Group Dungeon | ||||
Discoverable | Yes | |||
Completion | Objective | |||
Dungeon | Yes | |||
# of Zones | 1 | |||
Zone | ||||
Vafe, Auridon | ||||
Location | ||||
At the northern tip of Auridon | ||||
Instanced Dungeon | ||||
Min Level | 10 | |||
Group Size | 4 | |||
Bosses | 2 | |||
Mini-Bosses | 3 | |||
Veteran Speed Run Target | 20 mins | |||
Loading Screen | ||||
The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created.
Sandbox1 is a group dungeon found at the northern tip of Auridon.
In this version, Keeper Cirion needs your help binding the spirit of a dangerous Altmer, High Kinlord Rilis.
You can learn about its location from Turuk Redclaws in Vulkhel Guard, Abzag the Monster in Daggerfall, or Roaring Ramavel in Davon's Watch.
See also: Banished Cells II
Related QuestsEdit
- The Banished Cells Objective: Explore the Banished Cells.
- Banishing the Banished: Help imprison the spirit of an evil Altmer.
- One of the Undaunted: Join the group of adventurers called "The Undaunted".
- Pledge: Banished Cells I: Explore the Banished Cells I and return Undaunted.
Banished Cells Pledge: Explore the Banished Cells and return Undaunted.(disabled since Patch 2.6.4)
Banished Cells IEdit
Name | Type | Health | Health | Quantity |
Banished Archer | Skeleton Archer | 33,399 | 123,034 | 16 |
Banished Soldier | Skeleton Soldier | 49,116 | 136,704 | 27 |
Scamp | Scamp | ? | ? | 15 |
Banekin | Banekin | ? | ? | 11 |
Clannfear | Clannfear | ? | ? | 4 |
- Banished Archers, Sentinels, Mages, Royal Soldiers, Soldiers, Slayers and Warriors
- Scamps
- Banekin
- Clannfear
- Cell Haunter, a wraith
- Angata the Clannfear Handler, a Dremora
- Skeletal Destroyer, a bone colossus
- Shadowrend, a clannfear
- High Kinlord Rilis, an Altmer
Set Name | Bonuses | Location(s) | Set Type |
Sanctuary |
2 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health |
The Banished Cells | Light Armor |
Jailbreaker |
2 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Stamina |
The Banished Cells | Medium Armor |
Tormentor |
2 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health |
The Banished Cells | Heavy Armor |
Shadowrend |
1 item: Adds 3-129 Magicka Recovery |
The Banished Cells I | Monster Helm Sets |
The dungeon begins at its wayshrine, in an alcove off the first corridor. Keeper Cirion stands just in front, under assault by three Banekin. Once you kill them, the embattled Keeper will fall to his knees. At this point, you can accept the quest Banishing the Banished from him. Continue out of the alcove and head into the corridor, where the Portal will appear after you defeat any boss.
Immediately to your north, at the junction, will be a group of three Banished Soldiers and two Banished Archers.
East and down the stairs is a room containing three Banished Royal Soldiers, a Banished Archer, a Banished Mage, and a Banished Sentinel.
Once this group has been dispatched, three Banished Archers, a Banished Sentinel, and a Banished Soldier will run to the room's eastern doorway from the next corridor; otherwise, they will remain in that corridor. Be aware that a heavy sack can spawn in the northwest of the room and a chest in the south.
Go through to the corridor and dispatch the aforementioned group if they still remain, then proceed northwards to the end of the corridor where three Banished Soldiers lurk, sometimes in front of a heavy sack. Once they are defeated, the door to the corridor on the west will open.
Cell HaunterEdit
The optional minor boss, the Cell Haunter, lies down the corridor to the east. Four Scamps abound at the lip of this corridor, and a Banished Sentinel patrols it. An Altmer style chest may sometimes spawn behind this group.
At the end of the corridor is the Cell Haunter's room. He stands at its end over the imprisoned Keeper Areldur flanked by a Banished Sentinel and a Banished Soldier.
None of the Cell Haunter's attacks are particularly dangerous, though players may wish to avoid being crowd-controlled by its Winter's Reach attack and tanks may wish to ensure the boss faces Areldur. Upon defeating it, Keeper Cirion will run into the room and have a short exchange with the now-freed Areldur:
Keeper Cirion: "Areldur! You live!"
Keeper Areldur: "I do, though I've seen better days. The High Kinlord's power has grown. He would not have been able to escape our predecessors as he has escaped us today. We need to go after him."
