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Online:Systres Tomes and Scrolls

< Elder Scrolls Online: Books-Collections(Redirected from Online:High Isle Books)

Systres Tomes and Scrolls is a collection of 128 books found in High Isle that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
1. The Thrassian Plague
A plaque commemorating a series of events involving the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
2. Baron-Admiral Bendu Olo
A plaque commemorating a series of events involving the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
3. The All Flags Navy
A plaque commemorating a series of events involving the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
4. Instrument of Vengeance
A plaque commemorating a series of events involving the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
5. Construction of Monument Island
A plaque commemorating a series of events involving the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Generic 131.png
A Harrowing Sea Voyage
Brean Dufort A survivor's encounter with a creature of the deep
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
A History of Shipbuilding, Vol. 1 of 27
Edana Augier, Systres Historian A short essay examining the origins of Dufort Shipyards
ON-icon-book-Generic 141.png
A Hunter's Journey VI: Fauns
Viola Fulcinius, Professional Hunter A hunter's stories about the Fauns of High Isle
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
About Jhaka
  • Pulk, on a barrel near the entrance tunnel (post-quest) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 115.png
Adwig's Journal
Adwig Racicot The journal of a shipwrecked sailor
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
Amiviridil Arcanium
A book on magic written in a secret code
  • On a pedestal in the Arcane Library within the basement of Tor Draioch (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Aurelia's Letter
Aurelia Jourvel
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Balki's Instructions
Captain Eshmadin An employmer's instructions
ON-icon-book-Generic 225.png
Ballad of the All Flags Navy
A song about the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Banneret Jenine's Orders
The Ascendant Magus Instructions for a high level member of the Ascendant Order
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Burned Research Notes
The Ascendant Magus Remnants of notes concerning the use of earth-energies
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Captain Kaleen's Log
Captain Kaleen Captain's Log of voyage to High Isle
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Captain Tsuzo's Log
Captain Tsuzo
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Captain Za'ji's Log
Captain Za'ji
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
Captured by the Dreadsails
Sailor Lerisa Bruhl A sailor's account of being captured by Sea Elves
ON-icon-book-Generic 333.png
Commodore's Diary
Commodore Malfairre A commodore's plan to evade his pursuers using deep druid magic
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Coral's Revenge
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Courier Grenier's Note
Retainer Grenier
ON-icon-book-Generic 224.png
Debonaire's Captain Log
A ship captain's skeptical comments about their commodore
ON-icon-book-Generic 145.png
Dirge of the Stormy Seas
A sailor's song
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png
Dour Lady's Captain Log
A sea captain's concerns about their commodore's plans
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Dreadsails Communique
Commodore Taeron Orders for the captain of the Slithermist
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Duchess Elea's Investigation Notes
Duchess Elea Dufort Duchess Elea's notes for her investigation into the "bandit knights"
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Duties and Routine
Marcelle Stegine, Mistress of the Keys of House Dufort
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
Ecology of the Ornaug
Fronto Maecilius Notes about an aquatic predator of the western Abecean Sea
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Emerald Eye Mage's Journal
Emerald Eye Ice Mage The diary of an Emerald Eye member
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Evergrowth Restoration Ritual
A ritual with an egregious mistake
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Fair and Fresh Upon the Lea
Bard Adistair Virane A sonnet by Bard Adistair for Lady Layla Mirolli
ON-icon-book-Generic 225.png
Fera's Journal
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Ferone's Instructions
Captain Eshmadin
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
Finimi's Domicile
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png
Finimi's Spellbook
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Fleet Queen's Orders
Fleet Queen Taleria
  • Dreadsail Reef, on a round table to the left immediately after entering the Fleet Queen's Parlors (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Green Serpent Bounty
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png
Green Serpent Testimonials
Minerva Calo, Associate Chronicler A collection of stories from Amenos prisoners
  • On the coast near the western shipwrecks of Whalefall
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
Gwenengith's Journal
Gwenengith A banker's diary
ON-icon-book-Generic 551.png
Hadolid Researcher's Journal
A researcher records known information on Hadolids before attempting to make contact with them.
