magnate doesn't want a member of the Morag Tong hanging about. Though it does look like she's about to make her big announcement, doesn't it?
Well, perhaps I'll stick around long enough to watch."- Tell me about the Morag Tong.
- "The Morag Tong is an organization of assassins. Agents are assigned Writs of Execution, perform said executions, and then go along their merry way.
That's the long and short of it, in any case."- Like the Dark Brotherhood?
- "I'd ask you not to compare us to those lunatics. Our practices, morbid as they may seem, are perfectly legal and keeping with Dark Elf traditions.
I kill only who I am sanctioned to kill."
- Were you really going to kill Magnate Feina-Darak?
- "If I had to. My preference was always to prove this rumor false, of course.
Still, a writ is a writ. If my grandfather failed to do his duty, then I would have done it for him. Simple."- But you grandfather's writ was for Proconsul Beloren-Kaie, not Feina-Darak.
- "My grandfather was following a writ which called for the death of Potentate Savirien-Chorak and all his heirs. Had Feina-Darak been a descendant of the proconsul, her execution would also fall under this writ. Naturally."
- That seems like a technicality.
- "I'll let the Morag Tong know your feelings, soon as I'm back in Morrowind. I'm sure they're just dying to hear your opinion."
The Heir of AnequinaEdit
If you helped him in Hakoshae, he can be found in the Rimmen Palace, attending the coronation:
- "Last time I was in Rimmen Palace, it was on … business.
Well, it certainly seems you've sought out bigger game since our time in Hakoshae. A Dragon, I believe? Or several, if the stories I've heard are true." - The stories are true.
- "You'll have to excuse me if I don't trust you to get rid of all the beasts. The sooner I'm back in Morrowind, the better.
I don't say this often, but it would be best to stay on your guard." - Is that a threat?
- "Not this time. I just doubt this Dragon business has been entirely dealt with. Best to be prepared for what lies ahead.
Besides, it would be awful if you wound up dead. You were marginally helpful, after all."
The Traitor's TradeEdit
Approaching him outside of Camonnaruh:
- "Why are all the writs for heavily guarded fetchers?"
Speaking to him:
- What would I be a distraction for?
- "The punishment of Luaffyn Romavel. She convinced those Camonna Tong scoundrels to take Argonian soldiers hostage and force the Ebonheart Pact to pay a large sum for their release. I'm here to ensure that her plan fails and she never hatches another."
- What do you want me to do?
- "You're a distraction and a secondary measure. We cannot let either Luaffyn or the soldiers remain in their current positions. Free the soldiers and do something to draw out Luaffyn. Sound an alarm, make noise, but leave the kill to me."
- All right, I'll free the Argonians and help you kill Luaffyn Romavel.
After you agree to help, you can ask Ashur some questions:
- "With you providing a distraction, this writ just got significantly easier. Camonnaruhn is just ahead. Are you ready to see what traitorous cretins like Luaffyn Romavel and the Camonna Tong can do?"
- Tell me more about Luaffyn Romavel.
- "Well, aren't you demanding.
She's an enterprising member of the Camonna Tong—a group of Dark Elf lowlifes. They believe in a lot of nonsense: the competitiveness of their smuggling prices, Dark Elf superiority … the security of Camonnaruhn." - If the Camonna Tong is keeping the soldiers hostage, why does your writ focus on one Dark Elf?
- "It was her idea to capture the soldiers and threaten the entire Ebonheart Pact. Of course she's the one I've been contracted to kill."
- How does this threaten the Ebonheart Pact?
- "Think about it. How would you react if one of your allies held your soldiers hostage?
That's why I incorporated releasing the prisoners into my plan. Is it a little more work? Yes. But in this instance, it's worth the effort."
- "Think about it. How would you react if one of your allies held your soldiers hostage?
- "Well, aren't you demanding.
- What is this place? / What is Camonnaruhn?
- "You mean you don't know? Why come out here then? Very well, it's a smuggler's den of the usual unsavory dreck. Are you familiar with the Camonna Tong?"
