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Joined 20 August 2012

About MeEdit

Greetings and salutations!

I tend to go by my online handle Sedrethi (sometimes simply as Sed or Seddy). While I've only been a registered user to the UESP for a few years, I have actually been using this wonderful wiki since 2008~2009, around the time I was formally introduced to The Elder Scrolls game series.

My adventure began with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which provided me with numerous hours of amusement with its open-world exploration and ample amounts of lore. Craving more of the lore, especially since my first character in Oblivion was a Dunmer and I was curious about their culture, I opted to backtrack through the series. I found myself in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, which offered a very unique and lore-driven experience (more so than Oblivion) much to my delight, despite not aging well over the years graphically or gameplay-wise, sans mods.

Then came the agonizing wait for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which I felt lacked certain charms present in the previous iterations of the series, yet still provided me with great entertainment all the same. Currently, I adventure in The Elder Scrolls Online whenever time permits, and I've been captivated by its lore expansion, artwork and sound, even if I often disagree with their developer decisions (primarily in class and combat balance, such as lack of PvE/PvP balance splits, as well as itemization rules).

As you've probably guessed by now, the Dunmer (and the Chimer by extension) are my favored race due to their rich lore and their alien way of life among the other races, followed by the enigmatic Ayleids and the Saxhleel. In general, I find most divisions of Mer rather interesting as a whole. In regards to the Mannish races, I tend to favor the Cyrodiils and the ancient Yokudans.

If you so desire, feel free to message me on my talk page. You can also mail to or whisper to me within Online via @Sedrethi (whenever I am actively playing it).

MaleIcon.png This user is male.
35 This UESPWikian is 35 years, 10 months, and 12 days old.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 11 years, 10 months, and 14 days.
OB-misc-Modryn Oreyn Painting.jpg This user is an artist.
OB-icon-misc-Quill.png This user writes fanfiction.
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ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is an Officer of the UESP ESO guild on the North American PC server.
LG-icon-Legends.png This user owns Legends
BL-cover-Blades Box Art.jpg This user eagerly awaits Blades
Elder Scroll.jpg This user eagerly awaits The Elder Scrolls VI
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user owns Morrowind.
User-userbox-Tribunal Logo.png This user owns Tribunal.
User-userbox-Bloodmoon.jpg This user owns Bloodmoon.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user owns Oblivion.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user owns Oblivion's Official Add-Ons
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png This user owns Shivering Isles.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user owns Skyrim.
SR-icon-Dawnguard.png This user owns Dawnguard and Hearthfire SR-icon-Hearthfire.png
SR-icon-Dragonborn.png This user owns Dragonborn.
User-userbox-Morrowind Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Morrowind Construction Set.
User-userbox-Oblivion Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Oblivion Construction Set.
User-userbox-Skyrim Mod.gif This user is knowledgeable about the Skyrim Creation Kit.

My CharactersEdit

The Elder Scrolls OnlineEdit

Ravyn SedrethiEdit

Ravyn Sedrethi
Ravyn Sedrethi
Race Dunmer Allegiance SR-mapicon-Telvanni Tower.png ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Nightblade.png (Magicka: Damage Dealer / Healer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Ravyn [rav-uh n] Sedrethi was born on the 22nd of Last Seed under the sign of The Serpent (The Warrior displaced), 2E 288, in the city of Stormhold, Argonia.

Being the heir apparent of the once-abolished House Sedrethi—former vassals of Great House Dres who were exiled for their disingenuous worship of The Three, Ravyn has restored his House and seeks to reclaim his family's ancestral hold of Davon's Watch. Despite his initial cadet branch status, his shrewd intellect and indomitable will made him the rightful heir, and he has made great strides to prove House Sedrethi's willingness and adaptiveness to change, openly supporting the Ebonheart Pact and condemning the enslavement of any and all Pact citizens. Many, however, view this as Ravyn downplaying his family's former ties and later rivalry with House Dres in order to appease Pact leaders for his own personal gain.

During Ravyn's free time, he rekindles his scholarly pursuits in unearthing ancient knowledge pertaining to the mysterious Ayleid civilization. He tends to pride himself as the "Divayth Fyr of Ayleid history", and often references works by the late Sage Tjurhane Fyrre. He holds the insights of Beredalmo the Signifier and Lady Cinnabar of Taneth in the highest regard, and meets regularly with his research colleagues Brelynd Verano, Neeja-Meen, Vyctoria Girien, and Marodeen to purchase Ayleid relics, such as Aetherial fragments. He is fluent in Dunmeris and Tamrielic, while possessing some limited knowledge of Ayleidoon, Dwemeris, and Jel.

