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Online:Crown Crates/Unknown

< Elder Scrolls Online: Crown Crates

These items were datamined from the game as possible Crown Crate rewards, but have not yet been featured in any Crown Crate seasons.

Note that many of these items are or were at one time available through other means - they just haven't been featured in Crown Crates.



    Atmoran Snow Ursauk
    Badger Bear
    Dragonscale Draugr Bear
    Druid-Bound Ursauk
    Harrowstorm Bear
    Inkfur Ursauk
    Shoal Bear
  • Big CatsEdit

    Ashbone Sabre Cat
    Bloodroot Wild Hunt Senche
    Celestial Lynx
    Cyan Dwarven Senche
    Falkreath Riding-Lynx
    Manelord Nightmare Senche
    Meridian Sabre Cat
    Midnight Cantor Senche-Raht
    Nighthaunt Gloomspore Senche
    Nightmare Senche
    Noble Riverhold
    Sagacious Psijic Senche-raht
    Sagacious Psijic Senche
    Shadowghost Senche
    Umbral Striped Senche-raht
    Vale Sabre Cat Growler
    Whispering-Claw Senche-raht
  • Dwarven SpidersEdit

    Dwarven Spider
    Duo-Dynamo Argent Spider
    Duo-Dynamo Dwarven Spider
    Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider
  • ElkEdit

    Dawnwood Indrik
    Falinesti's Faithful Totem Elk
    Faunfrolic Great Elk
    Great Dark Stag
    Hailcinder Vale Elk
    Hollowjack Indrik
    Luminous Indrik
    Pineblossom Vale Elk
    Seaghost Pillion Moose
    Snowdrift Vale Elk
    Spiritwalker Pillion Elk
  • GoatsEdit

    Clawhorn Mountain Goat
    Eldersblood Peak Ram
    Great Dark Ram
    Oaken Order Mountain Goat
    Riften Coalhorn Ram
    Windhelm Cliff Ram
    Yorgrim River Ram
  • GuarEdit

    Antecedent Scholar's Guar
    Bal Foyen Circus Guar
    Lavender Guar
    Turquoise War Pangrit
  • HorsesEdit

    Alliance War Horse
    Ashen Fang Lair Courser
    Auroran Warhorse
    Dwarven War Horse
    Egg Hunter's Horse
    Fang Lair Courser
    Grand Joust Destrier
    Grand Nibenese Stallion
    Grand Pillion Draft Horse
    Hew's Bane Pillion Palfrey
    Imperial War Horse
    Jade-Crown Dragonslayer Horse
    Jouster's Charger
    Legion Zero Charger
    Mara's Pledge Mare
    Masqued "Unicorn" Steed
    Sanguine Revelry Steed
    Shadowghost Horse
    Silver Dawn Argent Charger
    Skingrad Pillion Courser
    Symphony of Dawn Charger
    Treasure Hunter's Horse
    True Ghost Horse
    Vitrine Dwarven Horse
    Wasseek Horse-Lizard
    Wayrest Vanner Pillion Steed
    White-Gold Imperial Courser
    Whiterun Mountain Charger
    Winter Garland Dapple Gray
    Winterbloom Warmblood
    Wraithtide Horse
  • KagoutiEdit

    Cinderstone Kagouti
    Hearthfire Kagouti
    Kagouti Fabricant
    Spellscar Kagouti
  • Nix-OxenEdit

    Nix-Ox Fabricant Steed
    Nix-Ox War-Steed
    Rubyflare Torchnix
    Summer's Herald Torchnix
  • CaninesEdit