- No.
- "They're criminals who hold on to … archaic ideals. It's no coincidence they devised a plan to capture Argonians. Dark Elves have a sordid history with certain races and the Camonna Tong find pride where others see vile history."
- So the Camonna Tong are xenophobic.
- "Quick to the draw, aren't you? They have foolishly short memories if they think the old ways were best."
- Yes.
- "Then you shouldn't be surprised that they took Argonians captive.
Captives aside, I expected this writ a while ago. It feels almost like the Great Houses were waiting for an excuse to send one of us here to Camonnaruhn." - Do you know where they're keeping the soldiers?
- "All I've been able to gather is that the prisoners are separated and probably in different buildings around Camonnaruhn. They may even be guarded. Try to make as much noise as possible. You are creating a diversion after all."
- "Then you shouldn't be surprised that they took Argonians captive.
If you've never met him before, you can ask him who he is:
- Who exactly are you?
- "All you need to know is that I'm an agent of the Morag Tong."
- What are the Morag Tong? / Who even are the Morag Tong?
- "You see the blades, do you not? I grant the fool unfortunate enough to become my target the long sleep.
And before you ask, the Morag Tong aren't affiliated with the Camonna Tong." - So you only kill your target?
- "No reason to wet my blade with the blood of the unworthy. And I don't kill for money or superstitions like the Dark Brotherhood. Writs are issued to us by the Grandmaster and sanctioned by the Great Houses."
- So, this is legal?
- "Of course. It's a means of keeping the Houses in check, if you will. The existence of the Morag Tong ensures peace is maintained. A writ is sanctioned and we act. We do not get to choose. So the Grandmaster decrees, so it will be done."
- "You see the blades, do you not? I grant the fool unfortunate enough to become my target the long sleep.
- If you're one of the Morag Tong, why do you need my help?
- "This writ bores me. I'm used to sneaking through entire armies or into well-guarded houses. Thugs pose no threats.
With you in the mix this writ could be interesting."
- "This writ bores me. I'm used to sneaking through entire armies or into well-guarded houses. Thugs pose no threats.
- I met another Morag Tong on the Telvanni Peninsula. (only appears if you've accepted Tracing Shadows)
- "There are quite a few of us.
You likely encountered our prickly Madam Virian. I hope she wasn't drunk, she has a fondness for the wine within Necrom in particular."
- "There are quite a few of us.
If you've met him before during the Balmora questline [verification needed — at what stage is the trigger?] or [verification needed — completed? or just accepted] Descendant of the Potentate , you can greet him with some familiarity and discuss your past adventures:
- I didn't expect to see you out here, Ashur.
- "Surprised are you? Do you expect to find me in random places? I'm flattered, truly.
Or, were you looking for me? It would be your turn to play the messenger." - No, I don't have a message for you.
- "Ah, both here of our own volition. Good. I'd hate to have someone else's whims meddling in this affair.
I suppose since we are catching up, have you had more dealings with Naryu or are you here for yet another of your heroic deeds?" - I haven't seen Naryu since Balmora.
- "I have evidence to suggest that Naryu's in the area. I received a strongly worded note by way of some smitten fool warning me to stay out of one particular city at a certain time."
- How do you know that the note's from Naryu?
- "I've studied her movements and manners enough to be familiar with her handwriting. And we collaborated on a few writs, you remember."
- Do you know what she's working on?
- "Of course, but I'm not about to tell you. If you find her, it'll be without my betraying the Morag Tong. Her work is protected by secrecy. I'm refraining from shadowing her and studying her methods."
- I saw Naryu on the Telvanni Peninsula. / I saw Naryu recently.
- "I was right, she is here. I suspected as much. Her presence causes quite the stir, I've grown accustomed to sensing when we're sent to the same area.
Do you know of her writ? Does it sound more impressive than mine?" - I'm not sure about importance, but her business was at Ald Isra.