While Ravyn chiefly worships Boethiah and regards himself as the Vicar of Boethiah, he pays his respects to the shrines of Azura and Mephala, as well as to the altars of Demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen, Saint Veloth and Saint Nerevar, and to his ancestors at his family's own ancestral tomb. On occasion, Ravyn will reach out to other Daedra Lords, such as Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Nocturnal, and Sanguine. Ravyn acknowledges the trickster Lorkhan and his test, while he expresses bitter indifference towards the Almsivi, personally noting both their noble and treacherous exploits. He loathes the Four Corners of the House of Troubles and, much like his Blood Matron, despises Molag Bal in particular.


Ravyn of the Coiled Path

Ravyn of the Coiled Path
Ravyn of the Coiled Path
Race Dunmer Allegiance SR-mapicon-Telvanni Tower.png
Level ON-icon-Normal.png Non-Champion Class ON-icon-class-Warden.png (Magicka: Damage Dealer / Healer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)
  • Currently Unavailable

Early on, prior to Ravyn's birth and rapid ascension from cadet branch Kinsman to Grandmaster of House Sedrethi, the clan was a husk of its former glory. Together, the Tribunal Temple's pogrom against the clan—for its worship of the Good Daedra as the true god-ancestors of the Chimer and Dunmer—as well as House Dres' subsequent revocation of the clan's titles and land, effectively abolished the minor House.

Following their diaspora, some clansmen pledged themselves to other Houses and renounced their surname for the stigma it held, while others fled past the borders into Argonia, Cyrodiil, and Skyrim. There remained two branches of House Sedrethi: the main branch consisted of the untainted bloodlines of Davonis Sedrethi, House Dres vassal and founder of Davon's Watch, whereas the cadet branch consisted of the bloodlines least afflicted with bastardy. Through the leadership of cousins Mundrila Sedrethi and Hiath Sedrethi; the assistance from their longtime allies House Mora, House Sarandas, and House Varys; shrewd negotiations with Great House Telvanni; and their collusions with corrupt Argonians, House Sedrethi became notable competitors to House Dres in the slave trade market.

When Ravyn was born into the abolished House through Mundrila, it had prospered for over a century and half with holdings in Shadowfen and secretly in Bal Foyen. However, as the decades went by, a great slave uprising in Stormhold forced members of House Sedrethi to flee northeast, crossing the border into Morrowind, where they had hoped to bypass the northern Siltreen mountains towards their remaining Bal Foyen properties. Due to the urgency of their flight, rations and supplies were low with no caravanserai in sight. Lingering hostilities with Mournhold due to their House's reputation of being dissidents only made matters worse, leaving the stranded with the only option of pleading for shelter from the nearby Mabrigash Tribe.

Pitying the mothers of House Sedrethi, the matriarchal Farseer agreed to shelter the families so long as they all provided for the tribe. Furthermore, only when a member of their House completed the tribe's coming-of-age ritual, would they be allowed to leave as they please. As Ravyn learned from the Gulakhan and Wise Women on matters of combat and magical aptitude, respectively, he chose to follow the Coiled Path where his predecessors had failed. Atop the Fang Spires, Ravyn offered a tribute to the Ghost Snake, by slaying his only remaining companion as a mortal sacrifice needed to nourish and serve the spectral entity in the afterlife. Amused by this, the Ghost Snake imparted its esoteric knowledge upon the ambitious Dunmer.

Norrawen AnutwyllEdit

Norrawen Anutwyll
Race Bosmer Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Nightblade.png (Stamina: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Norrawen Anutwyll was born on the 5th of Sun's Dawn under the sign of The Lover, 2E 405, in the city of Cormount, Valenwood.

Norrawen is the illegitimate daughter of Camoran Dignitary Ceyrondil Anutwyll, one of the last known Ayleid survivals of the early Second Era, and Indrawen Bright-Arbor, a Bosmeri priestess and historian. Relocated to the city of Elden Root, Norrawen was raised solely by her mother, observed from afar by her father as he provided for them both at a safe distance. However, upon his untimely passing—assassination according to hearsay—they could no longer afford their lavish lifestyle, and with Indrawen's name besmirched, mother and daughter were forced to adjust to life in The Middens.

