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Online:Conservatory Furnishings/Plants

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Conservatory


The vibrant flora of Tamriel is practically teeming across the hills and plains.

In High Isle, the sunrise over the sunflower fields is particularly stunning.
Moon-Sugar cane plantations dot the landscape of Northern Elsweyr.
Cacti thrive in the deserts of the Alik'r.
Even color sprouts from the ash covered, scorched Deadlands.

Yet, none compare to the sentient plants of the Murkmire, where unsuspecting travelers may be electrified or gassed by the fronds underfoot.

Wherever you wander, be sure to look down and appreciate the life that is the world.


Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
  Alik'r Cactus (page) 000020002,000   This is a small house item.
  Alinor Potted Plant, Cypress (page) 00150150   This is a large house item.
  Alinor Potted Plant, Double Tiered (page) 0008080   Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Potted Plant, Double Tiered This is a standard house item.
  Alinor Potted Plant, Triple Tiered (page) 0008080   Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Potted Plant, Triple Tiered This is a standard house item.
  Alinor Potted Plant, Twin Saplings (page) 0008080   Crafting: Praxis: Alinor Potted Plant, Twin Saplings This is a standard house item.
  Apocrypha Plant, Crimson Succulent (page) 000030003,000   This is a standard house item.
  Apocrypha Plant, Ink-Grass (page) 00000150150  
Vendor: Murkholg
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
100px Apocrypha Plant, Papyrus Cluster (page) g Data]](?)  This is a standard house item.
  Cactus, Banded Lunar Multihued Trio (page) 000075007,500   This is a standard house item.
  Cactus, Banded Lunar Violet Trio (page) 00140140   This is a standard house item.
  Cactus, Bilberry (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Cactus, Golden Barrel (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Cactus, Golden Bulbs (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Cactus, Lemon Bulbs (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Cactus, Stocky Columnar (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Colovian Planter, Large (page) 0007070   Crafting: Praxis: Colovian Planter, Large This is a standard house item.
  Colovian Planter, Tall (page) 0007070   Crafting: Praxis: Colovian Planter, Tall This is a standard house item.
  Desert Grass, Patch (page) 00000150150  
This is a large house item.
  Desert Grass, Tall (page) 00000100100  
This is a standard house item.
  Druidic Planter, Sunflowers (page) 000045004,500  
This is a standard house item.
  Dwarven Potted Plant, Polished Vase (page) 00110110   Crafting: Diagram: Dwarven Potted Plant, Polished Vase This is a standard house item.
  Elsweyr Potted Plant, Cask Palm (page) 0003535   This is a standard house item.
  Fuchsia Hosta (page) 000020002,000   This is a standard house item.
  Grass, Foxtail Cluster (page) 0003030  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Cloth and Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a small house item.
  Leyawiin Potted Plant, Aspen Sapling (page) 0008585   Crafting: Praxis: Leyawiin Potted Plant, Aspen Sapling This is a standard house item.
  Moon-Sugar, Cluster (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Moon-Sugar, Row (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Necrom Planter, Hanging Round (page) 00110110   Crafting: Diagram: Necrom Planter, Hanging Round This is a small house item.
  Necrom Planter, Large (page) 00150150   Crafting: Blueprint: Necrom Planter, Large This is a standard house item.
  Necrom Planter, Small (page) 00100100   Crafting: Praxis: Necrom Planter, Small This is a standard house item.
  Necrom Planter, Tall (page) 00100100   Crafting: Praxis: Necrom Planter, Tall This is a standard house item.
  Plant Cluster, Azureblight Scaleleaf (page) 000030003,000   Reward for: Lair of Maarselok Vanquisher The malignancy within the Dragon Maarselok's domain caused plants to morph and shine with a blue light. Who would dare walk among the unsettling glow of these azureblight scaleleaf plants now?
  Plant Cluster, Bounteous Cardinal Flower (page) 0006565   This is a small house item.
  Plant Cluster, Cardinal Flower (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant Cluster, Haafingar Underbrush (page) 00000250250  
This is a large house item.
  Plant Cluster, Maroon Aloe (page) 00000300300  
Vendor: Nif
This is a small house item.
  Plant Cluster, Marsh Nigella (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plant Cluster, Marsh Saplings (page) 00000250250  
This is a small house item.
  Plant Cluster, Palmetto (page) 00000150150  
This is a large house item.
  Plant Cluster, Red Sister Ti (page) 0003535   This is a small house item.
  Plant Cluster, Spadeleaf (page) 00000350350  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant Cluster, Tenmar Dija (page) 00000300300  
This is a large house item.
  Plant Cluster, Wilted Hist Bulb (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Bitter Stalk (page) 0003030  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Cloth and Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a tiny house item.
  Plant, Blooming White Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Bramblebrush (page) 00000250250  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Canna Leaves (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Canna Lily (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Cardinal Flower (page) 0004040   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Cask Palm (page) 0002020   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Cerulean Spadeleaf (page) 000010001,000   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Dendritic Hist Bulb (page) 00290290   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Desert Fan (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Dry Spike (page) 00000100100  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Emerald Heart Begonia (page) 0001010   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Flowering Thorned Succulent (page) 00000100100  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Flytrap (page) 000040004,000   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Forest Sprig (page) 0001010   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Galen Agave (page) 00000125125  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Galen Palm Cluster (page) 000020002,000   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Green Water (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Rohzika in Evermore
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Hanging Pitcher (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Harrada Root (page) 00000500500  
Vendor: Nif
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Healthy Sage (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Krrztrrb in Belkarth