- "With the Telvanni Council? Well that certainly sounds … interesting. If I had the time, I might have gone to see what her methods would be there. But, it's better that I left her alone. Dealing with the Great Houses puts her in a sour mood."
- "I was right, she is here. I suspected as much. Her presence causes quite the stir, I've grown accustomed to sensing when we're sent to the same area.
- "Ah, both here of our own volition. Good. I'd hate to have someone else's whims meddling in this affair.
- What happened after Hakoshae?
- "Last I heard Magnate Feina-Darak was still in charge of that little town. I suppose she figured out how to lead without relying on her family's lie.
If more people were like her, then I'd have less work."
- "Last I heard Magnate Feina-Darak was still in charge of that little town. I suppose she figured out how to lead without relying on her family's lie.
- How are things in Balmora?
- "I do what I can to avoid stepping into Vvardenfell these days. That business with Veya really mucked things up. Not that I had anything to do with that. Have you since met up with Naryu?"
- I haven't seen Naryu since Balmora.
- I saw Naryu on the Telvanni Peninsula.
- "Surprised are you? Do you expect to find me in random places? I'm flattered, truly.
As you leave, he will add one last comment:
- Ashur: "Remember, you're my distraction, make a commotion in there."
You can enter and locate the three Argonian prisoners and free them. When you reach the gong in the western corner of the delve, Ashur will appear out of stealth:
- Ashur: "Where is that s'wit? Doesn't she know how inconvenient this is?"
- <Notices the gong.>
- Ashur: "Where is it …? Oh, there. That gong. Ring it."
- Ashur: "She has to come see why it sounded. Ring it and I'll introduce Luaffyn to my blades."
You can now ring the alarm gong, and Luaffyn will walk down the stairs and on to the walkway above you:.
- Luaffyn Romavel: "Intruders? What's going on here—"
- <Ashur appears behind her and stab her in the back.>
- Ashur: "Finally. I'll meet you outside. Free the prisoners if you haven't already."
If you have not already freed the three prisoners, you can complete that now and exit Camonnaruhn. You will find Ashur and Sergeant Gah-Malz exchanging angry words:
- Sergeant Gah-Malz: Captured by a Dark Elf then freed by one. Do you think I'm just going to ignore—
- Ashur: "I don't care what you do, as long as you don't mention my part in it."
Speak with Ashur to complete the quest:
- "I don't know how that sergeant knew about my involvement. I hoped having you free them would rid me of this inconvenience.
Still, despite this unfortunate turn of events, I ended Luaffyn and you followed directions well." - I thought you needed me to free them to cause a distraction?
- "Why can't both be true? I told you what you needed to know. But yes, I hoped the soldiers would know only your face.
Still, I promised you a reward. Take it. We should part ways before we attract any more unwanted attention."
Speaking with him after completing the quest:
- "Now, it's off to Necrom for me. Don't be offended, but I hope I don't see you there. Not for a writ anyway."
- What are you going to do in Necrom?
- "You know which organization I belong to and what I do for them. Surely the answer to your question is obvious.
I don't know the specifics yet, but I'll find more details once I'm there." - What about the Argonian soldiers?
- "Now why in Oblivion are you worried about them? They're soldiers. They know how to fend for themselves and how to find their commanders. I'm sure they'll be fine."
- Why did you ask them not to mention your involvement?
- "We did our part and freed them from the Camonna Tong's grasp. The root of the problem has been solved. If they talk about either of us, then this nuisance may become a much larger mess. And as of right now, it's a mess that I do not have to clean."
Chronicle of FateEdit
Ashur will appear at the ceremony in Necrom Necropolis if you assist him earlier in Camonnaruhn:
- "Rubbing elbows with the elite of the Telvanni Peninsula? Don't get too important or I might wind up receiving a writ with your name on it one day."
- What are you doing here?
- "I'm not here on business, if that's what you're asking.