Years spent within The Middens aided Norrawen in honing her craft in The Rite of Theft, to the point where the fruits of her labor secured a vast hoard of assets pilfered from the Camoran exchequer. In exchange for her boldness upon return of the valuables, she and her mother were given suitable lodgings in Elden Root and Norrawen herself an invitation to the Vinedusk Rangers to put her abilities to use. Alongside her duties with the Rangers, she took an interest in hunting and in time became recognized as one of the few Valenwood Hounds.

Norrawen worships a number of et'Ada spanning from the various pantheons. Chiefly, she worships Hircine for her gift and Y'ffre for her form, but also worships Nocturnal, Baan Dar, Jone and Jode, and Z'en. Every so often, she may rely on the assistance of Daedric Princes, such as Clavicus Vile, Herma-Mora, Namira, and Sanguine. Although she does not worship Mephala, by being a member of the Morag Tong, Norrawen does her best to appease the Webspinner. She despises the Khajiiti trickster god Rajhin as well as the Lord of Brutality and the various cults dedicated to that very demon, such as the Shadowed Path and Stonefire Cult.


  • While Norrawen is proud of her Bosmeri heritage, her diluted Ayleid ancestry has piqued her interest, and much of her free time is spent on thoroughly exploring ancient Ayleid sites for any clues pertaining to the Anutwyll clan. In doing so, she became acquainted with Brelynd Verano and Ravyn Sedrethi.
  • Due to her bloody encounters against the Duneguard Outwalkers and Renrijra scum during her tenure in the Vinedusk Rangers, Norrawen has developed a particular disdain for most Khajiit.
  • She used to partake in bugsmoking, the cause of the slight rasp in her voice, but has since abstained from it for decades still counting, for which she is proud of.
  • She now travels alongside her lover, the "Silvenar to her Green Lady", Ravyn Sedrethi, her rival, Aranea Varys, as well as as her confidants, Hulaava-Jei and Wucheeva-Ei.

Norrawen the Racer's Eye

File:User-Sedrethi-ESO Norrawen2.png
Norrawen the Racer's Eye
Norrawen the Racer's Eye
Race Bosmer Allegiance ON-mapicon-Grove.png
Level ON-icon-Normal.png Non-Champion Class ON-icon-class-Warden.png (Stamina: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)
  • Currently Unavailable


Aranea VarysEdit

Aranea Varys
Aranea Varys
Race Dunmer Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Dragonknight.png (Magicka: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Aranea Varys was born on the 18th of Hearth Fire under the sign of The Lady, 2E 280, in the city of Stormhold, Argonia.

Aranea is a member of House Varys, longtime allies and loyalists to the larger House Sedrethi—their bond forged since the ancient skirmishes of Dunmeth Pass, during their joined Houses' efforts to repel Hoag Merkiller and his encroaching army of undead. Even in her years of adolescence, she diligently served as Ravyn Sedrethi's caretaker and guardian in his youth, and eventually as a discreet on-and-off romantic partner as he matured.

Disciplined, ambitious, and dutiful, Aranea held great interest in the founding of The Syffim and in its successor the Fighters Guild after being rejected guidance by Great House Redoran. It was during her two-and-a-half-year tour of the organization where she honed her talent in the art of Akaviri battle-spirit, which she brought back with her to the Sedrethi household as she once again resumed her role as guardian to the heir apparent. She aims to become the sole candidate to further the Sedrethi line by providing a pure-blooded Dunmer heir to Ravyn Sedrethi, due in part to her long-time sentiments for him, but also to elevate herself from the lower status she holds in a cadet branch of House Varys, much to the irritation of her romantic rival Norrawen Anutwyll.

Being an intricate webweaver, it comes as no surprise that Mephala is held dearly in the heart of Aranea, however she also pays tribute to Azura and Boethiah, Saint Veloth and Saint Nerevar, and to her own ancestors. Nevertheless, Aranea has been known to deal with Daedra Lords, such as Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Sanguine, and Vaermina. As House Varys and House Sedrethi before it, Aranea expresses bitter indifference towards the Almsivi, personally noting both their noble and treacherous exploits. Ultimately, Aranea feels their presence only coddles and weakens the Dunmeri people and believes that it is strife that keeps the inhabitants of Resdayn strong.