    Auroran Penumbra Wolf
    Autumn Messenger Fox
    Azuredoom Wrathsteed
    Black Drake Howler
    Blazeborn Wolf
    Bleakrock Snowdog
    Brimstone Death Hound
    Buraniim Isle Ornaug
    Dreadsail Howler
    Dremnaken Wrathsteed
    Flint-Pelt Fox
    Frostborn Durzog Mangler
    Gloam Wolf
    Gnisis Durzog
    Harpy's Bane Durzog
    Iron Orc Welwa
    Ja'zennji Siir Fox
    Meadowglass Wolf
    New Moon Fox
    Ossified Rime Wolf
    Packlord Nightmare Wolf
    Painted Wolf
    Shallowstalker Ornaug
    Shor's Fox
    Voideater Durzog
    Winterborn Wild Hunt Wolf
  • OtherEdit

    Ashmourning Vvardvark
    Baysong Quasigriff
    Black Heights Camel
    Hivethief Vvardvark
    Novelty Stick Dragon
    Novelty Stick Guar
    Novelty Stick Horse
    Pyrodraconic Camel-Lizard
    Reaper's End Quasigriff
    Verdant Tattoo Shorn Camel
  • PetsEdit

    Aquatic PetsEdit

    Appleback Salamander
    Barnacle-Back Coral Crab
    Iliac Bay Crab
    Spellscar Salamander
  • BearsEdit

    Flame Atronach Bear Cub
    Frostbane Bear
    Psijic Mascot Bear Cub
  • BirdsEdit

    Mara's Spring Chicken
  • CaninesEdit

    Alliance War Dog
    Companion's Wolf Pup
    Flame Atronach Pack Wolf
    Frostbane Wolf
    Gonfalon Sea Cur
    Great Daenian Hound
    Imperial War Mastiff
    Karth Winter Hound
    Karthwolf Shepherd
    Psijic Mascot Wolf Pup
    Skeletal Pack Wolf
    Volkihar Death Hound
    Windhelm Wolfhound
  • ConstructsEdit

    Carnelian Theodolite
    Clockwork Skeevaton
    Steam-Driven Brassilisk
  • Creepy CrawliesEdit

    Blightlord's Skeever
    Firebelly Shalk
    Frisky Scrib
    Larval Yaghra
    Mournhold Packrat
  • Daedric PetsEdit

    Abyssal Bunny
    Albinoscript Fangtome
    Chaosball Cohort
    Jackdaw Daedrat
  • FelinesEdit

    Abecean Ratter Cat
    Big-Eared Ginger Kitten
    Flame Atronach
    Frostbane Sabre Cat
    Ironclad Senche-Serval Kitten
    Ja'khajiit Khamira
    Mage's Sentry Kitten
    Nightmare Senche Cub
    Prong-Eared Grimalkin
    Psijic Mascot Senche Cub
    Rustpelt Sabre Cat
    Sabre Leopard Cub
    Skeletal Senche-Leopard
  • Flying PetsEdit

    Amaranthine Pocket Watcher
    Ascadian Cliff Strider
    Ayrenn's Fledgling Gryphon
    Azure Fledgling Gryphon
    Bitter Coast Wasp
    Bright Moons Dragon Imp
    Fledgling Gryphon
    Galen Wisp
    Heartwood Dauber
    Small Bone Dragon
    Vashabar Petal Moth
    Vivec's Promise Butterfly
  • GoatsEdit

    Dragontail Goat
    Wrothgar Buck Goat
  • GuarEdit

    Atmoran Bantam Guar
    Deadlands Bantam Guar
    Flame Atronach Pony Guar
    Frostbane Pony Guar
    Half-Hatched Guarling
    Hot Pepper Bantam Guar
    Hot-Blooded Bantam Guar
    Pangrit Nymphling
    Psijic Mascot Guar Calf
    Salamandrine Pony Guar
    Skeletal Pony Guar
  • OtherEdit

    Pebble Pal


    Anchorborn Pony
    Dire Pony
    Flame Atronach
    Pocket Horse
    Frostbane Pony
    Nibenese Pony
    Psijic Mascot Pony
    Scruffy Skyrim Paint Pony
    White-Gold Imperial Pony
  • ReptilesEdit

