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Wardens are worshippers of Y'ffre and defenders of the Green. They are master storytellers whose nature tales become magical reality. Wardens weave spells to cause plants and fungi to grow rapidly. They can also call animals to come to their aid, and wield frost spells to combat their foes. Wardens of all races have been found protecting Tamriel's wilds, and as a whole they do not bow to any specific organized group or guild. For centuries they were mostly silent, focused on watching, guiding, and protecting the Green, but they were called to rejoin the world of man during the Interregnum. Despite their unique magical practices, the term warden was considered a fancy title with little relevance to some magic educators.

The scholar Phrastus of Elinhir claimed that Wardens are nothing more than a militant group of Bosmer Spinners, though this is contested by his rival Lady Cinnabar of Taneth. Both groups may worship Y'ffre, but Wardens can be of any race, while only Bosmer can be Spinners. Additionally, Spinners are typically nonviolent, while Wardens are more than willing to shed blood to varying degrees of those who seek to harm the wilds. Another difference is that Wardens draw upon the environment to shape reality, and cast powerful spells utilizing conjuration or alteration magic, while Spinners specialize in entrancing their audience in stories via illusions. Lastly, Wardens do not follow the Green Pact either (excluding those who are both Warden and Bosmer), as they're willing to make full use of nature's bounty to survive.

A Warden corresponded with Dhulef, the court mage of House Mornard, requesting information on the warriors of the Green as a part of the interview. After some heated arguments between Druid Laurel of the Stonelore and some Mages Guild members (some of which are Wardens themselves), it was speculated that Wardens and Druids are related, but moreso in the heart rather than in the mind. Druids use the True Way to guide their magics, while Wardens feel Nirn calling to them in their gut. Wardens are also possibly being a way for the old world to walk tall in the new, with Wardens being the Green fighting back.


Warlocks are individuals who, similarly to witches, have entered into a pact or oath with Daedra Lords or Daedric Princes, typically of the House of Troubles. However, there are also warlocks who are associated with the Good Daedra, such as Boethiah. In exchange for their loyalty and service, warlocks were known to receive knowledge and supernatural abilities from their Daedric patrons. Warlocks are known to engage in various dark and dangerous forms of sorcery. They possessed considerable expertise in the art of summoning Daedric Princes, and were known to form cults. Their actions were frequently subject to prosecution under the laws of both the Tribunal Temple and the Imperial legal system, as well as other groups such as witchhunters.

Warlocks, just like witches, gathered during the Witches Festival to create or summon dangerous creatures. Warlocks were known to craft necromantic objects in preparation for the Witches Festival. Plunder skulls, associated with the festival, were objects of particular interest to them. They were known for their practice of utilizing familiars, magical creatures bound to serve them, atronachs, and casting malevolent hexes, invoking curses and spells to bring misfortune upon their adversaries. The excavation of ammonites experienced a significant surge during the 1E 2800s, fueled by the fashion among Nibenese warlocks.

These warlocks should not be confused with Warlocks of the Mages Guild, a rank within the faction, positioned above Magician but below Wizard, which granted certain privileges. Some Dremora are also referred to as warlocks.

Arcanists are mages who draw their powers from Apocrypha. Although both Warlocks and Arcanists draw their powers from Oblivion they are different from each other. One significant difference is that Arcanists, by definition, exclusively draw their power from Apocrypha through a bonded tome. In contrast, Warlocks can draw power from otherworldly sources, although the specifics of how they acquire these powers from their patrons may vary and are often unclear. According to Azandar al-Cybiades, any mortal who derives their power from a plane other than Apocrypha would not be classified as an arcanist.

Wayward GuardiansEdit

Wayward Guardians were a Wilder Reachfolk faction led by Arana. They were initially known as the witch-rebels, though they weren't fond of this name, considering it a label applied by their oppressors. They were also called Reach Rebels. Later, they were dubbed Wayward Guardians by the people of Markarth, and were also known as the Defenders of the Reach.

The witch-rebels opposed Ard Caddach's decision to bring clans to Markarth and sought to drive out the Gray Host. They fought the vampiric army, aiming to rid the Reach of the vampire threat.

After making peace with Ard, they continued as the Wayward Guardians, protecting and aiding the people of the Reach from dangers.

Weavers GuildEdit

The Weavers Guild is an officially sanctioned guild. As their name implies, they employ weavers from across the Empire and are known to sell fabrics . They had a noticeable presence in the province of Morrowind.

During the Akaviri Potentate in 2E 321, Versidue-Shaie gave his approval for the Guild Act, which sanctioned businesses such as the Weavers Guild. They were hence protected by the Empire of Cyrodiil, even into the Third Era, but would be required to pay them if they wanted to expand their influence. The Empire had subsequently strengthened since the Guild Act was passed.


Welkynars, also known as Welkynar Gryphon Knights and Welkynars of Eton Nir, were a prestigious order of elite Altmer knights who dedicated their lives to protecting the Summerset Isles. Based in the city of Cloudrest atop Eton Nir, the Welkynars remained vigilant to answer any urgent calls for aid. This need for quick mobility is what led to the first Welkynars to tame the native gryphons and use them as their mounts. Given the city's central location on the island, and the help of these flying creatures, the Welkynars were able to quickly render aid across the entire realm. While any member of Summerset's governance or military could petition the Wekynars for aid, accepting the petition was at the order's discretion. Between assignments, Welkynars patrolled Summerset for signs of danger, often stopping in cities and collecting information on any potential threats.