  • While outwardly appearing to be a manipulative and martial individual, Aranea does keep her peoples' best interests in mind and often donates both her time and wealth to those in need.
  • To demonstrate her utmost loyalty to House Sedrethi, she offered herself to be sired by Ravyn as an immortal fledgling.
  • She is fond of black roses and often decorates her auburn hair with them.
  • Aranea travels with her love interest, Ravyn Sedrethi, rival, Norrawen Anutwyll, as well as as her confidants, Hulaava-Jei and Wucheeva-Ei.


Race Saxhleel Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Sorcerer.png (Magicka: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)
  • Currently Unavailable

Hulaava-Jei, also known as Hides-His-Name, was hatched on the 4th of Sun's Height under the sign of The Apprentice, 2E 560, in the city of Tear, Morrowind.

Plucked from his nest in the Hatching Pools of Shadowfen by Archeins and sold to Great House Dres slavers, Hides-His-Name was brought to the slave-pens of Tear, where he was promptly put into irons upon his day of hatching. Raised alongside his siblings-in-shackles, he knew of his parents only through a memento left to him—a piece of parchment stained with blood and bogwater, partly illegible, detailing what he would have been named on his Naming Day: Hulaava-Jei.

Dealt a blessing in disguise, Hulaava-Jei observed as a gathering of Great House Telvanni mages urged one of their own to purchase chattel. The mage in question reluctantly chose the remaining two Argonians of the yoke, not as slaves, but as apprentices. Though his training was arduous and frustrating, it greatly attuned Hulaava-Jei to his peoples' natural affinity towards Blood Magic, adding to his growing arcane repertoire. Throughout his adolescence, Hulaava-Jei admired the Tree-Minders of the Black Marsh, but lamented over his diminished connection to the Hist trees. It is his greatest desire to watch over the Hist, and to defend the Hatching Pools from any slavers and egg-traffickers. Furthermore, he wishes to outlaw the subjugation of his people, and it was he who inspired structural reform in House Sedrethi to his mentor, to liberate Pact citizens from the yoke of their enemies.

As with many Argonians, Hulaava-Jei does not worship any form of deity, however he pays respect to his makers, the Hist, despite his weakened link to them. Likewise, as the Hist does, Hulaava-Jei acknowledges the primordial chaos and shadow that is the Void, Sithis, however he is in opposition to the recruitment of Shadowscales, likening it to the methods of Great House Dres slavers plucking Argonian youths from their nests. In times of desperation, he may rally the aid of the Daedric Princes, particularly Azura, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Namira, Nocturnal, Peryite, and Sanguine. He strongly opposes the Harvester of Souls for separating many of his egg-siblings from the Hist.


  • With his mastery of Conjuration and shamanic Blood Magic, Hulaava-Jei has tethered his own soul to that of his soulmate's, Rozera, his Winged Twilight companion.
  • In order to forever protect the Hist and its link to his people, Hulaava-Jei offered himself to be sired by his "adoptive" mentor, thus becoming an immortal fledgling.
  • He has an unusual habit of chewing and tasting twigs, and can often be seen with one protruding from the side of his lips, partly tucked in his cheek.
  • He travels alongside his older-sister-in-shackles, Wucheeva-Ei, his mentor, Ravyn Sedrethi, as well as his confidants, Norrawen Anutwyll and Aranea Varys.


Race Saxhleel Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Nightblade.png (Health: Bruiser)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Wucheeva-Ei, also known as Sees-Faces-in-the-Clouds, was hatched on the 12th of Second Seed under the sign of The Shadow, 2E 548, in the city of Thorn, Argonia.

Scuttled away from the traitorous Archeins and Great House Dres slavers by her Shadowscale siblings-to-be, Wucheeva-Ei was delivered to the Dark Brotherhood where she ceaselessly trained from a tender age. Despite her flight from the slavers, Wucheeva-Ei still felt to be a prisoner under the Brotherhood and sought to liberate herself from their twisted family. As chance would have it, during a mission, she happened upon two Archein tribeswomen, one of which sharing a similar appearance to herself. Following a brief conflict, Wucheeva-Ei modified and positioned both corpses in a way to stage her own demise.