    Guar-Lizard Calf
    Infernal Sep Adder
    Lizard Bear Cub
    Senche-Lizard Cub
  • Woodland CreaturesEdit

    Ambersheen Vale Fawn
    Ashbone Echalette
    Bristleneck War Boar
    Bruma Spotted Pig
    Clearspring Striped Fawn
    Destruction Dale Fawn
    Fawn Echalette
    High Rock Red Lemur
    Madcap Jester Monkey
    Nightrose Vale Fawn
    Pale Pass Mountain Hare
    Pink Pearl Pig
    Powderwhite Coney
    Regal Razorback
    Springtide Indrik
    Woodhearth Brown Rabbit
  • AppearanceEdit


    Alinor Twilight Dancing Dress
    Anchorwright Raiment
    Arena Gladiator
    Budi-Shirt and Galligaskins
    Claw Seer of Sithis
    Clockwork Tinker
    Crystal Tower
    Sapiarchs' Gown
    Cumberland Anniversary Attire
    Dark Passions Regalia
    Day of Release Roisterer
    Deepwoods Pod-Singer Tunic
    Egg-Sister Bias-Cut
    Casual Wear
    "Ever Auridon" Sateen Gown
    "Ever Damp" Reed-Fiber Kilt
    Fashion Witch Ensemble
    Frostbane Dragon Priest
    Gem Prospector
    Grim Harvester
    Holiday in Balmora Outfit
    Jakarn's Ensemble
    Jarl's Deluxe Moot Regalia
    Jarl's Justice Formal Frock
    Liespinner's Vestments
    Magnifica's Sundas Wear
    Mercymother's Attire
    New Moons Cross-Sash
    Night Mother's Evangelist
    Noble Clan-Chief
    Pact Mother Elite Ensemble
    Pellitine Tea-Fete Gown
    Priestess of Mara
    Rawhide-Laced Riften Jerkin
    Reeve's Formal Apparel
    Rimmen Fountain-Side Loungewear
    Sentinel Vest and Salvar
    Shrike's Nocturnal Frock
    Singing Skald
    Sisei Flowering Dress
    Solitude Stevedore's Jerkin
    Star-Made Wolfshead
    Subterrane Excavator
    Vampire Noble
    Vinedusk Vigilant
  • HatsEdit

    Alliance Rider Hood
    Arena Gladiator Helm
    Ass-Ears Jester Cap
    Bi-Color Coxcomb Cap
    Bull Antelope Tricorne
    Camlorn "Lucky Bouquet"
    Top Hat
    Camlorn Top Hat with Buckle
    Camlorn Top Hat
    with Shamrock
    Dibella's Doll Mask,
    Dibella's Doll Mask,
    Human / Elf
    Dwemerdelve Scavenger Helm
    Enigmatic Mood Mask
    Flame Atronach Face Visor
    Fool's Cap and Masque
    Forester's Hood with Berries
    Nightmare Daemon Mask,
    Nightmare Daemon Mask,
    Prize-Hunter's Patch
    Reveries Red Visage Mask
    Rootbrim Hat with Berries
    Winter Corsage Broadbrim
    Winter Garland Broadbrim
    Winter Wreath Broadbrim
  • PersonalitiesEdit

    Brassy Assassin
    Breton Hero
  • EmotesEdit

    Admire Me
    Apprentice's Flower Trick
    Ash Hopper Chomp
    Fingers Crossed
    Forbidden Dinner
    Get Out
    Iceblossom Summoning
    Muscle Flex
    Pyromancer's Quandry
    Ritual Casting
    Sit and Drink
    Tentacular Tome
    Trumpet Solo
    Uh … Never Mind
    Warm Hands
    Wash My Hands of This
  • PolymorphsEdit

    Armor of the Unfeathered
    Bloodroot Spriggan
    Dread Anka-Ra
    Glass Atronach
    Reaper's End Scarecrow Spectre
    Solstheimstone Incarnate
    Sylvan Spriggan
    Tidal Wave Incarnate
    Vampiric Soulrazer Knight
    Winterborn Spriggan
  • Major AdornmentsEdit