The Wharf RatsEdit

The Wharf Rats are a loosely organized group of outlaws and thieves that have been active for an unspecified and long amount of time. They are often conflicting with the Thieves Guild for territory across the Third Empire. While their members are not the best highwaymen in the ever-present business, but where they sorely lack in skills, they make up in numbers and the faction is abundant in membership. They often prey on the weak, the elderly, the rich, or anyone vulnerable to them, and rob them of anything valuable. They are also said to keep thousands of underground shelters across the provinces and even conflict with the Blades.

Wildblood ClanEdit

Wildblood Clan was one of numerous clans of Reachfolk that lived in the Reach during the Second Era.

Wildblood Clan's members were known for their custom of crafting personal talismans, each of them being unique to that person and their family. It represented the relationship between hunter and prey, and was deeply personal to their beliefs about life and death. Those talismans were an important part of guiding their loved one's spirits home and were traditionally kept by living relatives of the deceased.

At least some members of the Wildblood Clan were following the teachings of the Hircine.

Wildspear ClanEdit

The Wildspear Clan was a prominent clan of Reachfolk that lived in the Reach, a region in western Skyrim during the Interregnum in Second Era. They were a settled clan. Their holdings were located near Markarth, to the northeast from the capital.

The Reachfolk of the Wildspear Clan dedicated themselves to one of the Great Spirits of the Reach, the Master of the Chase Hircine. They were devout followers of the Hunt-Father and honored him through ritual hunts. They believed that humans, especially strong and clever enemies of the clan were the best prey for these sacrifices.


The Windcallers, also known as the Blessed of the All-Maker are Skaal witches who adeptly invoke the winds. They are distinguished by delicate markings on their faces and are renowned for their creature companions. Circlets worn by them feature stalhrim nestled between wolf embellishments, symbolizing their connection to the winds and their trained wolf guardians. The flowing body art of a Solstheim Windcaller reflects the breezes and gusts of air accompanying them on their journeys, with some believing these marks tell a tale of self-discovery along the path set by the All-Maker.


The Winterborn are Reachfolk clan who have inhabited the Wrothgar region of the Western Reach, dating back to the First Era. Though they devoutly worship Malacath, they have often been at odds with the Orsimer, and fought against them during the Siege of Orsinium. Many of them believe that Malacath only created Orcs, along with Ogres and trolls, as a means to test his chosen followers and impose hardships.


The Witchmother coven is the name for a loose coven of powerful witches known as Witchmothers who venerate Nocturnal and carry out her bidding. The number of coven members is unknowable and ever-changing, and they have been known to take on new members from all over Tamriel. The people of Camlorn believed the coven physically gathered in the southern forests of Glenumbra during the Witches Festival. They congregated inside Olyve's Brewery, which could also be accessed elsewhere through strange doors found in multiple locations, such as in northern Glenumbra, Auridon, Stonefalls.

The Witchmothers provide a protective role to the people of Tamriel. They act as seers, scrying for disturbances in the Evergloam that could threaten Nirn. They play a particularly important role during the Witches Festival by serving as caretakers in the time of Harvest—their name for the ritualized killing of the most vile creatures on Tamriel that takes place during the Witches Festival. They also monitor dangers that emerge following Nocturnal's Summoning Day on the 3rd of Hearth Fire each year.

The coven specializes in brewing foul concoctions in large cauldrons. They use these to scry or to enhance the power of their reapers, supplicants who come to them during the Harvest and are transformed into living skeletons to carry out the coven's will. Witchmothers are also associated with crows and can materialize from a murder of crows when summoned with a crow caller during the Witches Festival. Servants of the Witchmothers are known to utilize arms and armor bearing stylized pumpkin imagery.

Witch KnightsEdit

Witch Knights or Witch-Knights were a Reachfolk faction of mounted knightly warriors who were known for breeding Witch Knight Charger horses. During the Reachfolk invasion of the High Rock, they were profoundly impressed by the power and splendor of Breton mounted knights. They decided to breed their own hardy northern steeds native to the Druadach Mountains such as distrustful, tenacious, temperamental, and belligerent Reachmares to the same size.

Witch-Knight Chargers were seen in the stables of Markarth during the Three Banners War in the Second Era.

Little is known of the Witch Knights themselves, except that their armor was usually medium weight, and designed for both spellcasting and traditional combat. Knights of the Reachfolk origins were not unheard of, though their connection to the Witch Knights is unknown.

Wood OrcsEdit

The Wood Orcs are Orcs that live in the province of Valenwood, rather than the ridged mountains across the north. Much like their cousins, the Wood Orcs value strength and honor, but like their neighbors, the Bosmer, they also strive to improve their agility and mobility in the tricky environment. Beyond their geographical differences and personal goals, the Wood Orcs are Orcs through and through, stubborn, blunt, and brutish. They are known to worship Malacath, the Daedric Prince of Oaths, or in this case, Mauloch, the God of Curses.

The Wooded EyeEdit

The Wooded Eye was a group of Hermaeus Mora cultists in the Second Era Valenwood. They guarded Rootwater Grove, which contained the Cradle of Ilmyris, a library of secret knowledge both textual and crystalline. Almost all of the Wooded Eye's members were driven mad by overexposure to Ayleid 'memory' crystals by Vicereeve Pelidil and Prince Naemon.[1]

Wrathful FlameEdit

The Wrathful Flame is an Orcish religious order based in Wrothgar. Every ten years they light Malacath's pyre in ruins of the first incarnation of Orsinium. Legends say that for one thousand years they have honored the four clans who founded Orsinium and scorned those who caused its fall.

The order seeks to show Malacath that they will not repeat the mistakes of the past. They bind Malacath's anger to the failures of the Orcs and strive to remember what led to their doom. According to Malacath, rekindling the pyre every generation fuels vengeance in the hearts of his followers.


  1. ^ Events of ESO