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ON-icon-furnishing-Gas Blossom.png
Gas Blossom
Category Services (Traps)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Furnishings
Behavior Trap, Animated
This exotic plant sprays gas when approached, dealing Poison Damage to targets in the area.
Gas Blossom

The Gas Blossom is a hostile plant introduced with Murkmire. Stepping near one causes the bud to open, spewing Putrid Cloud which is in an AoE around the plant. Standing in it deals continuous minor poison damage over time (4 ticks in total), then the Gas Blossom is expended for a few seconds. You can incapacitate them for a minute by sneaking up to them and interacting with them while undetected.

Gas Blossoms appear in several other locations, including the swamps of Blackwood and The Sever. They also flourish in High Isle and Amenos, Galen and the Dawnwood of the West Weald.

A furnishing based on this plant can be obtained as a Legendary-level reward from the Xanmeer Crown Crates.


Release Notes

Update 20 (Murkmire - October 2018)

  • Released

See AlsoEdit