    Barred Feather Horns
    Covenant Lion Circlet
    Dominion Topaz Circlet
    Elder Dragon Hunter Coronal
    Goldenwing Circlet
    Horned Brow Plate
    Miscarcand Monocle
    Pact Dragonclaw Circlet
    Seastone Browplate
    Shaman's Bird-Bone Circlet
    Six-Spike Tail Trim
    Sporty Tail Tuft
    Star-Made Circlet
    Temple Spike Torc
  • SkinsEdit

    Ayleid Ruins Wildgrowth
    Azure Imp Epidermis
    Culanda-Born Skin
    Shivering Isles Anointment
    Spellscar Sheathe
  • Minor AdornmentsEdit

    Adventure-Ending Arrow
    Chaurus Egg Ear Studs
    Effigy Earrings of Saint Vorys
    Moon-and-Star Earrings
    Sabre Cat Ear Spike
  • Skill StylesEdit

    Summon Winged Twilight, Warrior
  • Style ParlorEdit

    Body MarkingsEdit

    Alliance Viper Pit Body Marking
    Automaton Body Tattoos
    Body Imprint of the
    Psijic Order
    Covenant Warrior
    Body Tattoos
    Dominion Warrior
    Body Tattoos
    Druidic Knotwork Body Tattoos
    Eldertide Body Ink
    Mirrorweb of Memories Body Art
    Pact Warrior Body Tattoos
    Scrawl of the Arcanist Tattoos
    Vortex Body Veil
    Xivilai Gleamwoe Linework Brand
  • Facial HairEdit

    Brigand's Beard
    Old Salt's Chin-Trinket
    Plum Color Eyeshadow
  • Hair StylesEdit

    Adorable Assassin
    Covenant Lizard-Plumes
    Covenant War-Locks
    Dominion Lizard-Locks
    Dominion War-Locks
    Draping Locks
    Fluttering Forehead Feathers
    Long Foregathered Mane
    Pact Lizard Battle Crest
    Pact Veteran's Battle Crest
    Ragged Royal Page Cut
    Sidelong Sweep
    The Casual Rascal
    The Standing Wave
  • Head MarkingsEdit

    Alliance Viper Pit Face Marking
    Anequine Oasis Eyes
    Automaton Face Tattoos
    Climbing Briar Face Tattoo
    Crimson Trickster Face Paint
    Druidic Knotwork Face Tattoos
    Eldertide Face Ink
    Enchanting Cherry Blossom Visage
    Face Imprint of the
    Psijic Order
    Mirrorweb of Memories Face Art
    Scrawl of the Arcanist Visage
    Xivilai Gleamwoe Linework Visage
  • CraftingEdit


    Crown Crafting Motif 121:
    Clan Dreamcarver Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 123:
    Kindred's Concord Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 31:
    Skinchanger Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 37:
    Ebony Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 49:
    Militant Ordinator Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 50:
    Telvanni Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 51:
    Hlaalu Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 52:
    Redoran Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 53:
    Tsaesci Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 54:
    Bloodforge Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 59:
    Scalecaller Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 61:
    Psijic Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 64:
    Pyandonean Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 71:
    Coldsnap Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 79:
    Refabricated Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 97:
    Wayward Guardian Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 110:
    Dreadsails Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 113:
    Steadfast Society Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 115:
    Y'ffre's Will Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 116:
    Drowned Mariner Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 117:
    Firesong Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 118:
    House Mornard Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 124:
    The Recollection Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 125:
    Blind Path Cultist Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 126:
    Shardborn Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 127:
    West Weald Legion Style
    Crown Crafting Motif 128:
    Lucent Sentinel Style
  • Research ScrollsEdit