Running freely under the alias Sees-Faces-in-the-Clouds, she made the long trek from Archon all the way to Soulrest to flee from her former organization. However, after only a few weeks in Soulrest, Wucheeva-Ei was certain that she had spotted her former mentor Tsatva-Lan, and in a panic collided into a fair House Dres noblewoman. Wucheeva-Ei was detained and to be sold off as chattel for her transgressions. For three years she wasted away in the slave-pens of Tear, caring for her younger-brother-in-shackles, until their joined custody was sold off to a Spellwright of Great House Telvanni who narrowly outbid a Sload slave trafficker. Initially dreading the treatment she would receive under her Telvanni-aligned Dunmeri master, Wucheeva-Ei had come to find that she was allowed much more freedom and that her master would act as her new mentor of sorts.

It was through the Hist that Wucheeva-Ei could remain firm despite her many trials and tribulations, and everyday she venerates them for their guidance. However, she does not pay any mind to the Void, Sithis, as she views the primordial entity to be no different from the Harvester of Souls, Molag Bal, subjugating mortals and delivering them to violent ends for the purpose of collecting their souls. She may call upon the Daedric Princes, particularly Azura, Clavicus Vile, Hermaeus Mora, Namira, Nocturnal, Peryite, and Sanguine for assistance.


  • It was Wucheeva-Ei who filched Hulaava-Jei's parchment from the guards and kept it safely hidden from disposal.
  • She has a habit of publicly licking her own eyes to keep them pleasantly moist, causing revulsion in those nearby witnessing the act.
  • She travels alongside her younger-brother-in-shackles, Hulaava-Jei, her mentor, Ravyn Sedrethi, as well as her confidants, Norrawen Anutwyll and Aranea Varys.

Shura gro-UsharEdit

Shura gro-Ushar
Shura gro-Ushar
Race Orc Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Dragonknight.png (Health: Bruiser)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Shura gro-Ushar was born on the the 14th of Midyear, 2E 453 under the sign of The Steed, in the stronghold of Frostbreak Fortress, Wrothgar.

With the fall of the Akaviri Potentates, Orsinium lost its status as an Imperial province during which the Second Siege of Orsinium was instigated by Baron Fulvert Guimard and the Evermore army. While carrying her son in utero, Ushar gra-Urzoth executed her disgraceful and unworthy husband in honorable combat for his betrayal against Clan Pandrum during the siege. Due to her husband's spilling of sensitive information, Clan Pandrum's shadowy resistance effort in the besieged city was compromised and many of the clan were ambushed and slaughtered.

Ushar and the remaining survivors fled to Frostbreak Fortress, and it was there where she gave birth to her son only to entrust his care to Imperial Sergeant Praxedes Cnisia once it became clear that she would succumb to her puerperal fever. As the Interregnum spread its corruption throughout Tamriel, Frostbreak Fortress fell like Orsinium before it and the Imperial Legion ordered their forces to retreat back to Cyrodiil. Praxedes raised Shura as one of her own, educating him in Cyrodiil culture, but also sharing stories and experiences she and her close friend Ushar shared together. Like his mother, Shura grew to become a skilled combatant versed in the art of Akaviri battle-spirit having trained under the tutelage of the Fighters Guild. He has since been stationed to Fighters Guild charters located throughout Skyrim.

Unlike the majority of Orcs, Shura neither follows Malacath and his code nor Trinimac. His view on Malacath is that he is petty and weak, casting the Orcs always as victims without allowing room for forward cultural progression. Likewise, he believes Trinimac to also be weak, unable to prevent the exile of his faithful followers after his defeat by his decrier. And were The Cult of Trinimac to be correct in Trinimac's deception, it would have made him a liar, which is in direct opposition to his sphere of truth, honor, and unity. In all of this, Shura places his faith in Boethiah, his true creator that shapes him daily by challenging his mettle.


  • Shura is notably long-lived for an Orc, perhaps due to his Clan Pandrum lineage of healers and shamans. It may also be due to an unknown pact made with Boethiah, or a well-hidden case of vampirism.
  • Shura has a soft spot for bear cubs and wolf pups and may occasionally be spotted cuddling them affectionately, although it's best to keep this open secret hush-hush.

Hrist Cloud-HewerEdit

Hrist Cloud-Hewer
Hrist Cloud-Hewer
Race Skaal Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Sorcerer.png (Stamina: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Hrist Cloud-Hewer was born on the the 25th of Morning Star, 2E 555 under the sign of The Ritual, in the settlement of Skaal Village, Solstheim.