  • Breakwater Cave, in the far northeastern reaches of the cave, on the ground near a dead ram
ON-icon-book-Generic 125.png
Head Jailer's Journal
Head Jailer Charlemic
ON-icon-book-Closed 03.png
Head Jailer's Ledger
Head Jailer Charlemic A list of recent arrivals and their status
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
Healer Jenille's Note
Healer Jenille A healer's notes about her recent patient
ON-icon-book-Generic 522.png
History of House Dufort
Kaera Metrick, House Historian and Chronicler The history of High Isle's ruling house
ON-icon-book-Generic 145.png
History of House Mornard
Dorothea Errard The history of High Isle's former ruling house
In Memory of the Brave Souls
ON-icon-book-Generic 434.png
Investigator Vale and the Haunted Lighthouse
Investigator Vale investigates an old lighthouse
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Izbadd's Letter
  • Given by Ember at the beginning of the quest
  • After the quest is ended, can be found on one of the tables outside of the Anchor's Point Inn in Bangkorai (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
Journal of a Scorned Lover
  • Shipwreck Shoals, on the ground near a crate headed to the northeastern shipwreck
ON-icon-book-Generic 311.png
Kiv's Journal
Kiv Lindres
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
Kiv's Notes
Kiv Lindres
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Knight Ondrisse's Orders
The Ascendant Magus
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Knight Richel's Orders
The Ascendant Magus Order to take out two couriers
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Lashum's Report
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Letter from Aurelia Jourvel
Aurelia Jourvel
  • Given to you by Isobel Veloise at the beginning of the quest
  • Found in Castle Navire Library after the end of the quest (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter from Deesh-Jee
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Letter from Druid Laurel
Druid Laurel
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Letter from Julles Laurdon
Julles Laurdon
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Letter from Vetitia Marcott
Vetitia Marcott
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter to Dockmaster Arnauld
The Ascendant Magus An incriminating letter to the dockmaster of Gonfalon Bay
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Lighthouse Orders
The Ascendant Magus
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
Mad Baron Densil, Part the First
The legend of Baron Densil of House Dufort
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
Mad Baron Densil, Part the Second
The legend of Baron Densil of House Dufort
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
Mad Baron Densil, Part the Third
The legend of Baron Densil of House Dufort
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Magister Irin's Notes
Magister Irin
ON-icon-furnishing-Paper Stack 01.png
Master Healer Viralaine's Notes
Master Healer Viralaine
ON-icon-furnishing-Paper Stack 01.png
Mender Roslenn's Journal
Mender Roslenn
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Monument Inn
A plaque describing Monument Inn's relationship with the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Monument Lighthouse
A plaque describing Monument Lighthouse's relationship with the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Generic 221.png
Mysteries of the Eltheric Ammonite
Kaladiran, Arcane Naturalist An overview on Eltheric Ammonites
  • In the western area of The Firepot at the small body of water
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png
Noble Ranks and Titles
Hercian, Steward at Castle Navire A Systrean Guide to Rank and Title
ON-icon-book-Paper 02.png
Note to Cynric
Lady Joslin Garick
  • Garick's Rest
  • On stone fence next to the road leading to Garick's Rest (Post Quest) (map)
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Note to Nilsmon Booklover
ON-icon-book-Generic 542.png
Notes on Vulk'esh
  • In the very south of The Firepot by the small body of water
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Ode to the Nose of a Woman
Nilsmon Booklover A poem from Nilsmon to Aurelia
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Orders for the Recruits
Orders for some ill-fated recruits
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Page from Mender's Journal
Mender Roslenn
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Prepare Some Entertainment
Fleet Queen Taleria The Fleet Queen's orders for entertainment
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Prisoner Manifest
A list of prisoners held by the Ascendant Order
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Quit Overfeeding the Maw
Fleet Queen Taleria
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Report for the Head Jailer
Jailer Scribe Rola A report to the Head Jailer at the Amenos Stockade
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Rhadh's Instructions
Captain Eshmadin
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Rules of the Game
Jailer Tynan Mannick The rules for a dangerous game