I don't get to see all these mages and pilgrims in my line of work. While I won't say that it's nice to be among them, it is a change from my usual routine." - I see Naryu's here, too. (Appears if Naryu is also attending)
- "I know. We meet up when we're in the same area. It gives us an opportunity to compare notes."
- Are you friends?
- "The Morag Tong aren't a small organization, but our work isolates us. And there are very few of our number that I find tolerable.
Naryu … is usually one of them."
- "The Morag Tong aren't a small organization, but our work isolates us. And there are very few of our number that I find tolerable.
- If you're not here on business, why are you here?
- "Well currently, I'm taking advantage of our host's hospitality.
Powerful figures rarely go to the effort of providing food and drink when I show up at their door."
- "Well currently, I'm taking advantage of our host's hospitality.
- So you're sightseeing?
- "I've wandered through the streets and marveled at the architecture, yes. Being welcomed into buildings of import and wealth is unusual for me.
Almost as strange as encountering a competent adventurer. No offense." - What will you do now?
- "Wait until I'm issued another writ. Keep my skills honed and do my best to avoid feeling aimless.
I think the grandmaster wanted me on hand in case the Telvanni couldn't deal with Master Shelreni's threat, but you handled that. Thanks. I guess."
- "Wait until I'm issued another writ. Keep my skills honed and do my best to avoid feeling aimless.
- "I've wandered through the streets and marveled at the architecture, yes. Being welcomed into buildings of import and wealth is unusual for me.
After helping Ashur with The Traitor's Trade and Naryu with Tracing Shadows, you'll find the two of them on the upper balcony at Mourner's Solace Inn talking about news around the provinces:
- Ashur: "Did you hear? Elam Drals got caught … again."
- Naryu Virian: "That man. For someone who thinks of himself as a professional, he's quite sloppy."
- Ashur: "He still prefers his staff. As if bludgeoning could ever compare to a blade."
- Naryu Virian: "Dark Brotherhood, indeed. Seems more like a bungle-hood if you ask me."
- Ashur: "<amused snickering>"
- Naryu Virian: "<amused snickering>"
About Veya:
- Ashur: "No new apprentice?"
- Naryu Virian: "Cruel, even for you. It was never that I needed one. She just seemed useful."
- Ashur: "What's useful to you is useful to the Morag Tong. Or are you through with the whole idea?"
- Naryu Virian: "I'm quite fine on my own. No need for a moppet to follow me around."
About the Morag Tong's Auditor:
- Ashur: "Still wearing those noisy boots? I see you haven't taken my advice."
- Naryu Virian: "These? You're mistaken. The Grandmaster himself gifted them to me. They're not for work."
- Ashur: "The Grandmaster's auditor still won't let me speak with him face to face."
- Naryu Virian: "A pity. Perhaps I can put in a good word for you the next time I visit him."
About Necrom:
- Naryu Virian: "Visit Necrom a lot, Ashur? You seem the sentimental type."
- Ashur: "Not since my first writ. The spirits of my victims fill the Necropolis and they can be quite nasty."
- Naryu Virian: "You consider the Necropolis to be a trophy case? That's rather unprofessional of you."
- Ashur: "You're just upset that you didn't think of it first."
About mercenaries in Necrom:
- Naryu Virian: "The Telvanni just can't control themselves. I've traveled to the Peninsula three times this year."
- Ashur: "Not just the Telvanni, the bandits and smugglers are getting out of hand too."
- Naryu Virian: "I've seen. A mercenary recently wandered up to me looking for work. As if I'd ever need help."
- Ashur: "The same happened to me. I completed my writ before they asked."
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- As an assassin in the Morag Tong, Ashur takes his work deathly seriously. Invite him to stay and you need never worry about uninvited visitors. After adding Ashur to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Ashur Furnishing |
Type | Houseguest |
Acquired From | (?) |
Price | (?) |
Availability | (?) - (?) |
Ashur is also an upcoming houseguest.
Houseguest DialogueEdit
- Ashur's title is "of the Quiet Blade".
- He is the author of Meet the Character - Naryu Virian.
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