As a young maiden, Hrist often daydreamed of life outside the confines of the village she grew up in. Whenever traders would arrive to their humble community, they would share their literature and tales of adventures in the lands beyond that of her home. In time, as though the All-Maker had answered her prayers, Hrist was given the opportunity to enroll with the Blackcaster Mages Guild of Elinhir. She was delighted by the unusual infusion of Cyrodiil's, Hammerfell's, and Skyrim's cultures all while continuing to rise in the ranks of the guild; attaining the position of battlemage and bodyguard to the current Archmage, Dahlia at-Suda.

Although Hrist was offered various opportunities for her services in the following years, she had dutifully declined each one until the early retirement of the Archmage and the promotion of Yamanu-ko as successor. Unfettered from her oath, Hrist was free to pursue her desires—however, she was torn. Spending some months contemplating her next course of action in nearby Falkreath, a part of her yearned to return home to Solstheim, to share her adventures in the company of family and friends; yet she couldn't find it in herself to ignore the invitation from Vigrod Wraithbane to enlist with the Companions. Hrist found her answer while sorrowfully surveying the immense graveyard of Falkreath and swore to herself to come to the aid of those in need of protection. She prepared for her trek towards Fallowstone Hall.

While the conflict between the All-Maker and the Adversary form the basis of Hrist's religious faith, she has adopted what she considers various aspects of the All-Maker from the Cyrodilic, Nordic, and Ra Gadan pantheons into her regular beliefs. In particular, she is intrigued by the parallels between the various aspects of Kyne, Kynareth, and Tava, whom all share defining qualities with each other as well as the All-Maker. Inspired by the aforementioned goddesses, she opposes Hircine for his deliberate harming and corrupting of nature, however she is worried over the growing interest in the Father of Manbeasts within the Companions.


  • Hrist shoulders a deep disdain for Orcs and Iron Orcs due to their bloody raids in-and-around Craglorn and Falkreath Hold.
  • Vigrod Wraithbane often calls Hrist by his given nickname to her: Væringi.


Race Altmer Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Templar.png (Magicka: Damage Dealer / Healer)
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Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Umbarion was born on the 2nd of Rain's Hand under the sign of The Mage, 2E 303, in the city of Skywatch, Summerset Isles.

From a young age, Umbarion demonstrated great potential in the pursuits of study and magic, striving to become a Sapiarch of Mythohistory as his parents were. Rising through the ranks of the Mages Guild of Firsthold and knighted under the prestigious Order of the Lamp, it was only then that Umbarion began to recognize just how cloistered the Summerset Isles chose to be from the rest of Tamriel, starving itself from the discoveries and insights of the other provinces. This realization sparked an ember of wanderlust inside of him.

Rather than furthering his studies at the Crystal-Like-Law, as most conventional students aspiring to become Sapiarchs would, Umbarion set off en voyage to mainland Tamriel, settling in the city of Anvil, Cyrodiil, where he transferred to the local Mages Guild branch. Many decades later, Umbarion enlisted with the Imperial Legion, eventually relocating to the Imperial City where he was stationed at the Arcane University, accompanied by his newly-assigned tyro. The histories and struggles of the the Ayleids and the Nedic tribes is a subject that he holds tremendous interest in, often leading him to delves spanning from the Colovian Highlands to the Nibenay Basin during legion expeditions.

Like the Altmer of Summerset, Umbarion holds true to his faith in the Altmeri Aedra, chiefly kneeling to Auri-El, Magnus, Stendarr, Trinimac, and Xarxes, but also Jephre, Mara, Phynaster, Syrabane, and Xen. Although he does not worship any of the Daedra Lords, he does find that Azura and Meridia tend to be much more benevolent towards mortals. Over the course of the Interregnum, widespread worship of Molag Bal amongst the Imperials, in addition to the subsequent expulsion of the Mages Guild in favor of the Worm Cult, discouraged Umbarion from waving the Imperial banner any longer.


Viatrix AuriaEdit

Viatrix Auria
Viatrix Auria
Race Colovian Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Champion System.png Champion Class ON-icon-class-Templar.png (Health: Bruiser)
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Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Viatrix Auria was born on the 12th of First Seed, 2E 553 under the sign of The Lord, in the city of Hegathe, Hammerfell.