Keeper Cirion: "Stay down, Keeper, you're injured. If the others yet live, we should find them—then deal with Rilis, if we can. He has already escaped. I will not suffer further dishonor by losing lives to him."
Keeper Areldur: "You're ever the optimist. An Altmer should not fear the end, Cirion. I would give the lives of all four of us to stop Rilis. The High Kinlord will rend Tamriel apart if he gets to the surface. And it will be our fault."
Keeper Cirion: "There is a difference between fearing death and throwing your life away, Areldur. And as long as I lead the Keepers, you will do neither. If the others live, we'll find them."
Note that a chest may spawn immediately south of the boss and a heavy sack in the room's northwest corner. Once finished in the room, return down the corridor to face the next boss.
Head west then north through the corridor until reaching a large room; upon reaching its centre, the room's skeletons will rise from the ground and assume their positions. The group consists of two Banished Archers, two Banished Mages, a Banished Slayer, and three Banished Soldiers. Once they are defeated, press the button in the room's northern alcove, which will cause Rilis's melodious tones to wash over any present in the dungeon: "What delightful folly is this? The Keepers have enlisted an outsider to face me? You fools have fallen so low."
Eight Banekin will then emerge to ring the central platform. Once they are defeated, press the button in the room's eastern alcove. Rilis's seductive voice will again comment on the unfolding farce: "There are easier ways to prove your bravery, mortal. Turn back, or you'll share the Keepers' fate."
The Clannfear Shadowrend will then spawn on the platform and initiate combat. It has no notable mechanics, save for leaping on and damaging players too foolish to remain close to the beast; and periodically summoning a Shadow Proxy. Once the Clannfear has been dispatched, the door on the west of the room will open. Around the corner lurk two Banished Archers and three Banished Soldiers, whose defeat will open the door to their west.
Angata the Clannfear HandlerEdit
The stairs to the south lead into a small room containing three Banished Mages and Four Banished Royal Soldiers guarding the optional minor boss Angata the Clannfear Handler, who stands over the imprisoned Keeper Voranil.
Angata has very little resilience, and so will be easily dispatched despite the Clannfears she occasionally summons. Once she has been dispatched, Areldur and Cirion will run into the room, and Areldur will kneel in front of Voranil, who lies injured on the platform. They will have a brief conversation:
Keeper Cirion: "It's Voranil! Areldur, see to him."
Keeper Areldur: "By the Empyrean Light! Let's hope he lives."
Keeper Cirion: "Has he been slain?"
Keeper Areldur: "He's not the model of well-being, but he lives. Are you satisfied, Cirion? I'm eager to pursue the High Kinlord."
Keeper Cirion: "Patience, Areldur. I need you to heal him. And Imiril is still unaccounted for. We'll need her to face Rilis."
Once finished in the room, head back up the stairs.
Skeletal DestroyerEdit
A chest will occasionally spawn beside the grate on the southern corner of the corridor leading northwards. Another chest can spawn on the west of the corridor opposite the first alcove and against the first window to the final chamber. In the north of this corridor is a group of enemies containing one Clannfear, two Banished Soldiers, and three Banished Archers. Another Altmer style chest can spawn in the rubble north of this group.
Around the corner, at the foot of stairs, will be three Scamps, a Clannfear, and a Banished Soldier. On the eastern side of the stairs is the book 3rd Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII.
In the room up the stairs stands the Skeletal Destroyer and four Scamps. While the Destroyer itself is not particularly lethal, behaving much as any Bone Colossus, concerned groups may wish to eliminate the Scamps quickly. Upon its defeat, the three Keepers will run into the room to find the wounded Keeper Imiril lying prone on the platform in the north of the room. The Keepers will again converse:
Keeper Areldur: "Over there, Voranil! We've found her."
Keeper Voranil: "I see her. Let's hope she lives. We'll need her before the day is done."
Keeper Voranil: "Even if we defeat him, how do we contain him? He's already escaped once. If we could control Daedric magic perhaps this wouldn't have happened. What do you think, Cirion? Fight fire with fire?"
Keeper Cirion: "Stay your tongue, Voranil. You insult your lineage by even thinking it. Does the High Kinlord's fate appeal to you so? We go with my plan and divide his essence among us. He can't escape his prison if he's not whole."
Altmeri-style chests may spawn in nearly all corners of the room.
