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Giant Bat
(lore page)
Location Bone Orchard, Outside Breagha-Fin, Around Camp Tamrith, Castle Rilis, Cave of Broken Sails, Glister Vale's Bliss Realm, East of Firsthold, Grahtwood, Hoarvor Pit, Jode's Light, Northwest of Orc's Finger Ruins, Ossuary of Telacar, Saltspray Cave, Shadowfate Cavern, Southgard Tower, Temple of the Mourning Springs
Greymoor KeepGreymoor
West of Steadfast ManorHigh Isle
Species Giant Bat
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
Foul Hide, Poison Solvents, Magnificent Bat Pelt
Giant Bat

Giant Bats are large flying creatures found most often in forests, swamps or underground.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Giant Bats are considered flying creatures, and are thus immune to snares and roots.

A basic claw attack that deals low physical damage.
The giant bat screams at its target, indicated by a red cone in front of them, dealing moderate physical damage and fearing them. Blocking prevents the fear effect.
Draining Bite
The giant bat winds up before lunging forward to bite their target thrice. If successful, the giant bat regains a portion of the damage inflicted as health back. Blocking this attack sets the giant bat off-balance.

Unique Giant BatsEdit


Generic Giant BatsEdit

Generic, unnamed giant bats can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These giant bats have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of giant bats, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Condition Health
Cyrodiil Outside and inside Newt Cave 31,364 (NO-CP Campaigns)
42,677 (CP Campaigns)
Crow's Wood Dungeon occupants 31,364
Exarch's Stronghold
Southeastern room of the delve
Summoned by Ordooth the Corruptor
Skyreach Catacombs Summoned by the Blood King Spirit 119,725
Ilthag's Undertower Summoned by Ilthag Ironblood 13,200