    Instant All Research, Grand
    Instant Blacksmithing
    Research, Grand
    Instant Blacksmithing
    Research, Major
    Instant Blacksmithing
    Instant Clothing
    Research, Grand
    Instant Clothing
    Research, Major
    Instant Clothing Research
    Instant Woodworking
    Research, Grand
    Instant Woodworking
    Research, Major
    Instant Woodworking
  • Outfit StylesEdit

    Anvil of Zenithar Arms Pack
    Cadwell's Kitchen Style
  • Weapon StylesEdit

    Baandari Pedlar Shield
    Molten Demise Arms Pack
    Spear of Bitter Mercy
    Spellbreaker Shield
    Whispers of Sithis Battle Axe
    Whispers of Sithis Shield
    Whispers of Sithis Sword
  • HousingEdit


    Aetherial Well
    Apocryphal Tome
    Chronometer of the Tribunal
    Molag Bal Banner
    Necrom Garden
    Scribing Altar
    Target Deadlands Harvester, Trial
    Target Harrowing Reaper, Trial
    Target Serpent's Image, Trial
    Tree, Seasons of Y'ffre
  • HousesEdit

    Haven of the Five Companions
    Merryvine Estate
    Sword-Singer's Redoubt
  • HouseguestsEdit

    Captain Isara Davaux
    Clan Mother Tadali
    Crafty Lerisa
    Druid Ryvana
    Filbert Cienne
    Houseguests: Hildegard and Kor
    Imperial Legionary Larina
    Javinus Tirnendo
    Jester Anglidor
    Mel Adrys
    Mizzik Thunderboots
    Necrom Guard Miraso
    Rigurt the Brash
    Sister Gellenna
    Skordo the Knife
    Stefan Mornard
  • Music BoxesEdit

    Music Box: Bleak Beacon Shanty
    Music Box: Wonders of the Shoals
    Music Box, Dawnbreaker's Forging
    Music Box, Deeproot Dirge
    Music Box, Direnni's Swan
    Music Box, Gonfalon Galliard
    Music Box, High Isle Duel
    Music Box, Hinterlands
    Music Box, Mad God's Garden
    Music Box, Merry Mudcrab Melody
    Music Box, New Life Snow Symphony
    Music Box, Oath of the Keepers
    Music Box, Sands of the Alik'r
    Music Box, Songbird's Paradise
    Music Box, Steadfast Armistice
    Music Box, Unfathomable Knowledge
    Music Box, Witchmother's Bubbling Brew
    Music Box, Y'ffre in Every Leaf
  • PaintingsEdit

    Painting: Infinite Archive
    Painting: Oathsworn Pit
    Painting: Systres Archipelago
    Painting: Galen in Harmony
    Painting: Lucent Citadel
    Painting: Sanity's Edge
    Painting: The Endless Library
    Painting: The Gates of Brass
    Painting: The Stitches
  • StatuesEdit

    Daedric Statue, Sanguine
    Statue of Sai Sahan
    Statue, Mistress of Nightmares
    Statuette: Dancing Tojay
    Statuette: Imperial Warrior
    Statuette: Malacath, Furious One
    Statuette: Malacath, Orc-Father
    Statuette: Orc Warrior
    Statuette: Sanguine
    Statuette: Telvanni Magister
    Statue, Ancestor-King Auri-El
    Statue, Bendu Olo
    Statue, Kynareth's Blessings
    Statue, The Thirty-Fourth Sermon
    Statuette: Duchess Martinne
    Statuette: Kynareth of the Winds
    Statuette: Prince Hew
    Statuette: Steadfast Stendarr
    Statuette: Ascendant Lord
    Statuette: Auriel of Garlas Agea
    Statuette: Baron-Admiral Olo
    Statuette: Dwemer Guardian
    Statuette: Kaalgrontiid
    Statuette: Kaladas of Leyawiin
    Statuette: Mehrunes Dagon
    Statuette: Mora, Lord of Secrets
    Statuette: Peryite, Blightlord
    Statuette: Vivec's Triumph
  • StructuresEdit

    Jester's Festival Stage
  • Customized ActionsEdit