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Sailing Orders
The Ascendant Magus Orders to attack
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
Sea Lore for Arcane Crafting
Rianara Aulamer An overview on Seastones used for the Arcane
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
Secrets of Amenos
Miramel Charascel, Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society A general overlook and history of the prison island
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
Silverslip's Journal
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
Sorrows of the Wind
Bastibien Marolles, Historian Legend of the spirit Windsorrow and Tor Draioch
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Sorti's Shanties in Progress
Sorticthel A Maormer sea shanty
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 1
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 2
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 3
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 4
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 5
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 6
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Systres History: Volume 7
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim A history of the Systres Archipelago
ON-icon-book-Generic 312.png
Systres Knightly Orders Vol 1
Edana Augier, Knight Chronicler List of the knightly orders of the Systres
ON-icon-book-Generic 151.png
Systres Knightly Orders Vol 2
Edana Augier, Knight Chronicler List of the knightly orders of the Systres
ON-icon-book-Generic 312.png
Tales of Tribute: Series One
The Founders A diary entry after the author was moved to Doomvault Vulpinaz
The All Flags Navy Started Here
A plaque immortalizing the first fourteen ships of the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
The Ascendant Magus's Commission
The Ascendant Magus The Ascendant Magus's orders for the attack on All Flags Islet
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
The Ascendant Proclamation
The manifesto of the Ascendant Order
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
The Battle of Meadow Fort
Kaera Metrick, House Historian and Chronicler From "The History of House Dufort"
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
The Broken Oath
Sir Nathain of the Order of Death's Valor The thoughts of a disenfranchised knight
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
The Colossus of Gonfalon Bay
Miramel Charascel, Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society History behind the construction of the Colossus of Gonfalon Bay
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
The Delicacies of High Isle
Bellona Calatorius A look at some of the cuisines of High Isle
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
The Glittering Sapphire Tourney
A poem about the Sapphire Tourney
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
The Mirrored Way
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
The Purities of Mania
The author's time on the Shivering Isles
  • Next to a pillar in Arcane Library within basement of Tor Draioch (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
The Sea Elf Threat
Hercian Stalo, Steward at Castle Navire A threat assessment of the Maormer in relation to High Isle
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
The Sea Stone
A plaque honoring a druidic contribution to the All Flags Navy
ON-icon-book-Generic 555.png
The Secret Origins of Tribute
Brunile Dufont, Games Scholar The outlined history and manufacturing of a popular card game
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png
The Society of the Steadfast
Phrastus of Elinhir An overview of the origins a philanthropic organization
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
The Trial of Constitution
A rubbing of a plaque
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
The Trial of Perseverance
A rubbing of a plaque
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png
The Trial of Wits
A rubbing of a plaque
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
Theories: Soulrazer Knights
Kaladiran, Arcane Naturalist A scholar's theories of the origins of Soulrazer Knights
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Tobin Moorcroft
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Transport Plans
The Ascendant Magus
ON-icon-book-Generic 551.png
Tribute Beginner's Guide
Master Razhamad, Game-Baron of Gonfalon Bay
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
Visitor's Guide to High Isle
Dame Emisse Fairwind A guide to High Isle and its environs
ON-icon-book-Generic 425.png
Visitor's Guide to Y'ffre's Cauldron
Bernardine Gelves, Associate Chancellor of Cultural Heritage History of Y'ffre's Cauldron
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png
Waterlogged Journal of Vanisande Maul
Vanisande Maul Remains of a captain's journal
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Work in Gonfalon Bay
Job advert for work on High Isle and Amenos
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
Wyrd and Druid
Archdruid Barnabe's Discourse with Mainlanders, 2E 553 The druidic origins of the Bretons, as told by a Stonelore archdruid