High Kinlord RilisEdit
Heading west down the stairs leads to an alcove containing an optional group of enemies consisting of one Banished Sentinel, one Banished Mage, one Scamp, and two Banished Soldiers. This group can be safely ignored.
Heading south from the stairs leads to a corner guarded by four Scamps and three Banished Soldiers; the 4th Manifesto of Kinlord Rilis XII lies on a block and a chest may spawn by the rubble.
Around the corner and in the corridor is a Clannfear and two Banished Soldiers; a chest may spawn in the eastern part of this corridor.
In the penultimate room of the dungeon is a group of three Banished Mages, two Banished Archers, two Banished Royal Soldiers, two Banished Soldiers, and one Banished Sentinel. A chest may spawn in the southwest corner of this room, and a heavy sack may spawn beside the fallen bricks in its centre.
Finally, head down the stairs and into the final room, which appears to be leaking into Coldharbour. In this room are four Banished Mages, three Banished Soldiers, one Banished Archer, and one Clannfear. Once this group is defeated, High Kinlord Rilis will emerge on the platform at the western end of the room, soothing and calming with his charming voice:
High Kinlord Rilis: "Is that you, Cirion? I don't know how you defeated those banekin but I'll be glad to send more."
High Kinlord Rilis: "Ah. It's the outsiders. So the Keepers are afraid to face me. Very well. You'll die in their stead."
Once engaged, he will proclaim "I'm going to enjoy this!"
Players seeking to do the dungeon's hard mode, only available in veteran mode, should use the Scroll of Glorious Battle which lies on the northeastern corner of the central platform, which increases the difficulty of the fight by buffing Rilis once it's told to Give me a death worth bragging about!
High Kinlord Rilis, the final boss of the dungeon, is accompanied by his invisible friend, the Altmer Director, who occasionally summons orbs entitled The Feast, which will heal Rilis for a small amount and can be killed by players. Rilis will occasionally cause blue flame to appear on the floor, has a heavy attack which stuns players who do not block it, and has an attack entitled Soul Blast which is only telegraphed for an extremely short time, so solo players on veteran mode should be vigilant and prepared to dodge roll or block this attack at the shortest notice.
Once he is defeated, the four keepers will enter the room and take positions around the central platform, and Rilis's spirit will appear on the yellow crystal.
High Kinlord Rilis: "You think you've beaten me? How amusing! Haven't you noticed that the pact I've made protects me from death?"
Keeper Cirion: "Ignore his words, Keepers. Begin the separation."
Keeper Voranil: "I'm not confident this will work, Cirion!"
High Kinlord Rilis: "Ha ha ha! What are you lot doing? Oh, I do so love to see magic. Is that what this is? This isn't as grand as the spells I learn from the Daedra, but I don't expect much from mortal Altmer."
High Kinlord Rilis: "Remember, children—you'll never keep me here of your own accord. Not when the Daedra fight for me. Perhaps you'd fare better if you had Daedra on your side! Ha ha ha!"
Keeper Cirion: "His madness nears delirium. Ignore him, Keepers. Bind the High Kinlord!"
Keeper Areldur: "By the Light Empyrean, the Keepers of the Banished Cells hereby condemn Rilis XII to imprisonment unending."
Keeper Voranil: "By the Light Empyrean, the Keepers of the Banished Cells hereby condemn Rilis XII to imprisonment unending."
Keeper Imiril: "By the Light Empyrean, the Keepers of the Banished Cells hereby condemn Rilis XII to imprisonment unending."
High Kinlord Rilis: "Oh, my. It looks like you've won. Old Rilis' days of freedom are over, it seems."
Keeper Imiril: "I thought you said this bastard wouldn't be able to speak."
Keeper Cirion: "He shouldn't be able to achieve coherent thought. We'll have to watch him carefully."
A daedric style chest may spawn in the northeastern corner of the room. Up the stairs to the south may be a heavy sack on either of or both landings; beyond that, the final door of the dungeon, barring access to the first corridor, will have been opened by Rilis's defeat.
There are several achievements associated with this dungeon:
A map of Banished Cells I
- Before dungeon scaling was introduced in Update 5, Normal Banished Cells was designed for levels 12-15 and Veteran Banished Cells was designed for Veteran Ranks 1-5.
- Prior to Update 12, The Banished Cells I was only available in Normal mode, and The Banished Cells II was only available in Veteran mode. These were named The Banished Cells and Veteran Banished Cells respectively.