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Online:Song of Despair

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Song of Despair
ID 667
See Also Lore version
Collection Words of the Poets
Found in the following locations:
Song of Despair
by Anonymous
Song on the Daedric Princes

The memory of answers torn from fate

The destruction of all who cannot wait.

At dusk and dawn, the Rose Queen rules

While thieves of night still own the dark.

Green Dragon's breath pollutes cloud and pool

As silent spider spins webs that mark.

The broken oath and the traitor's plot,

The huntsman's horn and sharpened spear

Make wishes pacts that come to naught

When madness claims those who would appear.

Life stands death upon its head

As sweet lust joins in pools of blood.

Escape the curse with no tears to shed

As nightmares arrive all in a flood.

Disease and plague are no end of life

When mastered by the harvester of strife.