Brought up along the Abecean coast, the young maiden admired the "Blood Queen" of Hegathe for her relentless ambition, which instilled within Viatrix a disciplined militant mindset from an early age. Despite her father's urging for her to remain supportive to the Crowns' cause, Viatrix shifted towards a more cosmopolitan view, like her mother's, which saw her championing the cause of the Forebears instead.

Upon the death of her mother, Vittoria, under questionable circumstances, she accused her father of the tragic betrayal by attributing it to their opposing views, but also due to her discovery of his sinister past. Fearing for her own life being taken from her at the hands of her father, Viatrix fled the city at nightfall, journeying along the Gold Coast under the protection of a mercenary organization. In Anvil, she enlisted under the Imperial Legion and was soon assigned to a Legionary instructor, who she followed to the Imperial City. Her desire was to one day see Tamriel united as a whole, much like the in days of the All Flags Navy in their efforts to put an end to the Thrassian Plague, but under the banner of the Empire. However, she now has doubts on whether the Empire truly brings order into the other provinces, or if it oppresses them.

Viatrix is a steadfast believer in the Eight of the Forebears, and primarily worships Saint Leki and Stendarr, but also expresses reverence towards Akatosh, Dibella, Julianos, Morwha, Tava, Tu'whacca, and Zeht. With the Longhouse Emperors and House Tharn in command, along with the rise of the mind-shriven Legion Zero, acceptance of foul Daedra worship has become commonplace amongst Cyrodiils, much to Viatrix' dismay. She has since deserted the husk of the former Imperial Legion that she once fought proudly for.



Race Khajiit Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Normal.png Non-Champion Class ON-icon-class-Templar.png (Stamina: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Ma'zin-dar was born on the 13th of Evening Star under the sign of The Thief, 2E 563, in the city of Senchal, Elsweyr.

<Suffers from Stormhold syndrome.>


Azani at-ZahirEdit

Azani at-Zahir
Azani at-Zahir
Race Redguard Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Daggerfall (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Normal.png Non-Champion Class ON-icon-class-Dragonknight.png (Stamina: Damage Dealer)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)

Azani at-Zahir, also known as Azani the Aspis, was born on the 28th of Frost Fall, 2E 535 under the sign of The Tower, in the city of Bergama, Hammerfell.

Being a child of Bergama, a city fiercely devoted to the Crowns, Azani proudly preserved his peoples' ancient Yokudan culture and customs while opposing the ideals of the Forebears. His parents, both supporters of the Crowns initially, had defected to the Forebears during the various coups between the rival factions vying for political control. As he witnessed the execution of his parents, disgraced by their betrayal, Azani vowed to rid every last Forebear infidel from Hammerfell while discarding his family name, at-Zahir, in favor of the title of the Aspis. Over the course of his adolescence, he earned a terrifying reputation as a vicious cutthroat, felling numerous Forebear leaders with poison-seeped blades.

As time went on, Azani wished to settle down and met a Colovian maiden by the name of Vittoria Auria, with whom he consorted with and bored a daughter. Following nearly two decades of peaceful life with his family, a rogue Forebear invaded their abode and murdered Vittoria while failing to take Azani's life. Learning of her mother's murder, Viatrix fled from Hammerfell after blaming Azani for his past atrocities against the Forebears. Without his family of past and present, Azani, fueled only by his anger and regret, finally cast off his Crown membership. Now in service to the Daggerfall Covenant, and carrying his family name of at-Zahir once again, he wishes only to unify all of Hammerfell while attempting to redeem himself in his remaining years.

Although he firmly believes in The Eight of the Crowns, the worship of Morwha, Onsi, Ruptga, Satakal, Tava, Tu'whacca, and Zeht, Azani chiefly venerates the HoonDing as well as his avatars, Frandar Hunding and Diagna, while also paying his respects to Saint Leki and Divad Hunding. He greatly admires the Ansei and their study of the Shehai Shen She Ru, and always carries his copy of The Book of Circles to draw profound insights from, such as his favorite quote: "Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory."


  • As a father, Azani was overjoyed with raising his daughter and educating her in the Words of the Masters, admiring her tenacity and ambition that was inspired by stories he read to her of Queen Arlimahera. It brought him great sorrow when Viatrix had taken up the cause of the Forebears, like his parents before, but it wounded him more that she ran away believing that her mother's death was by his hands.

