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Tamriel Rebuilt:Nivalis

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Cities & Towns(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Gidfryd)
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Sea of Ghosts

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • Nivalis


Guild Guide:

Nivalis from above

Nivalis is an Imperial settlement on the isle of Althoa, in the Sea of Ghosts. It is protected by strong walls, and the fortress of Icebreaker Keep to the east. As Icebreaker Keep was built in preparation for an anticipated Akaviri counterattack following Uriel V's invasion of Akavir, it seems unlikely that Nivalis predates the fortress, but instead sprang up to serve it. Icebreaker Keep itself is an Imperial Navy stronghold, commanded by Tibera Rone, and TEM Ghostrunner, a Navy vessel, is currently one of many docked at the settlement.

The town has a small trade store, a tavern named The Black Ogre Tavern, two blacksmiths, and even an outpost of the Mages Guild.

Getting There and AroundEdit

Thanks to the Mages Guild outpost, it is possible to use a guild guide to reach Nivalis from Firewatch or Helnim. A boat service runs from the docks, ferrying travelers between the settlement and Bahrammu, Bal Oyra, Dagon Fel and Firewatch. Roads link Nivalis with Bahrammu, to the southeast.

Places of Interest Around NivalisEdit

The Daedric ruin of Yamandalkal can be found along the coast a short way to the southeast, while to the east lies the shipwreck of a former Navy vessel, TEM Icerunner.

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Imperial LegionEdit

Mages GuildEdit


Thieves GuildEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Ageir   Nord Archer Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 8 100 72 90 30 Icebreaker Keep: Dock Tower
Ajahni   Khajiit Archer Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 13 209 122 90 30 Icebreaker Keep: Curtain Wall Trainer
Allia Aberus   Imperial Priest Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 11 82 108 100 20 Icebreaker Keep
Ardala   Wood Elf Sailor 5 61 86 80 30 The Nirthfly: Upper Level
Arlo Ajaxus   Imperial Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 20 213 110 80 30 Arlo Ajaxus' House Quest giver
Bacola Herennius   Imperial Archer Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 9 97 92 100 30 Outside (Walls)
Balfhe Wood-Eye   Nord Warrior 15 180 82 90 50 The Gyrfalcon (on deck)
Cinda Pelelius   Imperial Thief Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 3 50 86 60 20 Cinda and Ilnori Pelelius' House
Claudine Hesault   Breton Mage Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 4 83 86 60 30 Claudine Hesault's House
Dagmund Wind-Whisker   Nord Guild Guide Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 8 76 104 90 30 Icebreaker Keep: Mages Guild Outpost Guild Guide
Dinara Ardyn   Dark Elf Spellsword 8 79 100 90 30 The Nirthfly: Lower Level
Domas   Redguard Archer Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 20 178 90 100 30 Outside (Walls)
Fazahr   Redguard Sailor Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 14 139 80 90 30 Icebreaker Keep
Fovus Selaro   Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 The Black Ogre Tavern
Galstav   Nord Barbarian 3 69 64 80 30 The Black Ogre Tavern
Gidfryd   Nord Archer 7 89 70 0 30 The Black Ogre Tavern
Hrongal Wavebreaker   Nord Sailor Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 5 81 66 90 30 Hrongal Wavebreaker's House
Ionas Callodus   Imperial Smith Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 8 107 92 80 30 Icebreaker Keep Smith
Ilnori Pelelius   Imperial Shipmaster 7 69 114 90 20 Outside Boat Services
Jana Livia   Imperial Trader 8 76 122 90 30 Jana Livia: Trader Merchant
Jathenard Gatal   Breton Master-at-Arms Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 11 132 116 100 30 Icebreaker Keep Trainer
Josa   Nord Merchant 8 77 122 90 30 The Black Ogre Tavern Merchant
Joslin Stoinles   Breton Nightblade Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 19 98 140 90 30 The Black Ogre Tavern
Kevlin Sereile   Breton Publican 8 71 142 90 30 The Black Ogre Tavern Publican
Khori   Redguard Sailor Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 9 102 72 100 30 TEM Ghostrunner
Lish gro-Garrok   Orc Smuggler 14 134 80 0 30 Icebreaker Keep Quest giver
Manasenya   High Elf Sharpshooter Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 8 74 146 100 30 Icebreaker Keep: Curtain Wall
Marcella   Redguard Smith Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 5 88 66 90 20 Outside Smith
Marthas Dervenni   Dark Elf Sailor 11 110 96 0 30 The Nirthfly (on deck)
Medhan Renim   Dark Elf Warlock Great House Telvanni Oathman(Oathman) 9 71 92 0 10 Icebreaker Keep
Murob gra-Magar   Orc Guard Imperial Navy Recruit(Recruit) 20 214 122 100 30 Outside
Nurion Tilerius   Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 6 77 88 100 30 TEM Ghostrunner
Olfim gro-Gluk   Orc Sailor Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 10 111 74 100 30 TEM Ghostrunner
Olroth Madri   Dark Elf Agent 6 66 92 100 30 Jana Livia: Trader Appears only during quest
Ra'Lasak   Khajiit Commoner 5 63 88 100 30 Ra'Lasak's House
Shabhi   Khajiit Smuggler 8 81 92 0 30 The Black Ogre Tavern
Shin-Sei   Argonian Scout 11 116 122 0 30 The Black Ogre Tavern Trainer
Shirava   Khajiit Thief 9 63 66 0 10 Icebreaker Keep
Tibera Rone   Imperial Master-at-Arms Imperial Navy Commander(Commander) 19 201 108 100 50 Icebreaker Keep Trainer
Tidros Tirandus   Dark Elf Trader 7 81 100 80 30 The Nirthfly: Upper Level
Yersod   Nord Publican 8 86 102 100 40 The Black Ogre Tavern Merchant


Map Key


  • 1. Icebreaker Keep: Dock Tower
  • 2. TEM Ghostrunner
  • 3. Scrivener (Boat Service)
  • 4. Gyrfalcon
  • 5. The Nirthfly
  • 6. Icebreaker Keep: Curtain Wall (south)
  • 7. Icebreaker Keep: Curtain Wall (north)
  • 8. Claudine Hesault's House
  • 9. Cinda and Ilnori Pelelius' House
  • 10. Arlo Ajaxus' House
  • 11. Hrongal Wavebreaker's House
  • 12. Marcella's House
  • 13. The Black Ogre Tavern
  • 14. Jana Livia: Trader
  • 15. Ra'Lasak's House
  • 16. Icebreaker Keep: Mages Guild Outpost
  • 17. Icebreaker Keep