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Healthy White Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Hefty Elkhorn (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Hist Bulb (page) 00260260   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Hynvik (page) 00110110   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
  Plant, Large Inert Lantern Flower (page) 00110110   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Lava Brier (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Lava Leaf (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Leafy Sprouts (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Luminous Lantern Flower (page) 00410410   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Marsh Aloe (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Marsh Aloe Pod (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Marsh Mani Flower (page) 00110110   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Marsh Nigella (page) 0003535   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Marsh Palm (page) 00000350350  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Marshfrond (page) 00000400400  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Moorstalk Hive (page) 000012501,250  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Murkmire Snakevine (page) 000070007,000   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Paired Verdant Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Paired White Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Palm Fronds (page) 0001010   This is a large house item.
  Plant, Pearlwort (page) 0003030   This is a tiny house item.
  Plant, Pixas (page) 00110110   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Purple Spadeleaf (page) 00000300300  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Rafflesia (page) 0006060   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Red Aloe (page) 00000250250  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Red Aloe Succulent (page) 00000250250  
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Red Sister Ti (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Redtop Grass (page) 0003030  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Alchemy Node in Summerset
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Rosetted Sundew (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Scarlet Fleshfrond (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Sea Grapes (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Spore Pod (page) 00000450450   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Squat Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Squat Yucca (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Rohzika in Evermore
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Star Blossom (page) 0005555   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Strong Sage (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Krrztrrb in Belkarth
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Summer Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Tall Desert Fan (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Tall Mammoth Ear (page) 0001010   This is a large house item.
  Plant, Thorny Swamp Lily (page) 00000400400  
This is a tiny house item.
  Plant, Towering Jungle Leaf (page) 00000100100  
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
  Plant, Towering Mammoth Ear (page) 0001010   This is a large house item.
  Plant, Tropical Bush (page) 00000100100  
This is a large house item.
  Plant, Verdant Hosta (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plant, White Flowered Lily Pads (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plant, Wilted Hist Bulb (page) 0004040   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Young Elkhorn (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Young Marshfrond (page) 00000250250  
This is a small house item.
  Plant, Young Summer Hosta (page) 0001010   This is a small house item.
  Plant, Young Verdant Hosta (page) 0001010   This is a small house item.
  Plants, Amber Spadeleaf Cluster (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Ash Frond (page) 0003030  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a small house item.
  Plants, Cerulean Spadeleaf Cluster (page) 000025002,500   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Glasswort Patch (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Gnisis Pitcher Cluster (page) 00000450450   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Guar Cabbage Cluster (page) 000020002,000  
Vendor: Murkholg in Necrom
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
  Plants, Hanging Pitcher Cluster (page) 0007070   This is a small house item.
  Plants, Hanging Pitcher Pair (page) 0007070  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a small house item.
  Plants, Lava Pitcher Cluster (page) 0003030  
Vendor: Housing Editor
Harvesting: Cloth and Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a small house item.
  Plants, Lava Pitcher Patch (page) 000015001,500  
Vendor: Murkholg in Necrom
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a small house item.
  Plants, Lava Pitcher Shoots (page)
Harvesting: Cloth and Alchemy nodes in Vvardenfell.
This is a tiny house item.
  Plants, Pearlwort Cluster (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plants, Redtop Grass Tuft (page) 0003030   This is a large house item.
  Plants, Ruby Glasswort Patch (page) 0007070   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Scarlet Sawleaf (page) 0003030   This is a standard house item.
  Plants, Springwheeze (page) 0003030   This is a small house item.
  Plants, Yellow Frond Cluster (page) 0003030   This is a large house item.
  Pumpkin Patch, Display (page) 0006060   This is a standard house item.
  Sapling, Dawnwood Growth (page) 000040004,000  
Vendor: Gathareth in Skingrad
Reward for: Gold Road Partaker The greenery of the Dawnwood may grow quickly, but it still goes through all the normal phases of plant life, as evidenced by this sapling.
  Scuttlebloom (page)
Looting: 'Harvesting' Scuttleblooms in Murkmire
Caught in the wild. This friendly scuttlebloom no longer panics when approached.
  Swamp Anemone (page) 0001500015,000   Reward for: Deshaan Adventurer A living trophy and constant reminder of the lush fungal foliage of Deshaan.
  Telvanni Planter, Fungal (page) 0008080   Crafting: Design: Telvanni Planter, Fungal This is a small house item.
  Timid Vine-Tongue (page) 0004000040,000  
Vendor: Harnwulf in Lilmoth
Reward for: Vine-Tongue Traveler Unlike its vicious cousin, the strangler, this peculiar specimen seems content to simply drink water and bask in the sun. Of course, accidents do happen ….
  Vvardenfell Anemone, Basket (page) 000035003,500   This is a small house item.
  Wedding Planter, Octagonal (page) 0002000020,000   This is a standard house item.
  White Hosta (page) 000030003,000   This is a small house item.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.