Padraic SeathanachEdit

Padraic Seathanach
Padraic Seathanach
Race Reachman Allegiance ON-icon-alliance-Aldmeri (banner).png
Level ON-icon-Normal.png Non-Champion Class ON-icon-class-Sorcerer.png (Health: Bruiser)
Other Information
Current Faction(s) Former Faction(s)
  • Currently Unavailable

Padraic Seathanach was born on the 16th of Sun's Dusk, 2E 551 under the sign of The Atronach, in the Western Reach of High Rock.

(Work-in-progress — awaiting inspiration from the lore of future content that involves the rest of the Summerset Isles as well as the Sload and/or Thras)

ESO GuildsEdit

House SedrethiEdit

Banus penitently praying to the Three. Or is he?
Drilame mingling with Anvil's underworld to strengthen the House.
  • Server: North America
  • Platform: PC/Mac
  • Grandmaster (Guildmaster): Ravyn Sedrethi (@Sedrethi)
  • Councilman (Officers):
  • Kinsman: Banus Sedrethi (NPC, Role-play), Drilame Sedrethi (NPC, Role-play)
  • Purpose: House Sedrethi is a casual Elder Scrolls themed role-playing guild, but also a place to organize parties for questing and exploring, to discuss Elder Scrolls games past and present, and/or to chit-chat and make friends. Our backstory is that we are the Second Era predecessors to the Twin Lamps faction of Morrowind, however our efforts are less diplomatic and much more far-reaching. We fight to liberate Ebonheart Pact citizens from the yoke of our enemies, the Aldmeri Dominion and the Daggerfall Covenant, as well as from the clutches of the unspeakable Harvester of Souls. The fate of imprisoned enemies is of little to no concern to us. Blood for the Pact!
  • Notice: Due to a few offhand comments being wrongly perceived as derogatory towards non-Dunmer, rumors suggest founder Ravyn Sedrethi is using the guild's objective as a cover—to what end?—in order to appease Ebonheart Pact leaders. Please, pay no mind to this guarwash.
  • Heraldry: Black & gold on Pointed type 2 (Dunmeri motif), red on Architecture type 6 (Dunmeri tower). The black field represents the night, while the gold trimmings and filigrees depict the guiding auric light tracing over shadows. The red tower symbolizes the lantern, burning blood red for the Ebonheart Pact.
  • Enlistment: If you'd like an invitation into our ranks, feel free to send a chat whisper (/w followed by the @ID and message) and/or a mailed letter in-game to a Guildmaster or Officer. Make sure to tell us about yourself and why you'd like to enlist.
  • Ranks:
Rank Permissions Notes
Grandmaster (1) Same permissions as Councilman, plus: • Withdraw Gold from Guild Bank. Considered equal to the Councilman, but separate due to gameplay limitations (cannot assign more than one player to the guild leader's rank).
Councilman (4) Same permissions as Herald, plus: • Release Alliance Resources, • Edit About Us, • Promote Members, • Demote Members, • Remove Members. Four founding or senior members can request to be promoted to Councilman, meant to be equal in rank to the Grandmaster.
Herald (5) Same permissions as Kinsman, plus: • Talk in Officer Chat, • Read Officer Chat, • Edit Message of the Day, • Edit Member Notes. Five Kinsman can request to be promoted to vacant Herald positions, who relay messages to and from the Grandmaster/Councilmen should the latter be busy or unavailable.
Kinsman Same permissions as Lawman, plus: • Withdraw from Guild Bank. Activity, sociability, and common courtesy promotes you to this rank.
Lawman Same permissions as Oathman, plus: • Deposit in Guild Bank. Activity, sociability, and common courtesy promotes you to this rank.
Oathman Same permissions as Retainer, plus: • Sell in Guild Store, • Hire Guild Traders. Activity, sociability, and common courtesy promotes you to this rank.
Retainer Same permissions as Hireling, plus: • Claim Alliance Resources, • Invite Members. Activity, sociability, and common courtesy promotes you to this rank.
Hireling Allowed to: • Talk in Guild Chat, • Read Member Notes. All new recruits begin as this rank.

UESP (United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits)Edit

  • Server: North America
  • Platform: PC/Mac
  • Guildmaster: @baratron
  • Officers: @Deandra, @Jonlaw98, @Sedrethi
  • Enlistment: If you'd like an invitation into our ranks, feel free to send a chat whisper (/w followed by the @ID and message) and/or a mailed letter in-game to a Guildmaster or Officer.
